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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "bit_utils.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include <type_traits>
// Implementation details for bit_struct.h
// Not intended to be used stand-alone.
namespace art {
template <typename T>
static constexpr size_t BitStructSizeOf();
namespace detail {
// Select the smallest uintX_t that will fit kBitSize bits.
template <size_t kBitSize>
struct MinimumTypeUnsignedHelper {
using type =
std::conditional_t<kBitSize == 0, void, // NOLINT [whitespace/operators] [3]
std::conditional_t<kBitSize <= 8, uint8_t, // NOLINT [whitespace/operators] [3]
std::conditional_t<kBitSize <= 16, uint16_t, // NOLINT [whitespace/operators] [3]
std::conditional_t<kBitSize <= 32, uint32_t,
std::conditional_t<kBitSize <= 64, uint64_t,
std::conditional_t<kBitSize <= BitSizeOf<uintmax_t>(), uintmax_t, void>>>>>>;
// Select the smallest [u]intX_t that will fit kBitSize bits.
// Automatically picks intX_t or uintX_t based on the sign-ness of T.
template <typename T, size_t kBitSize>
struct MinimumTypeHelper {
using type_unsigned = typename MinimumTypeUnsignedHelper<kBitSize>::type;
using type =
std::conditional_t</* if */ std::is_signed_v<T>,
/* then */ std::make_signed_t<type_unsigned>,
/* else */ type_unsigned>;
// Helper for converting to and from T to an integral type.
template <typename T>
union ValueConverter {
using StorageType = typename MinimumTypeHelper<T, sizeof(T) * kBitsPerByte>::type;
static constexpr StorageType ToUnderlyingStorage(T value) {
ValueConverter converter;
converter.value_.val_ = value;
return converter.storage_.val_;
static constexpr T FromUnderlyingStorage(StorageType storage) {
ValueConverter converter;
converter.storage_.val_ = storage;
return converter.value_.val_;
// Underlying values must be wrapped in separate standard-layout structs.
// See below for more details.
struct StorageWrapper {
StorageType val_;
struct ValueWrapper {
T val_;
// Safely alias storage_ and value_ together.
// See C++ 9.5.1 [class.union]:
// If a standard-layout union contains several standard-layout structs that share a common
// initial sequence ... it is permitted to inspect the common initial sequence of any of
// standard-layout struct members.
StorageWrapper storage_;
ValueWrapper value_;
#if __cplusplus >= 202000L
#error "When upgrading to C++20, remove this error and check that this is OK for all use cases."
static_assert(std::is_layout_compatible_v<StorageWrapper, ValueWrapper>);
// Future work: In theory almost non-standard layout can be supported here,
// assuming they don't rely on the address of (this).
// We just have to use memcpy since the union-aliasing would not work.
// Denotes the beginning of a bit struct.
// This marker is required by the C++ standard in order to
// have a "common initial sequence".
// See C++ 9.5.1 [class.union]:
// If a standard-layout union contains several standard-layout structs that share a common
// initial sequence ... it is permitted to inspect the common initial sequence of any of
// standard-layout struct members.
template <size_t kSize>
struct DefineBitStructSize {
typename MinimumTypeUnsignedHelper<kSize>::type _;
// Check if type "T" has a member called _ in it.
template <typename T>
struct HasUnderscoreField {
using TrueT = std::bool_constant<true>::type;
using FalseT = std::bool_constant<false>::type;
template <typename C>
static constexpr auto Test(void*) -> decltype(std::declval<C>()._, TrueT{});
template <typename>
static constexpr FalseT Test(...);
static constexpr bool value = decltype(Test<T>(nullptr))::value;
// Infer the type of the member of &T::M.
template <typename T, typename M>
M GetMemberType(M T:: *);
// Ensure the minimal type storage for 'T' matches its declared BitStructSizeOf.
// Nominally used by the BITSTRUCT_DEFINE_END macro.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool ValidateBitStructSize() {
static_assert(std::is_union_v<T>, "T must be union");
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<T>, "T must be standard-layout");
static_assert(HasUnderscoreField<T>::value, "T must have the _ DefineBitStructSize");
const size_t kBitStructSizeOf = BitStructSizeOf<T>();
"T::_ must be a DefineBitStructSize of the same size");
const size_t kExpectedSize = (BitStructSizeOf<T>() < kBitsPerByte)
? kBitsPerByte
: RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(kBitStructSizeOf);
// Ensure no extra fields were added in between START/END.
const size_t kActualSize = sizeof(T) * kBitsPerByte;
return kExpectedSize == kActualSize;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace art