128 lines
3.0 KiB
128 lines
3.0 KiB
Leon, Jen-Yuan Su
leonsu at mac com
December 15, 2010
* TJP gunit checked tokens.index() != size instead of size()-1
November 26, 2010
* Added -p package-name-for-junit-output since test package is usually
different than parser package. TJP
January 24, 2009
* Improved error messages
* stderr was being ignored upon exception.
* generated junit test code indicate lines in gunit script. also error
messages during parse time show line number from gunit script.
* refactored template generation / parameters
* Allow strings in AST descriptions (gUnit.g). E.g., it handle this rule
(I had to quote the "^(" root tokens):
"( ^(A B) | ^(b C) )" -> (BLOCK (ALT ("^(" A B)) (ALT ("^(" b C)))
January 23, 2009
* whitespace ignored and "x y z" turned into x y z now in expected tree p\
attern. E.g.,
"a : A<X,Y=a.b.c>;" -> (RULE a (BLOCK (ALT
(A (ELEMENT_OPTIONS X (= Y "a.b.c")))))
July 31, 2009
* support custom tree adaptor in gUnit script
March 21, 2009
* gUnitTestSuite.java: use lexer rule name if parser rule name is null (by Shaoting)
* add gunit/swingui package for gUnitEditor GUI
Feb 17, 2009
* added new interfaces for GUI editor
* recognizes invalid input as a FAIL case instead of throwing an exception
Steve Ebersole provided a patch for the following two fixes.
* allows setting an output directory (for JUnitCodeGen)
* allows providing a classloader (for both JUnitCodeGen and gUnitExecutor)
Nov 25, 2008
* fixed external test file path issue. if an input test file is not found under the current dir, then try to look for it under the package dir also.
* fixed multiple-line input indentation issue.
* fixed bug: FileNotFoundException terminated gUnit tests due to any non-existent input test file.
* display escaped text for newline characters in the test result for comparing expected and actual string.
Nov 20, 2008
* added new functionality of testing lexical rules
* fixed bug of using PipedInput/Output Stream and changed to ByteArrayOutputStream. Jared Bunting provided a patch on this issue.
* improved jUnit translation mode and moved supporting codes into gUnitBaseTest.
Oct 31, 2008
* fixed bug of testing a tree grammar's template output
July 9, 2008
* fixed bug: program exited upon InvocationTargetException
Sumanto Biswas pointed out the issue and provided suggestions.
* Better handle on test rule's StringTemplate output
May 10, 2008
* added exit code functionality
* fixed string escaping bug for junit generator
1.0.2 - Apr 01, 2008
* fixed grammar bug: multiple-line input, AST output
* adjusted the output of test result
Mar 20, 2008
* moved test result to string template (gUnitTestResult.stg)
* added the display of line of test in the test result
Feb 19, 2008
* fixed bug of displaying test sequence and error message from ANTLR
Feb 8, 2008
* made compatible with ANTLR 3.1b1
1.0.1 - Jan 11, 2008
* Kenny MacDermid helps with code refactoring
1.0 - Aug 20, 2007
Initial early access release