
180 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include "android-base/unique_fd.h"
#include "adbconnection/client.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "runtime_callbacks.h"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <jni.h>
namespace adbconnection {
static constexpr char kJdwpControlName[] = "\0jdwp-control";
static constexpr char kAdbConnectionThreadName[] = "ADB-JDWP Connection Control Thread";
// The default jdwp agent name.
static constexpr char kDefaultJdwpAgentName[] = "";
class AdbConnectionState;
struct AdbConnectionDebuggerController : public art::DebuggerControlCallback {
explicit AdbConnectionDebuggerController(AdbConnectionState* connection)
: connection_(connection) {}
// Begin running the debugger.
void StartDebugger() override;
// The debugger should begin shutting down since the runtime is ending.
void StopDebugger() override;
bool IsDebuggerConfigured() override;
AdbConnectionState* connection_;
enum class DdmPacketType : uint8_t { kReply = 0x80, kCmd = 0x00, };
struct AdbConnectionDdmCallback : public art::DdmCallback {
explicit AdbConnectionDdmCallback(AdbConnectionState* connection) : connection_(connection) {}
void DdmPublishChunk(uint32_t type,
const art::ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data)
AdbConnectionState* connection_;
class AdbConnectionState {
explicit AdbConnectionState(const std::string& name);
// Called on the listening thread to start dealing with new input. thr is used to attach the new
// thread to the runtime.
void RunPollLoop(art::Thread* self);
// Sends ddms data over the socket, if there is one. This data is sent even if we haven't finished
// hand-shaking yet.
void PublishDdmData(uint32_t type, const art::ArrayRef<const uint8_t>& data);
// Stops debugger threads during shutdown.
void StopDebuggerThreads();
// If StartDebuggerThreads was called successfully.
bool DebuggerThreadsStarted() {
return started_debugger_threads_;
uint32_t NextDdmId();
void StartDebuggerThreads();
// Tell adbd about the new runtime.
bool SetupAdbConnection();
std::string MakeAgentArg();
android::base::unique_fd ReadFdFromAdb();
void SendAgentFds(bool require_handshake);
void CloseFds();
void HandleDataWithoutAgent(art::Thread* self);
void PerformHandshake();
void AttachJdwpAgent(art::Thread* self);
void NotifyDdms(bool active);
void SendDdmPacket(uint32_t id,
DdmPacketType type,
uint32_t ddm_type,
art::ArrayRef<const uint8_t> data);
std::string agent_name_;
AdbConnectionDebuggerController controller_;
AdbConnectionDdmCallback ddm_callback_;
// Eventfd used to allow the StopDebuggerThreads function to wake up sleeping threads
android::base::unique_fd sleep_event_fd_;
// Context which wraps the socket which we use to talk to adbd.
std::unique_ptr<AdbConnectionClientContext, void(*)(AdbConnectionClientContext*)> control_ctx_;
// Socket that we use to talk to the agent (if it's loaded).
android::base::unique_fd local_agent_control_sock_;
// The fd of the socket the agent uses to talk to us. We need to keep it around in order to clean
// it up when the runtime goes away.
android::base::unique_fd remote_agent_control_sock_;
// The fd that is forwarded through adb to the client. This is guarded by the
// adb_write_event_fd_.
android::base::unique_fd adb_connection_socket_;
// The fd we send to the agent to let us synchronize access to the shared adb_connection_socket_.
// This is also used as a general lock for the adb_connection_socket_ on any threads other than
// the poll thread.
android::base::unique_fd adb_write_event_fd_;
std::atomic<bool> shutting_down_;
// True if we have loaded the agent library.
std::atomic<bool> agent_loaded_;
// True if the dt_fd_forward transport is listening for a new communication channel.
std::atomic<bool> agent_listening_;
// True if the dt_fd_forward transport has the socket. If so we don't do anything to the agent or
// the adb connection socket until connection goes away.
std::atomic<bool> agent_has_socket_;
std::atomic<bool> sent_agent_fds_;
std::atomic<bool> performed_handshake_;
bool notified_ddm_active_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> next_ddm_id_;
bool started_debugger_threads_;
friend struct AdbConnectionDebuggerController;
} // namespace adbconnection