208 lines
8.4 KiB
208 lines
8.4 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "AmrnbEncoderTest"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <audio_utils/sndfile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gsmamr_enc.h"
#include "AmrnbEncTestEnvironment.h"
#define OUTPUT_FILE "/data/local/tmp/amrnbEncode.out"
constexpr int32_t kInputBufferSize = L_FRAME * 2; // 160 samples * 16-bit per sample.
constexpr int32_t kOutputBufferSize = 1024;
constexpr int32_t kNumFrameReset = 200;
constexpr int32_t kMaxCount = 10;
struct AmrNbEncState {
void *encCtx;
void *pidSyncCtx;
static AmrnbEncTestEnvironment *gEnv = nullptr;
class AmrnbEncoderTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<pair<string, int32_t>> {
AmrnbEncoderTest() : mAmrEncHandle(nullptr) {}
~AmrnbEncoderTest() {
if (mAmrEncHandle) {
mAmrEncHandle = nullptr;
AmrNbEncState *mAmrEncHandle;
int32_t EncodeFrames(int32_t mode, FILE *fpInput, FILE *mFpOutput,
int32_t frameCount = INT32_MAX);
int32_t AmrnbEncoderTest::EncodeFrames(int32_t mode, FILE *fpInput, FILE *mFpOutput,
int32_t frameCount) {
int32_t frameNum = 0;
uint16_t inputBuf[kInputBufferSize];
uint8_t outputBuf[kOutputBufferSize];
while (frameNum < frameCount) {
int32_t bytesRead = fread(inputBuf, 1, kInputBufferSize, fpInput);
if (bytesRead != kInputBufferSize && !feof(fpInput)) {
ALOGE("Unable to read data from input file");
return -1;
} else if (feof(fpInput) && bytesRead == 0) {
Frame_Type_3GPP frame_type = (Frame_Type_3GPP)mode;
int32_t bytesGenerated =
AMREncode(mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, (Mode)mode,
(Word16 *)inputBuf, outputBuf, &frame_type, AMR_TX_WMF);
if (bytesGenerated < 0) {
ALOGE("Error in encoging the file: Invalid output format");
return -1;
// Convert from WMF to RFC 3267 format.
if (bytesGenerated > 0) {
outputBuf[0] = ((outputBuf[0] << 3) | 4) & 0x7c;
fwrite(outputBuf, 1, bytesGenerated, mFpOutput);
return 0;
TEST_F(AmrnbEncoderTest, CreateAmrnbEncoderTest) {
mAmrEncHandle = (AmrNbEncState *)malloc(sizeof(AmrNbEncState));
ASSERT_NE(mAmrEncHandle, nullptr) << "Error in allocating memory to Codec handle";
for (int count = 0; count < kMaxCount; count++) {
int32_t status = AMREncodeInit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Error creating AMR-NB encoder";
ALOGV("Successfully created encoder");
if (mAmrEncHandle) {
AMREncodeExit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx);
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
mAmrEncHandle = nullptr;
ALOGV("Successfully deleted encoder");
TEST_P(AmrnbEncoderTest, EncodeTest) {
mAmrEncHandle = (AmrNbEncState *)malloc(sizeof(AmrNbEncState));
ASSERT_NE(mAmrEncHandle, nullptr) << "Error in allocating memory to Codec handle";
int32_t status = AMREncodeInit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Error creating AMR-NB encoder";
string inputFile = gEnv->getRes() + GetParam().first;
FILE *fpInput = fopen(inputFile.c_str(), "rb");
ASSERT_NE(fpInput, nullptr) << "Error opening input file " << inputFile;
FILE *fpOutput = fopen(OUTPUT_FILE, "wb");
ASSERT_NE(fpOutput, nullptr) << "Error opening output file " << OUTPUT_FILE;
// Write file header.
fwrite("#!AMR\n", 1, 6, fpOutput);
int32_t mode = GetParam().second;
int32_t encodeErr = EncodeFrames(mode, fpInput, fpOutput);
ASSERT_EQ(encodeErr, 0) << "EncodeFrames returned error for Codec mode: " << mode;
AMREncodeExit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx);
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
mAmrEncHandle = nullptr;
ALOGV("Successfully deleted encoder");
TEST_P(AmrnbEncoderTest, ResetEncoderTest) {
mAmrEncHandle = (AmrNbEncState *)malloc(sizeof(AmrNbEncState));
ASSERT_NE(mAmrEncHandle, nullptr) << "Error in allocating memory to Codec handle";
int32_t status = AMREncodeInit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Error creating AMR-NB encoder";
string inputFile = gEnv->getRes() + GetParam().first;
FILE *fpInput = fopen(inputFile.c_str(), "rb");
ASSERT_NE(fpInput, nullptr) << "Error opening input file " << inputFile;
FILE *fpOutput = fopen(OUTPUT_FILE, "wb");
ASSERT_NE(fpOutput, nullptr) << "Error opening output file " << OUTPUT_FILE;
// Write file header.
fwrite("#!AMR\n", 1, 6, fpOutput);
int32_t mode = GetParam().second;
// Encode kNumFrameReset first
int32_t encodeErr = EncodeFrames(mode, fpInput, fpOutput, kNumFrameReset);
ASSERT_EQ(encodeErr, 0) << "EncodeFrames returned error for Codec mode: " << mode;
status = AMREncodeReset(mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx);
ASSERT_EQ(status, 0) << "Error resting AMR-NB encoder";
// Start encoding again
encodeErr = EncodeFrames(mode, fpInput, fpOutput);
ASSERT_EQ(encodeErr, 0) << "EncodeFrames returned error for Codec mode: " << mode;
AMREncodeExit(&mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, &mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx);
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->encCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
ASSERT_EQ(mAmrEncHandle->pidSyncCtx, nullptr) << "Error deleting AMR-NB encoder";
mAmrEncHandle = nullptr;
ALOGV("Successfully deleted encoder");
// TODO: Add more test vectors
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AmrnbEncoderTestAll, AmrnbEncoderTest,
::testing::Values(make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR475),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR515),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR59),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR67),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR74),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR795),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR102),
make_pair("bbb_raw_1ch_8khz_s16le.raw", MR122),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR475),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR515),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR59),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR67),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR74),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR795),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR102),
make_pair("sinesweepraw.raw", MR122)));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
gEnv = new AmrnbEncTestEnvironment();
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
int status = gEnv->initFromOptions(argc, argv);
if (status == 0) {
status = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
ALOGV("Test result = %d\n", status);
return status;