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731 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Services relating to DUT status and job history.
The central abstraction of this module is the `HostJobHistory`
class. This class provides two related pieces of information
regarding a single DUT:
* A history of tests and special tasks that have run on
the DUT in a given time range.
* Whether the DUT was "working" or "broken" at a given
The "working" or "broken" status of a DUT is determined by
the DUT's special task history. At the end of any job or
task, the status is indicated as follows:
* After any successful special task, the DUT is considered
* After any failed Repair task, the DUT is considered "broken".
* After any other special task or after any regular test job, the
DUT's status is considered unchanged.
Definitions for terms used in the code below:
* status task - Any special task that determines the DUT's
status; that is, any successful task, or any failed Repair.
* diagnosis interval - A time interval during which DUT status
changed either from "working" to "broken", or vice versa. The
interval starts with the last status task with the old status,
and ends after the first status task with the new status.
Diagnosis intervals are interesting because they normally contain
the logs explaining a failure or repair event.
import common
import os
from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
from django.db import models as django_models
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import time_utils
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models as afe_models
from autotest_lib.server import constants
# Values used to describe the diagnosis of a DUT. These values are
# used to indicate both DUT status after a job or task, and also
# diagnosis of whether the DUT was working at the end of a given
# time interval.
# UNUSED: Used when there are no events recorded in a given
# time interval.
# UNKNOWN: For an individual event, indicates that the DUT status
# is unchanged from the previous event. For a time interval,
# indicates that the DUT's status can't be determined from the
# DUT's history.
# WORKING: Indicates that the DUT was working normally after the
# event, or at the end of the time interval.
# BROKEN: Indicates that the DUT needed manual repair after the
# event, or at the end of the time interval.
status_names = {
def parse_time(time_string):
"""Parse time according to a canonical form.
The "canonical" form is the form in which date/time
values are stored in the database.
@param time_string Time to be parsed.
return int(time_utils.to_epoch_time(time_string))
class _JobEvent(object):
"""Information about an event in host history.
This remembers the relevant data from a single event in host
history. An event is any change in DUT state caused by a job
or special task. The data captured are the start and end times
of the event, the URL of logs to the job or task causing the
event, and a diagnosis of whether the DUT was working or failed
This class is an adapter around the database model objects
describing jobs and special tasks. This is an abstract
superclass, with concrete subclasses for `HostQueueEntry` and
`SpecialTask` objects.
@property start_time Time the job or task began execution.
@property end_time Time the job or task finished execution.
@property id id of the event in the AFE database.
@property name Name of the event, derived from the AFE database.
@property job_status Short string describing the event's final status.
@property logdir Relative path to the logs for the event's job.
@property job_url URL to the logs for the event's job.
@property gs_url GS URL to the logs for the event's job.
@property job_id id of the AFE job for HQEs. None otherwise.
@property diagnosis Working status of the DUT after the event.
@property is_special Boolean indicating if the event is a special task.
get_config_value = global_config.global_config.get_config_value
_LOG_URL_PATTERN = ('%s/browse/chromeos-autotest-results/%%s/'
% get_config_value('AUTOTEST_WEB', 'stainless_url',
def get_gs_url(cls, logdir):
"""Return a GS URL to job results.
The URL is constructed from a base URL determined by the
global config, plus the relative path of the job's log
@param logdir Relative path of the results log directory.
@return A URL to the requested results log.
return os.path.join(utils.get_offload_gsuri(), logdir)
def __init__(self, start_time, end_time):
self.start_time = parse_time(start_time)
self.end_time = parse_time(end_time)
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare two jobs by their start time.
This is a standard Python `__cmp__` method to allow sorting
`_JobEvent` objects by their times.
@param other The `_JobEvent` object to compare to `self`.
return self.start_time - other.start_time
def id(self):
"""Return the id of the event in the AFE database."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the event."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def job_status(self):
"""Return a short string describing the event's final status."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def logdir(self):
"""Return the relative path for this event's job logs."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def job_url(self):
"""Return the URL for this event's job logs."""
return self._LOG_URL_PATTERN % self.logdir
def gs_url(self):
"""Return the GS URL for this event's job logs."""
return self.get_gs_url(self.logdir)
def job_id(self):
"""Return the id of the AFE job for HQEs. None otherwise."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def diagnosis(self):
"""Return the status of the DUT after this event.
The diagnosis is interpreted as follows:
UNKNOWN - The DUT status was the same before and after
the event.
WORKING - The DUT appeared to be working after the event.
BROKEN - The DUT likely required manual intervention
after the event.
@return A valid diagnosis value.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_special(self):
"""Return if the event is for a special task."""
raise NotImplementedError()
class _SpecialTaskEvent(_JobEvent):
"""`_JobEvent` adapter for special tasks.
This class wraps the standard `_JobEvent` interface around a row
in the `afe_special_tasks` table.
def get_tasks(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
"""Return special tasks for a host in a given time range.
Return a list of `_SpecialTaskEvent` objects representing all
special tasks that ran on the given host in the given time
range. The list is ordered as it was returned by the query
(i.e. unordered).
@param afe Autotest frontend
@param host_id Database host id of the desired host.
@param start_time Start time of the range of interest.
@param end_time End time of the range of interest.
@return A list of `_SpecialTaskEvent` objects.
query_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
query_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
tasks = afe.get_host_special_tasks(
return [cls(t) for t in tasks]
def get_status_task(cls, afe, host_id, end_time):
"""Return the task indicating a host's status at a given time.
The task returned determines the status of the DUT; the
diagnosis on the task indicates the diagnosis for the DUT at
the given `end_time`.
@param afe Autotest frontend
@param host_id Database host id of the desired host.
@param end_time Find status as of this time.
@return A `_SpecialTaskEvent` object for the requested task,
or `None` if no task was found.
query_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
task = afe.get_host_status_task(host_id, query_end)
return cls(task) if task else None
def __init__(self, afetask):
self._afetask = afetask
super(_SpecialTaskEvent, self).__init__(
afetask.time_started, afetask.time_finished)
def id(self):
return self._afetask.id
def name(self):
return self._afetask.task
def job_status(self):
if self._afetask.is_aborted:
return 'ABORTED'
elif self._afetask.success:
return 'PASS'
return 'FAIL'
def logdir(self):
return ('hosts/%s/%s-%s' %
(self._afetask.host.hostname, self._afetask.id,
def job_id(self):
return None
def diagnosis(self):
if self._afetask.success:
return WORKING
elif self._afetask.task == 'Repair':
return BROKEN
return UNKNOWN
def is_special(self):
return True
class _TestJobEvent(_JobEvent):
"""`_JobEvent` adapter for regular test jobs.
This class wraps the standard `_JobEvent` interface around a row
in the `afe_host_queue_entries` table.
def get_hqes(cls, afe, host_id, start_time, end_time):
"""Return HQEs for a host in a given time range.
Return a list of `_TestJobEvent` objects representing all the
HQEs of all the jobs that ran on the given host in the given
time range. The list is ordered as it was returned by the
query (i.e. unordered).
@param afe Autotest frontend
@param host_id Database host id of the desired host.
@param start_time Start time of the range of interest.
@param end_time End time of the range of interest.
@return A list of `_TestJobEvent` objects.
query_start = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(start_time)
query_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(end_time)
hqelist = afe.get_host_queue_entries_by_insert_time(
return [cls(hqe) for hqe in hqelist]
def __init__(self, hqe):
self._hqe = hqe
super(_TestJobEvent, self).__init__(
hqe.started_on, hqe.finished_on)
def id(self):
return self._hqe.id
def name(self):
return self._hqe.job.name
def job_status(self):
return self._hqe.status
def logdir(self):
return _get_job_logdir(self._hqe.job)
def job_id(self):
return self._hqe.job.id
def diagnosis(self):
return UNKNOWN
def is_special(self):
return False
class HostJobHistory(object):
"""Class to query and remember DUT execution and status history.
This class is responsible for querying the database to determine
the history of a single DUT in a time interval of interest, and
for remembering the query results for reporting.
@property hostname Host name of the DUT.
@property start_time Start of the requested time interval, as a unix
timestamp (epoch time).
This field may be `None`.
@property end_time End of the requested time interval, as a unix
timestamp (epoch time).
@property _afe Autotest frontend for queries.
@property _host Database host object for the DUT.
@property _history A list of jobs and special tasks that
ran on the DUT in the requested time
interval, ordered in reverse, from latest
to earliest.
@property _status_interval A list of all the jobs and special
tasks that ran on the DUT in the
last diagnosis interval prior to
`end_time`, ordered from latest to
@property _status_diagnosis The DUT's status as of `end_time`.
@property _status_task The DUT's last status task as of
def get_host_history(cls, afe, hostname, start_time, end_time):
"""Create a `HostJobHistory` instance for a single host.
Simple factory method to construct host history from a
hostname. Simply looks up the host in the AFE database, and
passes it to the class constructor.
@param afe Autotest frontend
@param hostname Name of the host.
@param start_time Start time for the history's time
@param end_time End time for the history's time interval.
@return A new `HostJobHistory` instance.
afehost = afe.get_hosts(hostname=hostname)[0]
return cls(afe, afehost, start_time, end_time)
def get_multiple_histories(cls, afe, start_time, end_time, labels=()):
"""Create `HostJobHistory` instances for a set of hosts.
@param afe Autotest frontend
@param start_time Start time for the history's time
@param end_time End time for the history's time interval.
@param labels type: [str]. AFE labels to constrain the host query.
This option must be non-empty. An unconstrained
search of the DB is too costly.
@return A list of new `HostJobHistory` instances.
assert labels, (
'Must specify labels for get_multiple_histories. '
'Unconstrainted search of the database is prohibitively costly.')
kwargs = {'multiple_labels': labels}
hosts = afe.get_hosts(**kwargs)
return [cls(afe, h, start_time, end_time) for h in hosts]
def __init__(self, afe, afehost, start_time, end_time):
self._afe = afe
self.hostname = afehost.hostname
self.end_time = end_time
self.start_time = start_time
self._host = afehost
# Don't spend time on queries until they're needed.
self._history = None
self._status_interval = None
self._status_diagnosis = None
self._status_task = None
def _get_history(self, start_time, end_time):
"""Get the list of events for the given interval."""
newtasks = _SpecialTaskEvent.get_tasks(
self._afe, self._host.id, start_time, end_time)
newhqes = _TestJobEvent.get_hqes(
self._afe, self._host.id, start_time, end_time)
newhistory = newtasks + newhqes
return newhistory
def __iter__(self):
if self._history is None:
self._history = self._get_history(self.start_time,
return self._history.__iter__()
def _extract_prefixed_label(self, prefix):
labels = [l for l in self._host.labels
if l.startswith(prefix)]
return labels[0][len(prefix) : ] if labels else None
def host(self):
"""Return the AFE host object for this history."""
return self._host
def host_model(self):
"""Return the model name for this history's DUT."""
prefix = constants.Labels.MODEL_PREFIX
return self._extract_prefixed_label(prefix)
def host_board(self):
"""Return the board name for this history's DUT."""
prefix = constants.Labels.BOARD_PREFIX
return self._extract_prefixed_label(prefix)
def host_pool(self):
"""Return the pool name for this history's DUT."""
prefix = constants.Labels.POOL_PREFIX
return self._extract_prefixed_label(prefix)
def _init_status_task(self):
"""Fill in `self._status_diagnosis` and `_status_task`."""
if self._status_diagnosis is not None:
self._status_task = _SpecialTaskEvent.get_status_task(
self._afe, self._host.id, self.end_time)
if self._status_task is not None:
self._status_diagnosis = self._status_task.diagnosis
self._status_diagnosis = UNKNOWN
def _init_status_interval(self):
"""Fill in `self._status_interval`."""
if self._status_interval is not None:
self._status_interval = []
if self._status_task is None:
query_end = time_utils.epoch_time_to_date_string(self.end_time)
interval = self._afe.get_host_diagnosis_interval(
self._host.id, query_end,
self._status_diagnosis != WORKING)
if not interval:
self._status_interval = self._get_history(
def diagnosis_interval(self):
"""Find this history's most recent diagnosis interval.
Returns a list of `_JobEvent` instances corresponding to the
most recent diagnosis interval occurring before this
history's end time.
The list is returned as with `self._history`, ordered from
most to least recent.
@return The list of the `_JobEvent`s in the diagnosis
return self._status_interval
def last_diagnosis(self):
"""Return the diagnosis of whether the DUT is working.
This searches the DUT's job history, looking for the most
recent status task for the DUT. Return a tuple of
`(diagnosis, task)`.
The `diagnosis` entry in the tuple is one of these values:
* UNUSED - The host's last status task is older than
* WORKING - The DUT is working.
* BROKEN - The DUT likely requires manual intervention.
* UNKNOWN - No task could be found indicating status for
the DUT.
If the DUT was working at last check, but hasn't been used
inside this history's time interval, the status `UNUSED` is
returned with the last status task, instead of `WORKING`.
The `task` entry in the tuple is the status task that led to
the diagnosis. The task will be `None` if the diagnosis is
@return A tuple with the DUT's diagnosis and the task that
determined it.
diagnosis = self._status_diagnosis
if (self.start_time is not None and
self._status_task is not None and
self._status_task.end_time < self.start_time and
diagnosis == WORKING):
diagnosis = UNUSED
return diagnosis, self._status_task
def get_diagnosis_interval(host_id, end_time, success):
"""Return the last diagnosis interval for a given host and time.
This routine queries the database for the special tasks on a
given host before a given time. From those tasks it selects the
last status task before a change in status, and the first status
task after the change. When `success` is true, the change must
be from "working" to "broken". When false, the search is for a
change in the opposite direction.
A "successful status task" is any successful special task. A
"failed status task" is a failed Repair task. These criteria
are based on the definition of "status task" in the module-level
docstring, above.
This is the RPC endpoint for `AFE.get_host_diagnosis_interval()`.
@param host_id Database host id of the desired host.
@param end_time Find the last eligible interval before this time.
@param success Whether the eligible interval should start with a
success or a failure.
@return A list containing the start time of the earliest job
selected, and the end time of the latest job.
base_query = afe_models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
host_id=host_id, is_complete=True)
success_query = base_query.filter(success=True)
failure_query = base_query.filter(success=False, task='Repair')
if success:
query0 = success_query
query1 = failure_query
query0 = failure_query
query1 = success_query
query0 = query0.filter(time_finished__lte=end_time)
query0 = query0.order_by('time_started').reverse()
if not query0:
return []
task0 = query0[0]
query1 = query1.filter(time_finished__gt=task0.time_finished)
task1 = query1.order_by('time_started')[0]
return [task0.time_started.strftime(time_utils.TIME_FMT),
def get_status_task(host_id, end_time):
"""Get the last status task for a host before a given time.
This routine returns a Django query for the AFE database to find
the last task that finished on the given host before the given
time that was either a successful task, or a Repair task. The
query criteria are based on the definition of "status task" in
the module-level docstring, above.
This is the RPC endpoint for `_SpecialTaskEvent.get_status_task()`.
@param host_id Database host id of the desired host.
@param end_time End time of the range of interest.
@return A Django query-set selecting the single special task of
# Selects status tasks: any Repair task, or any successful task.
status_tasks = (django_models.Q(task='Repair') |
# Our caller needs a Django query set in order to serialize the
# result, so we don't resolve the query here; we just return a
# slice with at most one element.
return afe_models.SpecialTask.objects.filter(
def _get_job_logdir(job):
"""Gets the logdir for an AFE job.
@param job Job object which has id and owner properties.
@return Relative path of the results log directory.
return '%s-%s' % (job.id, job.owner)
def get_job_gs_url(job):
"""Gets the GS URL for an AFE job.
@param job Job object which has id and owner properties.
@return Absolute GS URL to the results log directory.
return _JobEvent.get_gs_url(_get_job_logdir(job))