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// Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// test_utils.h: declaration of OS-specific utility functions
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "util/Timer.h"
namespace angle
// Cross platform equivalent of the Windows Sleep function
void Sleep(unsigned int milliseconds);
void SetLowPriorityProcess();
// Write a debug message, either to a standard output or Debug window.
void WriteDebugMessage(const char *format, ...);
// Set thread affinity and priority.
bool StabilizeCPUForBenchmarking();
// Set a crash handler to print stack traces.
using CrashCallback = std::function<void()>;
void InitCrashHandler(CrashCallback *callback);
void TerminateCrashHandler();
// Print a stack back trace.
void PrintStackBacktrace();
// Get temporary directory.
bool GetTempDir(char *tempDirOut, uint32_t maxDirNameLen);
// Creates a temporary file. The full path is placed in |tempFileNameOut|, and the
// function returns true if was successful in creating the file. The file will
// be empty and all handles closed after this function returns.
bool CreateTemporaryFile(char *tempFileNameOut, uint32_t maxFileNameLen);
// Same as CreateTemporaryFile but the file is created in |dir|.
bool CreateTemporaryFileInDir(const char *dir, char *tempFileNameOut, uint32_t maxFileNameLen);
// Deletes a file or directory.
bool DeleteSystemFile(const char *path);
// Reads a file contents into a string.
bool ReadEntireFileToString(const char *filePath, char *contentsOut, uint32_t maxLen);
// Compute a file's size.
bool GetFileSize(const char *filePath, uint32_t *sizeOut);
class ProcessHandle;
class Process : angle::NonCopyable
virtual bool started() = 0;
virtual bool finished() = 0;
virtual bool finish() = 0;
virtual bool kill() = 0;
virtual int getExitCode() = 0;
double getElapsedTimeSeconds() const { return mTimer.getElapsedWallClockTime(); }
const std::string &getStdout() const { return mStdout; }
const std::string &getStderr() const { return mStderr; }
friend class ProcessHandle;
virtual ~Process();
Timer mTimer;
std::string mStdout;
std::string mStderr;
enum class ProcessOutputCapture
// Capture stdout only
// Capture stdout, and pipe stderr to stdout
// Capture stdout and stderr separately
class ProcessHandle final : angle::NonCopyable
ProcessHandle(Process *process);
ProcessHandle(const std::vector<const char *> &args, ProcessOutputCapture captureOutput);
ProcessHandle(ProcessHandle &&other);
ProcessHandle &operator=(ProcessHandle &&rhs);
Process *operator->() { return mProcess; }
const Process *operator->() const { return mProcess; }
operator bool() const { return mProcess != nullptr; }
void reset();
Process *mProcess;
// Launch a process and optionally get the output. Uses a vector of c strings as command line
// arguments to the child process. Returns a Process handle which can be used to retrieve
// the stdout and stderr outputs as well as the exit code.
// Pass false for stdoutOut/stderrOut if you don't need to capture them.
// On success, returns a Process pointer with started() == true.
// On failure, returns a Process pointer with started() == false.
Process *LaunchProcess(const std::vector<const char *> &args, ProcessOutputCapture captureOutput);
int NumberOfProcessors();
const char *GetNativeEGLLibraryNameWithExtension();
// Intercept Metal shader cache access to avoid slow caching mechanism that caused the test timeout
// in the past. Note:
// - If there is NO "--skip-file-hooking" switch in the argument list:
// - This function will re-launch the app with additional argument "--skip-file-hooking".
// - The running process's image & memory will be re-created.
// - If there is "--skip-file-hooking" switch in the argument list, this function will do nothing.
void InitMetalFileAPIHooking(int argc, char **argv);
} // namespace angle
#endif // UTIL_TEST_UTILS_H_