107 lines
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107 lines
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# Treat LintError as fatal to catch invocation errors
--fatal_check LintError
# Checks which do not apply to the platform (implementation
# in lint assumes that it's running on app code)
--disable_check AnimatorKeep
--disable_check AppBundleLocaleChanges
--disable_check BlockedPrivateApi
--disable_check CustomSplashScreen
--disable_check CustomX509TrustManager
--disable_check Deprecated
--disable_check ExifInterface
--disable_check HardwareIds
--disable_check InvalidWakeLockTag
--disable_check LibraryCustomView
--disable_check MissingPermission
--disable_check NonConstantResourceId
--disable_check OldTargetApi
--disable_check Override
--disable_check PackageManagerGetSignatures
--disable_check PrivateApi
--disable_check ProtectedPermissions
--disable_check QueryPermissionsNeeded
--disable_check ScopedStorage
--disable_check ServiceCast
--disable_check SoonBlockedPrivateApi
--disable_check SuspiciousImport
--disable_check UnusedResources
--disable_check ViewConstructor
# Disable NewApi checks for the platform since platform is the one that implements
# the API. This prevents noisy lint warnings like b/228956345#1
# NewApi checks will continue to be enforced for apex deps since
# lint.strict_updatability_linting will be true for those Soong modules
--disable_check NewApi
# Downgrade existing errors to warnings
--warning_check AppCompatResource # 55 occurences in 10 modules
--warning_check AppLinkUrlError # 111 occurences in 53 modules
--warning_check ByteOrderMark # 2 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check DuplicateActivity # 3 occurences in 3 modules
--warning_check DuplicateDefinition # 3623 occurences in 48 modules
--warning_check DuplicateIds # 207 occurences in 22 modules
--warning_check EllipsizeMaxLines # 12 occurences in 7 modules
--warning_check ExtraTranslation # 21276 occurences in 27 modules
--warning_check FontValidationError # 4 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check FullBackupContent # 16 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check GetContentDescriptionOverride # 3 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check HalfFloat # 31 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check HardcodedDebugMode # 99 occurences in 95 modules
--warning_check ImpliedQuantity # 703 occurences in 27 modules
--warning_check ImpliedTouchscreenHardware # 4 occurences in 4 modules
--warning_check IncludeLayoutParam # 11 occurences in 6 modules
--warning_check Instantiatable # 145 occurences in 19 modules
--warning_check InvalidPermission # 6 occurences in 4 modules
--warning_check InvalidUsesTagAttribute # 6 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check JavascriptInterface # 3 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check LogTagMismatch # 81 occurences in 13 modules
--warning_check LongLogTag # 249 occurences in 12 modules
--warning_check MenuTitle # 5 occurences in 4 modules
--warning_check MissingClass # 537 occurences in 141 modules
--warning_check MissingConstraints # 39 occurences in 10 modules
--warning_check MissingDefaultResource # 1257 occurences in 40 modules
--warning_check MissingIntentFilterForMediaSearch # 1 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check MissingLeanbackLauncher # 3 occurences in 3 modules
--warning_check MissingLeanbackSupport # 2 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check MissingOnPlayFromSearch # 1 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check MissingPrefix # 46 occurences in 41 modules
--warning_check MissingQuantity # 100 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check MissingSuperCall # 121 occurences in 36 modules
--warning_check MissingTvBanner # 3 occurences in 3 modules
--warning_check NamespaceTypo # 3 occurences in 3 modules
--warning_check NetworkSecurityConfig # 46 occurences in 12 modules
--warning_check NotSibling # 15 occurences in 10 modules
--warning_check ObjectAnimatorBinding # 14 occurences in 5 modules
--warning_check OnClick # 49 occurences in 21 modules
--warning_check Orientation # 77 occurences in 19 modules
--warning_check ParcelCreator # 23 occurences in 2 modules
--warning_check Range # 80 occurences in 28 modules
--warning_check RecyclerView # 1 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check ReferenceType # 4 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check ResourceAsColor # 19 occurences in 14 modules
--warning_check RequiredSize # 52 occurences in 13 modules
--warning_check ResAuto # 3 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check ResourceCycle # 37 occurences in 10 modules
--warning_check ResourceType # 137 occurences in 36 modules
--warning_check RestrictedApi # 28 occurences in 5 modules
--warning_check RtlCompat # 9 occurences in 6 modules
--warning_check StringFormatInvalid # 148 occurences in 11 modules
--warning_check StringFormatMatches # 4800 occurences in 30 modules
--warning_check UnknownId # 8 occurences in 7 modules
--warning_check ValidFragment # 12 occurences in 5 modules
--warning_check ValidRestrictions # 5 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check WebViewLayout # 3 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check WrongCall # 21 occurences in 3 modules
--warning_check WrongConstant # 894 occurences in 126 modules
--warning_check WrongManifestParent # 10 occurences in 4 modules
--warning_check WrongThread # 14 occurences in 6 modules
--warning_check WrongViewCast # 1 occurences in 1 modules
--warning_check CoarseFineLocation
--warning_check IntentFilterExportedReceiver
--warning_check QueryAllPackagesPermission
--warning_check RemoteViewLayout
--warning_check SupportAnnotationUsage
--warning_check UniqueConstants