
198 lines
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OpenEdge ABL

MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "CX86Inst"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
'Capstone Disassembly Engine bindings for VB6
'Contributed by FireEye FLARE Team
'Author: David Zimmer <>, <>
'License: Apache
'Copyright: FireEye 2017
'// Instruction structure sizeof() = 432 bytes
'typedef struct cs_x86 {
' // Instruction prefix, which can be up to 4 bytes.
' // A prefix byte gets value 0 when irrelevant.
' // prefix[0] indicates REP/REPNE/LOCK prefix (See X86_PREFIX_REP/REPNE/LOCK above)
' // prefix[1] indicates segment override (irrelevant for x86_64):
' // See X86_PREFIX_CS/SS/DS/ES/FS/GS above.
' // prefix[2] indicates operand-size override (X86_PREFIX_OPSIZE)
' // prefix[3] indicates address-size override (X86_PREFIX_ADDRSIZE)
' uint8_t prefix[4];
' // Instruction opcode, wich can be from 1 to 4 bytes in size.
' // This contains VEX opcode as well.
' // An trailing opcode byte gets value 0 when irrelevant.
' uint8_t opcode[4];
' // REX prefix: only a non-zero value is relavant for x86_64
' uint8_t rex;
' // Address size, which can be overrided with above prefix[5].
' uint8_t addr_size;
' // ModR/M byte
' uint8_t modrm;
' // SIB value, or 0 when irrelevant.
' uint8_t sib;
' // Displacement value, or 0 when irrelevant.
' int32_t disp;
' /* SIB state */
' // SIB index register, or X86_REG_INVALID when irrelevant.
' x86_reg sib_index;
' // SIB scale. only applicable if sib_index is relavant.
' int8_t sib_scale;
' // SIB base register, or X86_REG_INVALID when irrelevant.
' x86_reg sib_base;
' // SSE Code Condition
' x86_sse_cc sse_cc;
' // AVX Code Condition
' x86_avx_cc avx_cc;
' // AVX Suppress all Exception
' bool avx_sae;
' // AVX static rounding mode
' x86_avx_rm avx_rm;
' // Number of operands of this instruction,
' // or 0 when instruction has no operand.
' uint8_t op_count;
' cs_x86_op operands[8]; // operands for this instruction.
'} cs_x86;
Private m_prefix() As Byte
Private m_opcode() As Byte
Public rex As Byte
Public addr_size As Byte
Public modrm As Byte
Public sib As Byte
Public disp As Long
Public sib_index As x86_reg
Public sib_scale As Byte
Public sib_base As x86_reg
Public sse_cc As x86_sse_cc
Public avx_cc As x86_avx_cc
Public avx_sae As Boolean
Public avx_rm As x86_avx_rm
Public operands As New Collection
Public parent As CDisassembler
Private hEngine As Long
Private m_raw() As Byte
Property Get prefix() As Byte()
prefix = m_prefix
End Property
Property Get opcode() As Byte()
opcode = m_opcode
End Property
Function toString() As String
Dim r() As String
Dim o As CX86Operand
push r, "X86 Instruction Details:"
push r, String(40, "-")
push r, "Raw: "
push r, HexDump(m_raw)
End If
push r, "Prefix: " & b2Str(m_prefix)
push r, "OpCode: " & b2Str(m_opcode)
push r, "Rex: " & rex
push r, "addr_size: " & addr_size
push r, "modrm: " & Hex(modrm)
push r, "disp: " & Hex(disp)
If parent.mode <> CS_MODE_16 Then
push r, "sib: " & Hex(sib)
push r, "sib_index: " & regName(hEngine, sib_index)
push r, "sib_scale: " & Hex(sib_scale)
push r, "sib_base: " & regName(hEngine, sib_base)
End If
If sse_cc <> 0 Then push r, "sse_cc: " & x86_sse_cc2str(sse_cc)
If avx_cc <> 0 Then push r, "avx_cc: " & x86_avx_cc2str(avx_cc)
If avx_sae <> 0 Then push r, "avx_sae: " & avx_sae
If avx_rm <> 0 Then push r, "avx_rm: " & x86_avx_rm2str(avx_rm)
push r, "Operands: " & operands.count
For Each o In operands
push r, String(40, "-")
push r, o.toString
toString = Join(r, vbCrLf)
End Function
Friend Sub LoadDetails(lpStruct As Long, parent As CDisassembler)
Dim cs As cs_x86
Dim o As CX86Operand
Dim ptr As Long
Dim i As Long
Const sizeOfx86Operand = 48
Set Me.parent = parent
hEngine = parent.hCapstone
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(cs), ByVal lpStruct, LenB(cs)
ReDim m_raw(LenB(cs))
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(m_raw(0)), ByVal lpStruct, LenB(cs)
End If
Me.rex = cs.rex
Me.addr_size = cs.addr_size
Me.modrm = cs.modrm
Me.sib = cs.sib
Me.disp = cs.disp
Me.sib_index = cs.sib_index
Me.sib_scale = cs.sib_scale
Me.sib_base = cs.sib_base
Me.sse_cc = cs.sse_cc
Me.avx_cc = cs.avx_cc
Me.avx_sae = cs.avx_sae
Me.avx_rm = cs.avx_rm
m_prefix = cs.prefix
m_opcode = cs.opcode
ptr = lpStruct + LenB(cs) 'we dont include the operands in our vb struct..
For i = 1 To cs.op_count
Set o = New CX86Operand
o.LoadDetails ptr, hEngine
operands.Add o
ptr = ptr + sizeOfx86Operand
End Sub