
393 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
type testZipEntry struct {
name string
mode os.FileMode
data []byte
var (
A = testZipEntry{"A", 0755, []byte("foo")}
a = testZipEntry{"a", 0755, []byte("foo")}
a2 = testZipEntry{"a", 0755, []byte("FOO2")}
a3 = testZipEntry{"a", 0755, []byte("Foo3")}
bDir = testZipEntry{"b/", os.ModeDir | 0755, nil}
bbDir = testZipEntry{"b/b/", os.ModeDir | 0755, nil}
bbb = testZipEntry{"b/b/b", 0755, nil}
ba = testZipEntry{"b/a", 0755, []byte("foob")}
bc = testZipEntry{"b/c", 0755, []byte("bar")}
bd = testZipEntry{"b/d", 0700, []byte("baz")}
be = testZipEntry{"b/e", 0700, []byte("")}
metainfDir = testZipEntry{jar.MetaDir, os.ModeDir | 0755, nil}
manifestFile = testZipEntry{jar.ManifestFile, 0755, []byte("manifest")}
manifestFile2 = testZipEntry{jar.ManifestFile, 0755, []byte("manifest2")}
moduleInfoFile = testZipEntry{jar.ModuleInfoClass, 0755, []byte("module-info")}
type testInputZip struct {
name string
entries []testZipEntry
reader *zip.Reader
func (tiz *testInputZip) Name() string {
func (tiz *testInputZip) Open() error {
if tiz.reader == nil {
tiz.reader = testZipEntriesToZipReader(tiz.entries)
return nil
func (tiz *testInputZip) Close() error {
tiz.reader = nil
return nil
func (tiz *testInputZip) Entries() []*zip.File {
if tiz.reader == nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%s: should be open to get entries", tiz.Name()))
return tiz.reader.File
func (tiz *testInputZip) IsOpen() bool {
return tiz.reader != nil
func TestMergeZips(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
in [][]testZipEntry
stripFiles []string
stripDirs []string
jar bool
sort bool
ignoreDuplicates bool
stripDirEntries bool
zipsToNotStrip map[string]bool
out []testZipEntry
err string
name: "duplicates error",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
out: []testZipEntry{a},
err: "duplicate",
name: "duplicates take first",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
out: []testZipEntry{a},
ignoreDuplicates: true,
name: "duplicates identical",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
out: []testZipEntry{a},
name: "sort",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{be, bc, bDir, bbDir, bbb, A, metainfDir, manifestFile},
out: []testZipEntry{A, metainfDir, manifestFile, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc, be},
sort: true,
name: "jar sort",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{be, bc, bDir, A, metainfDir, manifestFile},
out: []testZipEntry{metainfDir, manifestFile, A, bDir, bc, be},
jar: true,
name: "jar merge",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{metainfDir, manifestFile, bDir, be},
{metainfDir, manifestFile2, bDir, bc},
{metainfDir, manifestFile2, A},
out: []testZipEntry{metainfDir, manifestFile, A, bDir, bc, be},
jar: true,
name: "merge",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{bDir, be},
{bDir, bc},
out: []testZipEntry{bDir, be, bc, A},
name: "strip dir entries",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc, bd, be},
out: []testZipEntry{a, bbb, bc, bd, be},
stripDirEntries: true,
name: "strip files",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc, bd, be},
out: []testZipEntry{a, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc},
stripFiles: []string{"b/d", "b/e"},
// merge_zips used to treat -stripFile a as stripping any file named a, it now only strips a in the
// root of the zip.
name: "strip file name",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, ba},
out: []testZipEntry{bDir, ba},
stripFiles: []string{"a"},
name: "strip files glob",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, ba},
out: []testZipEntry{bDir},
stripFiles: []string{"**/a"},
name: "strip dirs",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc, bd, be},
out: []testZipEntry{a},
stripDirs: []string{"b"},
name: "strip dirs glob",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, bbDir, bbb, bc, bd, be},
out: []testZipEntry{a, bDir, bc, bd, be},
stripDirs: []string{"b/*"},
name: "zips to not strip",
in: [][]testZipEntry{
{a, bDir, bc},
{bDir, bd},
{bDir, be},
out: []testZipEntry{a, bDir, bd},
stripDirs: []string{"b"},
zipsToNotStrip: map[string]bool{
"in1": true,
for _, test := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
inputZips := make([]InputZip, len(
for i, in := range {
inputZips[i] = &testInputZip{name: "in" + strconv.Itoa(i), entries: in}
want := testZipEntriesToBuf(test.out)
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
writer := zip.NewWriter(out)
err := mergeZips(inputZips, writer, "", "",
test.sort, test.jar, false, test.stripDirEntries, test.ignoreDuplicates,
test.stripFiles, test.stripDirs, test.zipsToNotStrip)
closeErr := writer.Close()
if closeErr != nil {
if test.err != "" {
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("missing err, expected: ", test.err)
} else if !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(err.Error()), strings.ToLower(test.err)) {
t.Fatal("incorrect err, want:", test.err, "got:", err)
if !bytes.Equal(want, out.Bytes()) {
t.Error("incorrect zip output")
t.Errorf("want:\n%s", dumpZip(want))
t.Errorf("got:\n%s", dumpZip(out.Bytes()))
func testZipEntriesToBuf(entries []testZipEntry) []byte {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
zw := zip.NewWriter(b)
for _, e := range entries {
fh := zip.FileHeader{
w, err := zw.CreateHeader(&fh)
if err != nil {
_, err = w.Write(
if err != nil {
err := zw.Close()
if err != nil {
return b.Bytes()
func testZipEntriesToZipReader(entries []testZipEntry) *zip.Reader {
b := testZipEntriesToBuf(entries)
r := bytes.NewReader(b)
zr, err := zip.NewReader(r, int64(len(b)))
if err != nil {
return zr
func dumpZip(buf []byte) string {
r := bytes.NewReader(buf)
zr, err := zip.NewReader(r, int64(len(buf)))
if err != nil {
var ret string
for _, f := range zr.File {
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v %v %08x\n", f.Name, f.Mode(), f.UncompressedSize64, f.CRC32)
return ret
type DummyInpuZip struct {
isOpen bool
func (diz *DummyInpuZip) Name() string {
return "dummy"
func (diz *DummyInpuZip) Open() error {
diz.isOpen = true
return nil
func (diz *DummyInpuZip) Close() error {
diz.isOpen = false
return nil
func (DummyInpuZip) Entries() []*zip.File {
panic("implement me")
func (diz *DummyInpuZip) IsOpen() bool {
return diz.isOpen
func TestInputZipsManager(t *testing.T) {
const nInputZips = 20
const nMaxOpenZips = 10
izm := NewInputZipsManager(20, 10)
managedZips := make([]InputZip, nInputZips)
for i := 0; i < nInputZips; i++ {
managedZips[i] = izm.Manage(&DummyInpuZip{})
t.Run("InputZipsManager", func(t *testing.T) {
for i, iz := range managedZips {
if err := iz.Open(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Step %d: open failed: %s", i, err)
if izm.nOpenZips > nMaxOpenZips {
t.Errorf("Step %d: should be <=%d open zips", i, nMaxOpenZips)
if !managedZips[nInputZips-1].IsOpen() {
t.Error("The last input should stay open")
for _, iz := range managedZips {
if izm.nOpenZips > 0 {
t.Error("Some input zips are still open")