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// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "unicode/listformatter.h"
#include "unicode/uversion.h"
#include "number_utils.h"
#include "number_modifiers.h"
U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace number {
namespace impl {
// LongNameHandler takes care of formatting currency and measurement unit names,
// as well as populating the gender of measure units.
class LongNameHandler : public MicroPropsGenerator, public ModifierStore, public UMemory {
static UnicodeString getUnitDisplayName(
const Locale& loc,
const MeasureUnit& unit,
UNumberUnitWidth width,
UErrorCode& status);
// This function does not support inflections or other newer NumberFormatter
// features: it exists to support the older not-recommended MeasureFormat.
static UnicodeString getUnitPattern(
const Locale& loc,
const MeasureUnit& unit,
UNumberUnitWidth width,
StandardPlural::Form pluralForm,
UErrorCode& status);
static LongNameHandler*
forCurrencyLongNames(const Locale &loc, const CurrencyUnit &currency, const PluralRules *rules,
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent, UErrorCode &status);
* Construct a localized LongNameHandler for the specified MeasureUnit.
* Mixed units are not supported, use MixedUnitLongNameHandler::forMeasureUnit.
* This function uses a fillIn instead of returning a pointer, because we
* want to fill in instances in a MemoryPool (which cannot adopt pointers it
* didn't create itself).
* @param loc The desired locale.
* @param unitRef The measure unit to construct a LongNameHandler for.
* @param width Specifies the desired unit rendering.
* @param unitDisplayCase Specifies the desired grammatical case. If the
* specified case is not found, we fall back to nominative or no-case.
* @param rules Does not take ownership.
* @param parent Does not take ownership.
* @param fillIn Required.
static void forMeasureUnit(const Locale &loc,
const MeasureUnit &unitRef,
const UNumberUnitWidth &width,
const char *unitDisplayCase,
const PluralRules *rules,
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent,
LongNameHandler *fillIn,
UErrorCode &status);
* Selects the plural-appropriate Modifier from the set of fModifiers based
* on the plural form.
processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
const Modifier* getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const U_OVERRIDE;
// A set of pre-computed modifiers, one for each plural form.
SimpleModifier fModifiers[StandardPlural::Form::COUNT];
// Not owned
const PluralRules *rules;
// Not owned
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent;
// Grammatical gender of the formatted result. Not owned: must point at
// static or global strings.
const char *gender = "";
LongNameHandler(const PluralRules *rules, const MicroPropsGenerator *parent)
: rules(rules), parent(parent) {
LongNameHandler() : rules(nullptr), parent(nullptr) {
// Enables MemoryPool<LongNameHandler>::emplaceBack(): requires access to
// the private constructors.
friend class MemoryPool<LongNameHandler>;
// Allow macrosToMicroGenerator to call the private default constructor.
friend class NumberFormatterImpl;
// Fills in LongNameHandler fields for formatting units identified `unit`.
static void forArbitraryUnit(const Locale &loc,
const MeasureUnit &unit,
const UNumberUnitWidth &width,
const char *unitDisplayCase,
LongNameHandler *fillIn,
UErrorCode &status);
// Roughly corresponds to patternTimes(...) in the spec:
// productUnit is an rvalue reference to indicate this function consumes it,
// leaving it in a not-useful / undefined state.
static void processPatternTimes(MeasureUnitImpl &&productUnit,
Locale loc,
const UNumberUnitWidth &width,
const char *caseVariant,
UnicodeString *outArray,
UErrorCode &status);
// Sets fModifiers to use the patterns from `simpleFormats`.
void simpleFormatsToModifiers(const UnicodeString *simpleFormats, Field field, UErrorCode &status);
// Sets fModifiers to a combination of `leadFormats` (one per plural form)
// and `trailFormat` appended to each.
// With a leadFormat of "{0}m" and a trailFormat of "{0}/s", it produces a
// pattern of "{0}m/s" by inserting each leadFormat pattern into trailFormat.
void multiSimpleFormatsToModifiers(const UnicodeString *leadFormats, UnicodeString trailFormat,
Field field, UErrorCode &status);
// Similar to LongNameHandler, but only for MIXED units.
class MixedUnitLongNameHandler : public MicroPropsGenerator, public ModifierStore, public UMemory {
* Construct a localized MixedUnitLongNameHandler for the specified
* MeasureUnit. It must be a MIXED unit.
* This function uses a fillIn instead of returning a pointer, because we
* want to fill in instances in a MemoryPool (which cannot adopt pointers it
* didn't create itself).
* @param loc The desired locale.
* @param mixedUnit The mixed measure unit to construct a
* MixedUnitLongNameHandler for.
* @param width Specifies the desired unit rendering.
* @param unitDisplayCase Specifies the desired grammatical case. If the
* specified case is not found, we fall back to nominative or no-case.
* @param rules Does not take ownership.
* @param parent Does not take ownership.
* @param fillIn Required.
static void forMeasureUnit(const Locale &loc,
const MeasureUnit &mixedUnit,
const UNumberUnitWidth &width,
const char *unitDisplayCase,
const PluralRules *rules,
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent,
MixedUnitLongNameHandler *fillIn,
UErrorCode &status);
* Produces a plural-appropriate Modifier for a mixed unit: `quantity` is
* taken as the final smallest unit, while the larger unit values must be
* provided via `micros.mixedMeasures`.
void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros,
UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
// Required for ModifierStore. And ModifierStore is required by
// SimpleModifier constructor's last parameter. We assert his will never get
// called though.
const Modifier *getModifier(Signum signum, StandardPlural::Form plural) const U_OVERRIDE;
// Not owned
const PluralRules *rules;
// Not owned
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent;
// Total number of units in the MeasureUnit this handler was configured for:
// for "foot-and-inch", this will be 2.
int32_t fMixedUnitCount = 1;
// Stores unit data for each of the individual units. For each unit, it
// stores ARRAY_LENGTH strings, as returned by getMeasureData. (Each unit
// with index `i` has ARRAY_LENGTH strings starting at index
// `i*ARRAY_LENGTH` in this array.)
LocalArray<UnicodeString> fMixedUnitData;
// Formats the larger units of Mixed Unit measurements.
LocalizedNumberFormatter fNumberFormatter;
// Joins mixed units together.
LocalPointer<ListFormatter> fListFormatter;
MixedUnitLongNameHandler(const PluralRules *rules, const MicroPropsGenerator *parent)
: rules(rules), parent(parent) {
MixedUnitLongNameHandler() : rules(nullptr), parent(nullptr) {
// Allow macrosToMicroGenerator to call the private default constructor.
friend class NumberFormatterImpl;
// Enables MemoryPool<LongNameHandler>::emplaceBack(): requires access to
// the private constructors.
friend class MemoryPool<MixedUnitLongNameHandler>;
// For a mixed unit, returns a Modifier that takes only one parameter: the
// smallest and final unit of the set. The bigger units' values and labels
// get baked into this Modifier, together with the unit label of the final
// unit.
const Modifier *getMixedUnitModifier(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros,
UErrorCode &status) const;
* A MicroPropsGenerator that multiplexes between different LongNameHandlers,
* depending on the outputUnit.
* See processQuantity() for the input requirements.
class LongNameMultiplexer : public MicroPropsGenerator, public UMemory {
// Produces a multiplexer for LongNameHandlers, one for each unit in
// `units`. An individual unit might be a mixed unit.
static LongNameMultiplexer *forMeasureUnits(const Locale &loc,
const MaybeStackVector<MeasureUnit> &units,
const UNumberUnitWidth &width,
const char *unitDisplayCase,
const PluralRules *rules,
const MicroPropsGenerator *parent,
UErrorCode &status);
// The output unit must be provided via `micros.outputUnit`, it must match
// one of the units provided to the factory function.
void processQuantity(DecimalQuantity &quantity, MicroProps &micros,
UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE;
* Because we only know which LongNameHandler we wish to call after calling
* earlier MicroPropsGenerators in the chain, LongNameMultiplexer keeps the
* parent link, while the LongNameHandlers are given no parents.
MemoryPool<LongNameHandler> fLongNameHandlers;
MemoryPool<MixedUnitLongNameHandler> fMixedUnitHandlers;
// Unowned pointers to instances owned by MaybeStackVectors.
MaybeStackArray<MicroPropsGenerator *, 8> fHandlers;
// Each MeasureUnit corresponds to the same-index MicroPropsGenerator
// pointed to in fHandlers.
LocalArray<MeasureUnit> fMeasureUnits;
const MicroPropsGenerator *fParent;
LongNameMultiplexer(const MicroPropsGenerator *parent) : fParent(parent) {
} // namespace impl
} // namespace number
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */