62 lines
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62 lines
2.1 KiB
# CMD: Finds all modules whose input files cross package boundaries.
include "library";
def getBlueprintDirPaths:
[.[] | .Blueprint | getDirPath] | sort_by(.) | unique | map({(.):""}) | add
def getNonNullActionModules:
[.[] | select(nonNullAction)]
def getOutputsOfModule:
[.Module.Actions | .[] | .Outputs | if . == null then [] else . end | .[]]
def getOutputsOfModules($nonNullActionModules):
$nonNullActionModules | map({(.Name):getOutputsOfModule}) | add
def getDepOutputs($outputsOfModules):
. as $depName |
if in($outputsOfModules) then ($outputsOfModules | ."\($depName)")
else [] end | .[]
def getDepOutputsOfModule($outputsOfModules):
[.Deps | .[] | .Name | getDepOutputs($outputsOfModules)]
| map({(.):""}) | add
def isDirPathMatch($blueprintDirPath; $allBlueprintDirPaths):
def _isDirPathMatch($blueprintDirPath; $allBlueprintDirPaths):
# True if there's a Blueprint file in the path and the path isn't
# equal to $blueprintDirPath of the module.
if in($allBlueprintDirPaths) and . != $blueprintDirPath then true
# Stops checking if the current path is already the $blueprintDirPath.
elif . == $blueprintDirPath then false
# Usually it should not hit this logic as it stops when the path is
# equal to $blueprintDirPath.
elif (contains("/") | not) then false
else (getDirPath | _isDirPathMatch($blueprintDirPath; $allBlueprintDirPaths))
_isDirPathMatch($blueprintDirPath; $allBlueprintDirPaths)
def isActionInputMatch($outputsOfModules; $allBlueprintDirPaths):
. as $moduleVariant | .Blueprint | getDirPath as $blueprintDirPath |
$moduleVariant | getDepOutputsOfModule($outputsOfModules) as $depOutputs |
$moduleVariant | getActionInputs | select(in($depOutputs) | not) |
select(startswith($blueprintDirPath)) | getDirPath |
isDirPathMatch($blueprintDirPath; $allBlueprintDirPaths)
getBlueprintDirPaths as $allBlueprintDirPaths |
getNonNullActionModules as $nonNullActionModules |
getOutputsOfModules($nonNullActionModules) as $outputsOfModules |
[$nonNullActionModules | .[] |
select(isActionInputMatch($outputsOfModules; $allBlueprintDirPaths)) |
.Name] | sort_by(.) | unique