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Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="./app-route-converter-behavior.html">
`app-route-converter` provides a means to convert a path and query
parameters into a route object and vice versa. This produced route object
is to be fed into route-consuming elements such as `app-route`.
> n.b. This element is intended to be a primitive of the routing system and for
creating bespoke routing solutions from scratch. To simply include routing in
an app, please refer to [app-location](
and [app-route](
An example of a route object that describes
and should be passed to other `app-route` elements:
prefix: '',
path: '/elements/app-route-converter',
__queryParams: {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'qux'
`__queryParams` is private to discourage directly data-binding to it. This is so
that routing elements like `app-route` can intermediate changes to the query
params and choose whether to propagate them upstream or not. `app-route` for
example will not propagate changes to its `queryParams` property if it is not
currently active. A public queryParams object will also be produced in which you
should perform data-binding operations.
Example Usage:
<iron-location path="{{path}}" query="{{query}}"></iron-location>
<app-route route='{{route}}' pattern='/:page' data='{{data}}'>
This is a simplified implementation of the `app-location` element. Here the
`iron-location` produces a path and a query, the `iron-query-params` consumes
the query and produces a queryParams object, and the `app-route-converter`
consumes the path and the query params and converts it into a route which is in
turn is consumed by the `app-route`.
@element app-route-converter
@demo demo/index.html
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'app-route-converter',
behaviors: [Polymer.AppRouteConverterBehavior]