277 lines
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277 lines
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package bp2build
import (
// Configurability support for bp2build.
type selects map[string]reflect.Value
func getStringListValues(list bazel.StringListAttribute) (reflect.Value, []selects) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(list.Value)
if !list.HasConfigurableValues() {
return value, []selects{}
var ret []selects
for _, axis := range list.SortedConfigurationAxes() {
configToLists := list.ConfigurableValues[axis]
archSelects := map[string]reflect.Value{}
for config, labels := range configToLists {
selectKey := axis.SelectKey(config)
archSelects[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(labels)
if len(archSelects) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, archSelects)
return value, ret
func getLabelValue(label bazel.LabelAttribute) (reflect.Value, []selects) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(label.Value)
if !label.HasConfigurableValues() {
return value, []selects{}
ret := selects{}
for _, axis := range label.SortedConfigurationAxes() {
configToLabels := label.ConfigurableValues[axis]
for config, labels := range configToLabels {
selectKey := axis.SelectKey(config)
ret[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(labels)
// if there is a select, use the base value as the conditions default value
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret[bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey] = value
value = reflect.Zero(value.Type())
return value, []selects{ret}
func getBoolValue(boolAttr bazel.BoolAttribute) (reflect.Value, []selects) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(boolAttr.Value)
if !boolAttr.HasConfigurableValues() {
return value, []selects{}
ret := selects{}
for _, axis := range boolAttr.SortedConfigurationAxes() {
configToBools := boolAttr.ConfigurableValues[axis]
for config, bools := range configToBools {
selectKey := axis.SelectKey(config)
ret[selectKey] = reflect.ValueOf(bools)
// if there is a select, use the base value as the conditions default value
if len(ret) > 0 {
ret[bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey] = value
value = reflect.Zero(value.Type())
return value, []selects{ret}
func getLabelListValues(list bazel.LabelListAttribute) (reflect.Value, []selects) {
value := reflect.ValueOf(list.Value.Includes)
var ret []selects
for _, axis := range list.SortedConfigurationAxes() {
configToLabels := list.ConfigurableValues[axis]
if !configToLabels.HasConfigurableValues() {
archSelects := map[string]reflect.Value{}
defaultVal := configToLabels[bazel.ConditionsDefaultConfigKey]
// Skip empty list values unless ether EmitEmptyList is true, or these values differ from the default.
emitEmptyList := list.EmitEmptyList || len(defaultVal.Includes) > 0
for config, labels := range configToLabels {
// Omit any entries in the map which match the default value, for brevity.
if config != bazel.ConditionsDefaultConfigKey && labels.Equals(defaultVal) {
selectKey := axis.SelectKey(config)
if use, value := labelListSelectValue(selectKey, labels, emitEmptyList); use {
archSelects[selectKey] = value
if len(archSelects) > 0 {
ret = append(ret, archSelects)
return value, ret
func labelListSelectValue(selectKey string, list bazel.LabelList, emitEmptyList bool) (bool, reflect.Value) {
if selectKey == bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey || emitEmptyList || len(list.Includes) > 0 {
return true, reflect.ValueOf(list.Includes)
} else if len(list.Excludes) > 0 {
// if there is still an excludes -- we need to have an empty list for this select & use the
// value in conditions default Includes
return true, reflect.ValueOf([]string{})
return false, reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf([]string{}))
var (
emptyBazelList = "[]"
bazelNone = "None"
// prettyPrintAttribute converts an Attribute to its Bazel syntax. May contain
// select statements.
func prettyPrintAttribute(v bazel.Attribute, indent int) (string, error) {
var value reflect.Value
var configurableAttrs []selects
var defaultSelectValue *string
var emitZeroValues bool
// If true, print the default attribute value, even if the attribute is zero.
shouldPrintDefault := false
switch list := v.(type) {
case bazel.StringListAttribute:
value, configurableAttrs = getStringListValues(list)
defaultSelectValue = &emptyBazelList
case bazel.LabelListAttribute:
value, configurableAttrs = getLabelListValues(list)
emitZeroValues = list.EmitEmptyList
defaultSelectValue = &emptyBazelList
if list.ForceSpecifyEmptyList && (!value.IsNil() || list.HasConfigurableValues()) {
shouldPrintDefault = true
case bazel.LabelAttribute:
if err := list.Collapse(); err != nil {
return "", err
value, configurableAttrs = getLabelValue(list)
defaultSelectValue = &bazelNone
case bazel.BoolAttribute:
if err := list.Collapse(); err != nil {
return "", err
value, configurableAttrs = getBoolValue(list)
defaultSelectValue = &bazelNone
return "", fmt.Errorf("Not a supported Bazel attribute type: %s", v)
var err error
ret := ""
if value.Kind() != reflect.Invalid {
s, err := prettyPrint(value, indent, false) // never emit zero values for the base value
if err != nil {
return ret, err
ret += s
// Convenience function to append selects components to an attribute value.
appendSelects := func(selectsData selects, defaultValue *string, s string) (string, error) {
selectMap, err := prettyPrintSelectMap(selectsData, defaultValue, indent, emitZeroValues)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if s != "" && selectMap != "" {
s += " + "
s += selectMap
return s, nil
for _, configurableAttr := range configurableAttrs {
ret, err = appendSelects(configurableAttr, defaultSelectValue, ret)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ret == "" && shouldPrintDefault {
return *defaultSelectValue, nil
return ret, nil
// prettyPrintSelectMap converts a map of select keys to reflected Values as a generic way
// to construct a select map for any kind of attribute type.
func prettyPrintSelectMap(selectMap map[string]reflect.Value, defaultValue *string, indent int, emitZeroValues bool) (string, error) {
if selectMap == nil {
return "", nil
var selects string
for _, selectKey := range android.SortedStringKeys(selectMap) {
if selectKey == bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey {
// Handle default condition later.
value := selectMap[selectKey]
if isZero(value) && !emitZeroValues && isZero(selectMap[bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey]) {
// Ignore zero values to not generate empty lists. However, always note zero values if
// the default value is non-zero.
s, err := prettyPrintSelectEntry(value, selectKey, indent, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// s could still be an empty string, e.g. unset slices of structs with
// length of 0.
if s != "" {
selects += s + ",\n"
if len(selects) == 0 {
// No conditions (or all values are empty lists), so no need for a map.
return "", nil
// Create the map.
ret := "select({\n"
ret += selects
// Handle the default condition
s, err := prettyPrintSelectEntry(selectMap[bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey], bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey, indent, emitZeroValues)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if s != "" {
// Print the custom default value.
ret += s
ret += ",\n"
} else if defaultValue != nil {
// Print an explicit empty list (the default value) even if the value is
// empty, to avoid errors about not finding a configuration that matches.
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s\"%s\": %s,\n", starlark_fmt.Indention(indent+1), bazel.ConditionsDefaultSelectKey, *defaultValue)
ret += starlark_fmt.Indention(indent)
ret += "})"
return ret, nil
// prettyPrintSelectEntry converts a reflect.Value into an entry in a select map
// with a provided key.
func prettyPrintSelectEntry(value reflect.Value, key string, indent int, emitZeroValues bool) (string, error) {
s := starlark_fmt.Indention(indent + 1)
v, err := prettyPrint(value, indent+1, emitZeroValues)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if v == "" {
return "", nil
s += fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\": %s", key, v)
return s, nil