581 lines
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581 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "health_hidl_hal_test"
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android/hardware/health/1.0/types.h>
#include <android/hardware/health/2.0/IHealth.h>
#include <android/hardware/health/2.0/types.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <health-test/TestUtils.h>
#include <hidl/GtestPrinter.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <log/log.h>
using ::testing::AssertionFailure;
using ::testing::AssertionResult;
using ::testing::AssertionSuccess;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
DEFINE_bool(force, false, "Force test healthd even when the default instance is present.");
// Return expr if it is evaluated to false.
#define TEST_AND_RETURN(expr) \
do { \
auto res = (expr); \
if (!res) return res; \
} while (0)
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace health {
using test_utils::SucceedOnce;
using V1_0::BatteryStatus;
using V1_0::toString;
namespace V2_0 {
class HealthHidlTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {
virtual void SetUp() override {
std::string serviceName = GetParam();
if (serviceName == "backup" && !FLAGS_force &&
IHealth::getService() != nullptr) {
LOG(INFO) << "Skipping tests on healthd because the default instance is present. "
<< "Use --force if you really want to test healthd.";
LOG(INFO) << "get service with name:" << serviceName;
mHealth = IHealth::getService(serviceName);
ASSERT_NE(mHealth, nullptr);
sp<IHealth> mHealth;
class Callback : public IHealthInfoCallback {
Return<void> healthInfoChanged(const HealthInfo&) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
mInvoked = true;
return Void();
template <typename R, typename P>
bool waitInvoke(std::chrono::duration<R, P> duration) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
bool r = mInvokedNotify.wait_for(lock, duration, [this] { return this->mInvoked; });
mInvoked = false;
return r;
std::mutex mMutex;
std::condition_variable mInvokedNotify;
bool mInvoked = false;
#define ASSERT_OK(r) ASSERT_TRUE(isOk(r))
#define EXPECT_OK(r) EXPECT_TRUE(isOk(r))
template <typename T>
AssertionResult isOk(const Return<T>& r) {
return r.isOk() ? AssertionSuccess() : (AssertionFailure() << r.description());
#define ASSERT_ALL_OK(r) ASSERT_TRUE(isAllOk(r))
// Both isOk() and Result::SUCCESS
AssertionResult isAllOk(const Return<Result>& r) {
if (!r.isOk()) {
return AssertionFailure() << r.description();
if (static_cast<Result>(r) != Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionFailure() << toString(static_cast<Result>(r));
return AssertionSuccess();
* Test whether callbacks work. Tested functions are IHealth::registerCallback,
* unregisterCallback, and update.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, Callbacks) {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
sp<Callback> firstCallback = new Callback();
sp<Callback> secondCallback = new Callback();
// registerCallback may or may not invoke the callback immediately, so the test needs
// to wait for the invocation. If the implementation chooses not to invoke the callback
// immediately, just wait for some time.
// assert that the first callback is invoked when update is called.
// clear any potentially pending callbacks result from wakealarm / kernel events
// If there is none, just wait for some time.
// assert that the second callback is still invoked even though the first is unregistered.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, UnregisterNonExistentCallback) {
sp<Callback> callback = new Callback();
auto ret = mHealth->unregisterCallback(callback);
ASSERT_EQ(Result::NOT_FOUND, static_cast<Result>(ret)) << "Actual: " << toString(ret);
* Pass the test if:
* - Property is not supported (res == NOT_SUPPORTED)
* - Result is success, and predicate is true
* @param res the Result value.
* @param valueStr the string representation for actual value (for error message)
* @param pred a predicate that test whether the value is valid
#define EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(res, valueStr, pred) \
EXPECT_TRUE(isPropertyOk(res, valueStr, pred, #pred))
AssertionResult isPropertyOk(Result res, const std::string& valueStr, bool pred,
const std::string& predStr) {
if (res == Result::SUCCESS) {
if (pred) {
return AssertionSuccess();
return AssertionFailure() << "value doesn't match.\nActual: " << valueStr
<< "\nExpected: " << predStr;
if (res == Result::NOT_SUPPORTED) {
return AssertionSuccess();
return AssertionFailure() << "Result is not SUCCESS or NOT_SUPPORTED: " << toString(res);
bool verifyStorageInfo(const hidl_vec<struct StorageInfo>& info) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.size(); i++) {
if (!(0 <= info[i].eol && info[i].eol <= 3 && 0 <= info[i].lifetimeA &&
info[i].lifetimeA <= 0x0B && 0 <= info[i].lifetimeB && info[i].lifetimeB <= 0x0B)) {
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
bool verifyEnum(T value) {
for (auto it : hidl_enum_range<T>()) {
if (it == value) {
return true;
return false;
bool verifyHealthInfo(const HealthInfo& health_info) {
if (!verifyStorageInfo(health_info.storageInfos)) {
return false;
using V1_0::BatteryStatus;
using V1_0::BatteryHealth;
if (!((health_info.legacy.batteryCurrent != INT32_MIN) &&
(0 <= health_info.legacy.batteryLevel && health_info.legacy.batteryLevel <= 100) &&
verifyEnum<BatteryHealth>(health_info.legacy.batteryHealth) &&
verifyEnum<BatteryStatus>(health_info.legacy.batteryStatus))) {
return false;
if (health_info.legacy.batteryPresent) {
// If a battery is present, the battery status must be known.
if (!((health_info.legacy.batteryChargeCounter > 0) &&
(health_info.legacy.batteryStatus != BatteryStatus::UNKNOWN))) {
return false;
return true;
* Tests the values returned by getChargeCounter() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getChargeCounter) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getChargeCounter([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, std::to_string(value), value > 0);
* Tests the values returned by getCurrentNow() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getCurrentNow) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getCurrentNow([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, std::to_string(value), value != INT32_MIN);
* Tests the values returned by getCurrentAverage() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getCurrentAverage) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getCurrentAverage([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, std::to_string(value), value != INT32_MIN);
* Tests the values returned by getCapacity() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getCapacity) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getCapacity([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, std::to_string(value), 0 <= value && value <= 100);
* Tests the values returned by getEnergyCounter() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getEnergyCounter) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getEnergyCounter([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, std::to_string(value), value != INT64_MIN);
* Tests the values returned by getChargeStatus() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getChargeStatus) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getChargeStatus([](auto result, auto value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, toString(value), verifyEnum<BatteryStatus>(value));
* Tests the values returned by getStorageInfo() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getStorageInfo) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getStorageInfo([](auto result, auto& value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, toString(value), verifyStorageInfo(value));
* Tests the values returned by getDiskStats() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getDiskStats) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getDiskStats([](auto result, auto& value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, toString(value), true);
* Tests the values returned by getHealthInfo() from interface IHealth.
TEST_P(HealthHidlTest, getHealthInfo) {
EXPECT_OK(mHealth->getHealthInfo([](auto result, auto& value) {
EXPECT_VALID_OR_UNSUPPORTED_PROP(result, toString(value), verifyHealthInfo(value));
PerInstance, HealthHidlTest,
// For battery current tests, value may not be stable if the battery current has fluctuated.
// Retry in a bit more time (with the following timeout) and consider the test successful if it
// has succeed once.
static constexpr auto gBatteryTestTimeout = 1min;
// Tests on battery current signs are only enforced on devices launching with Android 11.
static constexpr int64_t gBatteryTestMinShippingApiLevel = 30;
static constexpr double gCurrentCompareFactor = 0.50;
// Tuple for all IHealth::get* API return values.
template <typename T>
struct HalResult {
Result result;
T value;
// Needs to be called repeatedly within a period of time to ensure values are initialized.
static AssertionResult IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(HalResult<BatteryStatus> status,
HalResult<int32_t> current,
bool acceptZeroCurrentAsUnknown) {
// getChargeStatus / getCurrentNow / getCurrentAverage / getHealthInfo already tested above.
// Here, just skip if not ok.
if (status.result != Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getChargeStatus / getHealthInfo returned "
<< toString(status.result) << ", skipping";
if (current.result != Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getCurrentNow / getCurrentAverage returned "
<< toString(current.result) << ", skipping";
return test_utils::IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(
status.value, current.value, acceptZeroCurrentAsUnknown,
[](BatteryStatus status) { return toString(status); });
static AssertionResult IsBatteryCurrentSimilar(HalResult<BatteryStatus> status,
HalResult<int32_t> currentNow,
HalResult<int32_t> currentAverage) {
if (status.result == Result::SUCCESS && status.value == BatteryStatus::FULL) {
// No reason to test on full battery because battery current load fluctuates.
return AssertionSuccess() << "Battery is full, skipping";
// getCurrentNow / getCurrentAverage / getHealthInfo already tested above. Here, just skip if
// not SUCCESS or value 0.
if (currentNow.result != Result::SUCCESS || currentNow.value == 0) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getCurrentNow returned " << toString(currentNow.result)
<< " with value " << currentNow.value << ", skipping";
if (currentAverage.result != Result::SUCCESS || currentAverage.value == 0) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getCurrentAverage returned "
<< toString(currentAverage.result) << " with value "
<< currentAverage.value << ", skipping";
return test_utils::IsBatteryCurrentSimilar(currentNow.value, currentAverage.value,
uint64_t GetShippingApiLevel() {
uint64_t api_level = android::base::GetUintProperty<uint64_t>("ro.product.first_api_level", 0);
if (api_level != 0) {
return api_level;
return android::base::GetUintProperty<uint64_t>("ro.build.version.sdk", 0);
class BatteryTest : public HealthHidlTest {
void SetUp() override {
auto shippingApiLevel = GetShippingApiLevel();
if (shippingApiLevel < gBatteryTestMinShippingApiLevel) {
GTEST_SKIP() << "Skipping on devices with first API level " << shippingApiLevel;
TEST_P(BatteryTest, InstantCurrentAgainstChargeStatusInHealthInfo) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getHealthInfo([&](auto result, const auto& value) {
healthInfo = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryStatus},
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryCurrent},
true /* accept zero current as unknown */);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_now becomes stable.";
TEST_P(BatteryTest, AverageCurrentAgainstChargeStatusInHealthInfo) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getHealthInfo([&](auto result, const auto& value) {
healthInfo = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryStatus},
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.batteryCurrentAverage},
true /* accept zero current as unknown */);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_average becomes stable.";
TEST_P(BatteryTest, InstantCurrentAgainstAverageCurrentInHealthInfo) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getHealthInfo([&](auto result, const auto& value) {
healthInfo = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSimilar({healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryStatus},
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryCurrent},
{healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.batteryCurrentAverage});
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_now and current_average becomes "
TEST_P(BatteryTest, InstantCurrentAgainstChargeStatusFromHal) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<BatteryStatus> status;
HalResult<int32_t> currentNow;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getChargeStatus([&](auto result, auto value) {
status = {result, value};
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getCurrentNow([&](auto result, auto value) {
currentNow = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(status, currentNow,
false /* accept zero current as unknown */);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_now becomes stable.";
TEST_P(BatteryTest, AverageCurrentAgainstChargeStatusFromHal) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<BatteryStatus> status;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getChargeStatus([&](auto result, auto value) {
status = {result, value};
HalResult<int32_t> currentAverage;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getCurrentAverage([&](auto result, auto value) {
currentAverage = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSignCorrect(status, currentAverage,
false /* accept zero current as unknown */);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_average becomes stable.";
TEST_P(BatteryTest, InstantCurrentAgainstAverageCurrentFromHal) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<BatteryStatus> status;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getChargeStatus([&](auto result, auto value) {
status = {result, value};
HalResult<int32_t> currentNow;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getCurrentNow([&](auto result, auto value) {
currentNow = {result, value};
HalResult<int32_t> currentAverage;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getCurrentAverage([&](auto result, auto value) {
currentAverage = {result, value};
return IsBatteryCurrentSimilar(status, currentNow, currentAverage);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when current_average becomes stable.";
AssertionResult IsBatteryStatusCorrect(HalResult<BatteryStatus> status,
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo) {
// getChargetStatus / getHealthInfo is already tested above. Here, just skip if not ok.
if (healthInfo.result != Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getHealthInfo returned " << toString(healthInfo.result)
<< ", skipping";
if (status.result != Result::SUCCESS) {
return AssertionSuccess() << "getChargeStatus returned " << toString(status.result)
<< ", skipping";
const auto& batteryInfo = healthInfo.value.legacy;
return test_utils::IsBatteryStatusCorrect(
status.value, batteryInfo, [](BatteryStatus status) { return toString(status); });
TEST_P(BatteryTest, ConnectedAgainstStatusFromHal) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<BatteryStatus> status;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getChargeStatus([&](auto result, auto value) {
status = {result, value};
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getHealthInfo([&](auto result, const auto& value) {
healthInfo = {result, value};
return IsBatteryStatusCorrect(status, healthInfo);
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when battery_status becomes stable.";
TEST_P(BatteryTest, ConnectedAgainstStatusInHealthInfo) {
auto testOnce = [&]() -> AssertionResult {
HalResult<HealthInfo> healthInfo;
TEST_AND_RETURN(isOk(mHealth->getHealthInfo([&](auto result, const auto& value) {
healthInfo = {result, value};
return IsBatteryStatusCorrect({healthInfo.result, healthInfo.value.legacy.batteryStatus},
EXPECT_TRUE(SucceedOnce(gBatteryTestTimeout, testOnce))
<< "You may want to try again later when getHealthInfo becomes stable.";
PerInstance, BatteryTest,
} // namespace V2_0
} // namespace health
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true /* remove flags */);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();