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<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
(function() {
"use strict";
* `Polymer.IronJsonpLibraryBehavior` loads a jsonp library.
* Multiple components can request same library, only one copy will load.
* Some libraries require a specific global function be defined.
* If this is the case, specify the `callbackName` property.
* You should use an HTML Import to load library dependencies
* when possible instead of using this element.
* @hero hero.svg
* @demo demo/index.html
* @polymerBehavior
Polymer.IronJsonpLibraryBehavior = {
properties: {
* True if library has been successfully loaded
libraryLoaded: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
notify: true,
readOnly: true
* Not null if library has failed to load
libraryErrorMessage: {
type: String,
value: null,
notify: true,
readOnly: true
// Following properties are to be set by behavior users
* Library url. Must contain string `%%callback%%`.
* `%%callback%%` is a placeholder for jsonp wrapper function name
* Ex: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=%%callback%%
* @property libraryUrl
* Set if library requires specific callback name.
* Name will be automatically generated if not set.
* @property callbackName
* name of event to be emitted when library loads. Standard is `api-load`
* @property notifyEvent
* event with name specified in `notifyEvent` attribute
* will fire upon successful load2
* @event `notifyEvent`
observers: [
_libraryUrlChanged: function(libraryUrl) {
// can't load before ready because notifyEvent might not be set
if (this._isReady && this.libraryUrl)
_libraryLoadCallback: function(err, result) {
if (err) {
Polymer.Base._warn("Library load failed:", err.message);
else {
if (this.notifyEvent)
this.fire(this.notifyEvent, result, {composed: true});
/** loads the library, and fires this.notifyEvent upon completion */
_loadLibrary: function() {
ready: function() {
this._isReady = true;
if (this.libraryUrl)
* LoaderMap keeps track of all Loaders
var LoaderMap = {
apiMap: {}, // { hash -> Loader }
* @param {Function} notifyCallback loaded callback fn(result)
* @param {string} jsonpCallbackName name of jsonpcallback. If API does not provide it, leave empty. Optional.
require: function(url, notifyCallback, jsonpCallbackName) {
// make hashable string form url
var name = this.nameFromUrl(url);
// create a loader as needed
if (!this.apiMap[name])
this.apiMap[name] = new Loader(name, url, jsonpCallbackName);
// ask for notification
nameFromUrl: function(url) {
return url.replace(/[\:\/\%\?\&\.\=\-\,]/g, '_') + '_api';
/** @constructor */
var Loader = function(name, url, callbackName) {
this.notifiers = []; // array of notifyFn [ notifyFn* ]
// callback is specified either as callback name
// or computed dynamically if url has callbackMacro in it
if (!callbackName) {
if (url.indexOf(this.callbackMacro) >= 0) {
callbackName = name + '_loaded';
url = url.replace(this.callbackMacro, callbackName);
} else {
this.error = new Error('IronJsonpLibraryBehavior a %%callback%% parameter is required in libraryUrl');
// TODO(sjmiles): we should probably fallback to listening to script.load
this.callbackName = callbackName;
window[this.callbackName] = this.success.bind(this);
Loader.prototype = {
callbackMacro: '%%callback%%',
loaded: false,
addScript: function(src) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
script.onerror = this.handleError.bind(this);
var s = document.querySelector('script') || document.body;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(script, s);
this.script = script;
removeScript: function() {
if (this.script.parentNode) {
this.script = null;
handleError: function(ev) {
this.error = new Error("Library failed to load");
success: function() {
this.loaded = true;
this.result = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
cleanup: function() {
delete window[this.callbackName];
notifyAll: function() {
this.notifiers.forEach( function(notifyCallback) {
notifyCallback(this.error, this.result);
this.notifiers = [];
requestNotify: function(notifyCallback) {
if (this.loaded || this.error) {
notifyCallback( this.error, this.result);
} else {
Loads specified jsonp library.
Will emit 'api-load' event when loaded, and set 'loaded' to true
Implemented by Polymer.IronJsonpLibraryBehavior. Use it
to create specific library loader elements.
is: 'iron-jsonp-library',
behaviors: [ Polymer.IronJsonpLibraryBehavior ],
properties: {
* Library url. Must contain string `%%callback%%`.
* `%%callback%%` is a placeholder for jsonp wrapper function name
* Ex: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?callback=%%callback%%
libraryUrl: String,
* Set if library requires specific callback name.
* Name will be automatically generated if not set.
callbackName: String,
* event with name specified in 'notifyEvent' attribute
* will fire upon successful load
notifyEvent: String
* event with name specified in 'notifyEvent' attribute
* will fire upon successful load
* @event `notifyEvent`