146 lines
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146 lines
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# Applies "f" to all variation maps in modules and deps
def transformModule(f):
.Variations = (.Variations | f) |
.DependencyVariations = (.DependencyVariations | f)
def transformModuleReferences(f):
transformModule(f) |
.Deps = [.Deps | .[] | transformModule(f)]
# Utility functions for transforming modules
def deleteDependencyVariations:
if .DependencyVariations == .Variations then del(.DependencyVariations) else . end
# Utility functions for transforming variation maps
def emptyIfNull: if . == null then {} else . end
def flattenVariations:
[. as $m | . | keys | sort | .[] | . + "=" + ($m[.] | tostring)] | join(", ")
def removeLinkVariation:
def removeEmptyVariations:
del(.[] | select(. == ""))
# Computes the difference of two maps, returns it as a single string
def mapDelta($outer; $inner):
$outer | keys as $outerKeys |
$inner | keys as $innerKeys |
($outerKeys - $innerKeys) as $removed |
($innerKeys - $outerKeys) as $added |
[($removed | .[] | "-" + . + "=" + $outer[.]), ($added | .[] | "+" + . + "=" + $inner[.])] |
join(", ")
# Transforms the variation map of dependencies (as specified by f) to a delta
# from the variation map of the module that depends on them
def depDelta(f):
f as $outer |
(.Deps | .[] | f) |= (. | mapDelta($outer; .))
# "filterMatchingDeps" filters deps that have different variations
def differentDep($od; $ov):
(.DependencyVariations != $od or .Variations != $ov) and
(.DependencyVariations != {} or .Variations != {})
def filterMatchingDeps: .Variations as $ov |
.DependencyVariations as $od |
.Deps = [.Deps[] | select(differentDep($ov; $od))]
def groupDeps:
group_by({Variations, DependencyVariations, Tag}) |
DependencyVariations: .[0].DependencyVariations,
Variations: .[0].Variations,
Tag: .[0].Tag | sub(" {BaseDependencyTag:{}(?<g>.*)}"; "\(.g)"),
Modules: map(.Name)
} | del(if has("DependencyVariations") then .DependencyVariations else empty end))
# Utilities for filtering out interesting modules (deps remain untouched)
def onlyDeps:
{ Name: .Name, Deps: .Deps | map(.Name) }
def mergeDepsForSameModule:
group_by(.Name) | map({Name: .[0].Name, Deps: map(.Deps) | flatten | unique | sort})
def toMergeMap:
map({key: .Name, value: .Deps}) | from_entries
def moduleGraphNoVariants:
map(onlyDeps) | mergeDepsForSameModule | toMergeMap
def removeSelfEdges:
to_entries |
map(.key as $key | {key: .key, value: .value | [.[] | select(. != $key)]}) |
def directDeps($m):
map($m[.] // []) + [.] | flatten | unique
def transitiveDeps($m):
{Prev: [], Next: .} |
until (.Prev == .Next; {Prev: .Next, Next: .Next | directDeps($m)}) |
def findEdge($from;$to):
.[] | select(.Name == $from) |
.Deps |= [.[] | select(.Name == $to)] |
select((.Deps | length) > 0)
def nonNullAction: .Module.Actions != null
def getActionInputs: .Module.Actions | .[] |
.Inputs | if . == null then [] else . end | .[]
# Gets the directory path by the given file path.
def getDirPath: sub("(?<p>.*)\\/.*"; "\(.p)")
# Returns the names of modules of type $arg
def modulesOfType($arg):
[.[] | select(.Type == $arg) | .Name] | unique
# Returns the modules in the transitive closure of $arg.
# $arg must be an array of modules names
def fullTransitiveDeps($arg):
[((moduleGraphNoVariants | removeSelfEdges) as $m |
$arg |
transitiveDeps($m)) as $names |
.[] |
select (IN(.Name; $names | .[]))] |