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// Copyright © 2020 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
/** @file Android.bp
* @brief Generation script for building AndroidNN driver.
/** @dir arm_compute
* @brief All the arm_compute headers.
/** @dir arm_compute/core
* @brief Core module: common basic types and kernels.
/** @dir arm_compute/core/CL
* @brief OpenCL backend core: kernels and utilities.
/** @file arm_compute/core/CL/CLKernelLibrary.h
* @brief Manages all the OpenCL kernels compilation and caching, provides accessors for the OpenCL Context.
/** @file arm_compute/core/CL/OpenCL.h
* @brief Wrapper to configure the Khronos OpenCL C++ header
/** @dir arm_compute/core/CPP
* @brief CPP backend core: kernels and utilities.
/** @file arm_compute/core/CPP/CPPKernels.h
* @brief Includes all the CPP kernels at once
/** @dir arm_compute/core/CPP/kernels
* @brief Folder containing all the CPP kernels
/** @dir arm_compute/core/experimental
* @brief All experimental interfaces
/** @dir arm_compute/core/GLES_COMPUTE
* @brief OpenGLES backend core: kernels and utilities.
/** @file arm_compute/core/GLES_COMPUTE/GCKernelLibrary.h
* @brief Manages all the GLES kernels compilation and caching, provides accessors for the GLES Context.
/** @file arm_compute/core/GLES_COMPUTE/GCKernels.h
* @brief Includes all the GLES kernels at once
/** @file arm_compute/core/GLES_COMPUTE/OpenGLES.h
* @brief Wrapper to configure the Khronos EGL and OpenGL ES C header
/** @dir arm_compute/core/GLES_COMPUTE/kernels
* @brief Folder containing all the GLES kernels
/** @dir src/core/NEON
* @brief NEON backend core: kernels and utilities.
/** @file src/core/NEON/NEKernels.h
* @brief Includes all the NEON kernels at once
/** @dir src/core/NEON/kernels
* @brief Folder containing all the NEON kernels
/** @dir arm_compute/core/utils
* @brief Common core utilities.
/** @dir arm_compute/graph
* @brief Graph API.
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/algorithms
* @brief Generic algorithms used by the graph backend (e.g Order of traversal)
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/backends
* @brief The backend specific code
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/backends/CL
* @brief OpenCL specific operations
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/backends/GLES
* @brief OpenGLES specific operations
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/backends/NEON
* @brief NEON specific operations
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/detail
* @brief Collection of internal utilities.
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/frontend
* @brief Code related to the stream frontend interface.
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/mutators
* @brief Used to modify / optimise the Graph intermediate representation(Operator fusion, in place operations, etc.)
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/nodes
* @brief The various nodes supported by the graph API.
/** @dir arm_compute/graph/printers
* @brief Debug printers.
/** @file arm_compute/graph.h
* @brief Includes all the Graph headers at once.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime
* @brief Runtime interface: memory, scheduler, functions.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/CL
* @brief OpenCL backend runtime interface.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLFunctions.h
* @brief Includes all the OpenCL functions at once
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/CL/CLScheduler.h
* @brief Interface to enqueue OpenCL kernels and get/set the OpenCL CommandQueue and ICLTuner.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/CL/ICLTuner.h
* @brief Interface used to tune the local work-group size of OpenCL kernels.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/CL/functions
* @brief Folder containing all the OpenCL functions.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/CL/tuners
* @brief Local workgroup size tuners for specific architectures / GPUs.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/CPP
* @brief CPP backend runtime interface.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/CPP/CPPScheduler.h
* @brief Basic pool of threads to execute CPP/NEON code on several cores in parallel.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/CPP/functions
* @brief Folder containing all the CPP functions.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/experimental
* @brief Experimental runtime interface.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/GLES_COMPUTE
* @brief OpenGLES backend runtime interface.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/GLES_COMPUTE/GCFunctions.h
* @brief Includes all the OpenGLES functions at once
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/GLES_COMPUTE/GCScheduler.h
* @brief Interface to enqueue GLES kernels and get/set the GLES CommandQueue.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/GLES_COMPUTE/functions
* @brief Folder containing all the GLES functions.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/NEON
* @brief NEON backend runtime interface.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/NEON/NEFunctions.h
* @brief Includes all the NEON functions at once.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/NEON/functions
* @brief Folder containing all the NEON functions.
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/OMP
* @brief OpenMP backend runtime interface.
/** @file arm_compute/runtime/OMP/OMPScheduler.h
* @brief OpenMP scheduler (Alternative to the CPPScheduler).
/** @dir arm_compute/runtime/common
* @brief Common utility code used by all backends.
/** @dir docs
* @brief Doxyfile and Doxygen sources used to generate this documentation.
/** @dir ./examples
* @brief Set of examples using the Compute Library
* @details Examples have the following structure:
* -# cl_*.cpp --> OpenCL examples
* -# gc_*.cpp --> GLES compute shaders examples
* -# graph_*.cpp --> Graph examples
* -# neoncl_*.cpp --> NEON / OpenCL interoperability examples
* -# neon_*.cpp --> NEON examples
/** @dir examples/gemm_tuner
* @brief OpenCL GEMM tuner utility.
/** @dir scripts
* @brief Utility scripts.
/** @file scripts/caffe_data_extractor.py
* @brief Basic script to export weights from Caffe to npy files.
/** @file scripts/tensorflow_data_extractor.py
* @brief Basic script to export weights from TensorFlow to npy files.
/** @dir src
* @brief Source code implementing all the arm_compute headers.
/** @dir src/core/NEON/kernels/detail
* @brief Common code for several intrinsics implementations.
/** @dir src/core/NEON/wrapper
* @brief NEON wrapper used to simplify code
/** @file src/core/NEON/wrapper/traits.h
* @brief Traits defined on NEON vectors
/** @file src/core/NEON/wrapper/wrapper.h
* @brief Includes all wrapper headers at once
/** @dir src/core/NEON/wrapper/intrinsics
* @brief NEON intrinsics wrappers
/** @dir src/core/NEON/wrapper/scalar
* @brief Scalar operations
/** @dir src/core/CL/gemm
* @brief Folder containing all the configuration files for GEMM
/** @dir src/core/CL/kernels
* @brief All the OpenCL kernels
/** @dir support
* @brief Various headers to work around toolchains / platform issues.
/** @dir tests
* @brief All test related files shared between validation and benchmark.
/** @file tests/main.cpp
* @brief Main entry point for the tests. Currently shared between validation and benchmarking.
/** @dir tests/CL
* @brief OpenCL accessors.
/** @dir tests/GLES_COMPUTE
* @brief GLES accessors.
/** @dir tests/NEON
* @brief NEON accessors.
/** @dir tests/benchmark
* @brief Sources for benchmarking.
/** @dir tests/benchmark/CL
* @brief OpenCL benchmarking tests.
/** @dir tests/benchmark/GLES_COMPUTE
* @brief GLES benchmarking tests.
/** @dir tests/benchmark/NEON
* @brief NEON benchmarking tests.
/** @dir tests/benchmark_examples
* @brief Sources needed to wrap examples to run through our benchmarking framework.
/** @dir tests/framework
* @brief Boiler plate code for both validation and benchmark test suites (Command line parsers, instruments, output loggers, etc.)
/** @dir tests/instruments
* @brief User defined instruments that can be registered to the framework.
/** @dir tests/validate_examples
* @brief Sources needed to wrap examples to run through our validation framework.
/** @dir tests/validation
* @brief Source for validation.
/** @dir tests/validation/CL
* @brief OpenCL validation tests.
/** @dir tests/validation/CPP
* @brief C++ validation tests.
/** @dir tests/validation/GLES_COMPUTE
* @brief GLES validation tests.
/** @dir tests/validation/NEON
* @brief NEON validation tests.
/** @dir tests/validation/reference
* @brief Reference implementation used to validate the results of the various backends.