423 lines
17 KiB
423 lines
17 KiB
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, re
import os
import xmlrpclib
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.server.cros.faft.firmware_test import FirmwareTest
class firmware_CsmeFwUpdate(FirmwareTest):
This tests csme rw firmware update feature by changing the me_rw
image in firmware main regions with a different version
Accepted --args names:
old_bios = specify this argument to use a different bios
than shellball default for downgrade
version = 1
ORIGINAL_BIOS = "/usr/local/tmp/bios_original.bin"
DOWNGRADE_BIOS = "/usr/local/tmp/bios_downgrade.bin"
# Region to use for flashrom wp-region commands
MODE = 'recovery'
def initialize(self, host, cmdline_args, dev_mode = False):
# Parse arguments from command line
dict_args = utils.args_to_dict(cmdline_args)
super(firmware_CsmeFwUpdate, self).initialize(host, cmdline_args)
self.bios_input = None
self.restore_required = False
self.downgrade_bios = None
self.spi_bios = None
self._orig_sw_wp = None
self._original_hw_wp = None
arg_name = "old_bios"
arg_value = dict_args.get(arg_name)
if arg_value:
logging.info('%s=%s', arg_name, arg_value)
image_path = os.path.expanduser(arg_value)
if not os.path.isfile(image_path):
raise error.TestError(
"Specified file does not exist: %s=%s"
% (arg_name, image_path))
self.bios_input = image_path
logging.info("No bios specified. Using default " \
"shellball bios for downgrade")
self.switcher.setup_mode('dev' if dev_mode else 'normal')
# Save write protect configuration and enable it
logging.info("Enabling Write protection")
self._orig_sw_wp = self.faft_client.bios.get_write_protect_status()
self._original_hw_wp = 'on' in self.servo.get('fw_wp_state')
self.faft_client.bios.set_write_protect_region(self.WP_REGION, True)
# Make sure that the shellball is retained over subsequent power cycles
def cleanup(self):
Flash the backed up firmware at the end of test
if self.is_firmware_saved() and self.restore_required:
logging.info("Restoring Original Image")
except (EnvironmentError, xmlrpclib.Fault,
error.AutoservError, error.TestBaseException):
logging.error("Problem restoring firmware:", exc_info=True)
# Restore the old write-protection value at the end of the test.
logging.info("Restoring write protection configuration")
if self._orig_sw_wp:
except (EnvironmentError, xmlrpclib.Fault,
error.AutoservError, error.TestBaseException):
logging.error("Problem restoring software write-protect:",
exc_info = True)
if self._original_hw_wp is not None:
self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot(reboot_type = 'cold')
super(firmware_CsmeFwUpdate, self).cleanup()
def read_current_bios_and_save(self):
Dumps current bios from spi to two file.(working copy and backup)
@returns the working copy file path
# Dump the current spi bios to file
self.spi_bios = self.ORIGINAL_BIOS
logging.info("Copying current bios image to %s for upgrade " \
"test" % self.spi_bios)
# Get the downgrade bios image from user or from shellball
self.downgrade_bios = self.DOWNGRADE_BIOS
if self.bios_input:
logging.info("Copying user given bios image to %s for downgrade " \
"test" % self.downgrade_bios)
self._client.send_file(self.bios_input, self.downgrade_bios)
logging.info("Copying bios image from update shellball to %s " \
"for downgrade test" % self.downgrade_bios)
cbfs_work_dir = self.faft_client.updater.cbfs_setup_work_dir()
shellball_bios = os.path.join(cbfs_work_dir,
command = "cp %s %s" % (shellball_bios, self.downgrade_bios)
def check_fmap_format(self, image_path):
Checks FMAP format used by the Image for CSME update
@param image_path: path of the image
@returns the fmap format string
# Check if ME_RW_A is present in the image
logging.info("Checking if seperate CBFS is used for CSE RW in " \
"image : %s" % image_path)
command = "futility dump_fmap -F %s | grep ME_RW_A" % image_path
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
if output:
logging.info("Image uses seperate CBFS for CSE RW")
return "DEFAULT"
def check_if_me_blob_exist_in_image(self, image_path):
Checks if me_blob exists in FW MAIN section of an image
@param image_path: path of the image
@returns True if present else False
# Check if me_rw.metadata present FW_MAIN region
logging.info("Checking if me_rw.metadata file " \
"present in image : %s" % image_path )
command = "cbfstool %s print -r FW_MAIN_A " \
"| grep me_rw.metadata" % image_path
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
if output:
available = True
logging.info("me_rw.metadata present in image")
available = False
logging.info("me_rw.metadata not present in image")
return available
def extract_me_rw_version_from_bin(self, me_blob, version_offset = 0):
Extract me_rw version from given me_rw blob. Version is first 8
bytes in the blob
@param me_blob: me_rw blob (old fmap) or me_rw_metadata blob
@param version_offset: version filed offset in the blob
@returns the CSME RW version string
ver_res = ""
logging.info("Extracting version field from ME blob")
command = ("hexdump -n 8 -s %s %s | cut -c 9- |sed 's/ //g' |" \
"sed 's/.\{4\}/&./g;s/ $//' | head -c19" % ( \
str(int(version_offset)), me_blob))
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
for each_word in output[0].split("."):
version = (int(each_word, 16))
ver_res = "".join((ver_res, "".join((str(version),"."))))
ver_res = ver_res[:-1]
logging.info("Version : %s" % ver_res)
return ver_res
def get_image_fwmain_me_rw_version(self,
region = "FW_MAIN_A"):
Extract CSME RW version of the me_rw blob of the given
region in the given bios
@param bios: Bios path
@param region: region which contains me_rw blob
@returns the CSME RW version string
# Extract me_rw.metadata and check version.
cbfs_name = "me_rw.metadata"
temp_dir = self.faft_client.system.create_temp_dir()
me_blob = os.path.join(temp_dir, cbfs_name)
cmd_status = self.faft_client.updater.cbfs_extract(cbfs_name,
'',(region, ),
if cmd_status is None:
raise error.TestError("Failed to extract ME blob from " \
"the given bios : %s" % bios)
version = self.extract_me_rw_version_from_bin(me_blob)
return version
def get_current_me_rw_version(self):
Reads the current active CSME RW Version from coreboot logs
@returns the CSME RW version string
logging.info("Extracting cselite version info from coreboot logs")
command = "cbmem -1 | grep 'cse_lite:'"
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
# Offset of rw portion in ME region
me_cse_rw_info = re.search(r"(cse_lite: RW version = )" \
if me_cse_rw_info:
me_version = me_cse_rw_info.group(2)
raise error.TestError("cse_lite RW info not"
" found in coreboot logs!")
return me_version
def verify_me_version(self, expected_version, expected_slot):
Reads the current active CSME RW Version from coreboot logs
and compares with expected version
@param expected_version: Expected CSME RW Version string
@returns True is matching else False
me_version = self.get_current_me_rw_version()
command = "crossystem mainfw_act"
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
main_fw_act = output[0]
logging.info("Expected mainfw_act : %s\n" \
"Current mainfw_act : %s\n" \
"Expected ME RW Version : %s\n" \
"Current ME RW Version : %s\n" % (
expected_slot, main_fw_act,
expected_version, me_version))
if (expected_version not in me_version) or \
(expected_slot not in main_fw_act):
return False
return True
def prepare_shellball(self, bios_image, append = None):
"""Prepare a shellball with the given bios image.
@param bios_image: bios image with shellball to be created
@param append: string to be updated with shellball name
logging.info("Preparing shellball with %s" % bios_image)
# Copy the given bois to shellball
extract_dir = self.faft_client.updater.get_work_path()
bios_rel = self.faft_client.updater.get_bios_relative_path()
bios_shell = os.path.join(extract_dir, bios_rel)
command = "cp %s %s" % (bios_image, bios_shell)
output = self.faft_client.system.run_shell_command_get_output(
command, True)
if output:
raise error.TestError("File not found!: %s" % bios_image)
# Reload and repack the shellball
def run_shellball(self, append):
"""Run chromeos-firmwareupdate
@param append: additional piece to add to shellball name
# make sure we restore firmware after the test, if it tried to flash.
self.restore_required = True
# Update only host firmware
options = ['--host_only', '--wp=1']
logging.info("Updating RW firmware using " \
logging.info("Update command : chromeos_firmwareupdate-%s --mode=%s "
" %s" % (append,self.MODE,' '.join(options)))
result = self.run_chromeos_firmwareupdate(
self.MODE, append, options, ignore_status = True)
if result.exit_status == 255:
raise error.TestError("DUT network dropped during update.")
elif result.exit_status != 0:
if ('Good. It seems nothing was changed.' in result.stdout):
logging.info("DUT already matched the image; updater aborted.")
raise error.TestError("Firmware updater unexpectedly" \
"failed (rc=%s)" % result.exit_status)
def run_once(self):
if not self.faft_config.intel_cse_lite:
raise error.TestNAError("CSELite feature not supported " \
"on this device. Test Skipped")
# Read current bios from SPI and create a backup copy
# Check fmap scheme of the bios read from SPI
spi_bios_fmap_ver = self.check_fmap_format(self.spi_bios)
if not self.check_if_me_blob_exist_in_image(self.spi_bios):
raise error.TestError("Test setup issue : me_rw blob is not " \
"present in the current bios.!")
# Check fmap scheme of the default bios in shellball
downgrade_bios_fmap = self.check_fmap_format(self.downgrade_bios)
# Check if me_rw blob is present in FW_MAIN
if not self.check_if_me_blob_exist_in_image(self.downgrade_bios):
raise error.TestError("Test setup issue : me_rw blob is not " \
"present in downgrade bios.")
# Check if both of the bios versions use same fmap structure for me_rw
if downgrade_bios_fmap not in spi_bios_fmap_ver:
raise error.TestError("Test setup issue : FMAP format is " \
"different in current and downgrade bios.")
# Get the version of me_rw in the downgrade bios
downgrade_me_version = self.get_image_fwmain_me_rw_version( \
# Get the version of me_rw in the spi bios
spi_me_version = self.get_image_fwmain_me_rw_version(self.spi_bios)
# Get active CSME RW version from cbmem -1
active_csme_rw_version = self.get_current_me_rw_version()
logging.info("Active CSME RW Version : %s\n" \
"FW main CSME RW Version SPI Image : %s\n" \
"FW main CSME RW Version downgrade Image: %s\n" % (
active_csme_rw_version, spi_me_version,
downgrade_me_version ))
# Abort if downgrade me_rw version is same as spi me_rw version
if (spi_me_version in downgrade_me_version):
raise error.TestError("Test setup issue : CSME RW version is " \
"same in both of the images.")
for slot in ["A", "B"]:
operation = "downgrade"
# Create a shellball with downgrade bios
self.prepare_shellball(self.downgrade_bios, operation)
logging.info("Downgrading RW section. Downgrade ME " \
"Version: %s" % downgrade_me_version)
# Run firmware updater downgrade the bios RW
# Set fw_try_next to slot and reboot to trigger csme update
logging.info("Setting fw_try_next to %s: " % slot)
self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot(reboot_type = 'cold')
# Check if the Active CSME RW version changed to downgrade version
if not self.verify_me_version(downgrade_me_version, slot):
raise error.TestError("CSME RW Downgrade using "
"FW_MAIN_%s is Failed!" % slot)
logging.info("CSME RW Downgrade using FW_MAIN_%s is "
"successful" % slot)
operation = "upgrade"
# Create a shellball with the original spi bios
self.prepare_shellball(self.spi_bios, operation)
logging.info("Upgrading RW Section. Upgrade ME " \
"Version: %s" % spi_me_version)
# Run firmware updater and update RW section with shellball
# Set fw_try_next to slot and reboot to trigger csme update
logging.info("Setting fw_try_next to %s: " % slot)
self.switcher.mode_aware_reboot(reboot_type = 'cold')
# Check if the Active CSME RW version changed to original version
if not self.verify_me_version(spi_me_version, slot):
raise error.TestError("CSME RW Upgrade using "
"FW_MAIN_%s is Failed!" % slot)
logging.info("CSME RW Upgrade using FW_MAIN_%s is "
"successful" % slot)