937 lines
37 KiB
937 lines
37 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "testBase.h"
#include "harness/conversions.h"
#include "harness/typeWrappers.h"
#include "harness/testHarness.h"
// #define USE_NEW_SYNTAX 1
// The number of shuffles to test per test
#define NUM_TESTS 32
// The number of times to run each combination of shuffles
enum ShuffleMode
kNormalMode = 0,
static const char *shuffleKernelPattern[3] = {
"__kernel void sample_test( __global %s%s *source, __global %s%s *dest )\n"
" if (get_global_id(0) != 0) return;\n"
" //%s%s src1 %s, src2%s;\n",// Here's a comma...
// Above code is commented out for now, but keeping around for testing local storage options
"}\n" };
static const char *shuffleTempPattern = " %s%s tmp;\n";
static const char *clearTempPattern = " tmp = (%s%s)((%s)0);\n";
static const char *shuffleSinglePattern =
" tmp%s%s = source[%d]%s%s;\n"
" dest[%d] = tmp;\n"
static const char * shuffleSinglePatternV3src =
" tmp%s%s = vload3(%d, source)%s%s;\n"
" dest[%d] = tmp;\n";
static const char * shuffleSinglePatternV3dst =
" tmp%s%s = source[%d]%s%s;\n"
" vstore3(tmp, %d, dest);\n";
static const char * shuffleSinglePatternV3srcV3dst =
"tmp%s%s = vload3(%d, source)%s%s;\n"
"vstore3(tmp, %d, dest);\n";
static const char *shuffleFnLinePattern = "%s%s shuffle_fn( %s%s source );\n%s%s shuffle_fn( %s%s source ) { return source; }\n\n";
static const char *shuffleFnPattern =
" tmp%s%s = shuffle_fn( source[%d] )%s%s;\n"
" dest[%d] = tmp;\n"
static const char *shuffleFnPatternV3src =
" tmp%s%s = shuffle_fn( vload3(%d, source) )%s%s;\n"
" dest[%d] = tmp;\n"
static const char *shuffleFnPatternV3dst =
" tmp%s%s = shuffle_fn( source[%d] )%s%s;\n"
" vstore3(tmp, %d, dest);\n"
static const char *shuffleFnPatternV3srcV3dst =
" tmp%s%s = shuffle_fn(vload3(%d, source) )%s%s;\n"
" vstore3(tmp, %d, dest);\n"
// shuffle() built-in function patterns
static const char *shuffleBuiltInPattern =
" {\n"
" %s%s src1 = %s;\n"
" %s%s%s mask = (%s%s%s)( %s );\n"
" tmp = shuffle( src1, mask );\n"
" %s;\n"
" }\n"
// shuffle() built-in dual-input function patterns
static const char *shuffleBuiltInDualPattern =
" {\n"
" %s%s src1 = %s;\n"
" %s%s src2 = %s;\n"
" %s%s%s mask = (%s%s%s)( %s );\n"
" tmp = shuffle2( src1, src2, mask );\n"
" %s;\n"
" }\n"
typedef unsigned char ShuffleOrder[ 16 ];
void incrementShuffleOrder( ShuffleOrder &order, size_t orderSize, size_t orderRange )
for( size_t i = 0; i < orderSize; i++ )
order[ i ]++;
if( order[ i ] < orderRange )
order[ i ] = 0;
bool shuffleOrderContainsDuplicates( ShuffleOrder &order, size_t orderSize )
bool flags[ 16 ] = { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false };
for( size_t i = 0; i < orderSize; i++ )
if( flags[ order[ i ] ] )
return true;
flags[ order[ i ] ] = true;
return false;
static void shuffleVector( unsigned char *inVector, unsigned char *outVector, ShuffleOrder order, size_t vecSize, size_t typeSize, cl_uint lengthToUse )
for(size_t i = 0; i < lengthToUse; i++ )
unsigned char *inPtr = inVector + typeSize *order[ i ];
memcpy( outVector, inPtr, typeSize );
outVector += typeSize;
static void shuffleVector2( unsigned char *inVector, unsigned char *outVector, ShuffleOrder order, size_t vecSize, size_t typeSize, cl_uint lengthToUse )
for(size_t i = 0; i < lengthToUse; i++ )
unsigned char *outPtr = outVector + typeSize *order[ i ];
memcpy( outPtr, inVector, typeSize );
inVector += typeSize;
static void shuffleVectorDual( unsigned char *inVector, unsigned char *inSecondVector, unsigned char *outVector, ShuffleOrder order, size_t vecSize, size_t typeSize, cl_uint lengthToUse )
// This is tricky: the indices of each shuffle are in a range (0-srcVecSize * 2-1),
// where (srcVecSize-srcVecSize*2-1) refers to the second input.
size_t uphalfMask = (size_t)vecSize;
size_t lowerBits = (size_t)( vecSize - 1 );
for(size_t i = 0; i < lengthToUse; i++ )
unsigned char *inPtr;
log_info("order[%d] is %d, or %d of %s\n", (int)i,
(int)(order[i] & lowerBits),
((order[i]&uphalfMask) == 0)?"lower num":"upper num");
if( order[ i ] & uphalfMask )
inPtr = inSecondVector + typeSize * ( order[ i ] & lowerBits );
inPtr = inVector + typeSize * ( order[ i ] & lowerBits );
memcpy( outVector, inPtr, typeSize );
outVector += typeSize;
static ShuffleOrder sNaturalOrder = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
static int useNumbersFlip = 0;
const char *get_order_string( ShuffleOrder &order, size_t vecSize, cl_uint lengthToUse, bool byNumber, MTdata d )
// NOTE: names are only valid for hex characters (up to F) but for debugging, we use
// this to print out orders for dual inputs, which actually can be valid up to position 31 (two 16-element vectors)
// so we go ahead and fake the rest of the alphabet for those other 16 positions, so we have
// some (indirectly) meaningful output
char names[] = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
char namesUpperCase[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV";
char names2[] = "xyzw!!!!!!!!!!!!";
static char orderString[ 18 ];
size_t j, idx;
// Assume we don't have to use numbers
byNumber = 0;
// Check to see
for( j = 0; j < lengthToUse; j++ )
if (order[j] > 3) {
// An index is > xyzw so we need to use numbers
byNumber = 1;
// If we can use numbers, do so half the time.
if (!byNumber) {
byNumber = (useNumbersFlip++)%2;
// Do not use xyzw for vectors whose length is not 2 or 4 per the spec.
if (vecSize != 2 || vecSize != 4 || vecSize != 3)
byNumber = 1;
if( byNumber || vecSize > 4 )
idx = 0;
// Randomly chose upper and lower case S
orderString[ idx++ ] = random_in_range(0, 1, d) ? 's' : 'S';
for( j = 0; j < vecSize && j < lengthToUse; j++ ) {
// Randomly choose upper and lower case.
orderString[ idx++ ] = random_in_range(0, 1, d) ? names[ (int)order[ j ] ] : namesUpperCase[ (int)order[ j ] ];
orderString[ idx++ ] = 0;
for( j = 0; j < vecSize && j < lengthToUse; j++ ) {
// Randomly choose upper and lower case.
orderString[ j ] = names2[ (int)order[ j ] ];
orderString[ j ] = 0;
return orderString;
char * get_order_name( ExplicitType vecType, size_t inVecSize, size_t outVecSize, ShuffleOrder &inOrder, ShuffleOrder &outOrder, cl_uint lengthToUse, MTdata d, bool inUseNumerics, bool outUseNumerics )
static char orderName[ 512 ] = "";
char inOrderStr[ 512 ], outOrderStr[ 512 ];
if( inVecSize == 1 )
inOrderStr[ 0 ] = 0;
sprintf( inOrderStr, "%d.%s", (int)inVecSize, get_order_string( inOrder, outVecSize, lengthToUse, inUseNumerics, d ) );
if( outVecSize == 1 )
outOrderStr[ 0 ] = 0;
sprintf( outOrderStr, "%d.%s", (int)outVecSize, get_order_string( outOrder, outVecSize, lengthToUse, outUseNumerics, d ) );
sprintf( orderName, "order %s%s -> %s%s",
get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inOrderStr, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), outOrderStr );
return orderName;
void print_hex_mem_dump( const unsigned char *inDataPtr, const unsigned char * inDataPtr2, const unsigned char *expected, const unsigned char *outDataPtr, size_t inVecSize, size_t outVecSize, size_t typeSize )
char error [4096] = "";
strcat(error, " Source: ");
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < inVecSize * typeSize; j++ )
sprintf(error, "%s%s%02x ",error, ( j % typeSize ) ? "" : " ", (cl_uchar)inDataPtr[ j ] );
if( inDataPtr2 != NULL )
strcat(error, "\n Source 2: ");
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < inVecSize * typeSize; j++ )
sprintf(error, "%s%s%02x ",error, ( j % typeSize ) ? "" : " ", (cl_uchar)inDataPtr2[ j ] );
strcat(error, "\n Expected: " );
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < outVecSize * typeSize; j++ )
sprintf(error, "%s%s%02x ",error, ( j % typeSize ) ? "" : " ", (cl_uchar)expected[ j ] );
strcat(error, "\n Actual: " );
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < outVecSize * typeSize; j++ )
sprintf(error, "%s%s%02x ",error, ( j % typeSize ) ? "" : " ", (cl_uchar)outDataPtr[ j ] );
log_info("%s\n", error);
void generate_shuffle_mask( char *outMaskString, size_t maskSize, const ShuffleOrder *order )
outMaskString[ 0 ] = 0;
if( order != NULL )
for( size_t jj = 0; jj < maskSize; jj++ )
char thisMask[ 16 ];
sprintf( thisMask, "%s%d", ( jj == 0 ) ? "" : ", ", (*order)[ jj ] );
strcat( outMaskString, thisMask );
for( size_t jj = 0; jj < maskSize; jj++ )
char thisMask[ 16 ];
sprintf( thisMask, "%s%ld", ( jj == 0 ) ? "" : ", ", jj );
strcat( outMaskString, thisMask );
static int create_shuffle_kernel( cl_context context, cl_program *outProgram, cl_kernel *outKernel,
size_t *outRealVecSize,
ExplicitType vecType, size_t inVecSize, size_t outVecSize, cl_uint *lengthToUse, bool inUseNumerics, bool outUseNumerics,
size_t numOrders, ShuffleOrder *inOrders, ShuffleOrder *outOrders,
MTdata d, ShuffleMode shuffleMode = kNormalMode )
char inOrder[18], shuffledOrder[18];
size_t typeSize;
char kernelSource[MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE], progLine[ 10240 ];
char *programPtr;
char inSizeName[4], outSizeName[4], outRealSizeName[4], inSizeArgName[4];
char outSizeNameTmpVar[4];
/* Create the source; note vec size is the vector length we are testing */
if( inVecSize == 1 ) //|| (inVecSize == 3)) // just have arrays if we go with size 3
inSizeName[ 0 ] = 0;
sprintf( inSizeName, "%ld", inVecSize );
if( inVecSize == 3 )
inSizeArgName[ 0 ] = 0;
strcpy( inSizeArgName, inSizeName );
typeSize = get_explicit_type_size( vecType );
*outRealVecSize = outVecSize;
if( outVecSize == 1 || (outVecSize == 3))
outSizeName[ 0 ] = 0;
sprintf( outSizeName, "%d", (int)outVecSize );
if(outVecSize == 1) {
outSizeNameTmpVar[0] = 0;
} else {
sprintf(outSizeNameTmpVar, "%d", (int)outVecSize);
if( *outRealVecSize == 1 || ( *outRealVecSize == 3))
outRealSizeName[ 0 ] = 0;
sprintf( outRealSizeName, "%d", (int)*outRealVecSize );
// Loop through and create the source for all order strings
kernelSource[ 0 ] = 0;
if (vecType == kDouble) {
strcat(kernelSource, "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n");
if( shuffleMode == kFunctionCallMode )
sprintf( progLine, shuffleFnLinePattern, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName,
get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName );
strcat(kernelSource, progLine);
// We're going to play a REALLY NASTY trick here. We're going to use the inSize insert point
// to put in an entire third parameter if we need it
char inParamSizeString[ 1024 ];
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode )
sprintf( inParamSizeString, "%s *secondSource, __global %s%s", inSizeArgName, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeArgName );
strcpy( inParamSizeString, inSizeArgName );
// These two take care of unused variable warnings
const char * src2EnableA = ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) ? "" : "/*";
const char * src2EnableB = ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) ? "" : "*/";
sprintf( progLine, shuffleKernelPattern[ 0 ], get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inParamSizeString,
get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), outRealSizeName, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName,
src2EnableA, src2EnableB );
strcat(kernelSource, progLine);
if( inOrders == NULL )
strcpy( inOrder, get_order_string( sNaturalOrder, outVecSize, (cl_uint)outVecSize, inUseNumerics, d ) );
sprintf( progLine, shuffleTempPattern, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), outSizeNameTmpVar);
strcat(kernelSource, progLine);
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numOrders; i++ )
if( inOrders != NULL )
strcpy( inOrder, get_order_string( inOrders[ i ], outVecSize, lengthToUse[i], inUseNumerics, d ) );
strcpy( shuffledOrder, get_order_string( outOrders[ i ], outVecSize, lengthToUse[i], outUseNumerics, d ) );
sprintf( progLine, clearTempPattern, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), outSizeName,get_explicit_type_name( vecType ));
strcat(kernelSource, progLine);
if( shuffleMode == kNormalMode )
if(outVecSize == 3 && inVecSize == 3) {
// shuffleSinglePatternV3srcV3dst
sprintf( progLine, shuffleSinglePatternV3srcV3dst,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "", (int)i );
} else if(inVecSize == 3) {
// shuffleSinglePatternV3src
sprintf( progLine, shuffleSinglePatternV3src,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "", (int)i );
} else if(outVecSize == 3) {
// shuffleSinglePatternV3dst
sprintf( progLine, shuffleSinglePatternV3dst,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "",
(int)i );
} else {
sprintf( progLine, shuffleSinglePattern,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "", (int)i );
else if( shuffleMode == kFunctionCallMode )
// log_info("About to make a shuffle line\n");
// fflush(stdout);
if(inVecSize == 3 && outVecSize == 3) { // swap last two
sprintf( progLine, shuffleFnPatternV3srcV3dst,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "",
(int)i );
} else if(outVecSize == 3) { // swap last two
// log_info("Here\n\n");
// fflush(stdout);
sprintf( progLine, shuffleFnPatternV3dst,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "",
outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "",
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "",
inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "",
(int)i );
// log_info("\n%s\n", progLine);
// fflush(stdout);
} else if(inVecSize == 3) {
sprintf( progLine, shuffleFnPatternV3src,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "", (int)i );
} else {
sprintf( progLine, shuffleFnPattern,
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "", (int)i,
inVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", inVecSize > 1 ? inOrder : "", (int)i );
else if( shuffleMode == kArrayAccessMode )
{ // now we want to replace inSizeName with inSizeNameShuffleFn
int vectorSizeToCastTo = 16;
cl_uint item;
for (item =0; item<lengthToUse[i]; item++) {
int absoluteIndex = i*(int)inVecSize+(int)inOrders[i][item];
int castVectorIndex = absoluteIndex/vectorSizeToCastTo;
size_t castElementIndex = absoluteIndex % vectorSizeToCastTo;
ShuffleOrder myOutOrders, myInOrders;
myOutOrders[0] = outOrders[i][item];
myInOrders[0] = castElementIndex;
strcpy( inOrder, get_order_string( myInOrders, 1, 1, 0, d ) );
strcpy( shuffledOrder, get_order_string( myOutOrders, 1, 1, 0, d ) );
sprintf(progLine, " tmp%s%s = ((__global %s%d *)source)[%d]%s%s;\n",
outVecSize > 1 ? "." : "", outVecSize > 1 ? shuffledOrder : "",
get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), vectorSizeToCastTo,
vectorSizeToCastTo > 1 ? "." : "", vectorSizeToCastTo > 1 ? inOrder : "");
strcat(kernelSource, progLine);
if(outVecSize == 3) {
sprintf(progLine," vstore3(tmp, %d, (__global %s *)dest);\n",
i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ));
// probably don't need that last
// cast to (__global %s *) where %s is get_explicit_type_name( vecType)
} else {
sprintf(progLine," dest[%d] = tmp;\n", i );
else // shuffleMode == kBuiltInFnMode or kBuiltInDualInputFnMode
if(inVecSize == 3 || outVecSize == 3 ||
inVecSize == 1 || outVecSize == 1) {
// log_info("Skipping test for size 3\n");
ExplicitType maskType = vecType;
if( maskType == kFloat )
maskType = kUInt;
if( maskType == kDouble) {
maskType = kULong;
char maskString[ 1024 ] = "";
size_t maskSize = outVecSize;// ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) ? ( outVecSize << 1 ) : outVecSize;
generate_shuffle_mask( maskString, maskSize, ( outOrders != NULL ) ? &outOrders[ i ] : NULL );
// Set up a quick prefix, so mask gets unsigned type regardless of the input/output type
char maskPrefix[ 2 ] = "u";
if( get_explicit_type_name( maskType )[ 0 ] == 'u' )
maskPrefix[ 0 ] = 0;
char progLine2[ 10240 ];
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode )
sprintf( progLine2, shuffleBuiltInDualPattern, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName,
( inVecSize == 3 ) ? "vload3( %ld, (__global %s *)source )" : "source[ %ld ]",
get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName,
( inVecSize == 3 ) ? "vload3( %ld, (__global %s *)secondSource )" : "secondSource[ %ld ]",
maskPrefix, get_explicit_type_name( maskType ), outSizeName, maskPrefix, get_explicit_type_name( maskType ), outSizeName,
( outVecSize == 3 ) ? "vstore3( tmp, %ld, (__global %s *)dest )" : "dest[ %ld ] = tmp" );
if( outVecSize == 3 )
if( inVecSize == 3 )
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ) );
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, i, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ) );
if( inVecSize == 3 )
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i );
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, i, i );
sprintf( progLine2, shuffleBuiltInPattern, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), inSizeName,
( inVecSize == 3 ) ? "vload3( %ld, (__global %s *)source )" : "source[ %ld ]",
maskPrefix, get_explicit_type_name( maskType ), outSizeName, maskPrefix, get_explicit_type_name( maskType ), outSizeName,
( outVecSize == 3 ) ? "vstore3( tmp, %ld, (__global %s *)dest )" : "dest[ %ld ] = tmp" );
if( outVecSize == 3 )
if( inVecSize == 3 )
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ) );
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ) );
if( inVecSize == 3 )
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, get_explicit_type_name( vecType ), i );
sprintf( progLine, progLine2, i, i );
strcat( kernelSource, progLine );
if (strlen(kernelSource) > 0.9*MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE)
log_info("WARNING: Program has grown to 90%% (%d) of the defined max program size of %d\n", (int)strlen(kernelSource), (int)MAX_PROGRAM_SIZE);
strcat( kernelSource, shuffleKernelPattern[ 1 ] );
// Print the kernel source
log_info( "Kernel:%s\n", kernelSource );
/* Create kernel */
programPtr = kernelSource;
if( create_single_kernel_helper( context, outProgram, outKernel, 1, (const char **)&programPtr, "sample_test" ) )
return -1;
return 0;
int test_shuffle_dual_kernel(cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
ExplicitType vecType, size_t inVecSize, size_t outVecSize, cl_uint *lengthToUse, size_t numOrders,
ShuffleOrder *inOrderIdx, ShuffleOrder *outOrderIdx, bool inUseNumerics, bool outUseNumerics, MTdata d,
ShuffleMode shuffleMode = kNormalMode )
clProgramWrapper program;
clKernelWrapper kernel;
int error;
size_t threads[1], localThreads[1];
size_t typeSize, outRealVecSize;
clMemWrapper streams[ 3 ];
/* Create the source */
error = create_shuffle_kernel( context, &program, &kernel, &outRealVecSize, vecType,
inVecSize, outVecSize, lengthToUse, inUseNumerics, outUseNumerics, numOrders, inOrderIdx, outOrderIdx,
d, shuffleMode );
if( error != 0 )
return error;
typeSize = get_explicit_type_size( vecType );
#if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER))
cl_long inData[ inVecSize * numOrders ];
cl_long inSecondData[ inVecSize * numOrders ];
cl_long outData[ outRealVecSize * numOrders ];
cl_long* inData = (cl_long*)_malloca(inVecSize * numOrders * sizeof(cl_long));
cl_long* inSecondData = (cl_long*)_malloca(inVecSize * numOrders * sizeof(cl_long));
cl_long* outData = (cl_long*)_malloca(outRealVecSize * numOrders * sizeof(cl_long));
memset(outData, 0, outRealVecSize * numOrders * sizeof(cl_long) );
generate_random_data( vecType, (unsigned int)( numOrders * inVecSize ), d, inData );
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode )
generate_random_data( vecType, (unsigned int)( numOrders * inVecSize ), d, inSecondData );
streams[0] =
clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
typeSize * inVecSize * numOrders, inData, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create input stream" );
streams[1] =
clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
typeSize * outRealVecSize * numOrders, outData, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create output stream" );
int argIndex = 0;
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode )
streams[2] = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR,
typeSize * inVecSize * numOrders,
inSecondData, &error);
test_error( error, "Unable to create second input stream" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, argIndex++, sizeof( streams[ 2 ] ), &streams[ 2 ] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
// Set kernel arguments
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, argIndex++, sizeof( streams[ 0 ] ), &streams[ 0 ] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
error = clSetKernelArg( kernel, argIndex++, sizeof( streams[ 1 ] ), &streams[ 1 ] );
test_error( error, "Unable to set kernel argument" );
/* Run the kernel */
threads[0] = numOrders;
error = get_max_common_work_group_size( context, kernel, threads[0], &localThreads[0] );
test_error( error, "Unable to get work group size to use" );
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel( queue, kernel, 1, NULL, threads, localThreads, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to execute test kernel" );
// Read the results back
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, streams[ 1 ], CL_TRUE, 0, typeSize * numOrders * outRealVecSize, outData, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to read results" );
unsigned char *inDataPtr = (unsigned char *)inData;
unsigned char *inSecondDataPtr = (unsigned char *)inSecondData;
unsigned char *outDataPtr = (unsigned char *)outData;
int ret = 0;
int errors_printed = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < numOrders; i++ )
unsigned char expected[ 1024 ];
unsigned char temp[ 1024 ];
memset(expected, 0, sizeof(expected));
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInFnMode )
shuffleVector( inDataPtr, expected, outOrderIdx[ i ], outVecSize, typeSize, lengthToUse[i] );
else if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode )
shuffleVectorDual( inDataPtr, inSecondDataPtr, expected, outOrderIdx[ i ], inVecSize, typeSize, lengthToUse[i] );
shuffleVector( inDataPtr, temp, inOrderIdx[ i ], inVecSize, typeSize, lengthToUse[i] );
shuffleVector2( temp, expected, outOrderIdx[ i ], outVecSize, typeSize, lengthToUse[i] );
if( memcmp( expected, outDataPtr, outVecSize * typeSize ) != 0 )
log_error( " ERROR: Shuffle test %d FAILED for %s (memory hex dump follows)\n", (int)i,
get_order_name( vecType, inVecSize, outVecSize, inOrderIdx[ i ], outOrderIdx[ i ], lengthToUse[i], d, inUseNumerics, outUseNumerics ) );
print_hex_mem_dump( inDataPtr, ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) ? inSecondDataPtr : NULL, expected, outDataPtr, inVecSize, outVecSize, typeSize );
if( ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInFnMode ) || ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) )
// Mask would've been different for every shuffle done, so we have to regen it to print it
char maskString[ 1024 ];
generate_shuffle_mask( maskString, outVecSize, ( outOrderIdx != NULL ) ? &outOrderIdx[ i ] : NULL );
log_error( " Mask: %s\n", maskString );
if (errors_printed > MAX_ERRORS_TO_PRINT)
log_info("Further errors suppressed.\n");
return ret;
inDataPtr += inVecSize * typeSize;
inSecondDataPtr += inVecSize * typeSize;
outDataPtr += outRealVecSize * typeSize;
return ret;
void build_random_shuffle_order( ShuffleOrder &outIndices, unsigned int length, unsigned int selectLength, bool allowRepeats, MTdata d )
char flags[ 16 ];
memset( flags, 0, sizeof( flags ) );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
char selector = (char)random_in_range( 0, selectLength - 1, d );
if( !allowRepeats )
while( flags[ (int)selector ] )
selector = (char)random_in_range( 0, selectLength - 1, d );
flags[ (int)selector ] = true;
outIndices[ i ] = selector;
class shuffleBuffer
shuffleBuffer( cl_context ctx, cl_command_queue queue, ExplicitType type, size_t inSize, size_t outSize, ShuffleMode mode )
mContext = ctx;
mQueue = queue;
mVecType = type;
mInVecSize = inSize;
mOutVecSize = outSize;
mShuffleMode = mode;
mCount = 0;
// Here's the deal with mLengthToUse[i].
// if you have, for instance
// uchar4 dst;
// uchar8 src;
// you can do
// src.s0213 = dst.s1045;
// but you can also do
// src.s02 = dst.s10;
// which has a different effect
// The intent with these "sub lengths" is to test all such
// possibilities
// Calculate a range of sub-lengths within the vector to copy.
int i;
size_t maxSize = (mInVecSize < mOutVecSize) ? mInVecSize : mOutVecSize;
for(i=0; i<NUM_TESTS; i++)
// Built-in fns can't select sub-lengths (the mask must be the length of the dest vector).
// Well, at least for these tests...
if( ( mode == kBuiltInFnMode ) || ( mode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) )
mLengthToUse[i] = (cl_int)mOutVecSize;
mLengthToUse[i] = (cl_uint)(((double)i/NUM_TESTS)*maxSize) + 1;
// Force the length to be a valid vector length.
if( ( mLengthToUse[i] == 1 ) && ( mode != kBuiltInFnMode ) )
mLengthToUse[i] = 1;
else if (mLengthToUse[i] < 4)
mLengthToUse[i] = 2;
else if (mLengthToUse[i] < 8)
mLengthToUse[i] = 4;
else if (mLengthToUse[i] < 16)
mLengthToUse[i] = 8;
mLengthToUse[i] = 16;
int AddRun( ShuffleOrder &inOrder, ShuffleOrder &outOrder, MTdata d )
memcpy( &mInOrders[ mCount ], &inOrder, sizeof( inOrder ) );
memcpy( &mOutOrders[ mCount ], &outOrder, sizeof( outOrder ) );
if( mCount == NUM_TESTS )
return Flush(d);
return CL_SUCCESS;
int Flush( MTdata d )
int err = CL_SUCCESS;
if( mCount > 0 )
err = test_shuffle_dual_kernel( mContext, mQueue, mVecType, mInVecSize, mOutVecSize, mLengthToUse,
mCount, mInOrders, mOutOrders, true, true, d, mShuffleMode );
mCount = 0;
return err;
cl_context mContext;
cl_command_queue mQueue;
ExplicitType mVecType;
size_t mInVecSize, mOutVecSize, mCount;
ShuffleMode mShuffleMode;
cl_uint mLengthToUse[ NUM_TESTS ];
ShuffleOrder mInOrders[ NUM_TESTS ], mOutOrders[ NUM_TESTS ];
int test_shuffle_random(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, ShuffleMode shuffleMode, MTdata d )
ExplicitType vecType[] = { kChar, kUChar, kShort, kUShort, kInt, kUInt, kLong, kULong, kFloat, kDouble };
unsigned int vecSizes[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, 0 };
unsigned int srcIdx, dstIdx, typeIndex;
int error = 0, totalError = 0, prevTotalError = 0;
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
for( typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < 10; typeIndex++ )
//log_info( "\n\t%s... ", get_explicit_type_name( vecType[ typeIndex ] ) );
//fflush( stdout );
if (vecType[typeIndex] == kDouble) {
if (!is_extension_available(device, "cl_khr_fp64")) {
log_info("Extension cl_khr_fp64 not supported; skipping double tests.\n");
log_info("Testing doubles.\n");
if ((vecType[typeIndex] == kLong || vecType[typeIndex] == kULong) && !gHasLong )
log_info("Long types are unsupported, skipping.");
error = 0;
for( srcIdx = 0; vecSizes[ srcIdx ] != 0 /*&& error == 0*/; srcIdx++ )
for( dstIdx = 0; vecSizes[ dstIdx ] != 0 /*&& error == 0*/; dstIdx++ )
if( ( ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode ) || ( shuffleMode == kBuiltInFnMode ) ) &&
( ( vecSizes[ dstIdx ] & 1 ) || ( vecSizes[ srcIdx ] & 1 ) ) )
// Built-in shuffle functions don't work on size 1 (scalars) or size 3 (vec3s)
log_info("Testing [%s%d to %s%d]... ", get_explicit_type_name( vecType[ typeIndex ] ) , vecSizes[srcIdx], get_explicit_type_name( vecType[ typeIndex ] ) , vecSizes[dstIdx]);
shuffleBuffer buffer( context, queue, vecType[ typeIndex ], vecSizes[ srcIdx ], vecSizes[ dstIdx ], shuffleMode );
for( int i = 0; i < numTests /*&& error == 0*/; i++ )
ShuffleOrder src, dst;
if( shuffleMode == kBuiltInFnMode )
build_random_shuffle_order( dst, vecSizes[ dstIdx ], vecSizes[ srcIdx ], true, d );
else if(shuffleMode == kBuiltInDualInputFnMode)
build_random_shuffle_order(dst, vecSizes[dstIdx], 2*vecSizes[srcIdx], true, d);
build_random_shuffle_order( src, vecSizes[ dstIdx ], vecSizes[ srcIdx ], true, d );
build_random_shuffle_order( dst, vecSizes[ dstIdx ], vecSizes[ dstIdx ], false, d );
error = buffer.AddRun( src, dst, seed );
if (error)
int test_error = buffer.Flush(seed);
if (test_error)
if (totalError == prevTotalError)
prevTotalError = totalError;
return totalError;
int test_shuffle_copy(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
return test_shuffle_random( device, context, queue, kNormalMode, seed );
int test_shuffle_function_call(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
return test_shuffle_random( device, context, queue, kFunctionCallMode, seed );
int test_shuffle_array_cast(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
return test_shuffle_random( device, context, queue, kArrayAccessMode, seed );
int test_shuffle_built_in(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
return test_shuffle_random( device, context, queue, kBuiltInFnMode, seed );
int test_shuffle_built_in_dual_input(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
RandomSeed seed(gRandomSeed);
return test_shuffle_random( device, context, queue, kBuiltInDualInputFnMode, seed );