125 lines
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125 lines
3.7 KiB
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_apsettings.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formcontrol.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_color.h"
CPDF_ApSettings::CPDF_ApSettings(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {}
CPDF_ApSettings::CPDF_ApSettings(const CPDF_ApSettings& that) = default;
CPDF_ApSettings::~CPDF_ApSettings() {}
bool CPDF_ApSettings::HasMKEntry(const ByteString& csEntry) const {
return m_pDict && m_pDict->KeyExist(csEntry);
int CPDF_ApSettings::GetRotation() const {
return m_pDict ? m_pDict->GetIntegerFor("R") : 0;
FX_ARGB CPDF_ApSettings::GetColor(int& iColorType,
const ByteString& csEntry) const {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kTransparent;
if (!m_pDict)
return 0;
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArrayFor(csEntry);
if (!pEntry)
return 0;
FX_ARGB color = 0;
size_t dwCount = pEntry->size();
if (dwCount == 1) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kGray;
float g = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0) * 255;
return ArgbEncode(255, (int)g, (int)g, (int)g);
if (dwCount == 3) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kRGB;
float r = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0) * 255;
float g = pEntry->GetNumberAt(1) * 255;
float b = pEntry->GetNumberAt(2) * 255;
return ArgbEncode(255, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
if (dwCount == 4) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kCMYK;
float c = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0);
float m = pEntry->GetNumberAt(1);
float y = pEntry->GetNumberAt(2);
float k = pEntry->GetNumberAt(3);
float r = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, c + k);
float g = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, m + k);
float b = 1.0f - std::min(1.0f, y + k);
return ArgbEncode(255, (int)(r * 255), (int)(g * 255), (int)(b * 255));
return color;
float CPDF_ApSettings::GetOriginalColor(int index,
const ByteString& csEntry) const {
if (!m_pDict)
return 0;
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArrayFor(csEntry);
return pEntry ? pEntry->GetNumberAt(index) : 0;
void CPDF_ApSettings::GetOriginalColor(int& iColorType,
float fc[4],
const ByteString& csEntry) const {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kTransparent;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
fc[i] = 0;
if (!m_pDict)
CPDF_Array* pEntry = m_pDict->GetArrayFor(csEntry);
if (!pEntry)
size_t dwCount = pEntry->size();
if (dwCount == 1) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kGray;
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0);
} else if (dwCount == 3) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kRGB;
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0);
fc[1] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(1);
fc[2] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(2);
} else if (dwCount == 4) {
iColorType = CFX_Color::kCMYK;
fc[0] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(0);
fc[1] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(1);
fc[2] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(2);
fc[3] = pEntry->GetNumberAt(3);
WideString CPDF_ApSettings::GetCaption(const ByteString& csEntry) const {
return m_pDict ? m_pDict->GetUnicodeTextFor(csEntry) : WideString();
CPDF_Stream* CPDF_ApSettings::GetIcon(const ByteString& csEntry) const {
return m_pDict ? m_pDict->GetStreamFor(csEntry) : nullptr;
CPDF_IconFit CPDF_ApSettings::GetIconFit() const {
return CPDF_IconFit(m_pDict ? m_pDict->GetDictFor("IF") : nullptr);
int CPDF_ApSettings::GetTextPosition() const {
return m_pDict ? m_pDict->GetIntegerFor("TP", TEXTPOS_CAPTION)