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373 lines
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(function() {
'use strict';
* Used to calculate the scroll direction during touch events.
* @type {!Object}
var lastTouchPosition = {
pageX: 0,
pageY: 0
* Used to avoid computing event.path and filter scrollable nodes (better perf).
* @type {?EventTarget}
var lastRootTarget = null;
* @type {!Array<Node>}
var lastScrollableNodes = [];
var scrollEvents = [
// Modern `wheel` event for mouse wheel scrolling:
// Older, non-standard `mousewheel` event for some FF:
// IE:
// Touch enabled devices
* The IronDropdownScrollManager is intended to provide a central source
* of authority and control over which elements in a document are currently
* allowed to scroll.
Polymer.IronDropdownScrollManager = {
* The current element that defines the DOM boundaries of the
* scroll lock. This is always the most recently locking element.
get currentLockingElement() {
return this._lockingElements[this._lockingElements.length - 1];
* Returns true if the provided element is "scroll locked", which is to
* say that it cannot be scrolled via pointer or keyboard interactions.
* @param {HTMLElement} element An HTML element instance which may or may
* not be scroll locked.
elementIsScrollLocked: function(element) {
var currentLockingElement = this.currentLockingElement;
if (currentLockingElement === undefined)
return false;
var scrollLocked;
if (this._hasCachedLockedElement(element)) {
return true;
if (this._hasCachedUnlockedElement(element)) {
return false;
scrollLocked = !!currentLockingElement &&
currentLockingElement !== element &&
!this._composedTreeContains(currentLockingElement, element);
if (scrollLocked) {
} else {
return scrollLocked;
* Push an element onto the current scroll lock stack. The most recently
* pushed element and its children will be considered scrollable. All
* other elements will not be scrollable.
* Scroll locking is implemented as a stack so that cases such as
* dropdowns within dropdowns are handled well.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element that should lock scroll.
pushScrollLock: function(element) {
// Prevent pushing the same element twice
if (this._lockingElements.indexOf(element) >= 0) {
if (this._lockingElements.length === 0) {
this._lockedElementCache = [];
this._unlockedElementCache = [];
* Remove an element from the scroll lock stack. The element being
* removed does not need to be the most recently pushed element. However,
* the scroll lock constraints only change when the most recently pushed
* element is removed.
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to remove from the scroll
* lock stack.
removeScrollLock: function(element) {
var index = this._lockingElements.indexOf(element);
if (index === -1) {
this._lockingElements.splice(index, 1);
this._lockedElementCache = [];
this._unlockedElementCache = [];
if (this._lockingElements.length === 0) {
_lockingElements: [],
_lockedElementCache: null,
_unlockedElementCache: null,
_hasCachedLockedElement: function(element) {
return this._lockedElementCache.indexOf(element) > -1;
_hasCachedUnlockedElement: function(element) {
return this._unlockedElementCache.indexOf(element) > -1;
_composedTreeContains: function(element, child) {
// NOTE(cdata): This method iterates over content elements and their
// corresponding distributed nodes to implement a contains-like method
// that pierces through the composed tree of the ShadowDOM. Results of
// this operation are cached (elsewhere) on a per-scroll-lock basis, to
// guard against potentially expensive lookups happening repeatedly as
// a user scrolls / touchmoves.
var contentElements;
var distributedNodes;
var contentIndex;
var nodeIndex;
if (element.contains(child)) {
return true;
contentElements = Polymer.dom(element).querySelectorAll('content');
for (contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < contentElements.length; ++contentIndex) {
distributedNodes = Polymer.dom(contentElements[contentIndex]).getDistributedNodes();
for (nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < distributedNodes.length; ++nodeIndex) {
if (this._composedTreeContains(distributedNodes[nodeIndex], child)) {
return true;
return false;
_scrollInteractionHandler: function(event) {
// Avoid canceling an event with cancelable=false, e.g. scrolling is in
// progress and cannot be interrupted.
if (event.cancelable && this._shouldPreventScrolling(event)) {
// If event has targetTouches (touch event), update last touch position.
if (event.targetTouches) {
var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
lastTouchPosition.pageX = touch.pageX;
lastTouchPosition.pageY = touch.pageY;
_lockScrollInteractions: function() {
this._boundScrollHandler = this._boundScrollHandler ||
for (var i = 0, l = scrollEvents.length; i < l; i++) {
// NOTE: browsers that don't support objects as third arg will
// interpret it as boolean, hence useCapture = true in this case.
document.addEventListener(scrollEvents[i], this._boundScrollHandler, {
capture: true,
passive: false
_unlockScrollInteractions: function() {
for (var i = 0, l = scrollEvents.length; i < l; i++) {
// NOTE: browsers that don't support objects as third arg will
// interpret it as boolean, hence useCapture = true in this case.
document.removeEventListener(scrollEvents[i], this._boundScrollHandler, {
capture: true,
passive: false
* Returns true if the event causes scroll outside the current locking
* element, e.g. pointer/keyboard interactions, or scroll "leaking"
* outside the locking element when it is already at its scroll boundaries.
* @param {!Event} event
* @return {boolean}
* @private
_shouldPreventScrolling: function(event) {
// Update if root target changed. For touch events, ensure we don't
// update during touchmove.
var target = Polymer.dom(event).rootTarget;
if (event.type !== 'touchmove' && lastRootTarget !== target) {
lastRootTarget = target;
lastScrollableNodes = this._getScrollableNodes(Polymer.dom(event).path);
// Prevent event if no scrollable nodes.
if (!lastScrollableNodes.length) {
return true;
// Don't prevent touchstart event inside the locking element when it has
// scrollable nodes.
if (event.type === 'touchstart') {
return false;
// Get deltaX/Y.
var info = this._getScrollInfo(event);
// Prevent if there is no child that can scroll.
return !this._getScrollingNode(lastScrollableNodes, info.deltaX, info.deltaY);
* Returns an array of scrollable nodes up to the current locking element,
* which is included too if scrollable.
* @param {!Array<Node>} nodes
* @return {Array<Node>} scrollables
* @private
_getScrollableNodes: function(nodes) {
var scrollables = [];
var lockingIndex = nodes.indexOf(this.currentLockingElement);
// Loop from root target to locking element (included).
for (var i = 0; i <= lockingIndex; i++) {
// Skip non-Element nodes.
if (nodes[i].nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var node = /** @type {!Element} */ (nodes[i]);
// Check inline style before checking computed style.
var style = node.style;
if (style.overflow !== 'scroll' && style.overflow !== 'auto') {
style = window.getComputedStyle(node);
if (style.overflow === 'scroll' || style.overflow === 'auto') {
return scrollables;
* Returns the node that is scrolling. If there is no scrolling,
* returns undefined.
* @param {!Array<Node>} nodes
* @param {number} deltaX Scroll delta on the x-axis
* @param {number} deltaY Scroll delta on the y-axis
* @return {Node|undefined}
* @private
_getScrollingNode: function(nodes, deltaX, deltaY) {
// No scroll.
if (!deltaX && !deltaY) {
// Check only one axis according to where there is more scroll.
// Prefer vertical to horizontal.
var verticalScroll = Math.abs(deltaY) >= Math.abs(deltaX);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
var canScroll = false;
if (verticalScroll) {
// delta < 0 is scroll up, delta > 0 is scroll down.
canScroll = deltaY < 0 ? node.scrollTop > 0 :
node.scrollTop < node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight;
} else {
// delta < 0 is scroll left, delta > 0 is scroll right.
canScroll = deltaX < 0 ? node.scrollLeft > 0 :
node.scrollLeft < node.scrollWidth - node.clientWidth;
if (canScroll) {
return node;
* Returns scroll `deltaX` and `deltaY`.
* @param {!Event} event The scroll event
* @return {{deltaX: number, deltaY: number}} Object containing the
* x-axis scroll delta (positive: scroll right, negative: scroll left,
* 0: no scroll), and the y-axis scroll delta (positive: scroll down,
* negative: scroll up, 0: no scroll).
* @private
_getScrollInfo: function(event) {
var info = {
deltaX: event.deltaX,
deltaY: event.deltaY
// Already available.
if ('deltaX' in event) {
// do nothing, values are already good.
// Safari has scroll info in `wheelDeltaX/Y`.
else if ('wheelDeltaX' in event) {
info.deltaX = -event.wheelDeltaX;
info.deltaY = -event.wheelDeltaY;
// Firefox has scroll info in `detail` and `axis`.
else if ('axis' in event) {
info.deltaX = event.axis === 1 ? event.detail : 0;
info.deltaY = event.axis === 2 ? event.detail : 0;
// On mobile devices, calculate scroll direction.
else if (event.targetTouches) {
var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
// Touch moves from right to left => scrolling goes right.
info.deltaX = lastTouchPosition.pageX - touch.pageX;
// Touch moves from down to up => scrolling goes down.
info.deltaY = lastTouchPosition.pageY - touch.pageY;
return info;