
90 lines
4.4 KiB

-- Check Autotest database.
-- To run: time chromedbread < /tmp/check_db_queries.sql
-- Y - indicates a table count that will be checked.
-- AFE Tables
-- | afe_aborted_host_queue_entries |
-- Y | afe_acl_groups |
-- Y | afe_acl_groups_hosts |
-- Y | afe_acl_groups_users |
-- | afe_atomic_groups |
-- Y | afe_autotests |
-- | afe_autotests_dependency_labels |
-- | afe_drone_sets |
-- | afe_drone_sets_drones |
-- | afe_drones |
-- | afe_host_attributes |
-- | afe_host_queue_entries |
-- Y | afe_hosts |
-- Y | afe_hosts_labels |
-- | afe_ineligible_host_queues |
-- | afe_job_keyvals |
-- Y | afe_jobs |
-- | afe_jobs_dependency_labels |
-- | afe_kernels |
-- Y | afe_labels |
-- | afe_parameterized_job_parameters |
-- | afe_parameterized_job_profiler_parameters |
-- | afe_parameterized_jobs |
-- | afe_parameterized_jobs_kernels |
-- | afe_parameterized_jobs_profilers |
-- | afe_profilers |
-- | afe_recurring_run |
-- | afe_special_tasks |
-- | afe_test_parameters |
-- Y | afe_users |
select count(*) as count_afe_acl_groups from afe_acl_groups;
select count(*) as count_afe_acl_groups_hosts from afe_acl_groups_hosts;
select count(*) as count_afe_acl_groups_users from afe_acl_groups_users;
select count(*) as count_afe_autotests from afe_autotests;
select count(*) as count_afe_hosts from afe_hosts;
select count(*) as count_afe_hosts_labels from afe_hosts_labels;
select count(*) as count_afe_jobs from afe_jobs;
select count(*) as count_afe_labels from afe_labels;
select count(*) as count_afe_users from afe_users;
-- TKO Tables
-- | tko_embedded_graphing_queries |
-- | tko_iteration_attributes |
-- | tko_iteration_result |
-- Y | tko_job_keyvals |
-- Y | tko_jobs |
-- | tko_kernels |
-- Y | tko_machines |
-- | tko_patches |
-- | tko_perf_view |
-- Y | tko_perf_view_2 |
-- | tko_query_history |
-- | tko_saved_queries |
-- Y | tko_status |
-- Y | tko_test_attributes |
-- | tko_test_labels |
-- | tko_test_labels_tests |
-- | tko_test_view |
-- Y | tko_test_view_2 |
-- | tko_test_view_outer_joins |
-- Y | tko_tests |
select count(*) as count_tko_job_keyvals from tko_job_keyvals;
select count(*) as count_tko_jobs from tko_jobs;
select count(*) as count_tko_machines from tko_machines;
select count(*) as count_tko_perf_view_2 from tko_perf_view_2;
select count(*) as count_tko_status from tko_status;
select count(*) as count_tko_test_attributes from tko_test_attributes;
select count(*) as count_tko_test_view_2 from tko_test_view_2;
select count(*) as count_tko_tests from tko_tests;
-- Now check for a few details.
select count(*) as jobs_per_board, left(name,instr(name,'-0')-1) as board from afe_jobs where name like 'x86%' group by board order by board;
select count(*) as platform_count from afe_labels where platform=true;
select `key`, count(*) as job_keyval_count from tko_job_keyvals group by `key`;
select month(queued_time), count(*) as tko_jobs_per_month from tko_jobs group by month(queued_time);
select status, count(*) from tko_test_view_2 group by status;
select left(test_name, 5) as test_name_prefix, count(*) from tko_test_view_2 group by test_name_prefix;
select count(*) as values_per_board, left(job_name,instr(job_name,'-0')-1) as board from tko_perf_view_2 where job_name like 'x86%' group by board order by board;
select left(iteration_key, 5) as key_name_prefix, count(*) from tko_perf_view_2 group by key_name_prefix;