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Debugger Testing

This document describes Amber's shader debugger testing framework, which allows developers to write tests for Vulkan drivers that expose shader debugging functionality via the Debug Adapter Protocol.


  • Vulkan shader debugging currently does not have a formalized specification. A shader debugger implementation is being developed in SwiftShader, which one day may become a reference implementation for a formal specifiction.
  • Currently SwiftShader is the only Vulkan driver to implement a DAP based shader debugger. This implementation is also work-in-progress, and may significantly change.
  • Currently the debugger connection uses localhost sockets to connect Amber to the driver. The VK_DEBUGGER_PORT environment variable must be set to an unused localhost port number before attempting to run any Amber scripts that use the DEBUG command.
  • OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 is a SPIR-V extended instruction set that adds rich debug information to the shader program, allowing for high-level shader source debugging. OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 is not currently generated by DXC or glslang, but initial work has started to try and add OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 support to DXC.
  • OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 insstructions are not currently preserved by many of the SPIR-V Tools optimization passes, so these optimizations should not currently be used.
  • OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 may be incorrectly interpreted by the SPIR-V Tools validator, so Amber should currently be invoked with the --disable-spirv-val flag.



The debugger testing functionality is disabled by default, and has to be enabled with the AMBER_ENABLE_VK_DEBUGGING CMake flag.

As SwiftShader is currently the only Vulkan driver that supports DAP-based shader debugging, you will also likely want to build SwiftShader as part of Amber, using the AMBER_ENABLE_SWIFTSHADER flag.

Both of these can be set by running CMake with:



Debugger tests must be written in AmberScript.

The DEBUG command extends the RUN command to execute a draw or compute shader. DEBUG expects exactly the same arguments to follow as RUN (see: 'Run a pipeline'). However, unlike RUN, DEBUG begins a block that must be terminated with an END.

Within this RUN block, you may declare any number of THREAD command blocks that list a sequence of debugger commands to perform on a single compute, vertex or fragment shader invocation:


    Declares a sequence of debugger commands to run when the compute shader invocation with the given global invocation identifier is executed.


    Declares a sequence of debugger commands to run when the shader invocation for the vertex with the given index is executed.


    Defines a sequence of debugger commands to run when the shader invocation for the fragment with the given window space position is executed.

Each of the THREAD commands begins a block that must be terminated with an END.

Within each THREAD command block, you may use any of the following commands to control execution of the shader, and to verify the debugger's behaviour:


    Single line step execution of the thread, stepping into any function calls.


    Single line step execution of the thread, stepping over any function calls.


    Run, without stopping to the end of the currently executing function. If the current function is not the top most of the call stack, then the debugger will pause at the next line after the function call.

  • EXPECT LOCATION <file name> <line number> [<line source>]

    Verifies that the debugger is currently paused at the given line location. The [<line source>] is an additional, optional check that verifies the line of the file reported by the debugger is as expected.


    Verifies that the debugger is currently paused with the given complete stack frame. Each frame must be declared on a separate line, starting with the most nested call, and has the form:

    <function name> [<file name> [<line number>]]

    The [<file name>] and [<line number>] fields are additional, optionals checks that verify the file and line numbers reported by the debugger for the frame are as expected.

    The list of stack frames is terminated with END.

  • EXPECT LOCAL <name> EQ [<value>]

    Verifies that the local variable with the given name holds the expected value. <name> may contain . delimiters to index structure or array types.

Every shader invocation covered by a THREAD block must be executed. It is a test failure if the debugger does not break at all the THREAD shader invocations declared in the DEBUG block.


Given the following HLSL vertex shader:

/*  1 */ // simple_vs.hlsl
/*  2 */ struct VS_OUTPUT {
/*  3 */   float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
/*  4 */   float4 color : COLOR;
/*  5 */ };
/*  6 */
/*  7 */ VS_OUTPUT main(float4 pos : POSITION,
/*  8 */                float4 color : COLOR) {
/*  9 */   VS_OUTPUT vout;
/* 10 */   vout.pos = pos;
/* 11 */   vout.color = color;
/* 12 */   return vout;
/* 13 */ }

The following performs a basic debugger test for the 3rd vertex in the triangle list:

        // Debugger starts at line 9. Inspect input variables.
        EXPECT LOCATION "simple_vs.hlsl" 9 "  VS_OUTPUT vout;"
        EXPECT LOCAL "pos.x" EQ -1.007874
        EXPECT LOCAL "pos.y" EQ 1.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "pos.z" EQ 0.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "color.x" EQ 1.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "color.y" EQ 0.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "color.z" EQ 0.000000
        // Step to line 10.
        EXPECT LOCATION "simple_vs.hlsl" 10 "  vout.pos = pos;"
        // Step to line 11 and read result of line 10.
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.pos.x" EQ -1.007874
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.pos.y" EQ 1.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.pos.z" EQ 0.000000
        EXPECT LOCATION "simple_vs.hlsl" 11 "  vout.color = color;"
        // Step to line 12 and read result of line 11.
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.color.x" EQ 1.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.color.y" EQ 0.000000
        EXPECT LOCAL "vout.color.z" EQ 0.000000
        EXPECT LOCATION "simple_vs.hlsl" 12 "  return vout;"


This section covers the design of how the debugger testing is implemented in Amber.


Parser::ParseDebug() starts by immediately calling ParseRun(), which parses the tokens that normally immediately follow a RUN command. On successful parse, ParseRun() appends a command into the command_list_ vector.
ParseDebug() then constructs a new amber::debug::Script, and parses the debugger command block. The amber::debug::Script is then assigned to the command at the back of the command_list_ (added by ParseRun()).


amber::debug::Script implements the amber::debug::Events interface, and records the calls made on it. These calls can be replayed to another amber::debug::Events, using the amber::debug::Script::Run(Events*) method.


The amber::debug::Events represents the THREAD commands in the Amber script, providing methods that set breakpoints for particular shader invocations.

amber::debug::Events is the interface implemented by amber::debug::Script for recording the parsed debugger script, and extended by the amber::Engine::Debugger interface, used to actually drive an engine debugger.

The amber::debug::Events interface has a number of BreakOnXXX() methods that have parameters for the shader invocation of interest (global invocation ID, vertex index, etc) and a OnThread function callback parameter.

The OnThread callback has the signature void(amber::debug::Thread*) which is called to control the debugger thread of execution and perform test verifications.


amber::debug::Thread is the interface used to control a debugger thread of execution, and represents the script commands within the THREAD script blocks.

The following implementations of the amber::debug::Thread interface are returned by the amber::debug::Script::BreakOnXXX() methods:

  • amber::debug::Script implements this interface to record the THREAD commands in the Amber script, which will be replayed when calling amber::debug::Script::Run(amber::debug::Events*).
  • amber::Engine::Debugger implementations will implement the amber::debug::Thread interface to actually control the debugger thread of execution and perform test verifications.


The amber::Engine::Debugger interface extends the amber::debug::Events interface with a single Flush() method that ensures that all the previous event have been executed. Flush() returns a amber::Result, which holds the results of all the amber::debug::Thread::ExpectXXX() calls.

The amber::Engine::Debugger interface can be obtained from the amber::Engine using the amber::Engine::GetDebugger() method.

Debugger Execution

amber::Executor::Execute() drives the amber::Engine::Debugger:

  • The before executing the first amber::Command that holds a amber::debug::Script, a amber::Engine::Debugger is obtained from the amber::Engine, and amber::Engine::Debugger::Connect() is called to create a connection to the Vulkan shader debugger.
  • If the amber::Command holds a amber::debug::Script, then this script is executed on the amber::Engine::Debugger using the amber::debug::Script::Run(amber::debug::Events *) method, before the Vulkan command is executed.
  • The command is then executed with amber::Executor::ExecuteCommand()
  • Once the command has completed, all debugger threads are synchronized and debugger test results are collected with a call to amber::Engine::Debugger::Flush().
  • This process is repeated for all commands in the script.