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406 lines
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package cc
import (
// PlatformSanitizeable is an interface for sanitizing platform modules.
type PlatformSanitizeable interface {
// SanitizePropDefined returns whether the Sanitizer properties struct for this module is defined.
SanitizePropDefined() bool
// IsSanitizerEnabled returns whether a sanitizer is enabled.
IsSanitizerEnabled(t SanitizerType) bool
// IsSanitizerExplicitlyDisabled returns whether a sanitizer has been explicitly disabled (set to false) rather
// than left undefined.
IsSanitizerExplicitlyDisabled(t SanitizerType) bool
// SanitizeDep returns the value of the SanitizeDep flag, which is set if a module is a dependency of a
// sanitized module.
SanitizeDep() bool
// SetSanitizer enables or disables the specified sanitizer type if it's supported, otherwise this should panic.
SetSanitizer(t SanitizerType, b bool)
// SetSanitizerDep returns true if the module is statically linked.
SetSanitizeDep(b bool)
// StaticallyLinked returns true if the module is statically linked.
StaticallyLinked() bool
// SetInSanitizerDir sets the module installation to the sanitizer directory.
// SanitizeNever returns true if this module should never be sanitized.
SanitizeNever() bool
// SanitizerSupported returns true if a sanitizer type is supported by this modules compiler.
SanitizerSupported(t SanitizerType) bool
// MinimalRuntimeDep returns true if this module needs to link the minimal UBSan runtime,
// either because it requires it or because a dependent module which requires it to be linked in this module.
MinimalRuntimeDep() bool
// UbsanRuntimeDep returns true if this module needs to link the full UBSan runtime,
// either because it requires it or because a dependent module which requires it to be linked in this module.
UbsanRuntimeDep() bool
// UbsanRuntimeNeeded returns true if the full UBSan runtime is required by this module.
UbsanRuntimeNeeded() bool
// MinimalRuntimeNeeded returns true if the minimal UBSan runtime is required by this module
MinimalRuntimeNeeded() bool
// SanitizableDepTagChecker returns a SantizableDependencyTagChecker function type.
SanitizableDepTagChecker() SantizableDependencyTagChecker
// SantizableDependencyTagChecker functions check whether or not a dependency
// tag can be sanitized. These functions should return true if the tag can be
// sanitized, otherwise they should return false. These functions should also
// handle all possible dependency tags in the dependency tree. For example,
// Rust modules can depend on both Rust and CC libraries, so the Rust module
// implementation should handle tags from both.
type SantizableDependencyTagChecker func(tag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool
// Snapshottable defines those functions necessary for handling module snapshots.
type Snapshottable interface {
// SnapshotHeaders returns a list of header paths provided by this module.
SnapshotHeaders() android.Paths
// SnapshotLibrary returns true if this module is a snapshot library.
IsSnapshotLibrary() bool
// EffectiveLicenseFiles returns the list of License files for this module.
EffectiveLicenseFiles() android.Paths
// SnapshotRuntimeLibs returns a list of libraries needed by this module at runtime but which aren't build dependencies.
SnapshotRuntimeLibs() []string
// SnapshotSharedLibs returns the list of shared library dependencies for this module.
SnapshotSharedLibs() []string
// SnapshotStaticLibs returns the list of static library dependencies for this module.
SnapshotStaticLibs() []string
// IsSnapshotPrebuilt returns true if this module is a snapshot prebuilt.
IsSnapshotPrebuilt() bool
// LinkableInterface is an interface for a type of module that is linkable in a C++ library.
type LinkableInterface interface {
Module() android.Module
CcLibrary() bool
CcLibraryInterface() bool
// BaseModuleName returns the android.ModuleBase.BaseModuleName() value for this module.
BaseModuleName() string
OutputFile() android.OptionalPath
UnstrippedOutputFile() android.Path
CoverageFiles() android.Paths
NonCcVariants() bool
SelectedStl() string
BuildStaticVariant() bool
BuildSharedVariant() bool
IsPrebuilt() bool
Toc() android.OptionalPath
Device() bool
Host() bool
InRamdisk() bool
OnlyInRamdisk() bool
InVendorRamdisk() bool
OnlyInVendorRamdisk() bool
InRecovery() bool
OnlyInRecovery() bool
InVendor() bool
UseSdk() bool
// IsLlndk returns true for both LLNDK (public) and LLNDK-private libs.
IsLlndk() bool
// IsLlndkPublic returns true only for LLNDK (public) libs.
IsLlndkPublic() bool
// HasLlndkStubs returns true if this library has a variant that will build LLNDK stubs.
HasLlndkStubs() bool
// NeedsLlndkVariants returns true if this module has LLNDK stubs or provides LLNDK headers.
NeedsLlndkVariants() bool
// NeedsVendorPublicLibraryVariants returns true if this module has vendor public library stubs.
NeedsVendorPublicLibraryVariants() bool
//StubsVersion returns the stubs version for this module.
StubsVersion() string
// UseVndk returns true if the module is using VNDK libraries instead of the libraries in /system/lib or /system/lib64.
// "product" and "vendor" variant modules return true for this function.
// When BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set, vendor variants of "vendor_available: true", "vendor: true",
// "soc_specific: true" and more vendor installed modules are included here.
// When PRODUCT_PRODUCT_VNDK_VERSION is set, product variants of "vendor_available: true" or
// "product_specific: true" modules are included here.
UseVndk() bool
// Bootstrap tests if this module is allowed to use non-APEX version of libraries.
Bootstrap() bool
// IsVndkSp returns true if this is a VNDK-SP module.
IsVndkSp() bool
MustUseVendorVariant() bool
IsVndk() bool
IsVndkExt() bool
IsVndkPrivate() bool
IsVendorPublicLibrary() bool
IsVndkPrebuiltLibrary() bool
HasVendorVariant() bool
HasProductVariant() bool
HasNonSystemVariants() bool
ProductSpecific() bool
InProduct() bool
SdkAndPlatformVariantVisibleToMake() bool
// SubName returns the modules SubName, used for image and NDK/SDK variations.
SubName() string
SdkVersion() string
MinSdkVersion() string
AlwaysSdk() bool
IsSdkVariant() bool
SplitPerApiLevel() bool
// SetPreventInstall sets the PreventInstall property to 'true' for this module.
// SetHideFromMake sets the HideFromMake property to 'true' for this module.
// KernelHeadersDecorator returns true if this is a kernel headers decorator module.
// This is specific to cc and should always return false for all other packages.
KernelHeadersDecorator() bool
// HiddenFromMake returns true if this module is hidden from Make.
HiddenFromMake() bool
// RelativeInstallPath returns the relative install path for this module.
RelativeInstallPath() string
// Binary returns true if this is a binary module.
Binary() bool
// Object returns true if this is an object module.
Object() bool
// Rlib returns true if this is an rlib module.
Rlib() bool
// Dylib returns true if this is an dylib module.
Dylib() bool
// Static returns true if this is a static library module.
Static() bool
// Shared returns true if this is a shared library module.
Shared() bool
// Header returns true if this is a library headers module.
Header() bool
// StaticExecutable returns true if this is a binary module with "static_executable: true".
StaticExecutable() bool
// EverInstallable returns true if the module is ever installable
EverInstallable() bool
// PreventInstall returns true if this module is prevented from installation.
PreventInstall() bool
// InstallInData returns true if this module is installed in data.
InstallInData() bool
// Installable returns a bool pointer to the module installable property.
Installable() *bool
// Symlinks returns a list of symlinks that should be created for this module.
Symlinks() []string
// VndkVersion returns the VNDK version string for this module.
VndkVersion() string
var (
// Dependency tag for crtbegin, an object file responsible for initialization.
CrtBeginDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "crtbegin"}
// Dependency tag for crtend, an object file responsible for program termination.
CrtEndDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "crtend"}
// Dependency tag for coverage library.
CoverageDepTag = dependencyTag{name: "coverage"}
// GetImageVariantType returns the ImageVariantType string value for the given module
// (these are defined in cc/image.go).
func GetImageVariantType(c LinkableInterface) ImageVariantType {
if c.Host() {
return hostImageVariant
} else if c.InVendor() {
return vendorImageVariant
} else if c.InProduct() {
return productImageVariant
} else if c.InRamdisk() {
return ramdiskImageVariant
} else if c.InVendorRamdisk() {
return vendorRamdiskImageVariant
} else if c.InRecovery() {
return recoveryImageVariant
} else {
return coreImageVariant
// DepTagMakeSuffix returns the makeSuffix value of a particular library dependency tag.
// Returns an empty string if not a library dependency tag.
func DepTagMakeSuffix(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) string {
if libDepTag, ok := depTag.(libraryDependencyTag); ok {
return libDepTag.makeSuffix
return ""
// SharedDepTag returns the dependency tag for any C++ shared libraries.
func SharedDepTag() blueprint.DependencyTag {
return libraryDependencyTag{Kind: sharedLibraryDependency}
// StaticDepTag returns the dependency tag for any C++ static libraries.
func StaticDepTag(wholeStatic bool) blueprint.DependencyTag {
return libraryDependencyTag{Kind: staticLibraryDependency, wholeStatic: wholeStatic}
// IsWholeStaticLib whether a dependency tag is a whole static library dependency.
func IsWholeStaticLib(depTag blueprint.DependencyTag) bool {
if tag, ok := depTag.(libraryDependencyTag); ok {
return tag.wholeStatic
return false
// HeaderDepTag returns the dependency tag for any C++ "header-only" libraries.
func HeaderDepTag() blueprint.DependencyTag {
return libraryDependencyTag{Kind: headerLibraryDependency}
// SharedLibraryInfo is a provider to propagate information about a shared C++ library.
type SharedLibraryInfo struct {
SharedLibrary android.Path
Target android.Target
TableOfContents android.OptionalPath
// should be obtained from static analogue
TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering *android.DepSet
var SharedLibraryInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(SharedLibraryInfo{})
// SharedStubLibrary is a struct containing information about a stub shared library.
// Stub libraries are used for cross-APEX dependencies; when a library is to depend on a shared
// library in another APEX, it must depend on the stub version of that library.
type SharedStubLibrary struct {
// The version of the stub (corresponding to the stable version of the shared library being
// stubbed).
Version string
SharedLibraryInfo SharedLibraryInfo
FlagExporterInfo FlagExporterInfo
// SharedLibraryStubsInfo is a provider to propagate information about all shared library stubs
// which are dependencies of a library.
// Stub libraries are used for cross-APEX dependencies; when a library is to depend on a shared
// library in another APEX, it must depend on the stub version of that library.
type SharedLibraryStubsInfo struct {
SharedStubLibraries []SharedStubLibrary
IsLLNDK bool
var SharedLibraryStubsProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(SharedLibraryStubsInfo{})
// StaticLibraryInfo is a provider to propagate information about a static C++ library.
type StaticLibraryInfo struct {
StaticLibrary android.Path
Objects Objects
ReuseObjects Objects
// A static library may contain prebuilt static libraries included with whole_static_libs
// that won't appear in Objects. They are transitively available in
// WholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts.
WholeStaticLibsFromPrebuilts android.Paths
// This isn't the actual transitive DepSet, shared library dependencies have been
// converted into static library analogues. It is only used to order the static
// library dependencies that were specified for the current module.
TransitiveStaticLibrariesForOrdering *android.DepSet
var StaticLibraryInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(StaticLibraryInfo{})
// HeaderLibraryInfo is a marker provider that identifies a module as a header library.
type HeaderLibraryInfo struct {
// HeaderLibraryInfoProvider is a marker provider that identifies a module as a header library.
var HeaderLibraryInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(HeaderLibraryInfo{})
// FlagExporterInfo is a provider to propagate transitive library information
// pertaining to exported include paths and flags.
type FlagExporterInfo struct {
IncludeDirs android.Paths // Include directories to be included with -I
SystemIncludeDirs android.Paths // System include directories to be included with -isystem
Flags []string // Exported raw flags.
Deps android.Paths
GeneratedHeaders android.Paths
var FlagExporterInfoProvider = blueprint.NewProvider(FlagExporterInfo{})
// flagExporterInfoFromCcInfo populates FlagExporterInfo provider with information from Bazel.
func flagExporterInfoFromCcInfo(ctx android.ModuleContext, ccInfo cquery.CcInfo) FlagExporterInfo {
includes := android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.Includes)
systemIncludes := android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.SystemIncludes)
headers := android.PathsForBazelOut(ctx, ccInfo.Headers)
return FlagExporterInfo{
IncludeDirs: android.FirstUniquePaths(includes),
SystemIncludeDirs: android.FirstUniquePaths(systemIncludes),
GeneratedHeaders: headers,
// necessary to ensure generated headers are considered implicit deps of dependent actions
Deps: headers,