
239 lines
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// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package compliance
// EdgeContextProvider is an interface for injecting edge-specific context
// into walk paths.
type EdgeContextProvider interface {
// Context returns the context for `edge` when added to `path`.
Context(lg *LicenseGraph, path TargetEdgePath, edge *TargetEdge) interface{}
// NoEdgeContext implements EdgeContextProvider for walks that use no context.
type NoEdgeContext struct{}
// Context returns nil.
func (ctx NoEdgeContext) Context(lg *LicenseGraph, path TargetEdgePath, edge *TargetEdge) interface{} {
return nil
// ApplicableConditionsContext provides the subset of conditions in `universe`
// that apply to each edge in a path.
type ApplicableConditionsContext struct {
universe LicenseConditionSet
// Context returns the LicenseConditionSet applicable to the edge.
func (ctx ApplicableConditionsContext) Context(lg *LicenseGraph, path TargetEdgePath, edge *TargetEdge) interface{} {
universe := ctx.universe
if len(path) > 0 {
universe = path[len(path)-1].ctx.(LicenseConditionSet)
return conditionsAttachingAcrossEdge(lg, edge, universe)
// VisitNode is called for each root and for each walked dependency node by
// WalkTopDown. When VisitNode returns true, WalkTopDown will proceed to walk
// down the dependences of the node
type VisitNode func(lg *LicenseGraph, target *TargetNode, path TargetEdgePath) bool
// WalkTopDown does a top-down walk of `lg` calling `visit` and descending
// into depenencies when `visit` returns true.
func WalkTopDown(ctx EdgeContextProvider, lg *LicenseGraph, visit VisitNode) {
path := NewTargetEdgePath(32)
var walk func(fnode *TargetNode)
walk = func(fnode *TargetNode) {
visitChildren := visit(lg, fnode, *path)
if !visitChildren {
for _, edge := range fnode.edges {
var edgeContext interface{}
if ctx == nil {
edgeContext = nil
} else {
edgeContext = ctx.Context(lg, *path, edge)
path.Push(edge, edgeContext)
for _, r := range lg.rootFiles {
// resolutionKey identifies results from walking a specific target for a
// specific set of conditions.
type resolutionKey struct {
target *TargetNode
cs LicenseConditionSet
// WalkResolutionsForCondition performs a top-down walk of the LicenseGraph
// resolving all distributed works for `conditions`.
func WalkResolutionsForCondition(lg *LicenseGraph, conditions LicenseConditionSet) ResolutionSet {
shipped := ShippedNodes(lg)
// rmap maps 'attachesTo' targets to the `actsOn` targets and applicable conditions
rmap := make(map[resolutionKey]ActionSet)
// cmap identifies previously walked target/condition pairs.
cmap := make(map[resolutionKey]struct{})
// result accumulates the resolutions to return.
result := make(ResolutionSet)
WalkTopDown(ApplicableConditionsContext{conditions}, lg, func(lg *LicenseGraph, tn *TargetNode, path TargetEdgePath) bool {
universe := conditions
if len(path) > 0 {
universe = path[len(path)-1].ctx.(LicenseConditionSet)
if universe.IsEmpty() {
return false
key := resolutionKey{tn, universe}
if _, alreadyWalked := cmap[key]; alreadyWalked {
pure := true
for _, p := range path {
target := p.Target()
tkey := resolutionKey{target, universe}
if _, ok := rmap[tkey]; !ok {
rmap[tkey] = make(ActionSet)
// attach prior walk outcome to ancestor
for actsOn, cs := range rmap[key] {
rmap[tkey][actsOn] = cs
// if prior walk produced results, copy results
// to ancestor.
if _, ok := result[tn]; ok && pure {
if _, ok := result[target]; !ok {
result[target] = make(ActionSet)
for actsOn, cs := range result[tn] {
result[target][actsOn] = cs
pure = target.IsContainer()
// if all ancestors are pure aggregates, attach
// matching prior walk conditions to self. Prior walk
// will not have done so if any ancestor was not an
// aggregate.
if pure {
match := rmap[key][tn].Intersection(universe)
if !match.IsEmpty() {
if _, ok := result[tn]; !ok {
result[tn] = make(ActionSet)
result[tn][tn] = match
return false
// no need to walk node or dependencies if not shipped
if !shipped.Contains(tn) {
return false
if _, ok := rmap[key]; !ok {
rmap[key] = make(ActionSet)
// add self to walk outcome
rmap[key][tn] = tn.resolution
cmap[key] = struct{}{}
cs := tn.resolution
if !cs.IsEmpty() {
cs = cs.Intersection(universe)
pure := true
for _, p := range path {
target := p.Target()
tkey := resolutionKey{target, universe}
if _, ok := rmap[tkey]; !ok {
rmap[tkey] = make(ActionSet)
// copy current node's action into ancestor
rmap[tkey][tn] = tn.resolution
// conditionally put matching conditions into
// result
if pure && !cs.IsEmpty() {
if _, ok := result[target]; !ok {
result[target] = make(ActionSet)
result[target][tn] = cs
pure = target.IsContainer()
// if all ancestors are pure aggregates, attach
// matching conditions to self.
if pure && !cs.IsEmpty() {
if _, ok := result[tn]; !ok {
result[tn] = make(ActionSet)
result[tn][tn] = cs
return true
return result
// WalkActionsForCondition performs a top-down walk of the LicenseGraph
// resolving all distributed works for `conditions`.
func WalkActionsForCondition(lg *LicenseGraph, conditions LicenseConditionSet) ActionSet {
shipped := ShippedNodes(lg)
// cmap identifies previously walked target/condition pairs.
cmap := make(map[resolutionKey]struct{})
// amap maps 'actsOn' targets to the applicable conditions
// amap is the resulting ActionSet
amap := make(ActionSet)
WalkTopDown(ApplicableConditionsContext{conditions}, lg, func(lg *LicenseGraph, tn *TargetNode, path TargetEdgePath) bool {
universe := conditions
if len(path) > 0 {
universe = path[len(path)-1].ctx.(LicenseConditionSet)
if universe.IsEmpty() {
return false
key := resolutionKey{tn, universe}
if _, ok := cmap[key]; ok {
return false
if !shipped.Contains(tn) {
return false
cs := universe.Intersection(tn.resolution)
if !cs.IsEmpty() {
if _, ok := amap[tn]; ok {
amap[tn] = cs
} else {
amap[tn] = amap[tn].Union(cs)
return true
return amap