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* Copyright 2020, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !defined(EIC_INSIDE_LIBEIC_H) && !defined(EIC_COMPILATION)
#error "Never include this file directly, include libeic.h instead."
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "EicCbor.h"
// The maximum size we support for public keys in reader certificates.
// Constant used to convey that no session is associated with a presentation.
typedef struct {
// A non-zero number unique for this EicPresentation instance
uint32_t id;
int featureLevel;
uint8_t storageKey[EIC_AES_128_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t credentialPrivateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t ephemeralPrivateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE];
// If non-zero (not EIC_PRESENTATION_ID_UNSET), the id of the EicSession object this
// presentation object is associated with.
uint32_t sessionId;
// The challenge generated with eicPresentationCreateAuthChallenge()
uint64_t authChallenge;
// Set by eicPresentationSetAuthToken() and contains the fields
// from the passed in authToken and verificationToken.
uint64_t authTokenChallenge;
uint64_t authTokenSecureUserId;
uint64_t authTokenTimestamp;
uint64_t verificationTokenTimestamp;
// The public key for the reader.
// (During the process of pushing reader certificates, this is also used to store
// the public key of the previously pushed certificate.)
size_t readerPublicKeySize;
// This is set to true only if eicPresentationValidateRequestMessage() successfully
// validated the requestMessage.
// Why even record this? Because there's no requirement the HAL actually calls that
// function and we validate ACPs before it's called... so it's possible that a
// compromised HAL could trick us into marking ACPs as authorized while they in fact
// aren't.
bool requestMessageValidated;
bool buildCbor;
// Set to true initialized as a test credential.
bool testCredential;
// Set to true if the evaluation of access control checks in
// eicPresentationStartRetrieveEntryValue() resulted EIC_ACCESS_CHECK_RESULT_OK
bool accessCheckOk;
// These are bitmasks indicating which of the possible 32 access control profiles are
// authorized. They are built up by eicPresentationValidateAccessControlProfile().
uint32_t accessControlProfileMaskValidated; // True if the profile was validated.
uint32_t accessControlProfileMaskUsesReaderAuth; // True if the ACP is using reader auth
uint32_t accessControlProfileMaskFailedReaderAuth; // True if failed reader auth
uint32_t accessControlProfileMaskFailedUserAuth; // True if failed user auth
// SHA-256 for AdditionalData, updated for each entry.
uint8_t additionalDataSha256[EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
// SHA-256 of ProofOfProvisioning. Set to NUL-bytes or initialized from CredentialKeys data
// if credential was created with feature version 202101 or later.
uint8_t proofOfProvisioningSha256[EIC_SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
size_t expectedCborSizeAtEnd;
EicCbor cbor;
} EicPresentation;
// If sessionId is zero (EIC_PRESENTATION_ID_UNSET), the presentation object is not associated
// with a session object. Otherwise it's the id of the session object.
bool eicPresentationInit(EicPresentation* ctx, uint32_t sessionId, bool testCredential,
const char* docType, size_t docTypeLength,
const uint8_t* encryptedCredentialKeys,
size_t encryptedCredentialKeysSize);
bool eicPresentationShutdown(EicPresentation* ctx);
bool eicPresentationGetId(EicPresentation* ctx, uint32_t* outId);
bool eicPresentationGenerateSigningKeyPair(EicPresentation* ctx, const char* docType,
size_t docTypeLength, time_t now,
uint8_t* publicKeyCert, size_t* publicKeyCertSize,
uint8_t signingKeyBlob[60]);
// Create an ephemeral key-pair.
// The private key is stored in |ctx->ephemeralPrivateKey| and also returned in
// |ephemeralPrivateKey|.
bool eicPresentationCreateEphemeralKeyPair(EicPresentation* ctx,
uint8_t ephemeralPrivateKey[EIC_P256_PRIV_KEY_SIZE]);
// Returns a non-zero challenge in |authChallenge|.
bool eicPresentationCreateAuthChallenge(EicPresentation* ctx, uint64_t* authChallenge);
// Starts retrieveing entries.
bool eicPresentationStartRetrieveEntries(EicPresentation* ctx);
// Sets the auth-token.
bool eicPresentationSetAuthToken(EicPresentation* ctx, uint64_t challenge, uint64_t secureUserId,
uint64_t authenticatorId, int hardwareAuthenticatorType,
uint64_t timeStamp, const uint8_t* mac, size_t macSize,
uint64_t verificationTokenChallenge,
uint64_t verificationTokenTimeStamp,
int verificationTokenSecurityLevel,
const uint8_t* verificationTokenMac,
size_t verificationTokenMacSize);
// Function to push certificates in the reader certificate chain.
// This should start with the root certificate (e.g. the last in the chain) and
// continue up the chain, ending with the certificate for the reader.
// Calls to this function should be interleaved with calls to the
// eicPresentationValidateAccessControlProfile() function, see below.
bool eicPresentationPushReaderCert(EicPresentation* ctx, const uint8_t* certX509,
size_t certX509Size);
// Checks an access control profile.
// Returns false if an error occurred while checking the profile (e.g. MAC doesn't check out).
// Returns in |accessGranted| whether access is granted.
// If |readerCertificate| is non-empty and the public key of one of those
// certificates appear in the chain presented by the reader, this function must
// be called after pushing that certificate using
// eicPresentationPushReaderCert().
// The scratchSpace should be set to a buffer at least 512 bytes. It's done
// this way to avoid allocating stack space.
bool eicPresentationValidateAccessControlProfile(EicPresentation* ctx, int id,
const uint8_t* readerCertificate,
size_t readerCertificateSize,
bool userAuthenticationRequired, int timeoutMillis,
uint64_t secureUserId, const uint8_t mac[28],
bool* accessGranted,
uint8_t* scratchSpace,
size_t scratchSpaceSize);
// Validates that the given requestMessage is signed by the public key in the
// certificate last set with eicPresentationPushReaderCert().
// The format of the signature is the same encoding as the 'signature' field of
// COSE_Sign1 - that is, it's the R and S integers both with the same length as
// the key-size.
// Must be called after eicPresentationPushReaderCert() have been used to push
// the final certificate. Which is the certificate of the reader itself.
bool eicPresentationValidateRequestMessage(EicPresentation* ctx, const uint8_t* sessionTranscript,
size_t sessionTranscriptSize,
const uint8_t* requestMessage, size_t requestMessageSize,
int coseSignAlg,
const uint8_t* readerSignatureOfToBeSigned,
size_t readerSignatureOfToBeSignedSize);
typedef enum {
// Returned if access is granted.
// Returned if an error occurred checking for access.
// Returned if access was denied because item is configured without any
// access control profiles.
// Returned if access was denied because of user authentication.
// Returned if access was denied because of reader authentication.
} EicAccessCheckResult;
// Passes enough information to calculate the MACing key
bool eicPresentationCalcMacKey(EicPresentation* ctx, const uint8_t* sessionTranscript,
size_t sessionTranscriptSize,
const uint8_t readerEphemeralPublicKey[EIC_P256_PUB_KEY_SIZE],
const uint8_t signingKeyBlob[60], const char* docType,
size_t docTypeLength, unsigned int numNamespacesWithValues,
size_t expectedDeviceNamespacesSize);
// The scratchSpace should be set to a buffer at least 512 bytes (ideally 1024
// bytes, the bigger the better). It's done this way to avoid allocating stack
// space.
EicAccessCheckResult eicPresentationStartRetrieveEntryValue(
EicPresentation* ctx, const char* nameSpace, size_t nameSpaceLength,
const char* name, size_t nameLength,
unsigned int newNamespaceNumEntries, int32_t entrySize,
const uint8_t* accessControlProfileIds, size_t numAccessControlProfileIds,
uint8_t* scratchSpace, size_t scratchSpaceSize);
// Note: |content| must be big enough to hold |encryptedContentSize| - 28 bytes.
// The scratchSpace should be set to a buffer at least 512 bytes. It's done this way to
// avoid allocating stack space.
bool eicPresentationRetrieveEntryValue(EicPresentation* ctx, const uint8_t* encryptedContent,
size_t encryptedContentSize, uint8_t* content,
const char* nameSpace, size_t nameSpaceLength,
const char* name, size_t nameLength,
const uint8_t* accessControlProfileIds,
size_t numAccessControlProfileIds,
uint8_t* scratchSpace,
size_t scratchSpaceSize);
// Returns the HMAC-SHA256 of |ToBeMaced| as per RFC 8051 "6.3. How to Compute
// and Verify a MAC".
bool eicPresentationFinishRetrieval(EicPresentation* ctx, uint8_t* digestToBeMaced,
size_t* digestToBeMacedSize);
// The data returned in |signatureOfToBeSigned| contains the ECDSA signature of
// the ToBeSigned CBOR from RFC 8051 "4.4. Signing and Verification Process"
// where content is set to the ProofOfDeletion CBOR.
bool eicPresentationDeleteCredential(EicPresentation* ctx, const char* docType, size_t docTypeLength,
const uint8_t* challenge, size_t challengeSize,
bool includeChallenge, size_t proofOfDeletionCborSize,
uint8_t signatureOfToBeSigned[EIC_ECDSA_P256_SIGNATURE_SIZE]);
// The data returned in |signatureOfToBeSigned| contains the ECDSA signature of
// the ToBeSigned CBOR from RFC 8051 "4.4. Signing and Verification Process"
// where content is set to the ProofOfOwnership CBOR.
bool eicPresentationProveOwnership(EicPresentation* ctx, const char* docType, size_t docTypeLength,
bool testCredential, const uint8_t* challenge, size_t challengeSize,
size_t proofOfOwnershipCborSize,
uint8_t signatureOfToBeSigned[EIC_ECDSA_P256_SIGNATURE_SIZE]);
#ifdef __cplusplus