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Pivot Tables
Project Plan: Perfetto: Pivot tables for slices
How to Use: Pivot Table Usage
For Googlers: Perfetto: Pivot Table Use Cases
Pivot tables give a simplified aggregated view of more complex data. They are made up of a number of pivots and aggregations that are grouped around these pivots. You can add more columns/aggregations and drag and drop the columns to explore the underlying data.
Pivot tables are useful in debugging hangs, stalls, and digging into traces which usually have too much data to clearly see the problems. The pivot table allows users to create custom tables to view specific information about traces in a summarized and less complex way.
Main Components
Details Panel (Frontend)
The DetailsPanel searches for active PivotTables to display on screen. It also syncs the PivotTableHelper with data from the State. (PivotTableHelper only syncs when the PivotTableEditor modal is not open).
Pivot Table (Frontend)
The PivotTable builds the pivot table tab and the table. It also handles user requests (like opening the pivot table editor, drag and drop columns, expand, etc) by calling the PivotTableHelper and updating the table.
PivotTableEditor (Frontend)
The PivotTableEditor consists of ColumnPicker and ColumnDisplay classes. ColumnPicker allows the user to select column type, name and aggregation. Edits made through the ColumnPicker are saved temporarily in the PivotTableHelper without updating the state. ColumnDisplay displays the selected column from the ColumnPicker, it also allows users to manipulate the columns after selection (like delete, reorder, change the default sorting, etc...). In this stage the user is able to query the selected columns and update the table or discard the changes made and the PivotTableHelper will resync with the data in state.
PivotTableHelper (Frontend)
The PivotTableHelper
is created by every PivotTableController for every PivotTableId. It stores a
copy of the selectedPivots and selectedAggregations from state. It also holds
the logic for manipulating the data locally, which are used by the PivotTable
and PivotTableEditor.
It also replaces the data in the State with the changes upon request.
The PivotTableHelper also checks for special “stack” columns, called stackPivots
(name (stack)
for slice table is
currently the only special column), as it sets the column attributes which are
then used to identify them by other components.
State (Common)
PivotTableState holds the information that needs to be transferred to and from the frontend and the controller for each pivot table instance (PivotTableId). It also includes the global PivotTableConfigs (like the availableColumns and availableAggregations).
PivotTableController (Controller)
A new PivotTableController is created for every PivotTableId. The PivotTableController handles the setup of the pivot table once added, it queries for the columns for all tables and sets the PivotTableConfig. It also creates and initializes a PivotTableHelper for every PivotTableId and publishes it to the frontend. Additionally, the PivotTableController handles the collection and the computation of all data needed by the PivotTableQueryGenerator. It constantly checks if a request has been set in the PivotTableState and acts on it if so. It decides what columns to query, what whereFilters and tables to include and how to reformat the query result into a PivotTableQueryResponse based on the request type.
There are four types of requests implemented in the controller:
QUERY: Queries the first pivot of the selectedPivots and all the aggregations, including any global or table-wide whereFilters (Like the start and end timestamp and selected track_ids that are set by the pivot table generated through area selection). It also adds a whereFilter (Filter in the where clause of the query) if the pivot is a stackPivot to restrict the result to the top level slices only, since descendants can be generated by expanding the cell and issuing the DESCENDANTS request, and returns the result as a PivotTableQueryResponse.
Returned PivotTableQueryResponse:
pivotTableQueryResponse = {
columns: ['slice type', 'slice category', 'slice name'];
rows: [
row: 'internal_slice',
expandableColumns: ['slice type'],
expandedRows = [],
}, {
row: 'thread_slice',
expandableColumns: ['slice type'],
expandedRows = [],
EXPAND: The PivotTableBody generates the nested structure by recursively displaying the rows and checking if the row contains any expanded rows with the isExpanded flag set to true. As it goes through the nested rows, it passes the row index that it's about to expand, along with the column it's expanding for till it reaches a PivotTableRow. The PivotTableRow creates a cell for each column. If the cell is at a column that can be expanded, it is created as an ExpandableCell. When an 'EXPAND' request is issued on an ExpandableCell, it sets the requestedAction in the PivotTableState and provides it with the SubQueryAttrs.
Given a columnIdx, value, and an array of rowIndicies (SubQueryAttrs) from the requestedAction in the PivotTableState, it finds the exact row that called this request from the main PivotTableQueryResponse, and finds the next pivot to query. It then generates the query similarly to the ‘QUERY’ request, but includes the whereFilter of the previous column (column name = column value). The rows of the query result are then nested into the caller row’s expandedRows, to build a tree view structure while expanding.
Passed value:
subQueryAttrs = {
rowIndices: [0, 3],
columnIdx: 1,
value: 'blink,benchmark',
expandedRowColumns: ['slice category'],
Returned expanded rows:
rows = [
row: 'LocalFrameView::RunAccessibilityLifecyclePhase',
expandableColumns: [],
expandedRows: []
row: 'LocalFrameView::RunCompositingInputsLifecyclePhase',
expandableColumns: [],
expandedRows: []
row: 'LocalFrameView::RunStyleAndLayoutLifecyclePhases',
expandableColumns: [],
expandedRows: []
The returned rows are saved inside the caller row expandedRows map.
rows = {
row: 'blink,benchmark',
expandableColumns: ['slice category'],
expandedRows: [
'slice name' => {
isExpanded: true,
UNEXPAND: Sets the caller row’s isExpanded flag to false, to hide it from the display but also keeping its expandedRows saved so as to not have to query them again if requested.
DESCENDANTS: Should only be called for stackPivots, generates a query containing the stackPivot and the next pivot, if it exists, and all the aggregations. It also requests the PivotTableQueryGenerator to order by depth first, which is then used to refactor the resulting rows into the PivotTableQueryResponse tree view structure. The returned format is similar to the EXPAND request.
PivotTableQueryGenerator (Common)
PivotTableQueryGenerator generates an sql query based on the given data, along with any hidden columns that may need to be added. It also creates an alias for each pivot and aggregation that is used to identify the resulting cells in the rows.