93 lines
3.0 KiB
93 lines
3.0 KiB
// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -fblocks -fobjc-arc -debug-info-kind=limited -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// rdar://11562117
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef signed char BOOL;
#define nil ((void*) 0)
#define YES ((BOOL)1)
#define NO ((BOOL)0)
@interface NSObject
- (id)init;
@interface NSError : NSObject
@interface NSString : NSObject
@interface NSString (NSStringExtensionMethods)
- (void)enumerateLinesUsingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *line, BOOL *stop))block;
@interface NSData : NSObject
@interface NSData (ASBase64)
- (NSString *)encodedString:(NSInteger)position;
- (NSData *)compressedData;
typedef void (^TDataCompletionBlock)(NSData *data, NSError *error);
@interface TMap : NSObject
- (NSString *)identifier;
- (NSString *)name;
+ (TMap *)mapForID:(NSString *)identifier;
- (void)dataWithCompletionBlock:(TDataCompletionBlock)block;
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
TOK = 100,
TError = 125,
} TResponseCode;
@interface TConnection : NSObject
- (void)sendString:(NSString *)string;
- (void)sendFormat:(NSString *)format, ...;
- (void)sendResponseCode:(TResponseCode)responseCode dataFollows:(BOOL)flag
format:(NSString *)format, ...;
@interface TServer : NSObject
@implementation TServer
- (void)serverConnection:(TConnection *)connection getCommand:(NSString *)str
NSString *mapID = nil;
TMap *map = [TMap mapForID:mapID];
// Make sure we do not map code generated for the block to the above line.
// CHECK: define internal void @"__39-[TServer serverConnection:getCommand:]_block_invoke"
// CHECK: call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** [[ZERO:%.*]], i8* [[ONE:%.*]]) [[NUW:#[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** [[TWO:%.*]], i8* [[THREE:%.*]]) [[NUW]]
// CHECK: call {{.*}}@objc_msgSend{{.*}}, !dbg ![[LINE_ABOVE:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: getelementptr
// CHECK-NOT: !dbg, ![[LINE_ABOVE]]
// CHECK: bitcast %5** [[TMP:%.*]] to i8**
// CHECK-NOT: !dbg, ![[LINE_ABOVE]]
// CHECK: call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** [[VAL1:%.*]], i8* null) [[NUW]]
// CHECK-NEXT: bitcast %4** [[TMP:%.*]] to i8**
// CHECK-NEXT: call void @objc_storeStrong(i8** [[VAL2:%.*]], i8* null) [[NUW]]
// CHECK-NEXT: ret
// CHECK: attributes [[NUW]] = { nounwind }
[map dataWithCompletionBlock:^(NSData *data, NSError *error) {
if (data) {
NSString *encoded = [[data compressedData] encodedString:18];
[connection sendResponseCode:TOK dataFollows:YES
format:@"Sending \"%@\" (%@)", [map name], [map identifier]];
[encoded enumerateLinesUsingBlock:^(NSString *line, BOOL *stop) {
[connection sendFormat:@"%@\r\n", line];
[connection sendString:@".\r\n"];
} else {
[connection sendResponseCode:TError dataFollows:NO
format:@"Failed \"%@\" (%@)", [map name], [map identifier]];