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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/safe_map.h"
#include "dex/method_reference.h"
#include "jit_code_cache.h"
#include "profile/profile_compilation_info.h"
#include "profile_saver_options.h"
namespace art {
class ProfileSaver {
// Starts the profile saver thread if not already started.
// If the saver is already running it adds (output_filename, code_paths) to its tracked locations.
// The `ref_profile_filename` denotes the path to the reference profile which
// might be queried to determine if an initial save should be done earlier.
// It can be empty indicating there is no reference profile.
static void Start(const ProfileSaverOptions& options,
const std::string& output_filename,
jit::JitCodeCache* jit_code_cache,
const std::vector<std::string>& code_paths,
const std::string& ref_profile_filename)
REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !instance_->wait_lock_);
// Stops the profile saver thread.
static void Stop(bool dump_info_) REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !instance_->wait_lock_);
// Returns true if the profile saver is started.
static bool IsStarted() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_);
// If the profile saver is running, dumps statistics to the `os`. Otherwise it does nothing.
static void DumpInstanceInfo(std::ostream& os);
static void NotifyJitActivity() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !instance_->wait_lock_);
// For testing or manual purposes (SIGUSR1).
static void ForceProcessProfiles() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Notify that startup has completed.
static void NotifyStartupCompleted() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !instance_->wait_lock_);
// Helper classes for collecting classes and methods.
class GetClassesAndMethodsHelper;
class ScopedDefaultPriority;
ProfileSaver(const ProfileSaverOptions& options, jit::JitCodeCache* jit_code_cache);
static void* RunProfileSaverThread(void* arg)
REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_, !instance_->wait_lock_);
// The run loop for the saver.
void Run()
REQUIRES(Locks::profiler_lock_, !wait_lock_)
// Processes the existing profiling info from the jit code cache and returns
// true if it needed to be saved to disk.
// If number_of_new_methods is not null, after the call it will contain the number of new methods
// written to disk.
// If force_save is true, the saver will ignore any constraints which limit IO (e.g. will write
// the profile to disk even if it's just one new method).
bool ProcessProfilingInfo(
bool force_save,
bool skip_class_and_method_fetching,
/*out*/uint16_t* number_of_new_methods)
void NotifyJitActivityInternal() REQUIRES(!wait_lock_);
void WakeUpSaver() REQUIRES(wait_lock_);
// Returns true if the saver is shutting down (ProfileSaver::Stop() has been called).
bool ShuttingDown(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_);
void AddTrackedLocations(const std::string& output_filename,
const std::vector<std::string>& code_paths,
const std::string& ref_profile_filename)
// Fetches the current resolved classes and methods from the ClassLinker and stores them in the
// profile_cache_ for later save.
void FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods(bool startup) REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_);
void DumpInfo(std::ostream& os);
// Resolve the realpath of the locations stored in tracked_dex_base_locations_to_be_resolved_
// and put the result in tracked_dex_base_locations_.
void ResolveTrackedLocations() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_);
// Get the profile metadata that should be associated with the profile session during the current
// profile saver session.
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileSampleAnnotation GetProfileSampleAnnotation();
// Get extra global flags if necessary (e.g. the running architecture), otherwise 0.
static uint32_t GetExtraMethodHotnessFlags(const ProfileSaverOptions& options);
// Extends the given set of flags with global flags if necessary (e.g. the running architecture).
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness::Flag AnnotateSampleFlags(uint32_t flags);
// The only instance of the saver.
static ProfileSaver* instance_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
// Profile saver thread.
static pthread_t profiler_pthread_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
jit::JitCodeCache* jit_code_cache_;
// Collection of code paths that the profiler tracks.
// It maps profile locations to code paths (dex base locations).
SafeMap<std::string, std::set<std::string>> tracked_dex_base_locations_
// Collection of code paths that the profiler tracks but may note have been resolved
// to their realpath. The resolution is done async to minimize the time it takes for
// someone to register a path.
SafeMap<std::string, std::set<std::string>> tracked_dex_base_locations_to_be_resolved_
// Collection of output profiles that the profile tracks.
// It maps output profile locations to reference profiles, and is used
// to determine if any profile is non-empty at the start of the ProfileSaver.
// This influences the time of the first ever save.
SafeMap<std::string, std::string> tracked_profiles_
bool shutting_down_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
uint64_t last_time_ns_saver_woke_up_ GUARDED_BY(wait_lock_);
uint32_t jit_activity_notifications_;
// A local cache for the profile information. Maps each tracked file to its
// profile information. This is used to cache the startup classes so that
// we don't hammer the disk to save them right away.
// The size of this cache is usually very small and tops
// to just a few hundreds entries in the ProfileCompilationInfo objects.
SafeMap<std::string, ProfileCompilationInfo*> profile_cache_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::profiler_lock_);
// Whether or not this is the first ever profile save.
// Note this is an approximation and is not 100% precise. It relies on checking
// whether or not the profiles are empty which is not a precise indication
// of being the first save (they could have been cleared in the meantime).
bool IsFirstSave() REQUIRES(!Locks::profiler_lock_);
// Save period condition support.
ConditionVariable period_condition_ GUARDED_BY(wait_lock_);
uint64_t total_bytes_written_;
uint64_t total_number_of_writes_;
uint64_t total_number_of_code_cache_queries_;
uint64_t total_number_of_skipped_writes_;
uint64_t total_number_of_failed_writes_;
uint64_t total_ms_of_sleep_;
uint64_t total_ns_of_work_;
// TODO(calin): replace with an actual size.
uint64_t total_number_of_hot_spikes_;
uint64_t total_number_of_wake_ups_;
const ProfileSaverOptions options_;
friend class ProfileSaverTest;
friend class ProfileSaverForBootTest;
} // namespace art