
599 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
#include <bionic/macros.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "log.h"
#include "sigchain.h"
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define _NSIG NSIG
#define sighandler_t sig_t
// Darwin has an #error when ucontext.h is included without _XOPEN_SOURCE defined.
#define SA_UNSUPPORTED 0x00000400
#define SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS 0x00000800
#include <ucontext.h>
// libsigchain provides an interception layer for signal handlers, to allow ART and others to give
// their signal handlers the first stab at handling signals before passing them on to user code.
// It implements wrapper functions for signal, sigaction, and sigprocmask, and a handler that
// forwards signals appropriately.
// In our handler, we start off with all signals blocked, fetch the original signal mask from the
// passed in ucontext, and then adjust our signal mask appropriately for the user handler.
// It's somewhat tricky for us to properly handle some flag cases:
// SA_NOCLDSTOP and SA_NOCLDWAIT: shouldn't matter, we don't have special handlers for SIGCHLD.
// SA_NODEFER: unimplemented, we can manually change the signal mask appropriately.
// ~SA_ONSTACK: always silently enable this
// SA_RESETHAND: unimplemented, but we can probably do this?
// ~SA_RESTART: unimplemented, maybe we can reserve an RT signal, register an empty handler that
// doesn't have SA_RESTART, and raise the signal to avoid restarting syscalls that are
// expected to be interrupted?
#if defined(__BIONIC__) && !defined(__LP64__)
static int sigismember(const sigset64_t* sigset, int signum) {
return sigismember64(sigset, signum);
static int sigemptyset(sigset64_t* sigset) {
return sigemptyset64(sigset);
static int sigaddset(sigset64_t* sigset, int signum) {
return sigaddset64(sigset, signum);
static int sigdelset(sigset64_t* sigset, int signum) {
return sigdelset64(sigset, signum);
template<typename SigsetType>
static int sigorset(SigsetType* dest, SigsetType* left, SigsetType* right) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(SigsetType) * CHAR_BIT; ++i) {
if (sigismember(left, i) == 1 || sigismember(right, i) == 1) {
sigaddset(dest, i);
return 0;
namespace art {
static decltype(&sigaction) linked_sigaction;
static decltype(&sigprocmask) linked_sigprocmask;
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
static decltype(&sigaction64) linked_sigaction64;
static decltype(&sigprocmask64) linked_sigprocmask64;
template <typename T>
static void lookup_libc_symbol(T* output, T wrapper, const char* name) {
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
constexpr const char* libc_name = "";
#elif defined(__GLIBC__)
#if __GNU_LIBRARY__ != 6
#error unsupported glibc version
constexpr const char* libc_name = "";
#elif defined(ANDROID_HOST_MUSL)
constexpr const char* libc_name = "";
#error unsupported libc: not bionic or glibc?
static void* libc = []() {
void* result = dlopen(libc_name, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY);
if (!result) {
fatal("failed to dlopen %s: %s", libc_name, dlerror());
return result;
void* sym = dlsym(libc, name); // NOLINT glibc triggers cert-dcl16-c with RTLD_NEXT.
if (sym == nullptr) {
sym = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, name);
if (sym == wrapper || sym == sigaction) {
fatal("Unable to find next %s in signal chain", name);
*output = reinterpret_cast<T>(sym);
__attribute__((constructor)) static void InitializeSignalChain() {
static std::once_flag once;
std::call_once(once, []() {
lookup_libc_symbol(&linked_sigaction, sigaction, "sigaction");
lookup_libc_symbol(&linked_sigprocmask, sigprocmask, "sigprocmask");
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
lookup_libc_symbol(&linked_sigaction64, sigaction64, "sigaction64");
lookup_libc_symbol(&linked_sigprocmask64, sigprocmask64, "sigprocmask64");
static pthread_key_t GetHandlingSignalKey() {
static pthread_key_t key;
static std::once_flag once;
std::call_once(once, []() {
int rc = pthread_key_create(&key, nullptr);
if (rc != 0) {
fatal("failed to create sigchain pthread key: %s", strerror(rc));
return key;
static bool GetHandlingSignal() {
void* result = pthread_getspecific(GetHandlingSignalKey());
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(result);
static void SetHandlingSignal(bool value) {
class ScopedHandlingSignal {
ScopedHandlingSignal() : original_value_(GetHandlingSignal()) {
~ScopedHandlingSignal() {
bool original_value_;
class SignalChain {
SignalChain() : claimed_(false) {
bool IsClaimed() {
return claimed_;
void Claim(int signo) {
if (!claimed_) {
claimed_ = true;
// Register the signal chain with the kernel if needed.
void Register(int signo) {
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
struct sigaction64 handler_action = {};
struct sigaction handler_action = {};
handler_action.sa_sigaction = SignalChain::Handler;
handler_action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK |
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
linked_sigaction64(signo, &handler_action, &action_);
linked_sigaction64(signo, nullptr, &handler_action);
linked_sigaction(signo, &handler_action, &action_);
linked_sigaction(signo, nullptr, &handler_action);
// Newer kernels clear unknown flags from sigaction.sa_flags in order to
// allow userspace to determine which flag bits are supported. We use this
// behavior in turn to implement the same flag bit support detection
// protocol regardless of kernel version. Due to the lack of a flag bit
// support detection protocol in older kernels we assume support for a base
// set of flags that have been supported since at least 2003 [1]. No flags
// were introduced since then until the introduction of SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS
// handled below. glibc headers do not define SA_RESTORER so we define it
// ourselves.
// TODO(pcc): The new kernel behavior has been implemented in a kernel
// patch [2] that has not yet landed. Update the code if necessary once it
// lands.
// [1]
// [2]
#if !defined(__BIONIC__)
#define SA_RESTORER 0x04000000
kernel_supported_flags_ = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_NOCLDWAIT | SA_SIGINFO |
// Determine whether the kernel supports SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS. For newer
// kernels we use the flag support detection protocol described above. In
// order to allow userspace to distinguish old and new kernels,
// SA_UNSUPPORTED has been reserved as an unsupported flag. If the kernel
// did not clear it then we know that we have an old kernel that would not
// support SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS anyway.
if (!(handler_action.sa_flags & SA_UNSUPPORTED) &&
(handler_action.sa_flags & SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS)) {
kernel_supported_flags_ |= SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS;
template <typename SigactionType>
SigactionType GetAction() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(action_), SigactionType>) {
return action_;
} else {
SigactionType result;
result.sa_flags = action_.sa_flags;
result.sa_handler = action_.sa_handler;
#if defined(SA_RESTORER)
result.sa_restorer = action_.sa_restorer;
memcpy(&result.sa_mask, &action_.sa_mask,
std::min(sizeof(action_.sa_mask), sizeof(result.sa_mask)));
return result;
template <typename SigactionType>
void SetAction(const SigactionType* new_action) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(action_), SigactionType>) {
action_ = *new_action;
} else {
action_.sa_flags = new_action->sa_flags;
action_.sa_handler = new_action->sa_handler;
#if defined(SA_RESTORER)
action_.sa_restorer = new_action->sa_restorer;
memcpy(&action_.sa_mask, &new_action->sa_mask,
std::min(sizeof(action_.sa_mask), sizeof(new_action->sa_mask)));
action_.sa_flags &= kernel_supported_flags_;
void AddSpecialHandler(SigchainAction* sa) {
for (SigchainAction& slot : special_handlers_) {
if (slot.sc_sigaction == nullptr) {
slot = *sa;
fatal("too many special signal handlers");
void RemoveSpecialHandler(bool (*fn)(int, siginfo_t*, void*)) {
// This isn't thread safe, but it's unlikely to be a real problem.
size_t len = sizeof(special_handlers_)/sizeof(*special_handlers_);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (special_handlers_[i].sc_sigaction == fn) {
for (size_t j = i; j < len - 1; ++j) {
special_handlers_[j] = special_handlers_[j + 1];
special_handlers_[len - 1].sc_sigaction = nullptr;
fatal("failed to find special handler to remove");
static void Handler(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, void*);
bool claimed_;
int kernel_supported_flags_;
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
struct sigaction64 action_;
struct sigaction action_;
SigchainAction special_handlers_[2];
// _NSIG is 1 greater than the highest valued signal, but signals start from 1.
// Leave an empty element at index 0 for convenience.
static SignalChain chains[_NSIG + 1];
static bool is_signal_hook_debuggable = false;
void SignalChain::Handler(int signo, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* ucontext_raw) {
// Try the special handlers first.
// If one of them crashes, we'll reenter this handler and pass that crash onto the user handler.
if (!GetHandlingSignal()) {
for (const auto& handler : chains[signo].special_handlers_) {
if (handler.sc_sigaction == nullptr) {
// The native bridge signal handler might not return.
// Avoid setting the thread local flag in this case, since we'll never
// get a chance to restore it.
bool handler_noreturn = (handler.sc_flags & SIGCHAIN_ALLOW_NORETURN);
sigset_t previous_mask;
linked_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &handler.sc_mask, &previous_mask);
ScopedHandlingSignal restorer;
if (!handler_noreturn) {
if (handler.sc_sigaction(signo, siginfo, ucontext_raw)) {
linked_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &previous_mask, nullptr);
// Forward to the user's signal handler.
int handler_flags = chains[signo].action_.sa_flags;
ucontext_t* ucontext = static_cast<ucontext_t*>(ucontext_raw);
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
sigset64_t mask;
sigorset(&mask, &ucontext->uc_sigmask64, &chains[signo].action_.sa_mask);
sigset_t mask;
sigorset(&mask, &ucontext->uc_sigmask, &chains[signo].action_.sa_mask);
if (!(handler_flags & SA_NODEFER)) {
sigaddset(&mask, signo);
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
linked_sigprocmask64(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, nullptr);
linked_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, nullptr);
if ((handler_flags & SA_SIGINFO)) {
// If the chained handler is not expecting tag bits in the fault address,
// mask them out now.
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
if (!(handler_flags & SA_EXPOSE_TAGBITS) &&
(signo == SIGILL || signo == SIGFPE || signo == SIGSEGV ||
signo == SIGBUS || signo == SIGTRAP) &&
siginfo->si_code > SI_USER && siginfo->si_code < SI_KERNEL &&
!(signo == SIGTRAP && siginfo->si_code == TRAP_HWBKPT)) {
siginfo->si_addr = untag_address(siginfo->si_addr);
chains[signo].action_.sa_sigaction(signo, siginfo, ucontext_raw);
} else {
auto handler = chains[signo].action_.sa_handler;
if (handler == SIG_IGN) {
} else if (handler == SIG_DFL) {
fatal("exiting due to SIG_DFL handler for signal %d, ucontext %p", signo, ucontext);
} else {
template <typename SigactionType>
static int __sigaction(int signal, const SigactionType* new_action,
SigactionType* old_action,
int (*linked)(int, const SigactionType*,
SigactionType*)) {
if (is_signal_hook_debuggable) {
return 0;
// If this signal has been claimed as a signal chain, record the user's
// action but don't pass it on to the kernel.
// Note that we check that the signal number is in range here. An out of range signal
// number should behave exactly as the libc sigaction.
if (signal <= 0 || signal >= _NSIG) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if (chains[signal].IsClaimed()) {
SigactionType saved_action = chains[signal].GetAction<SigactionType>();
if (new_action != nullptr) {
if (old_action != nullptr) {
*old_action = saved_action;
return 0;
// Will only get here if the signal chain has not been claimed. We want
// to pass the sigaction on to the kernel via the real sigaction in libc.
return linked(signal, new_action, old_action);
extern "C" int sigaction(int signal, const struct sigaction* new_action,
struct sigaction* old_action) {
return __sigaction(signal, new_action, old_action, linked_sigaction);
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
extern "C" int sigaction64(int signal, const struct sigaction64* new_action,
struct sigaction64* old_action) {
return __sigaction(signal, new_action, old_action, linked_sigaction64);
extern "C" sighandler_t signal(int signo, sighandler_t handler) {
if (signo <= 0 || signo >= _NSIG) {
errno = EINVAL;
return SIG_ERR;
struct sigaction sa = {};
sa.sa_handler = handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_ONSTACK;
sighandler_t oldhandler;
// If this signal has been claimed as a signal chain, record the user's
// action but don't pass it on to the kernel.
if (chains[signo].IsClaimed()) {
oldhandler = reinterpret_cast<sighandler_t>(
chains[signo].GetAction<struct sigaction>().sa_handler);
return oldhandler;
// Will only get here if the signal chain has not been claimed. We want
// to pass the sigaction on to the kernel via the real sigaction in libc.
if (linked_sigaction(signo, &sa, &sa) == -1) {
return SIG_ERR;
return reinterpret_cast<sighandler_t>(sa.sa_handler);
#if !defined(__LP64__)
extern "C" sighandler_t bsd_signal(int signo, sighandler_t handler) {
return signal(signo, handler);
template <typename SigsetType>
int __sigprocmask(int how, const SigsetType* new_set, SigsetType* old_set,
int (*linked)(int, const SigsetType*, SigsetType*)) {
// When inside a signal handler, forward directly to the actual sigprocmask.
if (GetHandlingSignal()) {
return linked(how, new_set, old_set);
const SigsetType* new_set_ptr = new_set;
SigsetType tmpset;
if (new_set != nullptr) {
tmpset = *new_set;
if (how == SIG_BLOCK || how == SIG_SETMASK) {
// Don't allow claimed signals in the mask. If a signal chain has been claimed
// we can't allow the user to block that signal.
for (int i = 1; i < _NSIG; ++i) {
if (chains[i].IsClaimed() && sigismember(&tmpset, i)) {
sigdelset(&tmpset, i);
new_set_ptr = &tmpset;
return linked(how, new_set_ptr, old_set);
extern "C" int sigprocmask(int how, const sigset_t* new_set,
sigset_t* old_set) {
return __sigprocmask(how, new_set, old_set, linked_sigprocmask);
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
extern "C" int sigprocmask64(int how, const sigset64_t* new_set,
sigset64_t* old_set) {
return __sigprocmask(how, new_set, old_set, linked_sigprocmask64);
extern "C" void AddSpecialSignalHandlerFn(int signal, SigchainAction* sa) {
if (signal <= 0 || signal >= _NSIG) {
fatal("Invalid signal %d", signal);
// Set the managed_handler.
extern "C" void RemoveSpecialSignalHandlerFn(int signal, bool (*fn)(int, siginfo_t*, void*)) {
if (signal <= 0 || signal >= _NSIG) {
fatal("Invalid signal %d", signal);
extern "C" void EnsureFrontOfChain(int signal) {
if (signal <= 0 || signal >= _NSIG) {
fatal("Invalid signal %d", signal);
// Read the current action without looking at the chain, it should be the expected action.
#if defined(__BIONIC__)
struct sigaction64 current_action;
linked_sigaction64(signal, nullptr, &current_action);
struct sigaction current_action;
linked_sigaction(signal, nullptr, &current_action);
// If the sigactions don't match then we put the current action on the chain and make ourself as
// the main action.
if (current_action.sa_sigaction != SignalChain::Handler) {
log("Warning: Unexpected sigaction action found %p\n", current_action.sa_sigaction);
extern "C" void SkipAddSignalHandler(bool value) {
is_signal_hook_debuggable = value;
} // namespace art