
537 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright 2021 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from enum import IntEnum
import json
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import numpy as np
/ "googleapiclient"
/ "discovery_cache"
/ "documents"
/ ".."
/ "main"
/ "googleapiclient"
/ "discovery_cache"
/ "documents"
class ChangeType(IntEnum):
class DirectoryDoesNotExist(ValueError):
"""Raised when the specified directory does not exist."""
class ChangeSummary:
"""Represents the change summary between 2 directories containing \
def __init__(self, new_artifacts_dir, current_artifacts_dir, temp_dir, file_list):
"""Initializes an instance of a ChangeSummary.
new_artifacts_dir (str): The relative path to the directory with the
new discovery artifacts.
current_artifacts_dir (str): The relative path to the directory with
the current discovery artifacts.
temp_dir (str): The relative path to the directory used for
temporary storage where intermediate files will be stored.
file_list (list): A list of strings containing files to analyze.
self._file_list = file_list
self._new_artifacts_dir = pathlib.Path(new_artifacts_dir)
self._current_artifacts_dir = pathlib.Path(current_artifacts_dir)
self._temp_dir = pathlib.Path(temp_dir)
# Sanity checks to ensure directories exist
def _raise_if_directory_not_found(self, directory):
"""Raises if the `directory` doesn't exist
directory (str): The relative path to the `directory`
if not pathlib.Path(directory).exists():
raise DirectoryDoesNotExist(
"Directory does not exist : {0}".format(directory)
def _load_json_to_dataframe(self, file_path):
"""Returns a pandas dataframe from the json file provided.
file_path (str): The relative path to the discovery artifact to
# Create an empty dataframe as we will need to return it if the file
# doesn't exist
dataframe_doc = pd.DataFrame()
if pathlib.Path(file_path).is_file():
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
# Now load the json file into a pandas dataframe as a flat table
dataframe_doc = pd.json_normalize(json.load(f))
return dataframe_doc
def _get_discovery_differences(self, filename):
"""Returns a pandas dataframe which contains the differences with the
current and new discovery artifact directories, corresponding to the
file name provided.
filename (str): The name of the discovery artifact to parse.
# The paths of the 2 discovery artifacts to compare
current_artifact_path = self._current_artifacts_dir / filename
new_artifact_path = self._new_artifacts_dir / filename
# Use a helper functions to load the discovery artifacts into pandas
# dataframes
current_doc = self._load_json_to_dataframe(current_artifact_path)
new_doc = self._load_json_to_dataframe(new_artifact_path)
# Concatenate the 2 dataframes, transpose them, and create
# a new dataframe called combined_docs with columns
# `Key`, `CurrentValue`, `NewValue`.
combined_docs = (
pd.concat([current_doc, new_doc], keys=["CurrentValue", "NewValue"])
# Drop the index column
.reset_index(drop=True, level=1)
# Transpose the DataFrame, Resulting Columns should be
# ["Key", "CurrentValue", "New Value"]
.rename_axis(["Key"], axis=1).transpose()
# Drop the index column
# When discovery documents are added, the column `CurrentValue` will
# not exist. In that case, we'll just populate with `np.nan`.
if "CurrentValue" not in combined_docs.columns:
combined_docs["CurrentValue"] = np.nan
# When discovery documents are deleted, the column `NewValue` will
# not exist. In that case, we'll just populate with `np.nan`.
if "NewValue" not in combined_docs.columns:
combined_docs["NewValue"] = np.nan
# Split the Key into 2 columns for `Parent` and `Child` in order
# to group keys with the same parents together to summarize the changes
# by parent.
parent_child_df = combined_docs["Key"].str.rsplit(".", 1, expand=True)
# Rename the columns and join them with the combined_docs dataframe.
# If we only have a `Parent` column, it means that the Key doesn't have
# any children.
if len(parent_child_df.columns) == 1:
parent_child_df.columns = ["Parent"]
parent_child_df.columns = ["Parent", "Child"]
combined_docs = combined_docs.join(parent_child_df)
# Create a new column `Added` to identify rows which have new keys.
combined_docs["Added"] = np.where(
combined_docs["CurrentValue"].isnull(), True, False
# Create a new column `Deleted` to identify rows which have deleted keys.
combined_docs["Deleted"] = np.where(
combined_docs["NewValue"].isnull(), True, False
# Aggregate the keys added by grouping keys with the same parents
# together to summarize the changes by parent rather than by key.
parent_added_agg = (
# Add a column NumLevels to inicate the number of levels in the tree
# which will allow us to sort the parents in hierarchical order.
parent_added_agg["NumLevels"] = (
parent_added_agg["Parent"].str.split(".").apply(lambda x: len(x))
# Aggregate the keys deleted by grouping keys with the same parents
# together to summarize the changes by parent rather than by key.
parent_deleted_agg = (
# Add a column NumLevels to inicate the number of levels in the tree
# which will allow us to sort the parents in hierarchical order.
parent_deleted_agg["NumLevels"] = (
parent_added_agg["Parent"].str.split(".").apply(lambda x: len(x))
# Create a list of all parents that have been added in hierarchical
# order. When `Proportion` is 1, it means that the parent is new as all
# children keys have been added.
all_added = (
(parent_added_agg["Proportion"] == 1)
& (parent_added_agg["Added"] == True)
][["Parent", "NumLevels"]]
.sort_values("NumLevels", ascending=True)
# Create a list of all parents that have been deleted in hierarchical
# order. When `Proportion` is 1, it means that the parent is new as all
# children keys have been deleted.
all_deleted = (
(parent_deleted_agg["Proportion"] == 1)
& (parent_deleted_agg["Deleted"] == True)
][["Parent", "NumLevels"]]
.sort_values("NumLevels", ascending=True)
# Go through the list of parents that have been added. If we find any
# keys with parents which are a substring of the parent in this list,
# then it means that the entire parent is new. We don't need verbose
# information about the children, so we replace the parent.
for i in range(0, len(all_added)):
word = all_added[i]
combined_docs.Parent = np.where(
combined_docs["Parent"].str.startswith(word), word, combined_docs.Parent
# Go through the list of parents that have been deleted. If we find any
# keys with parents which are a substring of the parent in this list,
# then it means that the entire parent is deleted. We don't need verbose
# information about the children, so we replace the parent.
for i in range(0, len(all_deleted)):
word = all_deleted[i]
combined_docs.Parent = np.where(
combined_docs["Parent"].str.startswith(word), word, combined_docs.Parent
# Create a new dataframe with only the keys which have changed
docs_diff = combined_docs[
combined_docs["CurrentValue"] != combined_docs["NewValue"]
# Get the API and Version from the file name but exclude the extension.
api_version_string = filename.split(".")[:-1]
# Create columns `Name` and `Version` using the version string
docs_diff["Name"] = api_version_string[0]
docs_diff["Version"] = ".".join(api_version_string[1:])
# These conditions are used as arguments in the `np.where` function
# below.
deleted_condition = docs_diff["NewValue"].isnull()
added_condition = docs_diff["CurrentValue"].isnull()
# Create a new `ChangeType` column. The `np.where()` function is like a
# tenary operator. When the `deleted_condition` is `True`, the
# `ChangeType` will be `ChangeType.Deleted`. If the added_condition is
# `True` the `ChangeType` will be `ChangeType.Added`, otherwise the
# `ChangeType` will be `ChangeType.Changed`.
docs_diff["ChangeType"] = np.where(
np.where(added_condition, ChangeType.ADDED, ChangeType.CHANGED),
# Filter out keys which rarely affect functionality. For example:
# {"description", "documentation", "enum", "etag", "revision", "title",
# "url", "rootUrl"}
docs_diff = docs_diff[
"|".join(self._get_keys_to_ignore()), case=False
# Group keys with similar parents together and create a new column
# called 'Count' which indicates the number of keys that have been
# grouped together. The reason for the count column is that when keys
# have the same parent, we group them together to improve readability.
docs_diff_with_count = (
["Parent", "Added", "Deleted", "Name", "Version", "ChangeType"]
# Add counts column
docs_diff = docs_diff.merge(docs_diff_with_count)
# When the count is greater than 1, update the key with the name of the
# parent since we are consolidating keys with the same parent.
docs_diff.loc[docs_diff["Count"] > 1, "Key"] = docs_diff["Parent"]
return docs_diff[
["Key", "Added", "Deleted", "Name", "Version", "ChangeType", "Count"]
def _build_summary_message(self, api_name, is_feature):
"""Returns a string containing the summary for a given api. The string
returned will be in the format `fix(<api_name>): update the API`
when `is_feature=False` and `feat(<api_name>)!: update the API`
when `is_feature=True`.
api_name (str): The name of the api to include in the summary.
is_feature (bool): If True, include the prefix `feat` otherwise use
# Build the conventional commit string based on the arguments provided
commit_type = "feat" if is_feature else "fix"
return "{0}({1}): update the api".format(commit_type, api_name)
def _get_keys_to_ignore(self):
"""Returns a list of strings with keys to ignore because they rarely
affect functionality.
args: None
keys_to_ignore = [
return keys_to_ignore
def _get_stable_versions(self, versions):
"""Returns a pandas series `pd.Series()` of boolean values,
corresponding to the given series, indicating whether the version is
considered stable or not.
versions (object): a pandas series containing version
information for all discovery artifacts.
# Use a regex on the version to find versions with the pattern
# <v>.<0-9>.<0-9>.<0-9> . Any api that matches this pattern will be
# labeled as stable. In other words, v1, v1.4 and v1.4.5 is stable
# but v1b1 v1aplha and v1beta1 is not stable.
return versions.str.extract(r"(v\d?\.?\d?\.?\d+$)").notnull()
def _get_summary_and_write_to_disk(self, dataframe, directory):
"""Writes summary information to file about changes made to discovery
artifacts based on the provided dataframe and returns a dataframe
with the same. The file `'allapis.dataframe'` is saved to the current
working directory.
dataframe (object): a pandas dataframe containing summary change
information for all discovery artifacts
directory (str): path where the summary file should be saved
dataframe["IsStable"] = self._get_stable_versions(dataframe["Version"])
# Create a filter for features, which contains only rows which have keys
# that have been deleted or added, that will be used as an argument in
# the `np.where()` call below.
filter_features = (dataframe["ChangeType"] == ChangeType.DELETED) | (
dataframe["ChangeType"] == ChangeType.ADDED
# Create a new column `IsFeature` to indicate which rows should be
# considered as features.
dataframe["IsFeature"] = np.where(filter_features, True, np.nan)
# Create a new column `IsFeatureAggregate` which will be used to
# summarize the api changes. We can either have feature or fix but not
# both.
dataframe["IsFeatureAggregate"] = dataframe.groupby("Name").IsFeature.transform(
lambda x: x.any()
# Create a new column `Summary`, which will contain a string with the
# conventional commit message.
dataframe["Summary"] = np.vectorize(self._build_summary_message)(
dataframe["Name"], dataframe["IsFeatureAggregate"]
# Write the final dataframe to disk as it will be used in the
# script
dataframe.to_csv(directory / "allapis.dataframe")
return dataframe
def _write_verbose_changes_to_disk(self, dataframe, directory, summary_df):
"""Writes verbose information to file about changes made to discovery
artifacts based on the provided dataframe. A separate file is saved
for each api in the current working directory. The extension of the
files will be `'.verbose'`.
dataframe (object): a pandas dataframe containing verbose change
information for all discovery artifacts
directory (str): path where the summary file should be saved
summary_df (object): A dataframe containing a summary of the changes
# Array of strings which will contains verbose change information for
# each api
verbose_changes = []
# Sort the dataframe to minimize file operations below.
by=["Name", "Version", "ChangeType"], ascending=True, inplace=True
# Select only the relevant columns. We need to create verbose output
# by Api Name, Version and ChangeType so we need to group by these
# columns.
change_type_groups = dataframe[
["Name", "Version", "ChangeType", "Key", "Count"]
].groupby(["Name", "Version", "ChangeType"])
lastApi = ""
lastVersion = ""
lastType = ChangeType.UNKNOWN
f = None
for name, group in change_type_groups:
currentApi = name[0]
currentVersion = name[1]
currentType = name[2]
# We need to handing file opening and closing when processing an API
# which is different from the previous one
if lastApi != currentApi:
# If we are processing a new api, close the file used for
# processing the previous API
if f is not None:
f = None
# Clear the array of strings with information from the previous
# api and reset the last version
verbose_changes = []
lastVersion = ""
# Create a file which contains verbose changes for the current
# API being processed
filename = "{0}.verbose".format(currentApi)
f = open(pathlib.Path(directory / filename), "a")
lastApi = currentApi
# Create a filter with only the rows for the current API
current_api_filter = summary_df["Name"] == currentApi
# Get the string in the `Summary` column for the current api and
# append it to `verbose_changes`. The `Summary` column contains
# the conventional commit message. Use pandas.Series.iloc[0] to
# retrieve only the first elemnt, since all the values in the
# summary column are the same for a given API.
# If the version has changed, we need to create append a new heading
# in the verbose summary which contains the api and version.
if lastVersion != currentVersion:
# Append a header string with the API and version
"\n\n#### {0}:{1}\n\n".format(currentApi, currentVersion)
lastVersion = currentVersion
lastType = ChangeType.UNKNOWN
# Whenever the change type is different, we need to create a new
# heading for the group of keys with the same change type.
if currentType != lastType:
if currentType == ChangeType.DELETED:
verbose_changes.append("\nThe following keys were deleted:\n")
elif currentType == ChangeType.ADDED:
verbose_changes.append("\nThe following keys were added:\n")
verbose_changes.append("\nThe following keys were changed:\n")
lastType = currentType
# Append the keys, and corresponding count, in the same change
# type group.
"- {0} (Total Keys: {1})\n".format(row["Key"], row["Count"])
for index, row in group[["Key", "Count"]].iterrows()
# Make sure to close the last file and write the changes.
if f is not None:
f = None
def detect_discovery_changes(self):
"""Writes a summary of the changes to the discovery artifacts to disk
at the path specified in `temp_dir`.
args: None
result = pd.DataFrame()
# Process files in parallel to improve performance
with Pool(processes=MULTIPROCESSING_NUM_AGENTS) as pool:
result = result.append(
if len(result):
# Sort the resulting dataframe by `Name`, `Version`, `ChangeType`
# and `Key`
sort_columns = ["Name", "Version", "ChangeType", "Key"]
result.sort_values(by=sort_columns, ascending=True, inplace=True)
# Create a folder which be used by the `` and
# `` scripts.
# Create a summary which contains a conventional commit message
# for each API and write it to disk.
summary_df = self._get_summary_and_write_to_disk(result, self._temp_dir)
# Create verbose change information for each API which contains
# a list of changes by key and write it to disk.
self._write_verbose_changes_to_disk(result, self._temp_dir, summary_df)