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753 lines
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// Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Implements the android.security.legacykeystore interface.
use android_security_legacykeystore::aidl::android::security::legacykeystore::{
ILegacyKeystore::BnLegacyKeystore, ILegacyKeystore::ILegacyKeystore,
ILegacyKeystore::ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR, ILegacyKeystore::UID_SELF,
use android_security_legacykeystore::binder::{
BinderFeatures, ExceptionCode, Result as BinderResult, Status as BinderStatus, Strong,
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use keystore2::{
async_task::AsyncTask, error::anyhow_error_to_cstring, globals::SUPER_KEY,
legacy_blob::LegacyBlobLoader, maintenance::DeleteListener, maintenance::Domain,
utils::uid_to_android_user, utils::watchdog as wd,
use rusqlite::{
params, Connection, OptionalExtension, Transaction, TransactionBehavior, NO_PARAMS,
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
struct DB {
conn: Connection,
impl DB {
fn new(db_file: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
let mut db = Self {
conn: Connection::open(db_file).context("Failed to initialize SQLite connection.")?,
db.init_tables().context("Trying to initialize legacy keystore db.")?;
fn with_transaction<T, F>(&mut self, behavior: TransactionBehavior, f: F) -> Result<T>
F: Fn(&Transaction) -> Result<T>,
loop {
match self
.context("In with_transaction.")
.and_then(|tx| f(&tx).map(|result| (result, tx)))
.and_then(|(result, tx)| {
tx.commit().context("In with_transaction: Failed to commit transaction.")?;
}) {
Ok(result) => break Ok(result),
Err(e) => {
if Self::is_locked_error(&e) {
} else {
return Err(e).context("In with_transaction.");
fn is_locked_error(e: &anyhow::Error) -> bool {
Some(rusqlite::ffi::Error { code: rusqlite::ErrorCode::DatabaseBusy, .. })
| Some(rusqlite::ffi::Error { code: rusqlite::ErrorCode::DatabaseLocked, .. })
fn init_tables(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
owner INTEGER,
alias BLOB,
profile BLOB,
UNIQUE(owner, alias));",
.context("Failed to initialize \"profiles\" table.")?;
fn list(&mut self, caller_uid: u32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Deferred, |tx| {
let mut stmt = tx
.prepare("SELECT alias FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? ORDER BY alias ASC;")
.context("In list: Failed to prepare statement.")?;
let aliases = stmt
.query_map(params![caller_uid], |row| row.get(0))?
.context("In list: query_map failed.");
fn put(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str, entry: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO profiles (owner, alias, profile) values (?, ?, ?)",
params![caller_uid, alias, entry,],
.context("In put: Failed to insert or replace.")?;
fn get(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Deferred, |tx| {
"SELECT profile FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? AND alias = ?;",
params![caller_uid, alias],
|row| row.get(0),
.context("In get: failed loading entry.")
fn remove(&mut self, caller_uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<bool> {
let removed = self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
"DELETE FROM profiles WHERE owner = ? AND alias = ?;",
params![caller_uid, alias],
.context("In remove: Failed to delete row.")
Ok(removed == 1)
fn remove_uid(&mut self, uid: u32) -> Result<()> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
tx.execute("DELETE FROM profiles WHERE owner = ?;", params![uid])
.context("In remove_uid: Failed to delete.")
fn remove_user(&mut self, user_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
self.with_transaction(TransactionBehavior::Immediate, |tx| {
"DELETE FROM profiles WHERE cast ( ( owner/? ) as int) = ?;",
params![rustutils::users::AID_USER_OFFSET, user_id],
.context("In remove_uid: Failed to delete.")
/// This is the main LegacyKeystore error type, it wraps binder exceptions and the
/// LegacyKeystore errors.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
/// Wraps a LegacyKeystore error code.
/// Wraps a Binder exception code other than a service specific exception.
#[error("Binder exception code {0:?}, {1:?}")]
Binder(ExceptionCode, i32),
impl Error {
/// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR)`
pub fn sys() -> Self {
/// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)`
pub fn not_found() -> Self {
/// Short hand for `Error::Error(ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED)`
pub fn perm() -> Self {
/// This function should be used by legacykeystore service calls to translate error conditions
/// into service specific exceptions.
/// All error conditions get logged by this function, except for ERROR_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND error.
/// `Error::Error(x)` variants get mapped onto a service specific error code of `x`.
/// All non `Error` error conditions get mapped onto `ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR`.
/// `handle_ok` will be called if `result` is `Ok(value)` where `value` will be passed
/// as argument to `handle_ok`. `handle_ok` must generate a `BinderResult<T>`, but it
/// typically returns Ok(value).
fn map_or_log_err<T, U, F>(result: Result<U>, handle_ok: F) -> BinderResult<T>
F: FnOnce(U) -> BinderResult<T>,
|e| {
let root_cause = e.root_cause();
let (rc, log_error) = match root_cause.downcast_ref::<Error>() {
// Make the entry not found errors silent.
Some(Error::Error(e)) => (*e, true),
Some(Error::Binder(_, _)) | None => (ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR, true),
if log_error {
log::error!("{:?}", e);
struct LegacyKeystoreDeleteListener {
legacy_keystore: Arc<LegacyKeystore>,
impl DeleteListener for LegacyKeystoreDeleteListener {
fn delete_namespace(&self, domain: Domain, namespace: i64) -> Result<()> {
self.legacy_keystore.delete_namespace(domain, namespace)
fn delete_user(&self, user_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
/// Implements ILegacyKeystore AIDL interface.
pub struct LegacyKeystore {
db_path: PathBuf,
async_task: AsyncTask,
struct AsyncState {
recently_imported: HashSet<(u32, String)>,
legacy_loader: LegacyBlobLoader,
db_path: PathBuf,
impl LegacyKeystore {
/// Note: The filename was chosen before the purpose of this module was extended.
/// It is kept for backward compatibility with early adopters.
const LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME: &'static str = "vpnprofilestore.sqlite";
const WIFI_NAMESPACE: i64 = 102;
const AID_WIFI: u32 = 1010;
/// Creates a new LegacyKeystore instance.
pub fn new_native_binder(
path: &Path,
) -> (Box<dyn DeleteListener + Send + Sync + 'static>, Strong<dyn ILegacyKeystore>) {
let mut db_path = path.to_path_buf();
let legacy_keystore = Arc::new(Self { db_path, async_task: Default::default() });
let service = LegacyKeystoreService { legacy_keystore: legacy_keystore.clone() };
Box::new(LegacyKeystoreDeleteListener { legacy_keystore }),
BnLegacyKeystore::new_binder(service, BinderFeatures::default()),
fn open_db(&self) -> Result<DB> {
DB::new(&self.db_path).context("In open_db: Failed to open db.")
fn get_effective_uid(uid: i32) -> Result<u32> {
const AID_SYSTEM: u32 = 1000;
let calling_uid = ThreadState::get_calling_uid();
let uid = uid as u32;
if uid == UID_SELF as u32 || uid == calling_uid {
} else if calling_uid == AID_SYSTEM && uid == Self::AID_WIFI {
// The only exception for legacy reasons is allowing SYSTEM to access
// the WIFI namespace.
// IMPORTANT: If you attempt to add more exceptions, it means you are adding
// more callers to this deprecated feature. DON'T!
} else {
Err(Error::perm()).with_context(|| {
format!("In get_effective_uid: caller: {}, requested uid: {}.", calling_uid, uid)
fn get(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In get.")?;
let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In get.")?;
if let Some(entry) = db.get(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to load entry from DB.")? {
return Ok(entry);
if self.get_legacy(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to import legacy blob.")? {
// If we were able to import a legacy blob try again.
if let Some(entry) =
db.get(uid, alias).context("In get: Trying to load entry from DB.")?
return Ok(entry);
Err(Error::not_found()).context("In get: No such entry.")
fn put(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32, entry: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In put.")?;
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In put.")?;
db.put(uid, alias, entry).context("In put: Trying to insert entry into DB.")?;
// When replacing an entry, make sure that there is no stale legacy file entry.
let _ = self.remove_legacy(uid, alias);
fn remove(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<()> {
let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In remove.")?;
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In remove.")?;
if self.remove_legacy(uid, alias).context("In remove: trying to remove legacy entry")? {
return Ok(());
let removed =
db.remove(uid, alias).context("In remove: Trying to remove entry from DB.")?;
if removed {
} else {
Err(Error::not_found()).context("In remove: No such entry.")
fn delete_namespace(&self, domain: Domain, namespace: i64) -> Result<()> {
let uid = match domain {
Domain::APP => namespace as u32,
Domain::SELINUX => {
if namespace == Self::WIFI_NAMESPACE {
// Namespace WIFI gets mapped to AID_WIFI.
} else {
// Nothing to do for any other namespace.
return Ok(());
_ => return Ok(()),
if let Err(e) = self.bulk_delete_uid(uid) {
log::warn!("In LegacyKeystore::delete_namespace: {:?}", e);
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In LegacyKeystore::delete_namespace.")?;
db.remove_uid(uid).context("In LegacyKeystore::delete_namespace.")
fn delete_user(&self, user_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
if let Err(e) = self.bulk_delete_user(user_id) {
log::warn!("In LegacyKeystore::delete_user: {:?}", e);
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In LegacyKeystore::delete_user.")?;
db.remove_user(user_id).context("In LegacyKeystore::delete_user.")
fn list(&self, prefix: &str, uid: i32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let mut db = self.open_db().context("In list.")?;
let uid = Self::get_effective_uid(uid).context("In list.")?;
let mut result = self.list_legacy(uid).context("In list.")?;
result.append(&mut db.list(uid).context("In list: Trying to get list of entries.")?);
result = result.into_iter().filter(|s| s.starts_with(prefix)).collect();
fn init_shelf(&self, path: &Path) {
let mut db_path = path.to_path_buf();
self.async_task.queue_hi(move |shelf| {
let legacy_loader = LegacyBlobLoader::new(&db_path);
shelf.put(AsyncState { legacy_loader, db_path, recently_imported: Default::default() });
fn do_serialized<F, T: Send + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> Result<T>
F: FnOnce(&mut AsyncState) -> Result<T> + Send + 'static,
let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::<Result<T>>();
self.async_task.queue_hi(move |shelf| {
let state = shelf.get_downcast_mut::<AsyncState>().expect("Failed to get shelf.");
sender.send(f(state)).expect("Failed to send result.");
receiver.recv().context("In do_serialized: Failed to receive result.")?
fn list_legacy(&self, uid: u32) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
self.do_serialized(move |state| {
.context("Trying to list legacy keystore entries.")
.context("In list_legacy.")
fn get_legacy(&self, uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<bool> {
let alias = alias.to_string();
self.do_serialized(move |state| {
if state.recently_imported.contains(&(uid, alias.clone())) {
return Ok(true);
let mut db = DB::new(&state.db_path).context("In open_db: Failed to open db.")?;
let imported =
Self::import_one_legacy_entry(uid, &alias, &state.legacy_loader, &mut db)
.context("Trying to import legacy keystore entries.")?;
if imported {
state.recently_imported.insert((uid, alias));
.context("In get_legacy.")
fn remove_legacy(&self, uid: u32, alias: &str) -> Result<bool> {
let alias = alias.to_string();
self.do_serialized(move |state| {
if state.recently_imported.contains(&(uid, alias.clone())) {
return Ok(false);
.remove_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, &alias)
.context("Trying to remove legacy entry.")
fn bulk_delete_uid(&self, uid: u32) -> Result<()> {
self.do_serialized(move |state| {
let entries = state
.context("In bulk_delete_uid: Trying to list entries.")?;
for alias in entries.iter() {
if let Err(e) = state.legacy_loader.remove_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, alias) {
log::warn!("In bulk_delete_uid: Failed to delete legacy entry. {:?}", e);
fn bulk_delete_user(&self, user_id: u32) -> Result<()> {
self.do_serialized(move |state| {
let entries = state
.context("In bulk_delete_user: Trying to list entries.")?;
for (uid, entries) in entries.iter() {
for alias in entries.iter() {
if let Err(e) = state.legacy_loader.remove_legacy_keystore_entry(*uid, alias) {
log::warn!("In bulk_delete_user: Failed to delete legacy entry. {:?}", e);
fn import_one_legacy_entry(
uid: u32,
alias: &str,
legacy_loader: &LegacyBlobLoader,
db: &mut DB,
) -> Result<bool> {
let blob = legacy_loader
.read_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, alias, |ciphertext, iv, tag, _salt, _key_size| {
if let Some(key) = SUPER_KEY
.get_per_boot_key_by_user_id(uid_to_android_user(uid as u32))
key.decrypt(ciphertext, iv, tag)
} else {
Err(Error::sys()).context("No key found for user. Device may be locked.")
.context("In import_one_legacy_entry: Trying to read legacy keystore entry.")?;
if let Some(entry) = blob {
db.put(uid, alias, &entry)
.context("In import_one_legacy_entry: Trying to insert entry into DB.")?;
.remove_legacy_keystore_entry(uid, alias)
.context("In import_one_legacy_entry: Trying to delete legacy keystore entry.")?;
} else {
struct LegacyKeystoreService {
legacy_keystore: Arc<LegacyKeystore>,
impl binder::Interface for LegacyKeystoreService {}
impl ILegacyKeystore for LegacyKeystoreService {
fn get(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<Vec<u8>> {
let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::get", 500);
map_or_log_err(self.legacy_keystore.get(alias, uid), Ok)
fn put(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32, entry: &[u8]) -> BinderResult<()> {
let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::put", 500);
map_or_log_err(self.legacy_keystore.put(alias, uid, entry), Ok)
fn remove(&self, alias: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<()> {
let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::remove", 500);
map_or_log_err(self.legacy_keystore.remove(alias, uid), Ok)
fn list(&self, prefix: &str, uid: i32) -> BinderResult<Vec<String>> {
let _wp = wd::watch_millis("ILegacyKeystore::list", 500);
map_or_log_err(self.legacy_keystore.list(prefix, uid), Ok)
mod db_test {
use super::*;
use keystore2_test_utils::TempDir;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
static TEST_ALIAS: &str = "test_alias";
static TEST_BLOB1: &[u8] = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
static TEST_BLOB2: &[u8] = &[2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
static TEST_BLOB3: &[u8] = &[3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
static TEST_BLOB4: &[u8] = &[3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
fn test_entry_db() {
let test_dir = TempDir::new("entrydb_test_").expect("Failed to create temp dir.");
let mut db = DB::new(&test_dir.build().push(LegacyKeystore::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME))
.expect("Failed to open database.");
// Insert three entries for owner 2.
db.put(2, "test1", TEST_BLOB1).expect("Failed to insert test1.");
db.put(2, "test2", TEST_BLOB2).expect("Failed to insert test2.");
db.put(2, "test3", TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to insert test3.");
// Check list returns all inserted aliases.
vec!["test1".to_string(), "test2".to_string(), "test3".to_string(),],
db.list(2).expect("Failed to list entries.")
// There should be no entries for owner 1.
assert_eq!(Vec::<String>::new(), db.list(1).expect("Failed to list entries."));
// Check the content of the three entries.
assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB1), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB2), db.get(2, "test2").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB3), db.get(2, "test3").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
// Remove test2 and check and check that it is no longer retrievable.
assert!(db.remove(2, "test2").expect("Failed to remove entry."));
assert!(db.get(2, "test2").expect("Failed to get entry.").is_none());
// test2 should now no longer be in the list.
vec!["test1".to_string(), "test3".to_string(),],
db.list(2).expect("Failed to list entries.")
// Put on existing alias replaces it.
// Verify test1 is TEST_BLOB1.
assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB1), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
db.put(2, "test1", TEST_BLOB4).expect("Failed to replace test1.");
// Verify test1 is TEST_BLOB4.
assert_eq!(Some(TEST_BLOB4), db.get(2, "test1").expect("Failed to get entry.").as_deref());
fn test_delete_uid() {
let test_dir = TempDir::new("test_delete_uid_").expect("Failed to create temp dir.");
let mut db = DB::new(&test_dir.build().push(LegacyKeystore::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME))
.expect("Failed to open database.");
// Insert three entries for owner 2.
db.put(2, "test1", TEST_BLOB1).expect("Failed to insert test1.");
db.put(2, "test2", TEST_BLOB2).expect("Failed to insert test2.");
db.put(3, "test3", TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to insert test3.");
db.remove_uid(2).expect("Failed to remove uid 2");
assert_eq!(Vec::<String>::new(), db.list(2).expect("Failed to list entries."));
assert_eq!(vec!["test3".to_string(),], db.list(3).expect("Failed to list entries."));
fn test_delete_user() {
let test_dir = TempDir::new("test_delete_user_").expect("Failed to create temp dir.");
let mut db = DB::new(&test_dir.build().push(LegacyKeystore::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME))
.expect("Failed to open database.");
// Insert three entries for owner 2.
db.put(2 + 2 * rustutils::users::AID_USER_OFFSET, "test1", TEST_BLOB1)
.expect("Failed to insert test1.");
db.put(4 + 2 * rustutils::users::AID_USER_OFFSET, "test2", TEST_BLOB2)
.expect("Failed to insert test2.");
db.put(3, "test3", TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to insert test3.");
db.remove_user(2).expect("Failed to remove user 2");
db.list(2 + 2 * rustutils::users::AID_USER_OFFSET).expect("Failed to list entries.")
db.list(4 + 2 * rustutils::users::AID_USER_OFFSET).expect("Failed to list entries.")
assert_eq!(vec!["test3".to_string(),], db.list(3).expect("Failed to list entries."));
fn concurrent_legacy_keystore_entry_test() -> Result<()> {
let temp_dir = Arc::new(
.expect("Failed to create temp dir."),
let db_path = temp_dir.build().push(LegacyKeystore::LEGACY_KEYSTORE_FILE_NAME).to_owned();
let test_begin = Instant::now();
let mut db = DB::new(&db_path).expect("Failed to open database.");
const ENTRY_COUNT: u32 = 5000u32;
const ENTRY_DB_COUNT: u32 = 5000u32;
let mut actual_entry_count = ENTRY_COUNT;
// First insert ENTRY_COUNT entries.
for count in 0..ENTRY_COUNT {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(15) {
actual_entry_count = count;
let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
db.put(1, &alias, TEST_BLOB1).expect("Failed to add entry (1).");
// Insert more keys from a different thread and into a different namespace.
let db_path1 = db_path.clone();
let handle1 = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut db = DB::new(&db_path1).expect("Failed to open database.");
for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
db.put(2, &alias, TEST_BLOB2).expect("Failed to add entry (2).");
// Then delete them again.
for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
db.remove(2, &alias).expect("Remove Failed (2).");
// And start deleting the first set of entries.
let db_path2 = db_path.clone();
let handle2 = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut db = DB::new(&db_path2).expect("Failed to open database.");
for count in 0..actual_entry_count {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
let alias = format!("test_alias_{}", count);
db.remove(1, &alias).expect("Remove Failed (1)).");
// While a lot of inserting and deleting is going on we have to open database connections
// successfully and then insert and delete a specific entry.
let db_path3 = db_path.clone();
let handle3 = thread::spawn(move || {
for _count in 0..ENTRY_DB_COUNT {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
let mut db = DB::new(&db_path3).expect("Failed to open database.");
db.put(3, TEST_ALIAS, TEST_BLOB3).expect("Failed to add entry (3).");
db.remove(3, TEST_ALIAS).expect("Remove failed (3).");
// While thread 3 is inserting and deleting TEST_ALIAS, we try to get the alias.
// This may yield an entry or none, but it must not fail.
let handle4 = thread::spawn(move || {
for _count in 0..ENTRY_DB_COUNT {
if Instant::now().duration_since(test_begin) >= Duration::from_secs(40) {
let mut db = DB::new(&db_path).expect("Failed to open database.");
// This may return Some or None but it must not fail.
db.get(3, TEST_ALIAS).expect("Failed to get entry (4).");
handle1.join().expect("Thread 1 panicked.");
handle2.join().expect("Thread 2 panicked.");
handle3.join().expect("Thread 3 panicked.");
handle4.join().expect("Thread 4 panicked.");