
123 lines
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Protocol Buffer

// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package chromiumos.config.api.test.tls;
option go_package = "";
// Common lab services implemented on top of the wiring APIs.
// The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
// "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
// RFC 2119.
// All clients SHOULD pass the gRPC metadata key request_trace_id with one
// value. The value is a unique string that is associated with the method call
// in metrics. Clients that do not pass request_trace_id MAY be rejected so that
// they can be fixed.
service Common {
// ExecDutCommand runs a command on a DUT.
// The working directory is /.
// A tty is not spawned for the command.
// The user and group is root.
// All signals have their default dispositions and are not masked.
// The umask is set to 0.
// The environment contains:
// TERM=dumb
// PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin
// LANG=en_US.UTF-8
// USER=root
// HOME=/root
// The environment MAY also contain SSH client variables.
// The environment SHALL NOT contain variables not mentioned above.
// If the stream is interrupted, the implementation MAY attempt to
// stop the command by sending SIGINT, SIGHUP, SIGTERM, or SIGKILL.
rpc ExecDutCommand(ExecDutCommandRequest)
returns (stream ExecDutCommandResponse);
message ExecDutCommandRequest {
// name is the resource name for the DUT.
// The DUT name is passed to the RTD when the RTD is started.
// It is not specified whether the name is the DUT hostname.
string name = 1;
// command is the command to run.
// If this contains no slashes, it is resolved using PATH.
// If this starts with /, it is used as an absolute path to the
// program to run.
// Otherwise, this is treated as a path relative to the working
// directory.
string command = 2;
// args are the arguments to pass to the command.
repeated string args = 3;
// stdin is passed to the command as the program's stdin.
// The stream does not support seeking.
// An empty bytes is not treated specially; if the command reads
// from stdin, it will receive zero bytes.
bytes stdin = 4;
// stdout indicates how to handle the command's stdout.
Output stdout = 5;
// stderr indicates how to handle the command's stderr.
Output stderr = 6;
message ExecDutCommandResponse {
message ExitInfo {
// status provides information about how the command process
// terminated.
// If the command failed to start, status is set to an arbitrary
// non-zero value.
// If signaled is set, status is set to the signal that caused
// the command to terminate.
// Otherwise, status is set to the exit status of the process.
// Exit statuses outside of 0 to 255 inclusive are not supported;
// they will be mapped to an arbitrary non-zero value.
// status is zero if and only if the process was successfully
// started and exited with a zero status.
int32 status = 1;
// signaled indicates whether the command exited due to a signal.
// If set, status contains the signal.
bool signaled = 2;
// started indicates whether the command was started.
bool started = 3;
// error_message provides a human readable explanation for some errors.
// This MUST NOT be inspected by programs.
string error_message = 4;
// exit_info contains exit information.
// This is set when the command has exited or failed to start.
// This is set on the last message in the response stream.
ExitInfo exit_info = 1;
// stdout contains the shell command's stdout output since the last
// response in the stream.
// The implementation MAY batch or delay output to later
// responses in the stream.
bytes stdout = 2;
// stderr contains the shell command's stderr output since the last
// response in the stream.
// The implementation MAY batch or delay output to later
// responses in the stream.
bytes stderr = 3;
// Output enumeration for ExecDutCommandRequest.
enum Output {
// OUTPUT_PIPE means to collect output and return it.
// OUTPUT_STDOUT is a special value for stderr which means to merge stderr
// into stdout.