
499 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dexoptanalyzer.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "base/compiler_filter.h"
#include "base/file_utils.h"
#include "base/logging.h" // For InitLogging.
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/os.h"
#include "base/string_view_cpp20.h"
#include "base/utils.h"
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "class_loader_context.h"
#include "dex/dex_file.h"
#include "gc/heap.h"
#include "gc/space/image_space.h"
#include "noop_compiler_callbacks.h"
#include "oat.h"
#include "oat_file_assistant.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "thread-inl.h"
#include "vdex_file.h"
namespace art {
namespace dexoptanalyzer {
static int original_argc;
static char** original_argv;
static std::string CommandLine() {
std::vector<std::string> command;
for (int i = 0; i < original_argc; ++i) {
return android::base::Join(command, ' ');
static void UsageErrorV(const char* fmt, va_list ap) {
std::string error;
android::base::StringAppendV(&error, fmt, ap);
LOG(ERROR) << error;
static void UsageError(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
UsageErrorV(fmt, ap);
NO_RETURN static void Usage(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
UsageErrorV(fmt, ap);
UsageError("Command: %s", CommandLine().c_str());
UsageError(" Performs a dexopt analysis on the given dex file and returns whether or not");
UsageError(" the dex file needs to be dexopted.");
UsageError("Usage: dexoptanalyzer [options]...");
UsageError(" --dex-file=<filename>: the dex file which should be analyzed.");
UsageError(" --isa=<string>: the instruction set for which the analysis should be performed.");
UsageError(" --compiler-filter=<string>: the target compiler filter to be used as reference");
UsageError(" when deciding if the dex file needs to be optimized.");
UsageError(" --profile_analysis_result=<int>: the result of the profile analysis, used in");
UsageError(" deciding if the dex file needs to be optimized.");
UsageError(" --image=<filename>: optional, the image to be used to decide if the associated");
UsageError(" oat file is up to date. Defaults to $ANDROID_ROOT/framework/");
UsageError(" Example: --image=/system/framework/");
UsageError(" --runtime-arg <argument>: used to specify various arguments for the runtime,");
UsageError(" such as initial heap size, maximum heap size, and verbose output.");
UsageError(" Use a separate --runtime-arg switch for each argument.");
UsageError(" Example: --runtime-arg -Xms256m");
UsageError(" --android-data=<directory>: optional, the directory which should be used as");
UsageError(" android-data. By default ANDROID_DATA env variable is used.");
UsageError(" --oat-fd=number: file descriptor of the oat file which should be analyzed");
UsageError(" --vdex-fd=number: file descriptor of the vdex file corresponding to the oat file");
UsageError(" --zip-fd=number: specifies a file descriptor corresponding to the dex file.");
UsageError(" --downgrade: optional, if the purpose of dexopt is to downgrade the dex file");
UsageError(" By default, dexopt considers upgrade case.");
UsageError(" --class-loader-context=<string spec>: a string specifying the intended");
UsageError(" runtime loading context for the compiled dex files.");
UsageError(" --class-loader-context-fds=<fds>: a colon-separated list of file descriptors");
UsageError(" for dex files in --class-loader-context. Their order must be the same as");
UsageError(" dex files in flattened class loader context.");
UsageError(" --flatten-class-loader-context: parse --class-loader-context, flatten it and");
UsageError(" print a colon-separated list of its dex files to standard output. Dexopt");
UsageError(" needed analysis is not performed when this option is set.");
UsageError(" --validate-bcp: validates the boot class path files (.art, .oat, .vdex).");
UsageError(" Requires --isa and --image options to locate artifacts.");
UsageError("Return code:");
UsageError(" To make it easier to integrate with the internal tools this command will make");
UsageError(" available its result (dexoptNeeded) as the exit/return code. i.e. it will not");
UsageError(" return 0 for success and a non zero values for errors as the conventional");
UsageError(" commands. The following return codes are possible:");
UsageError(" kNoDexOptNeeded = 0");
UsageError(" kDex2OatFromScratch = 1");
UsageError(" kDex2OatForBootImageOat = 2");
UsageError(" kDex2OatForFilterOat = 3");
UsageError(" kDex2OatForBootImageOdex = 4");
UsageError(" kDex2OatForFilterOdex = 5");
UsageError(" kErrorInvalidArguments = 101");
UsageError(" kErrorCannotCreateRuntime = 102");
UsageError(" kErrorUnknownDexOptNeeded = 103");
class DexoptAnalyzer final {
DexoptAnalyzer() :
downgrade_(false) {}
void ParseArgs(int argc, char **argv) {
original_argc = argc;
original_argv = argv;
InitLogging(argv, Runtime::Abort);
// Skip over the command name.
if (argc == 0) {
Usage("No arguments specified");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
const char* raw_option = argv[i];
const std::string_view option(raw_option);
if (StartsWith(option, "--profile-analysis-result=")) {
int parse_result = std::stoi(std::string(
option.substr(strlen("--profile-analysis-result="))), nullptr, 0);
if (parse_result != static_cast<int>(ProfileAnalysisResult::kOptimize) &&
parse_result != static_cast<int>(ProfileAnalysisResult::kDontOptimizeSmallDelta) &&
parse_result != static_cast<int>(ProfileAnalysisResult::kDontOptimizeEmptyProfiles)) {
Usage("Invalid --profile-analysis-result= %d", parse_result);
profile_analysis_result_ = static_cast<ProfileAnalysisResult>(parse_result);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--dex-file=")) {
dex_file_ = std::string(option.substr(strlen("--dex-file=")));
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--compiler-filter=")) {
const char* filter_str = raw_option + strlen("--compiler-filter=");
if (!CompilerFilter::ParseCompilerFilter(filter_str, &compiler_filter_)) {
Usage("Invalid compiler filter '%s'", raw_option);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--isa=")) {
const char* isa_str = raw_option + strlen("--isa=");
isa_ = GetInstructionSetFromString(isa_str);
if (isa_ == InstructionSet::kNone) {
Usage("Invalid isa '%s'", raw_option);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--image=")) {
image_ = std::string(option.substr(strlen("--image=")));
} else if (option == "--runtime-arg") {
if (i + 1 == argc) {
Usage("Missing argument for --runtime-arg\n");
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--android-data=")) {
// Overwrite android-data if needed (oat file assistant relies on a valid directory to
// compute dalvik-cache folder). This is mostly used in tests.
const char* new_android_data = raw_option + strlen("--android-data=");
setenv("ANDROID_DATA", new_android_data, 1);
} else if (option == "--downgrade") {
downgrade_ = true;
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--oat-fd=")) {
oat_fd_ = std::stoi(std::string(option.substr(strlen("--oat-fd="))), nullptr, 0);
if (oat_fd_ < 0) {
Usage("Invalid --oat-fd %d", oat_fd_);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--vdex-fd=")) {
vdex_fd_ = std::stoi(std::string(option.substr(strlen("--vdex-fd="))), nullptr, 0);
if (vdex_fd_ < 0) {
Usage("Invalid --vdex-fd %d", vdex_fd_);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--zip-fd=")) {
zip_fd_ = std::stoi(std::string(option.substr(strlen("--zip-fd="))), nullptr, 0);
if (zip_fd_ < 0) {
Usage("Invalid --zip-fd %d", zip_fd_);
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--class-loader-context=")) {
context_str_ = std::string(option.substr(strlen("--class-loader-context=")));
} else if (StartsWith(option, "--class-loader-context-fds=")) {
std::string str_context_fds_arg =
std::vector<std::string> str_fds = android::base::Split(str_context_fds_arg, ":");
for (const std::string& str_fd : str_fds) {
context_fds_.push_back(std::stoi(str_fd, nullptr, 0));
if (context_fds_.back() < 0) {
Usage("Invalid --class-loader-context-fds %s", str_context_fds_arg.c_str());
} else if (option == "--flatten-class-loader-context") {
only_flatten_context_ = true;
} else if (option == "--validate-bcp") {
only_validate_bcp_ = true;
} else {
Usage("Unknown argument '%s'", raw_option);
if (image_.empty()) {
// If we don't receive the image, try to use the default one.
// Tests may specify a different image (e.g. core image).
std::string error_msg;
image_ = GetDefaultBootImageLocation(&error_msg);
if (image_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << error_msg;
Usage("--image unspecified and ANDROID_ROOT not set or image file does not exist.");
bool CreateRuntime() const {
RuntimeOptions options;
// The image could be custom, so make sure we explicitly pass it.
std::string img = "-Ximage:" + image_;
options.push_back(std::make_pair(img, nullptr));
// The instruction set of the image should match the instruction set we will test.
const void* isa_opt = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(GetInstructionSetString(isa_));
options.push_back(std::make_pair("imageinstructionset", isa_opt));
// Explicit runtime args.
for (const char* runtime_arg : runtime_args_) {
options.push_back(std::make_pair(runtime_arg, nullptr));
// Disable libsigchain. We don't don't need it to evaluate DexOptNeeded status.
options.push_back(std::make_pair("-Xno-sig-chain", nullptr));
// Pretend we are a compiler so that we can re-use the same infrastructure to load a different
// ISA image and minimize the amount of things that get started.
NoopCompilerCallbacks callbacks;
options.push_back(std::make_pair("compilercallbacks", &callbacks));
// Make sure we don't attempt to relocate. The tool should only retrieve the DexOptNeeded
// status and not attempt to relocate the boot image.
options.push_back(std::make_pair("-Xnorelocate", nullptr));
if (!Runtime::Create(options, false)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to initialize runtime";
return false;
// Runtime::Create acquired the mutator_lock_ that is normally given away when we
// Runtime::Start. Give it away now.
return true;
ReturnCode GetDexOptNeeded() const {
if (!CreateRuntime()) {
return ReturnCode::kErrorCannotCreateRuntime;
std::unique_ptr<Runtime> runtime(Runtime::Current());
// Only when the runtime is created can we create the class loader context: the
// class loader context will open dex file and use the MemMap global lock that the
// runtime owns.
std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> class_loader_context;
if (!context_str_.empty()) {
class_loader_context = ClassLoaderContext::Create(context_str_);
if (class_loader_context == nullptr) {
Usage("Invalid --class-loader-context '%s'", context_str_.c_str());
if (class_loader_context != nullptr) {
size_t dir_index = dex_file_.rfind('/');
std::string classpath_dir = (dir_index != std::string::npos)
? dex_file_.substr(0, dir_index)
: "";
if (!class_loader_context->OpenDexFiles(classpath_dir,
/*only_read_checksums=*/ true)) {
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
std::unique_ptr<OatFileAssistant> oat_file_assistant;
oat_file_assistant = std::make_unique<OatFileAssistant>(dex_file_.c_str(),
/*load_executable=*/ false,
/*only_load_trusted_executable=*/ false,
// Always treat elements of the bootclasspath as up-to-date.
// TODO(calin): this check should be in OatFileAssistant.
if (oat_file_assistant->IsInBootClassPath()) {
return ReturnCode::kNoDexOptNeeded;
// If the compiler filter depends on profiles but the profiles are empty,
// change the test filter to kVerify. It's what dex2oat also does.
CompilerFilter::Filter actual_compiler_filter = compiler_filter_;
if (CompilerFilter::DependsOnProfile(compiler_filter_) &&
profile_analysis_result_ == ProfileAnalysisResult::kDontOptimizeEmptyProfiles) {
actual_compiler_filter = CompilerFilter::kVerify;
// TODO: GetDexOptNeeded should get the raw analysis result instead of assume_profile_changed.
bool assume_profile_changed = profile_analysis_result_ == ProfileAnalysisResult::kOptimize;
int dexoptNeeded = oat_file_assistant->GetDexOptNeeded(actual_compiler_filter,
// Convert OatFileAssistant codes to dexoptanalyzer codes.
switch (dexoptNeeded) {
case OatFileAssistant::kNoDexOptNeeded: return ReturnCode::kNoDexOptNeeded;
case OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatFromScratch: return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
case OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatForBootImage: return ReturnCode::kDex2OatForBootImageOat;
case OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatForFilter: return ReturnCode::kDex2OatForFilterOat;
case -OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatForBootImage: return ReturnCode::kDex2OatForBootImageOdex;
case -OatFileAssistant::kDex2OatForFilter: return ReturnCode::kDex2OatForFilterOdex;
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown dexoptNeeded " << dexoptNeeded;
return ReturnCode::kErrorUnknownDexOptNeeded;
// Validates the boot classpath and boot classpath extensions by checking the image checksums,
// the oat files and the vdex files.
// Returns `ReturnCode::kNoDexOptNeeded` when all the files are up-to-date,
// `ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch` if any of the files are missing or out-of-date, and
// `ReturnCode::kErrorCannotCreateRuntime` if the files could not be tested due to problem
// creating a runtime.
ReturnCode ValidateBcp() const {
using ImageSpace = gc::space::ImageSpace;
if (!CreateRuntime()) {
return ReturnCode::kErrorCannotCreateRuntime;
std::unique_ptr<Runtime> runtime(Runtime::Current());
auto dex_files = ArrayRef<const DexFile* const>(runtime->GetClassLinker()->GetBootClassPath());
auto boot_image_spaces = ArrayRef<ImageSpace* const>(runtime->GetHeap()->GetBootImageSpaces());
const std::string checksums = ImageSpace::GetBootClassPathChecksums(boot_image_spaces,
std::string error_msg;
const std::vector<std::string>& bcp = runtime->GetBootClassPath();
const std::vector<std::string>& bcp_locations = runtime->GetBootClassPathLocations();
const std::vector<int>& bcp_fds = runtime->GetBootClassPathFds();
const std::vector<std::string>& image_locations = runtime->GetImageLocations();
const std::string bcp_locations_path = android::base::Join(bcp_locations, ':');
if (!ImageSpace::VerifyBootClassPathChecksums(checksums,
ArrayRef<const std::string>(image_locations),
ArrayRef<const std::string>(bcp_locations),
ArrayRef<const std::string>(bcp),
ArrayRef<const int>(bcp_fds),
&error_msg)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to verify boot class path checksums: " << error_msg;
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
const auto& image_spaces = runtime->GetHeap()->GetBootImageSpaces();
size_t bcp_component_count = 0;
for (const auto& image_space : image_spaces) {
if (!image_space->GetImageHeader().IsValid()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Image header is not valid: " << image_space->GetImageFilename();
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
const OatFile* oat_file = image_space->GetOatFile();
if (oat_file == nullptr) {
const std::string oat_path = ReplaceFileExtension(image_space->GetImageFilename(), "oat");
LOG(INFO) << "Oat file missing: " << oat_path;
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
if (!oat_file->GetOatHeader().IsValid() ||
!ImageSpace::ValidateOatFile(*oat_file, &error_msg)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Oat file is not valid: " << oat_file->GetLocation() << " " << error_msg;
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
const VdexFile* vdex_file = oat_file->GetVdexFile();
if (vdex_file == nullptr || !vdex_file->IsValid()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Vdex file is not valid : " << oat_file->GetLocation();
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
bcp_component_count += image_space->GetComponentCount();
// If the number of components encountered in the image spaces does not match the number
// of components expected from the boot classpath locations then something is missing.
if (bcp_component_count != bcp_locations.size()) {
for (size_t i = bcp_component_count; i < bcp_locations.size(); ++i) {
LOG(INFO) << "Missing image file for " << bcp_locations[i];
return ReturnCode::kDex2OatFromScratch;
return ReturnCode::kNoDexOptNeeded;
ReturnCode FlattenClassLoaderContext() const {
if (context_str_.empty()) {
return ReturnCode::kErrorInvalidArguments;
std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> context = ClassLoaderContext::Create(context_str_);
if (context == nullptr) {
Usage("Invalid --class-loader-context '%s'", context_str_.c_str());
std::cout << context->FlattenDexPaths() << std::flush;
return ReturnCode::kFlattenClassLoaderContextSuccess;
ReturnCode Run() const {
if (only_flatten_context_) {
return FlattenClassLoaderContext();
} else if (only_validate_bcp_) {
return ValidateBcp();
} else {
return GetDexOptNeeded();
std::string dex_file_;
InstructionSet isa_;
CompilerFilter::Filter compiler_filter_;
std::string context_str_;
bool only_flatten_context_;
bool only_validate_bcp_;
ProfileAnalysisResult profile_analysis_result_;
bool downgrade_;
std::string image_;
std::vector<const char*> runtime_args_;
int oat_fd_ = -1;
int vdex_fd_ = -1;
// File descriptor corresponding to apk, dex_file, or zip.
int zip_fd_ = -1;
std::vector<int> context_fds_;
static ReturnCode dexoptAnalyze(int argc, char** argv) {
DexoptAnalyzer analyzer;
// Parse arguments. Argument mistakes will lead to exit(kErrorInvalidArguments) in UsageError.
analyzer.ParseArgs(argc, argv);
return analyzer.Run();
} // namespace dexoptanalyzer
} // namespace art
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
art::dexoptanalyzer::ReturnCode return_code = art::dexoptanalyzer::dexoptAnalyze(argc, argv);
return static_cast<int>(return_code);