251 lines
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251 lines
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# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import mock
import unittest
import common
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe.json_rpc import proxy as rpc_proxy
from autotest_lib.server import frontend
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import afe_store
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import host_info
from six.moves import zip
class AfeStoreTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test refresh/commit success cases for AfeStore."""
def setUp(self):
self.hostname = 'some-host'
self.mock_afe = mock.create_autospec(frontend.AFE, instance=True)
self.store = afe_store.AfeStore(self.hostname, afe=self.mock_afe)
def _create_mock_host(self, labels, attributes):
"""Create a mock frontend.Host with the given labels and attributes.
@param labels: The labels to set on the host.
@param attributes: The attributes to set on the host.
@returns: A mock object for frontend.Host.
mock_host = mock.create_autospec(frontend.Host, instance=True)
mock_host.labels = labels
mock_host.attributes = attributes
return mock_host
def test_refresh(self):
"""Test that refresh correctly translates host information."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {'attrib1': 'val1'})]
info = self.store._refresh_impl()
self.assertListEqual(info.labels, ['label1'])
self.assertDictEqual(info.attributes, {'attrib1': 'val1'})
def test_refresh_no_host_raises(self):
"""Test that refresh complains if no host is found."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = []
with self.assertRaises(host_info.StoreError):
def test_refresh_multiple_hosts_picks_first(self):
"""Test that refresh returns the first host if multiple match."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {'attrib1': 'val1'}),
self._create_mock_host(['label2'], {'attrib2': 'val2'})]
info = self.store._refresh_impl()
self.assertListEqual(info.labels, ['label1'])
self.assertDictEqual(info.attributes, {'attrib1': 'val1'})
def test_commit_labels(self):
"""Tests that labels are updated correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {})]
info = host_info.HostInfo(['label2'], {})
self.assertEqual(self.mock_afe.run.call_count, 2)
expected_run_calls = [
mock.call('host_remove_labels', id='some-host',
mock.call('host_add_labels', id='some-host',
def test_commit_labels_raises(self):
"""Test that exception while committing is translated properly."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {})]
self.mock_afe.run.side_effect = rpc_proxy.JSONRPCException('some error')
info = host_info.HostInfo(['label2'], {})
with self.assertRaises(host_info.StoreError):
def test_commit_adds_attributes(self):
"""Tests that new attributes are added correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host([], {})]
info = host_info.HostInfo([], {'attrib1': 'val1'})
self.assertEqual(self.mock_afe.set_host_attribute.call_count, 1)
'attrib1', 'val1', hostname=self.hostname)
def test_commit_updates_attributes(self):
"""Tests that existing attributes are updated correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host([], {'attrib1': 'val1'})]
info = host_info.HostInfo([], {'attrib1': 'val1_updated'})
self.assertEqual(self.mock_afe.set_host_attribute.call_count, 1)
'attrib1', 'val1_updated', hostname=self.hostname)
def test_commit_deletes_attributes(self):
"""Tests that deleted attributes are updated correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host([], {'attrib1': 'val1'})]
info = host_info.HostInfo([], {})
self.assertEqual(self.mock_afe.set_host_attribute.call_count, 1)
'attrib1', None, hostname=self.hostname)
def test_str(self):
"""Sanity tests the __str__ implementaiton"""
self.assertEqual(str(self.store), 'AfeStore[some-host]')
class AfeStoreKeepPoolTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test commit success cases for AfeStoreKeepPool."""
def setUp(self):
self.hostname = 'some-host'
self.mock_afe = mock.create_autospec(frontend.AFE, instance=True)
self.store = afe_store.AfeStoreKeepPool(
self.hostname, afe=self.mock_afe)
def _create_mock_host(self, labels, attributes):
"""Create a mock frontend.Host with the given labels and attributes.
@param labels: The labels to set on the host.
@param attributes: The attributes to set on the host.
@returns: A mock object for frontend.Host.
mock_host = mock.create_autospec(frontend.Host, instance=True)
mock_host.labels = labels
mock_host.attributes = attributes
return mock_host
def test_no_pool_label(self):
"""Tests that no pool labels are updated on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {})]
new_info = host_info.HostInfo(['label2'], {})
old_info = self.store._refresh_impl()
labels_to_remove, labels_to_add = self.store._adjust_pool(
old_info, new_info)
self.assertEqual((labels_to_remove, labels_to_add),
(['label1'], ['label2']))
def test_update_pool_label(self):
"""Tests that pool labels are updated correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['pool:XXX'], {})]
new_info = host_info.HostInfo(['pool:YYY'], {})
old_info = self.store._refresh_impl()
labels_to_remove, labels_to_add = self.store._adjust_pool(
old_info, new_info)
self.assertEqual((labels_to_remove, labels_to_add),
(['pool:XXX'], ['pool:YYY']))
def test_add_pool_label(self):
"""Tests that pool labels are added correctly on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['label1'], {})]
new_info = host_info.HostInfo(['pool:YYY'], {})
old_info = self.store._refresh_impl()
labels_to_remove, labels_to_add = self.store._adjust_pool(
old_info, new_info)
self.assertEqual((labels_to_remove, labels_to_add),
(['label1'], ['pool:YYY']))
def test_remove_pool_label(self):
"""Tests that pool labels are not removed on commit."""
self.mock_afe.get_hosts.return_value = [
self._create_mock_host(['pool:XXX'], {})]
new_info = host_info.HostInfo(['label2'], {})
old_info = self.store._refresh_impl()
labels_to_remove, labels_to_add = self.store._adjust_pool(
old_info, new_info)
self.assertEqual((labels_to_remove, labels_to_add),
([], ['label2']))
class DictDiffTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests the afe_store._dict_diff private method."""
def _assert_dict_diff(self, got_tuple, expectation_tuple):
"""Verifies the result from _dict_diff
@param got_tuple: The tuple returned by afe_store._dict_diff
@param expectatin_tuple: tuple (left_only, right_only, differing)
containing iterable of keys to verify against got_tuple.
for got, expect in zip(got_tuple, expectation_tuple):
self.assertEqual(got, set(expect))
def test_both_empty(self):
"""Tests the case when both dicts are empty."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({}, {}),
((), (), ()))
def test_right_dict_only(self):
"""Tests the case when left dict is empty."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({}, {1: 1}),
((), (1,), ()))
def test_left_dict_only(self):
"""Tests the case when right dict is empty."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({1: 1}, {}),
((1,), (), ()))
def test_left_dict_extra(self):
"""Tests the case when left dict has extra keys."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({1: 1, 2: 2}, {1: 1}),
((2,), (), ()))
def test_right_dict_extra(self):
"""Tests the case when right dict has extra keys."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({1: 1}, {1: 1, 2: 2}),
((), (2,), ()))
def test_identical_keys_with_different_values(self):
"""Tests the case when the set of keys is same, but values differ."""
self._assert_dict_diff(afe_store._dict_diff({1: 1, 2: 3}, {1: 1, 2: 2}),
((), (), (2,)))
if __name__ == '__main__':