
1.3 KiB Cloud scripts

See go/perfetto-ui-autopush for docs on how this works end-to-end.

/appengine : GAE <> GCS proxy

The Google AppEngine instance that responds to It simply passes through the requests to the bucket gs:// . This should NOT be re-deployed when uploading a new version of the ui, as the actual UI artifacts live in GCS.

We are using AppEngine for historical reasons, at some point this should be migrated to a Type 7 Google Cloud Load Balancer, which supports direct backing by a GCS bucket. The only blocker for that is figuring out a seamless migration strategy for the SSL certificate.

/builder : Docker container for Google Cloud Build

Contains the Dockerfile to generate the container image which is used by Google Cloud Build when auto-triggering new ui builds. Cloud Build invokes the equivalent of:

docker run \

NOTE: the script is not bundled in the docker container and is taken from the HEAD if the checked out repo.

To update the container:

cd infra/
docker build -t .
docker push .