1479 lines
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1479 lines
57 KiB
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import logging
import time
import math
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import hosts
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import retry
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import tpm_utils
from autotest_lib.server import afe_utils
from autotest_lib.server import crashcollect
from autotest_lib.server.cros import provisioner
from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import tools
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_constants
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import cros_firmware
from autotest_lib.server.hosts import repair_utils
from autotest_lib.site_utils.admin_audit import verifiers as audit_verify
from autotest_lib.site_utils.admin_audit import constants as audit_const
from six.moves import range
from chromite.lib import metrics
except ImportError:
metrics = utils.metrics_mock
from chromite.lib import timeout_util
# _DEV_MODE_ALLOW_POOLS - The set of pools that are allowed to be
# in dev mode (usually, those should be unmanaged devices)
# Setting to suppress dev mode check; primarily used for moblab where all
# DUT's are in dev mode.
_DEV_MODE_ALWAYS_ALLOWED = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
# Triggers for the 'provision', 'powerwash', and 'usb' repair actions.
# These are also used as dependencies in the `CrosHost` repair
# sequence, as follows:
# provision:
# powerwash:
# - depends on: _CROS_USB_TRIGGERS
# usb:
# - depends on: _CROS_USB_DEPENDENCIES
# N.B. AC power detection depends on software on the DUT, and there
# have been bugs where detection failed even though the DUT really
# did have power. So, we make the 'power' verifier a trigger for
# reinstall repair actions, too.
# TODO(jrbarnette): provision repair can't fix all problems reported by
# the 'cros' verifier; it's listed as an provision trigger as a
# simplification. The ultimate fix is to split the 'cros' verifier
# into smaller individual verifiers.
_CROS_POWERWASH_TRIGGERS = ('tpm', 'good_provision', 'ext4',)
_CROS_USB_DEPENDENCIES = ('usb_drive', )
class ACPowerVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Check for AC power and battery charging state."""
# Battery discharging state in power_supply_info file.
# Power controller can discharge battery any time till 90% for any model.
# Setting level to 90% in case we have wearout of it.
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
info = self._load_info(host)
self._validate_battery(host, info)
def _load_info(self, host):
info = host.get_power_supply_info()
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Failed to get power supply info')
return info
def _validate_ac_plugged(self, info):
# Validate that DUT is plugged to the AC.
if info['Line Power']['online'] != 'yes':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'AC power is not plugged in')
except KeyError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Cannot determine AC power status')
def _validate_battery(self, host, info):
charging_state = info['Battery']['state']
battery_level = float(info['Battery']['percentage'])
# Collect info to determine which battery level is better to call
# as MIN_BATTERY_LEVEL for DUTs in the lab.
if battery_level < cros_constants.MIN_BATTERY_LEVEL:
level_by_10 = int(math.floor(battery_level / 10.0)) * 10
metrics_data = {
'host': host.hostname,
'level': level_by_10,
'mode': charging_state
if (charging_state == self.BATTERY_DISCHARGING
and battery_level < self.BATTERY_DISCHARGE_MIN):
logging.debug('Try to fix discharging state of the battery. '
'Possible that a test left wrong state.')
# Here is the chance that battery is discharging because
# of some test did not clean up the state.
# We are going to try to fix it by set charging to normal.
host.run('ectool chargecontrol normal', ignore_status=True)
# wait to change state.
info = self._load_info(host)
charging_state = info['Battery']['state']
fixed = charging_state != self.BATTERY_DISCHARGING
# TODO (@otabek) remove metrics after research
logging.debug('Fixed battery discharge mode.')
metrics_data = {
'model': host.host_info_store.get().model,
'fixed': fixed
if (battery_level < cros_constants.MIN_BATTERY_LEVEL
and charging_state == self.BATTERY_DISCHARGING):
# TODO(@xianuowang) remove metrics here once we have device
# health profile to collect history of DUT's metrics.
metrics_data = {'host': host.hostname,
'board': host.host_info_store.get().board}
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Battery is in discharging state and current level'
' is less than %s%%' %
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logging.warning('Cannot determine battery state -'
' skipping check.')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The DUT is plugged in to AC power and battery is charing'
class CrosVerisionVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Confirm that current ChromeOS image on the host is matches
to provision-cros_version label.
Some tests behavior may changed DUT image while they don't update
provision-cros_version label, which could cause the next test run
on the same host gets an unexpected OS version and yields false
positive test result.
def verify(self, host):
label_match = True
label_match = host.verify_cros_version_label()
except Exception as e:
# We don't want fail this verifier for any errors that other
# than a actual version mismatch, as that can make debugging
# more challenge.
logging.warning('Unexpected error during verify cros verision'
' on %s; %s', host.hostname, e)
if not label_match:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('ChromeOS image on the host'
' does not match to cros-version'
' label.')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'ChromeOS image on host matches cros_version label'
class WritableVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Confirm the stateful file systems are writable.
The standard linux response to certain unexpected file system errors
(including hardware errors in block devices) is to change the file
system status to read-only. This checks that that hasn't happened.
The test covers the two file systems that need to be writable for
critical operations like AU:
* The (unencrypted) stateful system which includes
* The encrypted stateful partition, which includes /var.
The test doesn't check various bind mounts; those are expected to
fail the same way as their underlying main mounts. Whether the
Linux kernel can guarantee that is untested...
# N.B. Order matters here: Encrypted stateful is loop-mounted from
# a file in unencrypted stateful, so we don't test for errors in
# encrypted stateful if unencrypted fails.
_TEST_DIRECTORIES = ['/mnt/stateful_partition', '/var/tmp']
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# This deliberately stops looking after the first error.
# See above for the details.
for testdir in self._TEST_DIRECTORIES:
if not host.is_file_system_writable([testdir]):
msg = 'Can\'t create a file in %s' % testdir
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(msg)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The stateful filesystems are writable'
class EXT4fsErrorVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Confirm we have not seen critical file system kernel errors.
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# grep for stateful FS errors of the type "EXT4-fs error (device sda1):"
command = ("dmesg | grep -E \"EXT4-fs error \(device "
"$(cut -d ' ' -f 5,9 /proc/$$/mountinfo | "
"grep -e '^/mnt/stateful_partition ' | "
"cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '/' -f 3)\):\"")
output = host.run(command=command, ignore_status=True).stdout
if output:
sample = output.splitlines()[0]
message = 'Saw file system error: %s' % sample
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(message)
# Check for other critical FS errors.
command = 'dmesg | grep "This should not happen!! Data will be lost"'
output = host.run(command=command, ignore_status=True).stdout
if output:
message = 'Saw file system error: Data will be lost'
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(message)
logging.error('Could not determine stateful mount.')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Did not find critical file system errors'
class UpdateSuccessVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
Checks that the DUT successfully finished its last provision job.
At the start of any update (e.g. for a Provision job), the code
creates a marker file named `PROVISION_FAILED`. The file is located
in a part of the stateful partition that will be removed if an
update finishes successfully. Thus, the presence of the file
indicates that a prior update failed.
The verifier tests for the existence of the marker file and fails if
it still exists.
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
result = host.run('test -f %s' % provisioner.PROVISION_FAILED,
if result.exit_status == 0:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Last provision on this DUT failed')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The most recent provision attempt on this DUT succeeded'
class TPMStatusVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that the host's TPM is in a good state."""
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if _is_virtual_machine(host):
# We do not forward host TPM / emulated TPM to qemu VMs, so skip
# this verification step.
logging.debug('Skipped verification %s on VM', self)
status = CryptohomeStatus(host)
except hosts.AutoservVerifyError:
logging.info('Cannot determine the Cryptohome valid status - '
'skipping check.')
tpm = status['tpm']
if not tpm['enabled']:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'TPM is not enabled -- Hardware is not working.')
if not tpm['can_connect']:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
('TPM connect failed -- '
'last_error=%d.' % tpm['last_error']))
if tpm['owned'] and not tpm['can_load_srk']:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Cannot load the TPM SRK')
if tpm['can_load_srk'] and not tpm['can_load_srk_pubkey']:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Cannot load the TPM SRK public key')
except KeyError:
logging.info('Cannot determine the Cryptohome valid status - '
'skipping check.')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The host\'s TPM is available and working'
class PythonVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Confirm the presence of a working Python interpreter."""
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
result = host.run('python -c "import json"',
if result.exit_status != 0:
message = 'The python interpreter is broken'
if result.exit_status == 127:
search = host.run('which python', ignore_status=True)
if search.exit_status != 0 or not search.stdout:
message = ('Python is missing; may be caused by '
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(message)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Python on the host is installed and working'
class DevModeVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that the host is not in dev mode."""
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# Some pools are allowed to be in dev mode
info = host.host_info_store.get()
bool(info.pools & _DEV_MODE_ALLOWED_POOLS)):
result = host.run('crossystem devsw_boot', ignore_status=True).stdout
if result != '0':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('The host is in dev mode')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The host should not be in dev mode'
class DevDefaultBootVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that the host is set to boot the internal disk by default."""
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
result = host.run('crossystem dev_default_boot', ignore_status=True)
default_boot = result.stdout.strip()
if default_boot != 'disk':
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'The host has incorrect dev_default_boot value: %r'
% default_boot)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The host should have dev_default_boot=disk'
class HWIDVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that the host has HWID & serial number."""
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
info = host.host_info_store.get()
if not info.board or not info.model:
# if board or model missed in host_info file then it is empty
# skip verifier
info_hwid = info.attributes.get('HWID')
info_serial_number = info.attributes.get('serial_number')
if not info_hwid or not info_serial_number:
logging.info('Missing HWID or/and SerialNumber.'
' Probably device was not deployed properly.'
' Marking DUT for need re-deployment.')
host_hwid = host.run('crossystem hwid', ignore_status=True).stdout
host_serial_number = self._get_serial_number(host, info_serial_number)
if not host_hwid or not host_serial_number:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Failed to get HWID & Serial Number for host %s' %
if host_hwid != info_hwid:
# We not fail verifier as it not critical for majority tests.
'host': host.hostname,
'board': info.board or ''
'HWID changed to: %s required manual work'
' to fix it.', host_hwid)
if host_serial_number and host_serial_number != info_serial_number:
'The SerialNumber mismatch detected %s != %s.'
' Probably attempt to replace DUT without deployment.'
' Marking DUT for need re-deployment.', info_serial_number,
def _get_serial_number(self, host, serial_number):
"""Read serial_number from VPD.
If VPD does not have any value for serial_number then it will
try to restore from host_info.
@param host CrosHost
@param serial_number Serial-number from host-info
req = host.run('vpd -g serial_number', ignore_status=True)
# serial_number not found in the VPD info
if not req.stdout and req.exit_status == 3 and serial_number:
logging.debug('Cannot find serial_number from VPD.')
# check if vpd working fine without error
l1 = host.run('vpd -l', ignore_status=True)
l2 = host.run('vpd -l |grep "\"serial_number\"="',
if l1.exit_status == 0 and l2.exit_status == 1:
logging.info('Start restoring serial_number:%s for VPD.',
# update serial_number for VPD
cmd = 'vpd -s serial_number=%s'
host.run(cmd % serial_number, ignore_status=True)
host.run('dump_vpd_log --force', ignore_status=True)
# reading from VPD to see what we updated
req = host.run('vpd -g serial_number', ignore_status=True)
return req.stdout
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The host should have valid HWID and Serial Number'
class EnrollmentStateVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that the device's enrollment state is clean.
There are two "flags" that generate 3 possible enrollment states here.
Flag 1 - The presence of install attributes file in
Flag 2 - The value of "check_enrollment" from VPD. Can be obtained by
reading the cache file in
The states:
State 1 - Device is enrolled, means flag 1 is true and in
flag 2 check_enrollment=1
State 2 - Device is consumer owned, means flag 1 is true and in
flag 2 check_enrollment=0
State 3 - Device is enrolled and has been powerwashed, means flag 1 is
false. If the value in flag 2 is check_enrollment=1 then the
device will perform forced re-enrollment check and depending
on the response from the server might force the device to enroll
again. If the value is check_enrollment=0, then device can be
used like a new device.
We consider state 1, and first scenario(check_enrollment=1) of state 3
as unacceptable state here as they may interfere with normal tests.
VPD_CACHE = '/mnt/stateful_partition/unencrypted/cache/vpd/full-v2.txt'
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if self._get_enrollment_state(host):
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError('The device is enrolled,'
' it may interfere with'
' some tests.')
def _get_enrollment_state(self, host):
logging.debug('checking enrollment state from VPD cache...')
response = host.run('grep "check_enrollment" %s' % self.VPD_CACHE,
if response.exit_status == 0:
result = response.stdout.strip()
logging.info('Enrollment state in VPD cache: %s', result)
return result == '"check_enrollment"="1"'
logging.error('Unexpected error occured during verify enrollment state'
' in VPD cache, skipping verify process.')
return False
def _is_applicable(self, host):
info = host.host_info_store.get()
# if os type is missing from host_info, then we assume it's cros.
return getattr(info, 'os', 'cros') in ('', 'cros')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'The enrollment state is clean on the host'
class FirmwareTpmVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verifier that firmware tpm info is correct.
For dev-signed firmware, tpm_fwver and tpm_kernver reported from
crossystem should always be 0x10001. Firmware update on DUTs with
incorrect tmp_fwver or tpm_kernver may fail due to firmware
rollback protection.
# A list of field we want check from crossystem and expected value.
('tpm_fwver', '0x00010001'),
('tpm_kernver', '0x00010001'),
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
for field, expected_value in self.CHECK_LIST:
result = host.run('crossystem %s' % field, ignore_status=True)
if result.exit_status != 0:
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError(
'Unable to get %s from crossystem.' % field)
if result.stdout != expected_value:
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError(
'Unexpected %s value: %s, expected: %s. This error'
' may cause firmware provision fail due to the'
' rollback protection.' %
(field, result.stdout, expected_value))
def _is_applicable(self, host):
return cros_firmware._is_firmware_testing_device(host)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Firmware tpm info is correct in crossystem.'
class JetstreamTpmVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that Jetstream TPM is in a good state."""
@retry.retry(error.AutoservError, timeout_min=2, delay_sec=10)
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
status = CryptohomeStatus(host)
if not status.tpm_enabled:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM is not enabled')
if not status.tpm_owned:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM is not owned')
if not status.tpm_can_load_srk:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM cannot load SRK')
if not status.tpm_can_load_srk_pubkey:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM cannot load SRK pubkey')
# Check that the TPM is fully initialized. The output of this
# command is line-oriented property/value pairs.
result = host.run('cryptohome --action=tpm_status')
if 'TPM Ready: true' not in result.stdout:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM is not ready')
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Could not determine TPM status')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Jetstream TPM state check'
class JetstreamAttestationVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that Jetstream attestation client has a certificate."""
@retry.retry(error.AutoservError, timeout_min=2, delay_sec=10)
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# This output is in text protobuf format.
result = host.run('cryptohome --action=tpm_more_status')
if 'attestation_prepared: true' not in result.stdout:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Attestation has not been prepared')
result = host.run('cryptohome --action=tpm_attestation_get_ek')
if 'EK Certificate' not in result.stdout:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Endorsement certificate not found')
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'Unable to fetch endorsement certificate')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Jetstream attestation endorsement check'
class JetstreamServicesVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that Jetstream services are running."""
# Retry for b/62576902
@retry.retry(error.AutoservError, timeout_min=1, delay_sec=10)
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
if not host.upstart_status('ap-controller'):
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'ap-controller service is not running')
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'ap-controller service not found')
host.run('pgrep ap-controller')
except error.AutoservRunError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
'ap-controller process is not running')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Jetstream services must be running'
class StopStartUIVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that command 'stop ui' won't crash the DUT.
We run 'stop ui' in AU and provision. We found some bad images broke
this command and then broke all the provision of all following test. We add
this verifier to ensure it works and will trigger reimaging to a good
version if it fails.
def verify(self, host):
host.run('stop ui && start ui', ignore_status=True, timeout=10)
except error.AutoservSSHTimeout:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError(
"Got timeout when stop ui/start ui. DUT might crash.")
def description(self):
return 'The DUT image works fine when stop ui/start ui.'
class ServoUSBDriveVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that USB drive on Servo is good to use.
Check if USB drive is detected on servo and verified on servohost and
USB is not marked for replacement.
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
usb_dev = ''
usb_dev = host._servo_host._probe_and_validate_usb_dev()
except hosts.AutoservRepairError as e:
# We USB drive not detected by servod
logging.debug('(Not critical) %s', e)
host_info = host.host_info_store.get()
if not usb_dev:
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError(
'USB-drive is not detected or bad')
# Check if USB-drive marked for replacement.
usb_state = host_info.get_label_value(
if usb_state and usb_state == audit_const.HW_STATE_NEED_REPLACEMENT:
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError(
'USB-drive marked for replacement')
# The USB-drive detected and was not mark for replacement.
# Set as normal for future audit.
def _is_applicable(self, host):
if host.servo:
return True
return False
def description(self):
return 'Ensure USB drive on Servo is in good state.'
class DUTStorageVerifier(hosts.Verifier):
"""Verify that main storage on DUT is good to use.
Check if DUT drive is providing good SMART stats which not showing any
issues on it. The verifier can mark DUT for replacement if SMART stats
show outworn data.
def verify(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
verifier = audit_verify.VerifyDutStorage(host)
verifier.verify(set_label=True, run_badblocks='NOT')
state = verifier.get_state() or audit_const.HW_STATE_UNKNOWN
if not state:
raise hosts.AutoservNonCriticalVerifyError(
'DUT storage did not detected or state cannot extracted.')
if state == audit_const.HW_STATE_NEED_REPLACEMENT:
logging.info('Detected issue with storage on the DUT.')
def description(self):
return 'Ensure DUT storage SMART information is in good state.'
class _ResetRepairAction(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Common handling for repair actions that reset a DUT."""
def _collect_logs(self, host):
"""Collect logs from a successfully repaired DUT."""
dirname = 'after_%s' % self.tag
local_log_dir = crashcollect.get_crashinfo_dir(host, dirname)
host.collect_logs('/var/log', local_log_dir, ignore_errors=True)
# Collect crash info.
crashcollect.get_crashinfo(host, None)
def _check_reset_success(self, host):
"""Check whether reset succeeded, and gather logs if possible."""
# Waiting to boot device after repair action.
if host.wait_up(host.BOOT_TIMEOUT):
if host.get_verifier_state('ssh') == hosts.VERIFY_SUCCESS:
'Skip collection logs due DUT was sshable before')
# Collect logs once we regain ssh access before
# clobbering them.
except Exception:
# If the DUT is up, we want to declare success, even if
# log gathering fails for some reason. So, if there's
# a failure, just log it and move on.
logging.exception('Non-critical failure in log '
'collection during %s.',
raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
'Host %s is offline after %s.' % (host.hostname, self.tag),
'failed_to_boot_after_' + self.tag)
class ServoSysRqRepair(_ResetRepairAction):
Repair a Chrome device by sending a system request to the kernel.
Sending 3 times the Alt+VolUp+x key combination (aka sysrq-x)
will ask the kernel to panic itself and reboot while conserving
the kernel logs in console ramoops.
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
repair_utils.require_servo(host, ignore_state=True)
# Press 3 times Alt+VolUp+X
# no checking DUT health between each press as
# killing Chrome is not really likely to fix the DUT SSH.
for _ in range(3):
except error.TestFail as ex:
raise hosts.AutoservRepairError(
'cannot press sysrq-x: %s.' % str(ex),
# less than 5 seconds between presses.
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reset the DUT via keyboard sysrq-x'
class ServoResetRepair(_ResetRepairAction):
"""Repair a Chrome device by resetting it with servo."""
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
repair_utils.require_servo(host, ignore_state=True)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reset the DUT via servo'
class ServoCr50RebootRepair(_ResetRepairAction):
Repair a Chrome device by resetting cr50 by servo.
Reset cr50 which is ec+ccd reset.
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# cr50 reset will clear some some init like `ccd testlab open`
# so we want to re-initialize servo after cr50 reset if the main
# device is ccd.
if host.servo.main_device_is_ccd():
def _is_applicable(self, host):
if host.servo:
if host.servo.has_control('cr50_reboot'):
return True
return False
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reset(cr50) the DUT via servo'
class DevDefaultBootRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Repair a CrOS target by setting dev_default_boot to 'disk'"""
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
host.run('crossystem dev_default_boot=disk', ignore_status=True)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return "Set dev_default_boot to 'disk'"
class CrosRebootRepair(repair_utils.RebootRepair):
"""Repair a CrOS target by clearing dev mode and rebooting it."""
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# N.B. We need to reboot regardless of whether clearing
# dev_mode succeeds or fails.
host.run('/usr/share/vboot/bin/set_gbb_flags.sh 0',
host.run('crossystem disable_dev_request=1',
super(CrosRebootRepair, self).repair(host)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reset GBB flags and Reboot the host'
class LabelCleanupRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Cleanup unexpected labels for the host, e.g. mismatched
cros-version label.
# The repair action currently only cleanup cros-version label, however
# we can extent it to cleanup other labels when there is need, and it
# should be able to determine which label to clean based on check the
# cached result from it's trigger list. (example: trigger verifiers can
# be access via self._trigger_list, and we can tell which verifier failed
# by check Verifier._is_good() method.)
def repair(self, host):
logging.info('Removing %s label from the host', host.VERSION_PREFIX)
info = host.host_info_store.get()
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Cleanup unexpected labels for the host'
class EnrollmentCleanupRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Cleanup enrollment state on ChromeOS device"""
def repair(self, host):
# Reset VPD enrollment state.
host.run('/usr/sbin/update_rw_vpd check_enrollment 0')
# Clear TPM Owner state.
tpm_utils.ClearTPMOwnerRequest(host, wait_for_ready=True,
def _is_applicable(self, host):
info = host.host_info_store.get()
# if os type is missing from host_info, then we assume it's cros.
return getattr(info, 'os', 'cros') in ('', 'cros')
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Cleanup enrollment state and reboot the host'
class ProvisionRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
Repair by re-installing a test image using quick provision.
Try to install the DUT's designated "stable test image" using the
standard procedure for installing a new test image via quick provision.
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
image_name = host.get_cros_repair_image_name()
logging.info('Staging build for provision: %s', image_name)
devserver = dev_server.ImageServer.resolve(image_name, host.hostname)
devserver.trigger_download(image_name, synchronous=False)
update_url = tools.image_url_pattern() % (
devserver.url(), image_name)
afe_utils.machine_install_and_update_labels(host, update_url)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Re-install the stable build on the host'
class PowerWashRepair(ProvisionRepair):
Powerwash the DUT, then re-install using quick provision.
Powerwash the DUT, then attempt to re-install a stable test image as
for `ProvisionRepair`.
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
host.run('echo "fast safe" > '
host.reboot(timeout=host.POWERWASH_BOOT_TIMEOUT, wait=True)
super(PowerWashRepair, self).repair(host)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Powerwash and then re-install the stable build on the host'
class ServoInstallRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
Reinstall a test image from USB using servo.
Use servo to re-install the DUT's designated "stable test image"
from servo-attached USB storage.
# Timeout value for this repair action is specially configured as we need
# stage image to usb drive, install chromeos image.
@timeout_util.TimeoutDecorator(60 * 60)
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
repair_utils.require_servo(host, ignore_state=True)
image_name = host.get_cros_repair_image_name()
image_name_on_usb = host._servo_host.validate_image_usbkey()
if image_name_on_usb == image_name:
'Required image %s is already on usbkey,'
' skipping download.', image_name)
need_update_image = False
logging.info('Required image is not on usbkey.')
need_update_image = True
# Verify if we want to force re-image the USB.
if not need_update_image and host.health_profile:
repair_failed_count = host.health_profile.get_repair_fail_count()
# try to re-image USB when previous attempt failed
if (repair_failed_count > 0 and
(repair_failed_count == 1 or repair_failed_count % 10 == 0)):
'Required re-download image to usbkey as'
' a previous repair failed. Fail count: %s',
need_update_image = True
update_url = None
if need_update_image:
logging.info('Staging image: %s on caching server.', image_name)
_, update_url = host.stage_image_for_servo()
host.servo_install(update_url, is_repair=True)
afe_utils.add_provision_labels(host, host.VERSION_PREFIX, image_name)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reinstall from USB using servo'
class JetstreamTpmRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Repair by resetting TPM and rebooting."""
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
host.run('rm -f /var/cache/ap/setup-network', ignore_status=True)
host.run('rm -f /home/chronos/.oobe_completed', ignore_status=True)
host.run('rm -f /home/.shadow/.can_attempt_ownership',
host.run('crossystem clear_tpm_owner_request=1', ignore_status=True)
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Reset TPM and reboot'
class JetstreamServiceRepair(hosts.RepairAction):
"""Repair by restarting Jetstream services."""
def repair(self, host):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
def description(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return 'Restart Jetstream services'
def _cros_verify_dag():
"""Return the verification DAG for a `CrosHost`."""
return _cros_verify_base_dag() + _cros_verify_extended_dag()
def _cros_verify_base_dag():
"""Return the base verification DAG for a `CrosHost`."""
FirmwareStatusVerifier = cros_firmware.FirmwareStatusVerifier
FirmwareVersionVerifier = cros_firmware.FirmwareVersionVerifier
verify_dag = (
(repair_utils.PingVerifier, 'ping', ()),
(repair_utils.SshVerifier, 'ssh', ('ping', )),
(ServoUSBDriveVerifier, 'usb_drive', ()),
(DevDefaultBootVerifier, 'dev_default_boot', ('ssh', )),
(DevModeVerifier, 'devmode', ('ssh', )),
(EnrollmentStateVerifier, 'enrollment_state', ('ssh', )),
(HWIDVerifier, 'hwid', ('ssh', )),
(ACPowerVerifier, 'power', ('ssh', )),
(EXT4fsErrorVerifier, 'ext4', ('ssh', )),
(WritableVerifier, 'writable', ('ssh', )),
(TPMStatusVerifier, 'tpm', ('ssh', )),
(UpdateSuccessVerifier, 'good_provision', ('ssh', )),
(FirmwareTpmVerifier, 'faft_tpm', ('ssh', )),
(FirmwareStatusVerifier, 'fwstatus', ('ssh', )),
(FirmwareVersionVerifier, 'rwfw', ('ssh', )),
(PythonVerifier, 'python', ('ssh', )),
(repair_utils.LegacyHostVerifier, 'cros', ('ssh', )),
(CrosVerisionVerifier, 'cros_version_label', ('ssh', )),
return verify_dag
def _cros_verify_extended_dag():
"""Return the extended verification DAG for a `CrosHost`."""
return (
(StopStartUIVerifier, 'stop_start_ui', ('ssh', )),
(DUTStorageVerifier, 'storage', ('ssh', )),
def _cros_basic_repair_actions(
"""Return the basic repair actions for a `CrosHost`
@param servo_reset_trigger: sequence of verifiers that trigger servo reset
and servo cr50 reboot repair.
repair_actions = (
# RPM cycling must precede Servo reset: if the DUT has a dead
# battery, we need to reattach AC power before we reset via servo.
(repair_utils.RPMCycleRepair, 'rpm', (), (
(ServoResetRepair, 'servoreset', (), servo_reset_trigger),
(ServoCr50RebootRepair, 'cr50_reset', (), servo_reset_trigger),
(ServoSysRqRepair, 'sysrq', (), (
(LabelCleanupRepair, 'label_cleanup', ('ssh', ),
('cros_version_label', )),
# N.B. FaftFirmwareRepair can't fix a 'good_provision' failure
# directly, because it doesn't remove the flag file that triggers
# the failure. We include it as a repair trigger because it's
# possible the the last update failed because of the firmware,
# and we want the repair steps below to be able to trust the
# firmware.
(cros_firmware.FaftFirmwareRepair, 'faft_firmware_repair', (), (
(DevDefaultBootRepair, 'set_default_boot', ('ssh', ),
('dev_default_boot', )),
(CrosRebootRepair, 'reboot', ('ssh', ), (
(EnrollmentCleanupRepair, 'cleanup_enrollment', ('ssh', ),
('enrollment_state', )),
return repair_actions
def _cros_extended_repair_actions(provision_triggers=_CROS_PROVISION_TRIGGERS,
"""Return the extended repair actions for a `CrosHost`"""
# The dependencies and triggers for the 'provision', 'powerwash', and 'usb'
# repair actions stack up: Each one is able to repair progressively
# more verifiers than the one before. The 'triggers' lists specify
# the progression.
repair_actions = (
(ProvisionRepair, 'provision', usb_triggers + powerwash_triggers,
(PowerWashRepair, 'powerwash', usb_triggers,
powerwash_triggers + provision_triggers),
# faft_tpm is a trigger of usb repair action but should not be
# dependence of provision and powerwash repair action, due to
# restriction of current structure, we hardcode it here instead
# of put it into _CROS_USB_TRIGGERS. TODO(xianuowang@) refactor
# the logic to create action/verifier DAG for different host
# type after we decouple infra from test autotest repo.
usb_triggers + powerwash_triggers + provision_triggers +
('faft_tpm', )),
return repair_actions
def _cros_dedicated_repair_actions(firmware_triggers=_CROS_FIRMWARE_TRIGGERS,
"""Return the repair actions that only works for `CrosHost`"""
repair_actions = ((cros_firmware.GeneralFirmwareRepair, 'general_firmware',
usb_dependencies, firmware_triggers), )
return repair_actions
def _cros_repair_actions():
"""Return the repair actions for a `CrosHost`."""
repair_actions = (_cros_basic_repair_actions() +
_cros_extended_repair_actions() +
return repair_actions
def create_cros_repair_strategy():
"""Return a `RepairStrategy` for a `CrosHost`."""
verify_dag = _cros_verify_dag()
repair_actions = _cros_repair_actions()
return hosts.RepairStrategy(verify_dag, repair_actions, 'cros')
def _moblab_verify_dag():
"""Return the verification DAG for a `MoblabHost`."""
verify_dag = (
(repair_utils.SshVerifier, 'ssh', ()),
(ACPowerVerifier, 'power', ('ssh',)),
(PythonVerifier, 'python', ('ssh',)),
(repair_utils.LegacyHostVerifier, 'cros', ('ssh',)),
return verify_dag
def _moblab_repair_actions():
"""Return the repair actions for a `MoblabHost`."""
repair_actions = (
(repair_utils.RPMCycleRepair, 'rpm', (), ('ssh', 'power',)),
(ProvisionRepair, 'provision', ('ssh',), ('power', 'python', 'cros')),
return repair_actions
def create_moblab_repair_strategy():
Return a `RepairStrategy` for a `MoblabHost`.
Moblab is a subset of the CrOS verify and repair. Several pieces
are removed because they're not expected to be meaningful. Some
others are removed for more specific reasons:
'tpm': Moblab DUTs don't run the tests that matter to this
verifier. TODO(jrbarnette) This assertion is unproven.
'good_provision': This verifier can't pass, because the Moblab provision
procedure doesn't properly delete the PROVISION_FAILED file.
TODO(jrbarnette) We should refactor ChromiumOSProvisioner so
that it can be different for Moblab.
'firmware': Moblab DUTs shouldn't be in FAFT pools, so we don't try
'powerwash': Powerwash on Moblab causes trouble with deleting the
DHCP leases file, so we skip it.
verify_dag = _moblab_verify_dag()
repair_actions = _moblab_repair_actions()
return hosts.RepairStrategy(verify_dag, repair_actions, 'moblab')
def _jetstream_repair_actions():
"""Return the repair actions for a `JetstreamHost`."""
provision_triggers = _CROS_PROVISION_TRIGGERS
jetstream_tpm_triggers = ('jetstream_tpm', 'jetstream_attestation')
jetstream_service_triggers = (jetstream_tpm_triggers +
base_actions = _cros_basic_repair_actions(servo_reset_trigger=(
custom_actions = (
(JetstreamTpmRepair, 'jetstream_tpm_repair',
provision_triggers + jetstream_tpm_triggers),
(JetstreamServiceRepair, 'jetstream_service_repair',
('jetstream_tpm', 'jetstream_attestation'),
provision_triggers + jetstream_service_triggers),
extend_actions = _cros_extended_repair_actions(
provision_triggers=provision_triggers + jetstream_service_triggers,
return base_actions + custom_actions + extend_actions
def _jetstream_verify_dag():
"""Return the verification DAG for a `JetstreamHost`."""
verify_dag = _cros_verify_base_dag() + (
(JetstreamTpmVerifier, 'jetstream_tpm', ('ssh',)),
(JetstreamAttestationVerifier, 'jetstream_attestation', ('ssh',)),
(JetstreamServicesVerifier, 'jetstream_services', ('ssh',)),
return verify_dag
def create_jetstream_repair_strategy():
Return a `RepairStrategy` for a `JetstreamHost`.
The Jetstream repair strategy is based on the CrOS verify and repair,
but adds the JetstreamServicesVerifier.
verify_dag = _jetstream_verify_dag()
repair_actions = _jetstream_repair_actions()
return hosts.RepairStrategy(verify_dag, repair_actions, 'jetstream')
# TODO(pprabhu) Move this to a better place. I have no idea what that place
# would be.
def _is_virtual_machine(host):
"""Determine whether the given |host| is a virtual machine.
@param host: a hosts.Host object.
@returns True if the host is a virtual machine, False otherwise.
output = host.run('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"',
return (output.exit_status == 0 and output.stdout and
'qemu' in output.stdout.lower())
class CryptohomeStatus(dict):
"""Wrapper for getting cryptohome status from a host."""
def __init__(self, host):
super(CryptohomeStatus, self).__init__()
self.tpm = self['tpm']
def tpm_enabled(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return self.tpm.get('enabled') == True
def tpm_owned(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return self.tpm.get('owned') == True
def tpm_can_load_srk(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return self.tpm.get('can_load_srk') == True
def tpm_can_load_srk_pubkey(self):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
return self.tpm.get('can_load_srk_pubkey') == True
def _get_cryptohome_status(host):
"""Returns a dictionary containing the cryptohome status.
@param host: a hosts.Host object.
@returns A dictionary containing the cryptohome status.
@raises AutoservVerifyError: if the output could not be parsed or the TPM
status is missing.
@raises hosts.AutoservRunError: if the cryptohome command failed.
# This cryptohome command emits status information in JSON format. It
# looks something like this:
# {
# "installattrs": {
# ...
# },
# "mounts": [ {
# ...
# } ],
# "tpm": {
# "being_owned": false,
# "can_connect": true,
# "can_decrypt": false,
# "can_encrypt": false,
# "can_load_srk": true,
# "can_load_srk_pubkey": true,
# "enabled": true,
# "has_context": true,
# "has_cryptohome_key": false,
# "has_key_handle": false,
# "last_error": 0,
# "owned": true
# }
# }
output = host.run('cryptohome --action=status').stdout.strip()
status = json.loads(output)
if 'tpm' not in status:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('TPM status is missing')
return status
except ValueError:
raise hosts.AutoservVerifyError('Unable to parse cryptohome status')