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// Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package blueprint
import (
// This file implements Providers, modelled after Bazel
// (
// Each provider can be associated with a mutator, in which case the value for the provider for a
// module can only be set during the mutator call for the module, and the value can only be
// retrieved after the mutator call for the module. For providers not associated with a mutator, the
// value can for the provider for a module can only be set during GenerateBuildActions for the
// module, and the value can only be retrieved after GenerateBuildActions for the module.
// Providers are globally registered during init() and given a unique ID. The value of a provider
// for a module is stored in an []interface{} indexed by the ID. If the value of a provider has
// not been set, the value in the []interface{} will be nil.
// If the storage used by the provider value arrays becomes too large:
// sizeof([]interface) * number of providers * number of modules that have a provider value set
// then the storage can be replaced with something like a bitwise trie.
// The purpose of providers is to provide a serializable checkpoint between modules to enable
// Blueprint to skip parts of the analysis phase when inputs haven't changed. To that end,
// values passed to providers should be treated as immutable by callers to both the getters and
// setters. Go doesn't provide any way to enforce immutability on arbitrary types, so it may be
// necessary for the getters and setters to make deep copies of the values, likely extending
// proptools.CloneProperties to do so.
type provider struct {
id int
typ reflect.Type
zero interface{}
mutator string
type ProviderKey *provider
var providerRegistry []ProviderKey
// NewProvider returns a ProviderKey for the type of the given example value. The example value
// is otherwise unused.
// The returned ProviderKey can be used to set a value of the ProviderKey's type for a module
// inside GenerateBuildActions for the module, and to get the value from GenerateBuildActions from
// any module later in the build graph.
// Once Go has generics the exampleValue parameter will not be necessary:
// NewProvider(type T)() ProviderKey(T)
func NewProvider(exampleValue interface{}) ProviderKey {
return NewMutatorProvider(exampleValue, "")
// NewMutatorProvider returns a ProviderKey for the type of the given example value. The example
// value is otherwise unused.
// The returned ProviderKey can be used to set a value of the ProviderKey's type for a module inside
// the given mutator for the module, and to get the value from GenerateBuildActions from any
// module later in the build graph in the same mutator, or any module in a later mutator or during
// GenerateBuildActions.
// Once Go has generics the exampleValue parameter will not be necessary:
// NewMutatorProvider(type T)(mutator string) ProviderKey(T)
func NewMutatorProvider(exampleValue interface{}, mutator string) ProviderKey {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(exampleValue)
zero := reflect.Zero(typ).Interface()
provider := &provider{
id: len(providerRegistry),
typ: typ,
zero: zero,
mutator: mutator,
providerRegistry = append(providerRegistry, provider)
return provider
// initProviders fills c.providerMutators with the *mutatorInfo associated with each provider ID,
// if any.
func (c *Context) initProviders() {
c.providerMutators = make([]*mutatorInfo, len(providerRegistry))
for _, provider := range providerRegistry {
for _, mutator := range c.mutatorInfo {
if == provider.mutator {
c.providerMutators[] = mutator
// setProvider sets the value for a provider on a moduleInfo. Verifies that it is called during the
// appropriate mutator or GenerateBuildActions pass for the provider, and that the value is of the
// appropriate type. The value should not be modified after being passed to setProvider.
// Once Go has generics the value parameter can be typed:
// setProvider(type T)(m *moduleInfo, provider ProviderKey(T), value T)
func (c *Context) setProvider(m *moduleInfo, provider ProviderKey, value interface{}) {
if provider.mutator == "" {
if !m.startedGenerateBuildActions {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't set value of provider %s before GenerateBuildActions started",
} else if m.finishedGenerateBuildActions {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't set value of provider %s after GenerateBuildActions finished",
} else {
expectedMutator := c.providerMutators[]
if expectedMutator == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't set value of provider %s associated with unregistered mutator %s",
provider.typ, provider.mutator))
} else if c.mutatorFinishedForModule(expectedMutator, m) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't set value of provider %s after mutator %s finished",
provider.typ, provider.mutator))
} else if !c.mutatorStartedForModule(expectedMutator, m) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't set value of provider %s before mutator %s started",
provider.typ, provider.mutator))
if typ := reflect.TypeOf(value); typ != provider.typ {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value for provider has incorrect type, wanted %s, got %s",
provider.typ, typ))
if m.providers == nil {
m.providers = make([]interface{}, len(providerRegistry))
if m.providers[] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Value of provider %s is already set", provider.typ))
m.providers[] = value
// provider returns the value, if any, for a given provider for a module. Verifies that it is
// called after the appropriate mutator or GenerateBuildActions pass for the provider on the module.
// If the value for the provider was not set it returns the zero value of the type of the provider,
// which means the return value can always be type-asserted to the type of the provider. The return
// value should always be considered read-only.
// Once Go has generics the return value can be typed and the type assert by callers can be dropped:
// provider(type T)(m *moduleInfo, provider ProviderKey(T)) T
func (c *Context) provider(m *moduleInfo, provider ProviderKey) (interface{}, bool) {
if provider.mutator == "" {
if !m.finishedGenerateBuildActions {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't get value of provider %s before GenerateBuildActions finished",
} else {
expectedMutator := c.providerMutators[]
if expectedMutator != nil && !c.mutatorFinishedForModule(expectedMutator, m) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't get value of provider %s before mutator %s finished",
provider.typ, provider.mutator))
if len(m.providers) > {
if p := m.providers[]; p != nil {
return p, true
return, false
func (c *Context) mutatorFinishedForModule(mutator *mutatorInfo, m *moduleInfo) bool {
if c.finishedMutators[mutator] {
// mutator pass finished for all modules
return true
if c.startedMutator == mutator {
// mutator pass started, check if it is finished for this module
return m.finishedMutator == mutator
// mutator pass hasn't started
return false
func (c *Context) mutatorStartedForModule(mutator *mutatorInfo, m *moduleInfo) bool {
if c.finishedMutators[mutator] {
// mutator pass finished for all modules
return true
if c.startedMutator == mutator {
// mutator pass is currently running
if m.startedMutator == mutator {
// mutator has started for this module
return true
return false