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// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package android
import (
// sdkAwareWithoutModule is provided simply to improve code navigation with the IDE.
type sdkAwareWithoutModule interface {
// SdkMemberComponentName will return the name to use for a component of this module based on the
// base name of this module.
// The baseName is the name returned by ModuleBase.BaseModuleName(), i.e. the name specified in
// the name property in the .bp file so will not include the prebuilt_ prefix.
// The componentNameCreator is a func for creating the name of a component from the base name of
// the module, e.g. it could just append ".component" to the name passed in.
// This is intended to be called by prebuilt modules that create component models. It is because
// prebuilt module base names come in a variety of different forms:
// * unversioned - this is the same as the source module.
// * internal to an sdk - this is the unversioned name prefixed by the base name of the sdk
// module.
// * versioned - this is the same as the internal with the addition of an "@<version>" suffix.
// While this can be called from a source module in that case it will behave the same way as the
// unversioned name and return the result of calling the componentNameCreator func on the supplied
// base name.
// e.g. Assuming the componentNameCreator func simply appends ".component" to the name passed in
// then this will work as follows:
// * An unversioned name of "foo" will return "foo.component".
// * An internal to the sdk name of "sdk_foo" will return "sdk_foo.component".
// * A versioned name of "sdk_foo@current" will return "sdk_foo.component@current".
// Note that in the latter case the ".component" suffix is added before the version. Adding it
// after would change the version.
SdkMemberComponentName(baseName string, componentNameCreator func(string) string) string
sdkBase() *SdkBase
MakeMemberOf(sdk SdkRef)
IsInAnySdk() bool
// IsVersioned determines whether the module is versioned, i.e. has a name of the form
// <name>@<version>
IsVersioned() bool
ContainingSdk() SdkRef
MemberName() string
// SdkAware is the interface that must be supported by any module to become a member of SDK or to be
// built with SDK
type SdkAware interface {
// SdkRef refers to a version of an SDK
type SdkRef struct {
Name string
Version string
// Unversioned determines if the SdkRef is referencing to the unversioned SDK module
func (s SdkRef) Unversioned() bool {
return s.Version == ""
// String returns string representation of this SdkRef for debugging purpose
func (s SdkRef) String() string {
if s.Name == "" {
return "(No Sdk)"
if s.Unversioned() {
return s.Name
return s.Name + string(SdkVersionSeparator) + s.Version
// SdkVersionSeparator is a character used to separate an sdk name and its version
const SdkVersionSeparator = '@'
// ParseSdkRef parses a `name@version` style string into a corresponding SdkRef struct
func ParseSdkRef(ctx BaseModuleContext, str string, property string) SdkRef {
tokens := strings.Split(str, string(SdkVersionSeparator))
if len(tokens) < 1 || len(tokens) > 2 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf(property, "%q does not follow name@version syntax", str)
return SdkRef{Name: "invalid sdk name", Version: "invalid sdk version"}
name := tokens[0]
var version string
if len(tokens) == 2 {
version = tokens[1]
return SdkRef{Name: name, Version: version}
type SdkRefs []SdkRef
// Contains tells if the given SdkRef is in this list of SdkRef's
func (refs SdkRefs) Contains(s SdkRef) bool {
for _, r := range refs {
if r == s {
return true
return false
type sdkProperties struct {
// The SDK that this module is a member of. nil if it is not a member of any SDK
ContainingSdk *SdkRef `blueprint:"mutated"`
// Name of the module that this sdk member is representing
Sdk_member_name *string
// SdkBase is a struct that is expected to be included in module types to implement the SdkAware
// interface. InitSdkAwareModule should be called to initialize this struct.
type SdkBase struct {
properties sdkProperties
module SdkAware
func (s *SdkBase) sdkBase() *SdkBase {
return s
func (s *SdkBase) SdkMemberComponentName(baseName string, componentNameCreator func(string) string) string {
if s.MemberName() == "" {
return componentNameCreator(baseName)
} else {
index := strings.LastIndex(baseName, "@")
unversionedName := baseName[:index]
unversionedComponentName := componentNameCreator(unversionedName)
versionSuffix := baseName[index:]
return unversionedComponentName + versionSuffix
// MakeMemberOf sets this module to be a member of a specific SDK
func (s *SdkBase) MakeMemberOf(sdk SdkRef) { = &sdk
// IsInAnySdk returns true if this module is a member of any SDK
func (s *SdkBase) IsInAnySdk() bool {
return != nil
// IsVersioned returns true if this module is versioned.
func (s *SdkBase) IsVersioned() bool {
return strings.Contains(s.module.Name(), "@")
// ContainingSdk returns the SDK that this module is a member of
func (s *SdkBase) ContainingSdk() SdkRef {
if != nil {
return *
return SdkRef{Name: "", Version: ""}
// MemberName returns the name of the module that this SDK member is overriding
func (s *SdkBase) MemberName() string {
return proptools.String(
// InitSdkAwareModule initializes the SdkBase struct. This must be called by all modules including
// SdkBase.
func InitSdkAwareModule(m SdkAware) {
base := m.sdkBase()
base.module = m
// IsModuleInVersionedSdk returns true if the module is an versioned sdk.
func IsModuleInVersionedSdk(module Module) bool {
if s, ok := module.(SdkAware); ok {
if !s.ContainingSdk().Unversioned() {
return true
return false
// SnapshotBuilder provides support for generating the build rules which will build the snapshot.
type SnapshotBuilder interface {
// CopyToSnapshot generates a rule that will copy the src to the dest (which is a snapshot
// relative path) and add the dest to the zip.
CopyToSnapshot(src Path, dest string)
// EmptyFile returns the path to an empty file.
// This can be used by sdk member types that need to create an empty file in the snapshot, simply
// pass the value returned from this to the CopyToSnapshot() method.
EmptyFile() Path
// UnzipToSnapshot generates a rule that will unzip the supplied zip into the snapshot relative
// directory destDir.
UnzipToSnapshot(zipPath Path, destDir string)
// AddPrebuiltModule adds a new prebuilt module to the snapshot.
// It is intended to be called from SdkMemberType.AddPrebuiltModule which can add module type
// specific properties that are not variant specific. The following properties will be
// automatically populated before returning.
// * name
// * sdk_member_name
// * prefer
// Properties that are variant specific will be handled by SdkMemberProperties structure.
// Each module created by this method can be output to the generated Android.bp file in two
// different forms, depending on the setting of the SOONG_SDK_SNAPSHOT_VERSION build property.
// The two forms are:
// 1. A versioned Soong module that is referenced from a corresponding similarly versioned
// snapshot module.
// 2. An unversioned Soong module that.
// See sdk/update.go for more information.
AddPrebuiltModule(member SdkMember, moduleType string) BpModule
// SdkMemberReferencePropertyTag returns a property tag to use when adding a property to a
// BpModule that contains references to other sdk members.
// Using this will ensure that the reference is correctly output for both versioned and
// unversioned prebuilts in the snapshot.
// "required: true" means that the property must only contain references to other members of the
// sdk. Passing a reference to a module that is not a member of the sdk will result in a build
// error.
// "required: false" means that the property can contain references to modules that are either
// members or not members of the sdk. If a reference is to a module that is a non member then the
// reference is left unchanged, i.e. it is not transformed as references to members are.
// The handling of the member names is dependent on whether it is an internal or exported member.
// An exported member is one whose name is specified in one of the member type specific
// properties. An internal member is one that is added due to being a part of an exported (or
// other internal) member and is not itself an exported member.
// Member names are handled as follows:
// * When creating the unversioned form of the module the name is left unchecked unless the member
// is internal in which case it is transformed into an sdk specific name, i.e. by prefixing with
// the sdk name.
// * When creating the versioned form of the module the name is transformed into a versioned sdk
// specific name, i.e. by prefixing with the sdk name and suffixing with the version.
// e.g.
// bpPropertySet.AddPropertyWithTag("libs", []string{"member1", "member2"}, builder.SdkMemberReferencePropertyTag(true))
SdkMemberReferencePropertyTag(required bool) BpPropertyTag
// BpPropertyTag is a marker interface that can be associated with properties in a BpPropertySet to
// provide additional information which can be used to customize their behavior.
type BpPropertyTag interface{}
// BpPropertySet is a set of properties for use in a .bp file.
type BpPropertySet interface {
// AddProperty adds a property.
// The value can be one of the following types:
// * string
// * array of the above
// * bool
// For these types it is an error if multiple properties with the same name
// are added.
// * pointer to a struct
// * BpPropertySet
// A pointer to a Blueprint-style property struct is first converted into a
// BpPropertySet by traversing the fields and adding their values as
// properties in a BpPropertySet. A field with a struct value is itself
// converted into a BpPropertySet before adding.
// Adding a BpPropertySet is done as follows:
// * If no property with the name exists then the BpPropertySet is added
// directly to this property. Care must be taken to ensure that it does not
// introduce a cycle.
// * If a property exists with the name and the current value is a
// BpPropertySet then every property of the new BpPropertySet is added to
// the existing BpPropertySet.
// * Otherwise, if a property exists with the name then it is an error.
AddProperty(name string, value interface{})
// AddPropertyWithTag adds a property with an associated property tag.
AddPropertyWithTag(name string, value interface{}, tag BpPropertyTag)
// AddPropertySet adds a property set with the specified name and returns it so that additional
// properties can be added to it.
AddPropertySet(name string) BpPropertySet
// AddCommentForProperty adds a comment for the named property (or property set).
AddCommentForProperty(name, text string)
// BpModule represents a module definition in a .bp file.
type BpModule interface {
// ModuleType returns the module type of the module
ModuleType() string
// Name returns the name of the module or "" if no name has been specified.
Name() string
// BpPrintable is a marker interface that must be implemented by any struct that is added as a
// property value.
type BpPrintable interface {
// BpPrintableBase must be embedded within any struct that is added as a
// property value.
type BpPrintableBase struct {
func (b BpPrintableBase) bpPrintable() {
var _ BpPrintable = BpPrintableBase{}
// sdkRegisterable defines the interface that must be implemented by objects that can be registered
// in an sdkRegistry.
type sdkRegisterable interface {
// SdkPropertyName returns the name of the corresponding property on an sdk module.
SdkPropertyName() string
// sdkRegistry provides support for registering and retrieving objects that define properties for
// use by sdk and module_exports module types.
type sdkRegistry struct {
// The list of registered objects sorted by property name.
list []sdkRegisterable
// copyAndAppend creates a new sdkRegistry that includes all the traits registered in
// this registry plus the supplied trait.
func (r *sdkRegistry) copyAndAppend(registerable sdkRegisterable) *sdkRegistry {
oldList := r.list
// Make sure that list does not already contain the property. Uses a simple linear search instead
// of a binary search even though the list is sorted. That is because the number of items in the
// list is small and so not worth the overhead of a binary search.
found := false
newPropertyName := registerable.SdkPropertyName()
for _, r := range oldList {
if r.SdkPropertyName() == newPropertyName {
found = true
if found {
names := []string{}
for _, r := range oldList {
names = append(names, r.SdkPropertyName())
panic(fmt.Errorf("duplicate properties found, %q already exists in %q", newPropertyName, names))
// Copy the slice just in case this is being read while being modified, e.g. when testing.
list := make([]sdkRegisterable, 0, len(oldList)+1)
list = append(list, oldList...)
list = append(list, registerable)
// Sort the registered objects by their property name to ensure that registry order has no effect
// on behavior.
sort.Slice(list, func(i1, i2 int) bool {
t1 := list[i1]
t2 := list[i2]
return t1.SdkPropertyName() < t2.SdkPropertyName()
// Create a new registry so the pointer uniquely identifies the set of registered types.
return &sdkRegistry{
list: list,
// registeredObjects returns the list of registered instances.
func (r *sdkRegistry) registeredObjects() []sdkRegisterable {
return r.list
// uniqueOnceKey returns a key that uniquely identifies this instance and can be used with
// OncePer.Once
func (r *sdkRegistry) uniqueOnceKey() OnceKey {
// Use the pointer to the registry as the unique key. The pointer is used because it is guaranteed
// to uniquely identify the contained list. The list itself cannot be used as slices are not
// comparable. Using the pointer does mean that two separate registries with identical lists would
// have different keys and so cause whatever information is cached to be created multiple times.
// However, that is not an issue in practice as it should not occur outside tests. Constructing a
// string representation of the list to use instead would avoid that but is an unnecessary
// complication that provides no significant benefit.
return NewCustomOnceKey(r)
// SdkMemberTrait represents a trait that members of an sdk module can contribute to the sdk
// snapshot.
// A trait is simply a characteristic of sdk member that is not required by default which may be
// required for some members but not others. Traits can cause additional information to be output
// to the sdk snapshot or replace the default information exported for a member with something else.
// e.g.
// * By default cc libraries only export the default image variants to the SDK. However, for some
// members it may be necessary to export specific image variants, e.g. vendor, or recovery.
// * By default cc libraries export all the configured architecture variants except for the native
// bridge architecture variants. However, for some members it may be necessary to export the
// native bridge architecture variants as well.
// * By default cc libraries export the platform variant (i.e. sdk:). However, for some members it
// may be necessary to export the sdk variant (i.e. sdk:sdk).
// A sdk can request a module to provide no traits, one trait or a collection of traits. The exact
// behavior of a trait is determined by how SdkMemberType implementations handle the traits. A trait
// could be specific to one SdkMemberType or many. Some trait combinations could be incompatible.
// The sdk module type will create a special traits structure that contains a property for each
// trait registered with RegisterSdkMemberTrait(). The property names are those returned from
// SdkPropertyName(). Each property contains a list of modules that are required to have that trait.
// e.g. something like this:
// sdk {
// name: "sdk",
// ...
// traits: {
// recovery_image: ["module1", "module4", "module5"],
// native_bridge: ["module1", "module2"],
// native_sdk: ["module1", "module3"],
// ...
// },
// ...
// }
type SdkMemberTrait interface {
// SdkPropertyName returns the name of the traits property on an sdk module.
SdkPropertyName() string
var _ sdkRegisterable = (SdkMemberTrait)(nil)
// SdkMemberTraitBase is the base struct that must be embedded within any type that implements
// SdkMemberTrait.
type SdkMemberTraitBase struct {
// PropertyName is the name of the property
PropertyName string
func (b *SdkMemberTraitBase) SdkPropertyName() string {
return b.PropertyName
// SdkMemberTraitSet is a set of SdkMemberTrait instances.
type SdkMemberTraitSet interface {
// Empty returns true if this set is empty.
Empty() bool
// Contains returns true if this set contains the specified trait.
Contains(trait SdkMemberTrait) bool
// Subtract returns a new set containing all elements of this set except for those in the
// other set.
Subtract(other SdkMemberTraitSet) SdkMemberTraitSet
// String returns a string representation of the set and its contents.
String() string
func NewSdkMemberTraitSet(traits []SdkMemberTrait) SdkMemberTraitSet {
if len(traits) == 0 {
return EmptySdkMemberTraitSet()
m := sdkMemberTraitSet{}
for _, trait := range traits {
m[trait] = true
return m
func EmptySdkMemberTraitSet() SdkMemberTraitSet {
return (sdkMemberTraitSet)(nil)
type sdkMemberTraitSet map[SdkMemberTrait]bool
var _ SdkMemberTraitSet = (sdkMemberTraitSet{})
func (s sdkMemberTraitSet) Empty() bool {
return len(s) == 0
func (s sdkMemberTraitSet) Contains(trait SdkMemberTrait) bool {
return s[trait]
func (s sdkMemberTraitSet) Subtract(other SdkMemberTraitSet) SdkMemberTraitSet {
if other.Empty() {
return s
var remainder []SdkMemberTrait
for trait, _ := range s {
if !other.Contains(trait) {
remainder = append(remainder, trait)
return NewSdkMemberTraitSet(remainder)
func (s sdkMemberTraitSet) String() string {
list := []string{}
for trait, _ := range s {
list = append(list, trait.SdkPropertyName())
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(list, ","))
var registeredSdkMemberTraits = &sdkRegistry{}
// RegisteredSdkMemberTraits returns a OnceKey and a sorted list of registered traits.
// The key uniquely identifies the array of traits and can be used with OncePer.Once() to cache
// information derived from the array of traits.
func RegisteredSdkMemberTraits() (OnceKey, []SdkMemberTrait) {
registerables := registeredSdkMemberTraits.registeredObjects()
traits := make([]SdkMemberTrait, len(registerables))
for i, registerable := range registerables {
traits[i] = registerable.(SdkMemberTrait)
return registeredSdkMemberTraits.uniqueOnceKey(), traits
// RegisterSdkMemberTrait registers an SdkMemberTrait object to allow them to be used in the
// module_exports, module_exports_snapshot, sdk and sdk_snapshot module types.
func RegisterSdkMemberTrait(trait SdkMemberTrait) {
registeredSdkMemberTraits = registeredSdkMemberTraits.copyAndAppend(trait)
// SdkMember is an individual member of the SDK.
// It includes all of the variants that the SDK depends upon.
type SdkMember interface {
// Name returns the name of the member.
Name() string
// Variants returns all the variants of this module depended upon by the SDK.
Variants() []SdkAware
// SdkMemberDependencyTag is the interface that a tag must implement in order to allow the
// dependent module to be automatically added to the sdk.
type SdkMemberDependencyTag interface {
// SdkMemberType returns the SdkMemberType that will be used to automatically add the child module
// to the sdk.
// Returning nil will prevent the module being added to the sdk.
SdkMemberType(child Module) SdkMemberType
// ExportMember determines whether a module added to the sdk through this tag will be exported
// from the sdk or not.
// An exported member is added to the sdk using its own name, e.g. if "foo" was exported from sdk
// "bar" then its prebuilt would be simply called "foo". A member can be added to the sdk via
// multiple tags and if any of those tags returns true from this method then the membe will be
// exported. Every module added directly to the sdk via one of the member type specific
// properties, e.g. java_libs, will automatically be exported.
// If a member is not exported then it is treated as an internal implementation detail of the
// sdk and so will be added with an sdk specific name. e.g. if "foo" was an internal member of sdk
// "bar" then its prebuilt would be called "bar_foo". Additionally its visibility will be set to
// "//visibility:private" so it will not be accessible from outside its Android.bp file.
ExportMember() bool
var _ SdkMemberDependencyTag = (*sdkMemberDependencyTag)(nil)
var _ ReplaceSourceWithPrebuilt = (*sdkMemberDependencyTag)(nil)
type sdkMemberDependencyTag struct {
memberType SdkMemberType
export bool
func (t *sdkMemberDependencyTag) SdkMemberType(_ Module) SdkMemberType {
return t.memberType
func (t *sdkMemberDependencyTag) ExportMember() bool {
return t.export
// ReplaceSourceWithPrebuilt prevents dependencies from the sdk/module_exports onto their members
// from being replaced with a preferred prebuilt.
func (t *sdkMemberDependencyTag) ReplaceSourceWithPrebuilt() bool {
return false
// DependencyTagForSdkMemberType creates an SdkMemberDependencyTag that will cause any
// dependencies added by the tag to be added to the sdk as the specified SdkMemberType and exported
// (or not) as specified by the export parameter.
func DependencyTagForSdkMemberType(memberType SdkMemberType, export bool) SdkMemberDependencyTag {
return &sdkMemberDependencyTag{memberType: memberType, export: export}
// SdkMemberType is the interface that must be implemented for every type that can be a member of an
// sdk.
// The basic implementation should look something like this, where ModuleType is
// the name of the module type being supported.
// type moduleTypeSdkMemberType struct {
// android.SdkMemberTypeBase
// }
// func init() {
// android.RegisterSdkMemberType(&moduleTypeSdkMemberType{
// SdkMemberTypeBase: android.SdkMemberTypeBase{
// PropertyName: "module_types",
// },
// }
// }
// ...methods...
type SdkMemberType interface {
// SdkPropertyName returns the name of the member type property on an sdk module.
SdkPropertyName() string
// RequiresBpProperty returns true if this member type requires its property to be usable within
// an Android.bp file.
RequiresBpProperty() bool
// SupportedBuildReleases returns the string representation of a set of target build releases that
// support this member type.
SupportedBuildReleases() string
// UsableWithSdkAndSdkSnapshot returns true if the member type supports the sdk/sdk_snapshot,
// false otherwise.
UsableWithSdkAndSdkSnapshot() bool
// IsHostOsDependent returns true if prebuilt host artifacts may be specific to the host OS. Only
// applicable to modules where HostSupported() is true. If this is true, snapshots will list each
// host OS variant explicitly and disable all other host OS'es.
IsHostOsDependent() bool
// AddDependencies adds dependencies from the SDK module to all the module variants the member
// type contributes to the SDK. `names` is the list of module names given in the member type
// property (as returned by SdkPropertyName()) in the SDK module. The exact set of variants
// required is determined by the SDK and its properties. The dependencies must be added with the
// supplied tag.
// The BottomUpMutatorContext provided is for the SDK module.
AddDependencies(ctx SdkDependencyContext, dependencyTag blueprint.DependencyTag, names []string)
// IsInstance returns true if the supplied module is an instance of this member type.
// This is used to check the type of each variant before added to the SdkMember. Returning false
// will cause an error to be logged explaining that the module is not allowed in whichever sdk
// property it was added.
IsInstance(module Module) bool
// UsesSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot returns true when the AddPrebuiltModule() method returns a
// source module type.
UsesSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot() bool
// AddPrebuiltModule is called to add a prebuilt module that the sdk will populate.
// The sdk module code generates the snapshot as follows:
// * A properties struct of type SdkMemberProperties is created for each variant and
// populated with information from the variant by calling PopulateFromVariant(SdkAware)
// on the struct.
// * An additional properties struct is created into which the common properties will be
// added.
// * The variant property structs are analysed to find exported (capitalized) fields which
// have common values. Those fields are cleared and the common value added to the common
// properties.
// A field annotated with a tag of `sdk:"keep"` will be treated as if it
// was not capitalized, i.e. not optimized for common values.
// A field annotated with a tag of `android:"arch_variant"` will be allowed to have
// values that differ by arch, fields not tagged as such must have common values across
// all variants.
// * Additional field tags can be specified on a field that will ignore certain values
// for the purpose of common value optimization. A value that is ignored must have the
// default value for the property type. This is to ensure that significant value are not
// ignored by accident. The purpose of this is to allow the snapshot generation to reflect
// the behavior of the runtime. e.g. if a property is ignored on the host then a property
// that is common for android can be treated as if it was common for android and host as
// the setting for host is ignored anyway.
// * `sdk:"ignored-on-host" - this indicates the property is ignored on the host variant.
// * The sdk module type populates the BpModule structure, creating the arch specific
// structure and calls AddToPropertySet(...) on the properties struct to add the member
// specific properties in the correct place in the structure.
AddPrebuiltModule(ctx SdkMemberContext, member SdkMember) BpModule
// CreateVariantPropertiesStruct creates a structure into which variant specific properties can be
// added.
CreateVariantPropertiesStruct() SdkMemberProperties
// SupportedTraits returns the set of traits supported by this member type.
SupportedTraits() SdkMemberTraitSet
var _ sdkRegisterable = (SdkMemberType)(nil)
// SdkDependencyContext provides access to information needed by the SdkMemberType.AddDependencies()
// implementations.
type SdkDependencyContext interface {
// RequiredTraits returns the set of SdkMemberTrait instances that the sdk requires the named
// member to provide.
RequiredTraits(name string) SdkMemberTraitSet
// RequiresTrait returns true if the sdk requires the member with the supplied name to provide the
// supplied trait.
RequiresTrait(name string, trait SdkMemberTrait) bool
// SdkMemberTypeBase is the base type for SdkMemberType implementations and must be embedded in any
// struct that implements SdkMemberType.
type SdkMemberTypeBase struct {
PropertyName string
// When set to true BpPropertyNotRequired indicates that the member type does not require the
// property to be specifiable in an Android.bp file.
BpPropertyNotRequired bool
// The name of the first targeted build release.
// If not specified then it is assumed to be available on all targeted build releases.
SupportedBuildReleaseSpecification string
SupportsSdk bool
HostOsDependent bool
// When set to true UseSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot indicates that the member type creates a source
// module type in its SdkMemberType.AddPrebuiltModule() method. That prevents the sdk snapshot
// code from automatically adding a prefer: true flag.
UseSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot bool
// The list of supported traits.
Traits []SdkMemberTrait
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) SdkPropertyName() string {
return b.PropertyName
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) RequiresBpProperty() bool {
return !b.BpPropertyNotRequired
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) SupportedBuildReleases() string {
return b.SupportedBuildReleaseSpecification
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) UsableWithSdkAndSdkSnapshot() bool {
return b.SupportsSdk
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) IsHostOsDependent() bool {
return b.HostOsDependent
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) UsesSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot() bool {
return b.UseSourceModuleTypeInSnapshot
func (b *SdkMemberTypeBase) SupportedTraits() SdkMemberTraitSet {
return NewSdkMemberTraitSet(b.Traits)
// registeredModuleExportsMemberTypes is the set of registered SdkMemberTypes for module_exports
// modules.
var registeredModuleExportsMemberTypes = &sdkRegistry{}
// registeredSdkMemberTypes is the set of registered registeredSdkMemberTypes for sdk modules.
var registeredSdkMemberTypes = &sdkRegistry{}
// RegisteredSdkMemberTypes returns a OnceKey and a sorted list of registered types.
// If moduleExports is true then the slice of types includes all registered types that can be used
// with the module_exports and module_exports_snapshot module types. Otherwise, the slice of types
// only includes those registered types that can be used with the sdk and sdk_snapshot module
// types.
// The key uniquely identifies the array of types and can be used with OncePer.Once() to cache
// information derived from the array of types.
func RegisteredSdkMemberTypes(moduleExports bool) (OnceKey, []SdkMemberType) {
var registry *sdkRegistry
if moduleExports {
registry = registeredModuleExportsMemberTypes
} else {
registry = registeredSdkMemberTypes
registerables := registry.registeredObjects()
types := make([]SdkMemberType, len(registerables))
for i, registerable := range registerables {
types[i] = registerable.(SdkMemberType)
return registry.uniqueOnceKey(), types
// RegisterSdkMemberType registers an SdkMemberType object to allow them to be used in the
// module_exports, module_exports_snapshot and (depending on the value returned from
// SdkMemberType.UsableWithSdkAndSdkSnapshot) the sdk and sdk_snapshot module types.
func RegisterSdkMemberType(memberType SdkMemberType) {
// All member types are usable with module_exports.
registeredModuleExportsMemberTypes = registeredModuleExportsMemberTypes.copyAndAppend(memberType)
// Only those that explicitly indicate it are usable with sdk.
if memberType.UsableWithSdkAndSdkSnapshot() {
registeredSdkMemberTypes = registeredSdkMemberTypes.copyAndAppend(memberType)
// SdkMemberPropertiesBase is the base structure for all implementations of SdkMemberProperties and
// must be embedded in any struct that implements SdkMemberProperties.
// Contains common properties that apply across many different member types.
type SdkMemberPropertiesBase struct {
// The number of unique os types supported by the member variants.
// If a member has a variant with more than one os type then it will need to differentiate
// the locations of any of their prebuilt files in the snapshot by os type to prevent them
// from colliding. See OsPrefix().
// This property is the same for all variants of a member and so would be optimized away
// if it was not explicitly kept.
Os_count int `sdk:"keep"`
// The os type for which these properties refer.
// Provided to allow a member to differentiate between os types in the locations of their
// prebuilt files when it supports more than one os type.
// This property is the same for all os type specific variants of a member and so would be
// optimized away if it was not explicitly kept.
Os OsType `sdk:"keep"`
// The setting to use for the compile_multilib property.
Compile_multilib string `android:"arch_variant"`
// OsPrefix returns the os prefix to use for any file paths in the sdk.
// Is an empty string if the member only provides variants for a single os type, otherwise
// is the OsType.Name.
func (b *SdkMemberPropertiesBase) OsPrefix() string {
if b.Os_count == 1 {
return ""
} else {
return b.Os.Name
func (b *SdkMemberPropertiesBase) Base() *SdkMemberPropertiesBase {
return b
// SdkMemberProperties is the interface to be implemented on top of a structure that contains
// variant specific information.
// Struct fields that are capitalized are examined for common values to extract. Fields that are not
// capitalized are assumed to be arch specific.
type SdkMemberProperties interface {
// Base returns the base structure.
Base() *SdkMemberPropertiesBase
// PopulateFromVariant populates this structure with information from a module variant.
// It will typically be called once for each variant of a member module that the SDK depends upon.
PopulateFromVariant(ctx SdkMemberContext, variant Module)
// AddToPropertySet adds the information from this structure to the property set.
// This will be called for each instance of this structure on which the PopulateFromVariant method
// was called and also on a number of different instances of this structure into which properties
// common to one or more variants have been copied. Therefore, implementations of this must handle
// the case when this structure is only partially populated.
AddToPropertySet(ctx SdkMemberContext, propertySet BpPropertySet)
// SdkMemberContext provides access to information common to a specific member.
type SdkMemberContext interface {
// SdkModuleContext returns the module context of the sdk common os variant which is creating the
// snapshot.
// This is common to all members of the sdk and is not specific to the member being processed.
// If information about the member being processed needs to be obtained from this ModuleContext it
// must be obtained using one of the OtherModule... methods not the Module... methods.
SdkModuleContext() ModuleContext
// SnapshotBuilder the builder of the snapshot.
SnapshotBuilder() SnapshotBuilder
// MemberType returns the type of the member currently being processed.
MemberType() SdkMemberType
// Name returns the name of the member currently being processed.
// Provided for use by sdk members to create a member specific location within the snapshot
// into which to copy the prebuilt files.
Name() string
// RequiresTrait returns true if this member is expected to provide the specified trait.
RequiresTrait(trait SdkMemberTrait) bool
// IsTargetBuildBeforeTiramisu return true if the target build release for which this snapshot is
// being generated is before Tiramisu, i.e. S.
IsTargetBuildBeforeTiramisu() bool
// ExportedComponentsInfo contains information about the components that this module exports to an
// sdk snapshot.
// A component of a module is a child module that the module creates and which forms an integral
// part of the functionality that the creating module provides. A component module is essentially
// owned by its creator and is tightly coupled to the creator and other components.
// e.g. the child modules created by prebuilt_apis are not components because they are not tightly
// coupled to the prebuilt_apis module. Once they are created the prebuilt_apis ignores them. The
// child impl and stub library created by java_sdk_library (and corresponding import) are components
// because the creating module depends upon them in order to provide some of its own functionality.
// A component is exported if it is part of an sdk snapshot. e.g. The xml and impl child modules are
// components but they are not exported as they are not part of an sdk snapshot.
// This information is used by the sdk snapshot generation code to ensure that it does not create
// an sdk snapshot that contains a declaration of the component module and the module that creates
// it as that would result in duplicate modules when attempting to use the snapshot. e.g. a snapshot
// that included the java_sdk_library_import "foo" and also a java_import "foo.stubs" would fail
// as there would be two modules called "foo.stubs".
type ExportedComponentsInfo struct {
// The names of the exported components.
Components []string
var ExportedComponentsInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(ExportedComponentsInfo{})