652 lines
23 KiB
652 lines
23 KiB
# Copyright The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates an Android.bp file from the json output of a 'gn desc' command.
# Example usage:
# gn desc out/Android --format=json "*" > desc.json
# python scripts/generate_android_bp.py desc.json > Android.bp
import json
import sys
import re
import os
import argparse
root_targets = [
sdk_version = '28'
stl = 'libc++_static'
abi_arm = 'arm'
abi_arm64 = 'arm64'
abi_x86 = 'x86'
abi_x64 = 'x86_64'
abi_targets = [abi_arm, abi_arm64, abi_x86, abi_x64]
def tabs(indent):
return ' ' * (indent * 4)
def has_child_values(value):
# Elements of the blueprint can be pruned if they are empty lists or dictionaries of empty
# lists
if isinstance(value, list):
return len(value) > 0
if isinstance(value, dict):
for (item, item_value) in value.items():
if has_child_values(item_value):
return True
return False
# This is a value leaf node
return True
def write_blueprint_key_value(output, name, value, indent=1):
if not has_child_values(value):
if isinstance(value, set) or isinstance(value, list):
value = list(sorted(set(value)))
if isinstance(value, list):
output.append(tabs(indent) + '%s: [' % name)
for item in value:
output.append(tabs(indent + 1) + '"%s",' % item)
output.append(tabs(indent) + '],')
if isinstance(value, dict):
if not value:
output.append(tabs(indent) + '%s: {' % name)
for (item, item_value) in value.items():
write_blueprint_key_value(output, item, item_value, indent + 1)
output.append(tabs(indent) + '},')
if isinstance(value, bool):
output.append(tabs(indent) + '%s: %s,' % (name, 'true' if value else 'false'))
output.append(tabs(indent) + '%s: "%s",' % (name, value))
def write_blueprint(output, target_type, values):
if target_type == 'license':
comment = """
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of
// 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect
// every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct.
// e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory.
// Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses,
// taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the
// default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed.
// For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private"
// to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be
// used in the current project.
// See: http://go/android-license-faq"""
output.append('%s {' % target_type)
for (key, value) in values.items():
write_blueprint_key_value(output, key, value)
def gn_target_to_blueprint_target(target, target_info):
if 'output_name' in target_info:
return target_info['output_name']
# Split the gn target name (in the form of //gn_file_path:target_name) into gn_file_path and
# target_name
target_regex = re.compile(r"^//([a-zA-Z0-9\-\+_/]*):([a-zA-Z0-9\-\+_.]+)$")
match = re.match(target_regex, target)
assert match is not None
gn_file_path = match.group(1)
target_name = match.group(2)
assert len(target_name) > 0
# Clean up the gn file path to be a valid blueprint target name.
gn_file_path = gn_file_path.replace("/", "_").replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
# Generate a blueprint target name by merging the gn path and target so each target is unique.
# Prepend the 'angle' prefix to all targets in the root path (empty gn_file_path).
# Skip this step if the target name already starts with 'angle' to avoid target names such as 'angle_angle_common'.
root_prefix = "angle"
if len(gn_file_path) == 0 and not target_name.startswith(root_prefix):
gn_file_path = root_prefix
# Avoid names such as _angle_common if the gn_file_path is empty.
if len(gn_file_path) > 0:
gn_file_path += "_"
return gn_file_path + target_name
def remap_gn_path(path):
# TODO: pass the gn gen folder as an arg so it is future proof. b/150457277
remap_folders = [
('out/Android/gen/angle/', ''),
('out/Android/gen/', ''),
remapped_path = path
for (remap_source, remap_dest) in remap_folders:
remapped_path = remapped_path.replace(remap_source, remap_dest)
return remapped_path
def gn_path_to_blueprint_path(source):
# gn uses '//' to indicate the root directory, blueprint uses the .bp file's location
return remap_gn_path(re.sub(r'^//?', '', source))
def gn_paths_to_blueprint_paths(paths):
rebased_paths = []
for path in paths:
return rebased_paths
def gn_sources_to_blueprint_sources(sources):
# Blueprints only list source files in the sources list. Headers are only referenced though
# include paths.
file_extension_allowlist = [
rebased_sources = []
for source in sources:
if os.path.splitext(source)[1] in file_extension_allowlist:
return rebased_sources
target_blockist = [
third_party_target_allowlist = [
include_blocklist = [
def gn_deps_to_blueprint_deps(target_info, build_info):
static_libs = []
shared_libs = []
defaults = []
generated_headers = []
header_libs = []
if 'deps' not in target_info:
return static_libs, defaults
for dep in target_info['deps']:
if dep not in target_blockist and (not dep.startswith('//third_party') or any(
dep.startswith(substring) for substring in third_party_target_allowlist)):
dep_info = build_info[dep]
blueprint_dep_name = gn_target_to_blueprint_target(dep, dep_info)
# Depending on the dep type, blueprints reference it differently.
gn_dep_type = dep_info['type']
if gn_dep_type == 'static_library':
elif gn_dep_type == 'shared_library':
elif gn_dep_type == 'source_set' or gn_dep_type == 'group':
elif gn_dep_type == 'action':
# Blueprints do not chain linking of static libraries.
(child_static_libs, _, _, child_generated_headers, _) = gn_deps_to_blueprint_deps(
dep_info, build_info)
# Each target needs to link all child static library dependencies.
static_libs += child_static_libs
# Each blueprint target runs genrules in a different output directory unlike GN. If a
# target depends on another's genrule, it wont find the outputs. Propogate generated
# headers up the dependency stack.
generated_headers += child_generated_headers
elif dep == '//third_party/android_ndk:cpu_features':
# chrome_zlib needs cpufeatures from the Android NDK. Rather than including the
# entire NDK is a dep in the ANGLE checkout, use the library that's already part
# of Android.
dep_info = build_info[dep]
blueprint_dep_name = gn_target_to_blueprint_target(dep, dep_info)
return static_libs, shared_libs, defaults, generated_headers, header_libs
def gn_libs_to_blueprint_shared_libraries(target_info):
lib_blockist = [
result = []
if 'libs' in target_info:
for lib in target_info['libs']:
if lib not in lib_blockist:
android_lib = lib if '@' in lib else 'lib' + lib
return result
def gn_include_dirs_to_blueprint_include_dirs(target_info):
result = []
if 'include_dirs' in target_info:
for include_dir in target_info['include_dirs']:
if len(include_dir) > 0 and include_dir not in include_blocklist:
return result
def escape_quotes(string):
return string.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\'", "\\\'")
def gn_cflags_to_blueprint_cflags(target_info):
result = []
# regexs of allowlisted cflags
cflag_allowlist = [
r'^-Wno-.*$', # forward cflags that disable warnings
r'-mpclmul' # forward "-mpclmul" (used by zlib)
for cflag_type in ['cflags', 'cflags_c', 'cflags_cc']:
if cflag_type in target_info:
for cflag in target_info[cflag_type]:
for allowlisted_cflag in cflag_allowlist:
if re.search(allowlisted_cflag, cflag):
# Chrome and Android use different versions of Clang which support differnt warning options.
# Ignore errors about unrecognized warning flags.
# Override AOSP build flags to match ANGLE's CQ testing and reduce binary size
if 'defines' in target_info:
for define in target_info['defines']:
# Don't emit ANGLE's CPU-bits define here, it will be part of the arch-specific
# information later
result.append('-D%s' % escape_quotes(define))
return result
blueprint_library_target_types = {
"static_library": "cc_library_static",
"shared_library": "cc_library_shared",
"source_set": "cc_defaults",
"group": "cc_defaults",
def merge_bps(bps_for_abis):
common_bp = {}
for abi in abi_targets:
for key in bps_for_abis[abi]:
if isinstance(bps_for_abis[abi][key], list):
# Find list values that are common to all ABIs
for value in bps_for_abis[abi][key]:
value_in_all_abis = True
for abi2 in abi_targets:
if key == 'defaults':
# arch-specific defaults are not supported
value_in_all_abis = value_in_all_abis and (key in bps_for_abis[abi2].keys(
)) and (value in bps_for_abis[abi2][key])
if value_in_all_abis:
if key in common_bp.keys():
common_bp[key] = [value]
if 'arch' not in common_bp.keys():
# Make sure there is an 'arch' entry to hold ABI-specific values
common_bp['arch'] = {}
for abi3 in abi_targets:
common_bp['arch'][abi3] = {}
if key in common_bp['arch'][abi].keys():
common_bp['arch'][abi][key] = [value]
# Assume everything that's not a list is common to all ABIs
common_bp[key] = bps_for_abis[abi][key]
return common_bp
def library_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info):
bps_for_abis = {}
blueprint_type = ""
for abi in abi_targets:
if target not in build_info[abi].keys():
bps_for_abis[abi] = {}
target_info = build_info[abi][target]
blueprint_type = blueprint_library_target_types[target_info['type']]
bp = {'name': gn_target_to_blueprint_target(target, target_info)}
if 'sources' in target_info:
bp['srcs'] = gn_sources_to_blueprint_sources(target_info['sources'])
(bp['static_libs'], bp['shared_libs'], bp['defaults'], bp['generated_headers'],
bp['header_libs']) = gn_deps_to_blueprint_deps(target_info, build_info[abi])
bp['shared_libs'] += gn_libs_to_blueprint_shared_libraries(target_info)
bp['local_include_dirs'] = gn_include_dirs_to_blueprint_include_dirs(target_info)
bp['cflags'] = gn_cflags_to_blueprint_cflags(target_info)
bp['sdk_version'] = sdk_version
bp['stl'] = stl
if target in root_targets:
bp['vendor'] = True
bp['target'] = {'android': {'relative_install_path': 'egl'}}
bps_for_abis[abi] = bp
common_bp = merge_bps(bps_for_abis)
return blueprint_type, common_bp
def gn_action_args_to_blueprint_args(blueprint_inputs, blueprint_outputs, args):
# TODO: pass the gn gen folder as an arg so we know how to get from the gen path to the root
# path. b/150457277
remap_folders = [
# Specific special-cases first, since the other will strip the prefixes.
('../../', ''),
('gen/', ''),
result_args = []
for arg in args:
# Attempt to find if this arg is a path to one of the inputs. If it is, use the blueprint
# $(location <path>) argument instead so the path gets remapped properly to the location
# that the script is run from
remapped_path_arg = arg
for (remap_source, remap_dest) in remap_folders:
remapped_path_arg = remapped_path_arg.replace(remap_source, remap_dest)
if remapped_path_arg in blueprint_inputs or remapped_path_arg in blueprint_outputs:
result_args.append('$(location %s)' % remapped_path_arg)
elif os.path.basename(remapped_path_arg) in blueprint_outputs:
result_args.append('$(location %s)' % os.path.basename(remapped_path_arg))
return result_args
blueprint_gen_types = {
"action": "cc_genrule",
inputs_blocklist = [
outputs_remap = {
'build_info.h': 'glslang/build_info.h',
def is_input_in_tool_files(tool_files, input):
return input in tool_files
def action_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info):
target_info = build_info[target]
blueprint_type = blueprint_gen_types[target_info['type']]
bp = {'name': gn_target_to_blueprint_target(target, target_info)}
# Blueprints use only one 'srcs', merge all gn inputs into one list.
gn_inputs = []
if 'inputs' in target_info:
for input in target_info['inputs']:
if input not in inputs_blocklist:
if 'sources' in target_info:
gn_inputs += target_info['sources']
# Filter out the 'script' entry since Android.bp doesn't like the duplicate entries
if 'script' in target_info:
gn_inputs = [
input for input in gn_inputs
if not is_input_in_tool_files(target_info['script'], input)
bp_srcs = gn_paths_to_blueprint_paths(gn_inputs)
bp['srcs'] = bp_srcs
# genrules generate the output right into the 'root' directory. Strip any path before the
# file name.
bp_outputs = []
for gn_output in target_info['outputs']:
output = os.path.basename(gn_output)
if output in outputs_remap.keys():
output = outputs_remap[output]
bp['out'] = bp_outputs
bp['tool_files'] = [gn_path_to_blueprint_path(target_info['script'])]
# Generate the full command, $(location) refers to tool_files[0], the script
cmd = ['$(location)'] + gn_action_args_to_blueprint_args(bp_srcs, bp_outputs,
bp['cmd'] = ' '.join(cmd)
bp['sdk_version'] = sdk_version
return blueprint_type, bp
def gn_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info):
for abi in abi_targets:
gn_type = build_info[abi][target]['type']
if gn_type in blueprint_library_target_types:
return library_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info)
elif gn_type in blueprint_gen_types:
return action_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info[abi])
# Target is not used by this ABI
def get_gn_target_dependencies(output_dependencies, build_info, target):
if target not in output_dependencies:
output_dependencies.insert(0, target)
for dep in build_info[target]['deps']:
if dep in target_blockist:
# Blocklisted dep
if dep not in build_info:
# No info for this dep, skip it
# Recurse
get_gn_target_dependencies(output_dependencies, build_info, dep)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate Android blueprints from gn descriptions.')
for abi in abi_targets:
fixed_abi = abi
if abi == abi_x64:
fixed_abi = 'x64' # gn uses x64, rather than x86_64
'gn_json_' + fixed_abi,
help=fixed_abi +
'gn desc in json format. Generated with \'gn desc <out_dir> --format=json "*"\'.')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
build_info = {}
for abi in abi_targets:
fixed_abi = abi
if abi == abi_x64:
fixed_abi = 'x64' # gn uses x64, rather than x86_64
with open(args['gn_json_' + fixed_abi], 'r') as f:
build_info[abi] = json.load(f)
targets_to_write = []
for abi in abi_targets:
for root_target in root_targets:
get_gn_target_dependencies(targets_to_write, build_info[abi], root_target)
blueprint_targets = []
for target in targets_to_write:
blueprint_targets.append(gn_target_to_blueprint(target, build_info))
# Add license build rules
blueprint_targets.append(('package', {
'default_applicable_licenses': ['external_angle_license'],
blueprint_targets.append(('license', {
'visibility': [':__subpackages__'],
'license_kinds': [
'license_text': [
# Add APKs with all of the root libraries
'name': 'ANGLE_srcs',
# Only add EmptyMainActivity.java since we just need to be able to reply to the intent
# android.app.action.ANGLE_FOR_ANDROID to indicate ANGLE is present on the device.
'srcs': ['src/android_system_settings/src/com/android/angle/EmptyMainActivity.java'],
'name': 'ANGLE_java_defaults',
'sdk_version': 'system_current',
'min_sdk_version': sdk_version,
'compile_multilib': 'both',
'use_embedded_native_libs': True,
'jni_libs': [
# hack: assume abi_arm
gn_target_to_blueprint_target(target, build_info[abi_arm][target])
for target in root_targets
'aaptflags': [
# Don't compress *.json files
'-0 .json',
'srcs': [':ANGLE_srcs'],
'plugins': ['java_api_finder',],
'privileged': True,
'product_specific': True,
'owner': 'google',
blueprint_targets.append(('android_app', {
'name': 'ANGLE',
'defaults': ['ANGLE_java_defaults'],
'manifest': 'android/AndroidManifest.xml',
'asset_dirs': ['src/android_system_settings/assets',],
output = [
// Generated by %s
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
""" % sys.argv[0]
for (blueprint_type, blueprint_data) in blueprint_targets:
write_blueprint(output, blueprint_type, blueprint_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':