906 lines
29 KiB
906 lines
29 KiB
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package java
import (
func init() {
func RegisterDocsBuildComponents(ctx android.RegistrationContext) {
ctx.RegisterModuleType("doc_defaults", DocDefaultsFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("droiddoc", DroiddocFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("droiddoc_host", DroiddocHostFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("droiddoc_exported_dir", ExportedDroiddocDirFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("javadoc", JavadocFactory)
ctx.RegisterModuleType("javadoc_host", JavadocHostFactory)
type JavadocProperties struct {
// list of source files used to compile the Java module. May be .java, .logtags, .proto,
// or .aidl files.
Srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of source files that should not be used to build the Java module.
// This is most useful in the arch/multilib variants to remove non-common files
// filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
Exclude_srcs []string `android:"path,arch_variant"`
// list of package names that should actually be used. If this property is left unspecified,
// all the sources from the srcs property is used.
Filter_packages []string
// list of java libraries that will be in the classpath.
Libs []string `android:"arch_variant"`
// If set to false, don't allow this module(-docs.zip) to be exported. Defaults to true.
Installable *bool
// if not blank, set to the version of the sdk to compile against.
// Defaults to compiling against the current platform.
Sdk_version *string `android:"arch_variant"`
// When targeting 1.9 and above, override the modules to use with --system,
// otherwise provides defaults libraries to add to the bootclasspath.
// Defaults to "none"
System_modules *string
Aidl struct {
// Top level directories to pass to aidl tool
Include_dirs []string
// Directories rooted at the Android.bp file to pass to aidl tool
Local_include_dirs []string
// If not blank, set the java version passed to javadoc as -source
Java_version *string
// local files that are used within user customized droiddoc options.
Arg_files []string `android:"path"`
// user customized droiddoc args. Deprecated, use flags instead.
// Available variables for substitution:
// $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
// $$: a literal $
Args *string
// user customized droiddoc args. Not compatible with property args.
// Available variables for substitution:
// $(location <label>): the path to the arg_files with name <label>
// $$: a literal $
Flags []string
// names of the output files used in args that will be generated
Out []string
type ApiToCheck struct {
// path to the API txt file that the new API extracted from source code is checked
// against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via :module syntax).
Api_file *string `android:"path"`
// path to the API txt file that the new @removed API extractd from source code is
// checked against. The path can be local to the module or from other module (via
// :module syntax).
Removed_api_file *string `android:"path"`
// If not blank, path to the baseline txt file for approved API check violations.
Baseline_file *string `android:"path"`
// Arguments to the apicheck tool.
Args *string
type DroiddocProperties struct {
// directory relative to top of the source tree that contains doc templates files.
Custom_template *string
// directories under current module source which contains html/jd files.
Html_dirs []string
// set a value in the Clearsilver hdf namespace.
Hdf []string
// proofread file contains all of the text content of the javadocs concatenated into one file,
// suitable for spell-checking and other goodness.
Proofread_file *string
// a todo file lists the program elements that are missing documentation.
// At some point, this might be improved to show more warnings.
Todo_file *string `android:"path"`
// directory under current module source that provide additional resources (images).
Resourcesdir *string
// resources output directory under out/soong/.intermediates.
Resourcesoutdir *string
// index.html under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
Static_doc_index_redirect *string `android:"path"`
// source.properties under current module will be copied to docs out dir, if not null.
Static_doc_properties *string `android:"path"`
// a list of files under current module source dir which contains known tags in Java sources.
// filegroup or genrule can be included within this property.
Knowntags []string `android:"path"`
// if set to true, generate docs through Dokka instead of Doclava.
Dokka_enabled *bool
// Compat config XML. Generates compat change documentation if set.
Compat_config *string `android:"path"`
// Common flags passed down to build rule
type droiddocBuilderFlags struct {
bootClasspathArgs string
classpathArgs string
sourcepathArgs string
dokkaClasspathArgs string
aidlFlags string
aidlDeps android.Paths
doclavaStubsFlags string
doclavaDocsFlags string
postDoclavaCmds string
func InitDroiddocModule(module android.DefaultableModule, hod android.HostOrDeviceSupported) {
android.InitAndroidArchModule(module, hod, android.MultilibCommon)
func apiCheckEnabled(ctx android.ModuleContext, apiToCheck ApiToCheck, apiVersionTag string) bool {
if ctx.Config().IsEnvTrue("WITHOUT_CHECK_API") {
return false
} else if String(apiToCheck.Api_file) != "" && String(apiToCheck.Removed_api_file) != "" {
return true
} else if String(apiToCheck.Api_file) != "" {
panic("for " + apiVersionTag + " removed_api_file has to be non-empty!")
} else if String(apiToCheck.Removed_api_file) != "" {
panic("for " + apiVersionTag + " api_file has to be non-empty!")
return false
// Javadoc
type Javadoc struct {
properties JavadocProperties
srcJars android.Paths
srcFiles android.Paths
sourcepaths android.Paths
implicits android.Paths
docZip android.WritablePath
stubsSrcJar android.WritablePath
func (j *Javadoc) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "":
return android.Paths{j.stubsSrcJar}, nil
case ".docs.zip":
return android.Paths{j.docZip}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
// javadoc converts .java source files to documentation using javadoc.
func JavadocFactory() android.Module {
module := &Javadoc{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// javadoc_host converts .java source files to documentation using javadoc.
func JavadocHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Javadoc{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
var _ android.OutputFileProducer = (*Javadoc)(nil)
func (j *Javadoc) SdkVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.SdkSpec {
return android.SdkSpecFrom(ctx, String(j.properties.Sdk_version))
func (j *Javadoc) SystemModules() string {
return proptools.String(j.properties.System_modules)
func (j *Javadoc) MinSdkVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.SdkSpec {
return j.SdkVersion(ctx)
func (j *Javadoc) TargetSdkVersion(ctx android.EarlyModuleContext) android.SdkSpec {
return j.SdkVersion(ctx)
func (j *Javadoc) addDeps(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if ctx.Device() {
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.useModule {
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, bootClasspathTag, sdkDep.bootclasspath...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, systemModulesTag, sdkDep.systemModules)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, java9LibTag, sdkDep.java9Classpath...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, sdkDep.classpath...)
ctx.AddVariationDependencies(nil, libTag, j.properties.Libs...)
func (j *Javadoc) collectAidlFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, deps deps) droiddocBuilderFlags {
var flags droiddocBuilderFlags
flags.aidlFlags, flags.aidlDeps = j.aidlFlags(ctx, deps.aidlPreprocess, deps.aidlIncludeDirs)
return flags
func (j *Javadoc) aidlFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, aidlPreprocess android.OptionalPath,
aidlIncludeDirs android.Paths) (string, android.Paths) {
aidlIncludes := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, j.properties.Aidl.Local_include_dirs)
aidlIncludes = append(aidlIncludes, android.PathsForSource(ctx, j.properties.Aidl.Include_dirs)...)
var flags []string
var deps android.Paths
if aidlPreprocess.Valid() {
flags = append(flags, "-p"+aidlPreprocess.String())
deps = append(deps, aidlPreprocess.Path())
} else {
flags = append(flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(aidlIncludeDirs.Strings(), "-I"))
flags = append(flags, android.JoinWithPrefix(aidlIncludes.Strings(), "-I"))
flags = append(flags, "-I"+android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx).String())
if src := android.ExistentPathForSource(ctx, ctx.ModuleDir(), "src"); src.Valid() {
flags = append(flags, "-I"+src.String())
return strings.Join(flags, " "), deps
// TODO: remove the duplication between this and the one in gen.go
func (j *Javadoc) genSources(ctx android.ModuleContext, srcFiles android.Paths,
flags droiddocBuilderFlags) android.Paths {
outSrcFiles := make(android.Paths, 0, len(srcFiles))
var aidlSrcs android.Paths
aidlIncludeFlags := genAidlIncludeFlags(srcFiles)
for _, srcFile := range srcFiles {
switch srcFile.Ext() {
case ".aidl":
aidlSrcs = append(aidlSrcs, srcFile)
case ".logtags":
javaFile := genLogtags(ctx, srcFile)
outSrcFiles = append(outSrcFiles, javaFile)
outSrcFiles = append(outSrcFiles, srcFile)
// Process all aidl files together to support sharding them into one or more rules that produce srcjars.
if len(aidlSrcs) > 0 {
srcJarFiles := genAidl(ctx, aidlSrcs, flags.aidlFlags+aidlIncludeFlags, nil, flags.aidlDeps)
outSrcFiles = append(outSrcFiles, srcJarFiles...)
return outSrcFiles
func (j *Javadoc) collectDeps(ctx android.ModuleContext) deps {
var deps deps
sdkDep := decodeSdkDep(ctx, android.SdkContext(j))
if sdkDep.invalidVersion {
} else if sdkDep.useFiles {
deps.bootClasspath = append(deps.bootClasspath, sdkDep.jars...)
deps.aidlPreprocess = sdkDep.aidl
} else {
deps.aidlPreprocess = sdkDep.aidl
ctx.VisitDirectDeps(func(module android.Module) {
otherName := ctx.OtherModuleName(module)
tag := ctx.OtherModuleDependencyTag(module)
switch tag {
case bootClasspathTag:
if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider) {
dep := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
deps.bootClasspath = append(deps.bootClasspath, dep.ImplementationJars...)
} else if sm, ok := module.(SystemModulesProvider); ok {
// A system modules dependency has been added to the bootclasspath
// so add its libs to the bootclasspath.
deps.bootClasspath = append(deps.bootClasspath, sm.HeaderJars()...)
} else {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown dependency %q for %q", otherName, ctx.ModuleName()))
case libTag:
if dep, ok := module.(SdkLibraryDependency); ok {
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.SdkHeaderJars(ctx, j.SdkVersion(ctx))...)
} else if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider) {
dep := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.HeaderJars...)
deps.aidlIncludeDirs = append(deps.aidlIncludeDirs, dep.AidlIncludeDirs...)
} else if dep, ok := module.(android.SourceFileProducer); ok {
checkProducesJars(ctx, dep)
deps.classpath = append(deps.classpath, dep.Srcs()...)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-java module %q", otherName)
case java9LibTag:
if ctx.OtherModuleHasProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider) {
dep := ctx.OtherModuleProvider(module, JavaInfoProvider).(JavaInfo)
deps.java9Classpath = append(deps.java9Classpath, dep.HeaderJars...)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("depends on non-java module %q", otherName)
case systemModulesTag:
if deps.systemModules != nil {
panic("Found two system module dependencies")
sm := module.(SystemModulesProvider)
outputDir, outputDeps := sm.OutputDirAndDeps()
deps.systemModules = &systemModules{outputDir, outputDeps}
// do not pass exclude_srcs directly when expanding srcFiles since exclude_srcs
// may contain filegroup or genrule.
srcFiles := android.PathsForModuleSrcExcludes(ctx, j.properties.Srcs, j.properties.Exclude_srcs)
j.implicits = append(j.implicits, srcFiles...)
filterByPackage := func(srcs []android.Path, filterPackages []string) []android.Path {
if filterPackages == nil {
return srcs
filtered := []android.Path{}
for _, src := range srcs {
if src.Ext() != ".java" {
// Don't filter-out non-Java (=generated sources) by package names. This is not ideal,
// but otherwise metalava emits stub sources having references to the generated AIDL classes
// in filtered-out pacages (e.g. com.android.internal.*).
// TODO(b/141149570) We need to fix this by introducing default private constructors or
// fixing metalava to not emit constructors having references to unknown classes.
filtered = append(filtered, src)
packageName := strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Dir(src.Rel()), "/", ".")
if android.HasAnyPrefix(packageName, filterPackages) {
filtered = append(filtered, src)
return filtered
srcFiles = filterByPackage(srcFiles, j.properties.Filter_packages)
aidlFlags := j.collectAidlFlags(ctx, deps)
srcFiles = j.genSources(ctx, srcFiles, aidlFlags)
// srcs may depend on some genrule output.
j.srcJars = srcFiles.FilterByExt(".srcjar")
j.srcJars = append(j.srcJars, deps.srcJars...)
j.srcFiles = srcFiles.FilterOutByExt(".srcjar")
j.srcFiles = append(j.srcFiles, deps.srcs...)
if len(j.srcFiles) > 0 {
j.sourcepaths = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{"."})
return deps
func (j *Javadoc) expandArgs(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand) {
var argFiles android.Paths
argFilesMap := map[string]string{}
argFileLabels := []string{}
for _, label := range j.properties.Arg_files {
var paths = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{label})
if _, exists := argFilesMap[label]; !exists {
argFilesMap[label] = strings.Join(cmd.PathsForInputs(paths), " ")
argFileLabels = append(argFileLabels, label)
argFiles = append(argFiles, paths...)
} else {
ctx.ModuleErrorf("multiple arg_files for %q, %q and %q",
label, argFilesMap[label], paths)
var argsPropertyName string
flags := make([]string, 0)
if j.properties.Args != nil && j.properties.Flags != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("args", "flags is set. Cannot set args")
} else if args := proptools.String(j.properties.Args); args != "" {
flags = append(flags, args)
argsPropertyName = "args"
} else {
flags = append(flags, j.properties.Flags...)
argsPropertyName = "flags"
for _, flag := range flags {
expanded, err := android.Expand(flag, func(name string) (string, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(name, "location ") {
label := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "location "))
if paths, ok := argFilesMap[label]; ok {
return paths, nil
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown location label %q, expecting one of %q",
label, strings.Join(argFileLabels, ", "))
} else if name == "genDir" {
return android.PathForModuleGen(ctx).String(), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown variable '$(%s)'", name)
if err != nil {
ctx.PropertyErrorf(argsPropertyName, "%s", err.Error())
func (j *Javadoc) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
func (j *Javadoc) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
deps := j.collectDeps(ctx)
j.docZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-"+"docs.zip")
outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "out")
srcJarDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "srcjars")
j.stubsSrcJar = nil
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
rule.Command().Text("rm -rf").Text(outDir.String())
rule.Command().Text("mkdir -p").Text(outDir.String())
srcJarList := zipSyncCmd(ctx, rule, srcJarDir, j.srcJars)
javaVersion := getJavaVersion(ctx, String(j.properties.Java_version), android.SdkContext(j))
cmd := javadocSystemModulesCmd(ctx, rule, j.srcFiles, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList,
deps.systemModules, deps.classpath, j.sourcepaths)
cmd.FlagWithArg("-source ", javaVersion.String()).
j.expandArgs(ctx, cmd)
FlagWithOutput("-o ", j.docZip).
FlagWithArg("-C ", outDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", outDir.String())
zipSyncCleanupCmd(rule, srcJarDir)
rule.Build("javadoc", "javadoc")
// Droiddoc
type Droiddoc struct {
properties DroiddocProperties
// droiddoc converts .java source files to documentation using doclava or dokka.
func DroiddocFactory() android.Module {
module := &Droiddoc{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostAndDeviceSupported)
return module
// droiddoc_host converts .java source files to documentation using doclava or dokka.
func DroiddocHostFactory() android.Module {
module := &Droiddoc{}
InitDroiddocModule(module, android.HostSupported)
return module
func (d *Droiddoc) OutputFiles(tag string) (android.Paths, error) {
switch tag {
case "", ".docs.zip":
return android.Paths{d.Javadoc.docZip}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported module reference tag %q", tag)
func (d *Droiddoc) DepsMutator(ctx android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {
if String(d.properties.Custom_template) != "" {
ctx.AddDependency(ctx.Module(), droiddocTemplateTag, String(d.properties.Custom_template))
func (d *Droiddoc) doclavaDocsFlags(ctx android.ModuleContext, cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand, docletPath classpath) {
buildNumberFile := ctx.Config().BuildNumberFile(ctx)
// Droiddoc always gets "-source 1.8" because it doesn't support 1.9 sources. For modules with 1.9
// sources, droiddoc will get sources produced by metalava which will have already stripped out the
// 1.9 language features.
cmd.FlagWithArg("-source ", "1.8").
FlagWithArg("-doclet ", "com.google.doclava.Doclava").
FlagWithInputList("-docletpath ", docletPath.Paths(), ":").
FlagWithArg("-hdf page.build ", ctx.Config().BuildId()+"-$(cat "+buildNumberFile.String()+")").OrderOnly(buildNumberFile).
FlagWithArg("-hdf page.now ", `"$(date -d @$(cat `+ctx.Config().Getenv("BUILD_DATETIME_FILE")+`) "+%d %b %Y %k:%M")" `)
if String(d.properties.Custom_template) == "" {
// TODO: This is almost always droiddoc-templates-sdk
ctx.PropertyErrorf("custom_template", "must specify a template")
ctx.VisitDirectDepsWithTag(droiddocTemplateTag, func(m android.Module) {
if t, ok := m.(*ExportedDroiddocDir); ok {
cmd.FlagWithArg("-templatedir ", t.dir.String()).Implicits(t.deps)
} else {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("custom_template", "module %q is not a droiddoc_exported_dir", ctx.OtherModuleName(m))
if len(d.properties.Html_dirs) > 0 {
htmlDir := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, d.properties.Html_dirs[0])
cmd.FlagWithArg("-htmldir ", htmlDir.String()).
Implicits(android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{filepath.Join(d.properties.Html_dirs[0], "**/*")}))
if len(d.properties.Html_dirs) > 1 {
htmlDir2 := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, d.properties.Html_dirs[1])
cmd.FlagWithArg("-htmldir2 ", htmlDir2.String()).
Implicits(android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{filepath.Join(d.properties.Html_dirs[1], "**/*")}))
if len(d.properties.Html_dirs) > 2 {
ctx.PropertyErrorf("html_dirs", "Droiddoc only supports up to 2 html dirs")
knownTags := android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, d.properties.Knowntags)
cmd.FlagForEachInput("-knowntags ", knownTags)
cmd.FlagForEachArg("-hdf ", d.properties.Hdf)
if String(d.properties.Proofread_file) != "" {
proofreadFile := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, String(d.properties.Proofread_file))
cmd.FlagWithOutput("-proofread ", proofreadFile)
if String(d.properties.Todo_file) != "" {
// tricky part:
// we should not compute full path for todo_file through PathForModuleOut().
// the non-standard doclet will get the full path relative to "-o".
cmd.FlagWithArg("-todo ", String(d.properties.Todo_file)).
ImplicitOutput(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, String(d.properties.Todo_file)))
if String(d.properties.Resourcesdir) != "" {
// TODO: should we add files under resourcesDir to the implicits? It seems that
// resourcesDir is one sub dir of htmlDir
resourcesDir := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.properties.Resourcesdir))
cmd.FlagWithArg("-resourcesdir ", resourcesDir.String())
if String(d.properties.Resourcesoutdir) != "" {
// TODO: it seems -resourceoutdir reference/android/images/ didn't get generated anywhere.
cmd.FlagWithArg("-resourcesoutdir ", String(d.properties.Resourcesoutdir))
func (d *Droiddoc) postDoclavaCmds(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder) {
if String(d.properties.Static_doc_index_redirect) != "" {
staticDocIndexRedirect := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.properties.Static_doc_index_redirect))
Output(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "out", "index.html"))
if String(d.properties.Static_doc_properties) != "" {
staticDocProperties := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.properties.Static_doc_properties))
Output(android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "out", "source.properties"))
func javadocCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, srcs android.Paths,
outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList android.Path, sourcepaths android.Paths) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
cmd := rule.Command().
FlagWithArg("-encoding ", "UTF-8").
FlagWithRspFileInputList("@", android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "javadoc.rsp"), srcs).
FlagWithInput("@", srcJarList)
// TODO(ccross): Remove this if- statement once we finish migration for all Doclava
// based stubs generation.
// In the future, all the docs generation depends on Metalava stubs (droidstubs) srcjar
// dir. We need add the srcjar dir to -sourcepath arg, so that Javadoc can figure out
// the correct package name base path.
if len(sourcepaths) > 0 {
cmd.FlagWithList("-sourcepath ", sourcepaths.Strings(), ":")
} else {
cmd.FlagWithArg("-sourcepath ", srcJarDir.String())
cmd.FlagWithArg("-d ", outDir.String()).
return cmd
func javadocSystemModulesCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, srcs android.Paths,
outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList android.Path, systemModules *systemModules,
classpath classpath, sourcepaths android.Paths) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
cmd := javadocCmd(ctx, rule, srcs, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList, sourcepaths)
flag, deps := systemModules.FormJavaSystemModulesPath(ctx.Device())
cmd.FlagWithArg("--patch-module ", "java.base=.")
if len(classpath) > 0 {
cmd.FlagWithInputList("-classpath ", classpath.Paths(), ":")
return cmd
func javadocBootclasspathCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder, srcs android.Paths,
outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList android.Path, bootclasspath, classpath classpath,
sourcepaths android.Paths) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
cmd := javadocCmd(ctx, rule, srcs, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList, sourcepaths)
if len(bootclasspath) == 0 && ctx.Device() {
// explicitly specify -bootclasspath "" if the bootclasspath is empty to
// ensure java does not fall back to the default bootclasspath.
cmd.FlagWithArg("-bootclasspath ", `""`)
} else if len(bootclasspath) > 0 {
cmd.FlagWithInputList("-bootclasspath ", bootclasspath.Paths(), ":")
if len(classpath) > 0 {
cmd.FlagWithInputList("-classpath ", classpath.Paths(), ":")
return cmd
func dokkaCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder,
outDir, srcJarDir android.Path, bootclasspath, classpath classpath) *android.RuleBuilderCommand {
// Dokka doesn't support bootClasspath, so combine these two classpath vars for Dokka.
dokkaClasspath := append(bootclasspath.Paths(), classpath.Paths()...)
return rule.Command().
FlagWithInputList("-classpath ", dokkaClasspath, ":").
FlagWithArg("-format ", "dac").
FlagWithArg("-dacRoot ", "/reference/kotlin").
FlagWithArg("-output ", outDir.String())
func (d *Droiddoc) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
deps := d.Javadoc.collectDeps(ctx)
d.Javadoc.docZip = android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, ctx.ModuleName()+"-"+"docs.zip")
jsilver := ctx.Config().HostJavaToolPath(ctx, "jsilver.jar")
doclava := ctx.Config().HostJavaToolPath(ctx, "doclava.jar")
outDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "out")
srcJarDir := android.PathForModuleOut(ctx, "srcjars")
rule := android.NewRuleBuilder(pctx, ctx)
srcJarList := zipSyncCmd(ctx, rule, srcJarDir, d.Javadoc.srcJars)
var cmd *android.RuleBuilderCommand
if Bool(d.properties.Dokka_enabled) {
cmd = dokkaCmd(ctx, rule, outDir, srcJarDir, deps.bootClasspath, deps.classpath)
} else {
cmd = javadocBootclasspathCmd(ctx, rule, d.Javadoc.srcFiles, outDir, srcJarDir, srcJarList,
deps.bootClasspath, deps.classpath, d.Javadoc.sourcepaths)
d.expandArgs(ctx, cmd)
if d.properties.Compat_config != nil {
compatConfig := android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, String(d.properties.Compat_config))
cmd.FlagWithInput("-compatconfig ", compatConfig)
var desc string
if Bool(d.properties.Dokka_enabled) {
desc = "dokka"
} else {
d.doclavaDocsFlags(ctx, cmd, classpath{jsilver, doclava})
for _, o := range d.Javadoc.properties.Out {
cmd.ImplicitOutput(android.PathForModuleGen(ctx, o))
d.postDoclavaCmds(ctx, rule)
desc = "doclava"
FlagWithOutput("-o ", d.docZip).
FlagWithArg("-C ", outDir.String()).
FlagWithArg("-D ", outDir.String())
zipSyncCleanupCmd(rule, srcJarDir)
rule.Build("javadoc", desc)
// Exported Droiddoc Directory
var droiddocTemplateTag = dependencyTag{name: "droiddoc-template"}
type ExportedDroiddocDirProperties struct {
// path to the directory containing Droiddoc related files.
Path *string
type ExportedDroiddocDir struct {
properties ExportedDroiddocDirProperties
deps android.Paths
dir android.Path
// droiddoc_exported_dir exports a directory of html templates or nullability annotations for use by doclava.
func ExportedDroiddocDirFactory() android.Module {
module := &ExportedDroiddocDir{}
return module
func (d *ExportedDroiddocDir) DepsMutator(android.BottomUpMutatorContext) {}
func (d *ExportedDroiddocDir) GenerateAndroidBuildActions(ctx android.ModuleContext) {
path := String(d.properties.Path)
d.dir = android.PathForModuleSrc(ctx, path)
d.deps = android.PathsForModuleSrc(ctx, []string{filepath.Join(path, "**/*")})
// Defaults
type DocDefaults struct {
func DocDefaultsFactory() android.Module {
module := &DocDefaults{}
return module
func zipSyncCmd(ctx android.ModuleContext, rule *android.RuleBuilder,
srcJarDir android.ModuleOutPath, srcJars android.Paths) android.OutputPath {
cmd := rule.Command()
cmd.Text("rm -rf").Text(cmd.PathForOutput(srcJarDir))
cmd = rule.Command()
cmd.Text("mkdir -p").Text(cmd.PathForOutput(srcJarDir))
srcJarList := srcJarDir.Join(ctx, "list")
cmd = rule.Command()
FlagWithArg("-d ", cmd.PathForOutput(srcJarDir)).
FlagWithOutput("-l ", srcJarList).
FlagWithArg("-f ", `"*.java"`).
return srcJarList
func zipSyncCleanupCmd(rule *android.RuleBuilder, srcJarDir android.ModuleOutPath) {
rule.Command().Text("rm -rf").Text(srcJarDir.String())