
731 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_visibility: [
default_applicable_licenses: ["external_conscrypt_license"],
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of
// 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect
// every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct.
// e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory.
// Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses,
// taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the
// default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed.
// For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private"
// to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be
// used in the current project.
// large-scale-change included anything that looked like it might be a license
// text as a license_text. e.g. LICENSE, NOTICE, COPYING etc.
// Please consider removing redundant or irrelevant files from 'license_text:'.
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
license {
name: "external_conscrypt_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
// Definitions for building the Conscrypt Java library, native code,
// and associated tests.
// Conscrypt is divided into subdirectories.
// The structure is:
// constants/
// src/gen # Generates
// common/
// src/main/java # Common Java source for all platforms.
// src/jni/
// main # Common C++ source for all platforms.
// unbundled # C++ source used for OpenJDK and unbundled Android.
// src/test/java # Common test files for all platforms.
// android/
// src/main/java # Java source for unbundled Android.
// openjdk/
// src/main/java # Java source for OpenJDK.
// src/test
// java/ # Java source for common tests.
// resources/ # Support files for tests
// platform/
// src/main/java # Java source for bundled Android.
// src/test
// java/ # Java source for bundled tests.
cc_defaults {
name: "conscrypt_global",
cflags: [
srcs: [
header_libs: ["jni_headers"],
local_include_dirs: [
compile_multilib: "both",
stl: "c++_static",
cc_defaults {
name: "conscrypt_unbundled-jni-defaults",
local_include_dirs: [
header_libs: ["jni_headers"],
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "9",
cc_library {
name: "libconscrypt_jni",
defaults: [
cc_library_host_shared {
name: "libconscrypt_openjdk_jni",
visibility: [
defaults: ["conscrypt_global"],
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: [
static_libs: [
// TODO: b/26097626. ASAN breaks use of this library in JVM.
// Re-enable sanitization when the issue with making clients of this library
// preload ASAN runtime is resolved. Without that, clients are getting runtime
// errors due to unresolved ASAN symbols, such as
// __asan_option_detect_stack_use_after_return.
sanitize: {
never: true,
stl: "libc++_static",
// The post-build signing tools need signapk.jar and its shared libs
multilib: {
lib64: {
dist: {
targets: ["droidcore"],
cc_binary_host {
name: "conscrypt_generate_constants",
srcs: ["constants/src/gen/cpp/"],
cflags: [
shared_libs: [
genrule {
name: "conscrypt-unbundled_generated_constants",
out: ["org/conscrypt/"],
cmd: "$(location conscrypt_generate_constants) > $(out)",
tools: ["conscrypt_generate_constants"],
genrule {
name: "conscrypt_generated_constants",
out: ["com/android/org/conscrypt/"],
cmd: "$(location conscrypt_generate_constants) > $(out)",
tools: ["conscrypt_generate_constants"],
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt_java_files",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt_public_api_files",
srcs: ["publicapi/src/main/java/**/*.java"],
path: "publicapi/src/main/java",
// Create the conscrypt library from the source produced by the srcgen/
// script.
java_library {
name: "conscrypt",
visibility: [
apex_available: [
// Conscrypt should support Q
min_sdk_version: "29",
installable: true,
// Hostdex is only for ART testing on host: ART build file has its
// own hostdex support for conscrypt.
hostdex: false,
srcs: [
libs: ["unsupportedappusage"],
// Conscrypt can be updated independently from the other core libraries so it must only depend
// on public SDK and intra-core APIs.
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-intra-core-api-stubs-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
target: {
// boringssl_self_test needed in both /system/bin and /apex/
// prng_seeder is only needed in /system/bin
// The required directive is here rather than under boringssl to avoid circular
// dependencies.
android: {
required: [
permitted_packages: [
plugins: ["java_api_finder"],
// Java library for use on host, e.g. by robolectric.
java_library {
name: "conscrypt-for-host",
visibility: [
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.platform.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.platform.api.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.platform.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.platform.api-removed.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.platform.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.platform.api-incompatibilities.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// A library containing the core platform API stubs of the Conscrypt module.
// Core platform APIs are only intended for use of other parts of the platform, not the
// core library modules.
// The API specification .txt files managed by this only contain the additional
// classes/members that are in the platform API but which are not in the public
// API.
// Note that this entire API surface is considered stable in the sense described in
// libcore/mmodules/core_platform_api/Android.bp.
java_sdk_library {
name: "conscrypt.module.platform.api",
visibility: [
// Visibility for prebuilt conscrypt-module-sdk from the prebuilt of
// this module.
// TODO(b/155921753): Restrict this when prebuilts are in their proper
// locations.
// DO NOT REMOVE: Legacy visibility, needed for snapshots that are
// generated for the S build.
srcs: [
api_dir: "api/platform",
api_only: true,
api_lint: {
enabled: true,
droiddoc_options: [
"--hide-annotation libcore.api.Hide",
"--show-single-annotation libcore.api.CorePlatformApi\\(status=libcore.api.CorePlatformApi.Status.STABLE\\)",
hostdex: true,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-lib-api-stubs-system-modules",
dist_group: "android",
dist_stem: "conscrypt-coreplatform",
// TODO: remove this when Conscrypt's @CorePlatformApi has been migrated to @SystemApi
unsafe_ignore_missing_latest_api: true,
// A library containing the public API stubs of the Conscrypt module.
java_sdk_library {
name: "conscrypt.module.public.api",
visibility: [
// TODO(b/165823103): Remove visiblity for IPsec once CorePlatformApi is available
// Visibility for prebuilt art-module-host-exports from the prebuilt of
// this module.
// TODO(b/155921753): Restrict this when prebuilts are in their proper
// locations.
// DO NOT REMOVE: Legacy visibility, needed for snapshots that are
// generated for the S build.
srcs: [
// The base name for the artifacts that are automatically published to the
// dist and which end up in one of the sub-directories of prebuilts/sdk.
// As long as this matches the name of the artifacts in prebuilts/sdk then
// the API will be checked for compatibility against the latest released
// version of the API.
dist_stem: "conscrypt",
public: {
enabled: true,
system: {
enabled: true,
module_lib: {
enabled: true,
api_dir: "api/public",
api_only: true,
// Emit nullability annotations from the source to the stub files.
annotations_enabled: true,
java_version: "1.9",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-public-api-stubs-system-modules",
dist_group: "android",
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.intra.core.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.intra.core.api.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.intra.core.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.intra.core.api-removed.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// Referenced implicitly from conscrypt.module.intra.core.api.
filegroup {
name: "conscrypt.module.intra.core.api-incompatibilities.api.public.latest",
srcs: [
// A library containing the intra-core API stubs of the Conscrypt module.
// Intra-core APIs are only intended for the use of other core library modules.
// The API specification .txt files managed by this only contain the additional
// classes/members that are in the intra-core API but which are not the public API.
java_sdk_library {
name: "conscrypt.module.intra.core.api",
visibility: [
// Visibility for prebuilt conscrypt-module-sdk from the prebuilt of
// this module.
// TODO(b/155921753): Restrict this when prebuilts are in their proper
// locations.
srcs: [
api_dir: "api/intra",
api_only: true,
droiddoc_options: [
"--hide-annotation libcore.api.Hide",
"--show-single-annotation libcore.api.IntraCoreApi",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-intra-core-api-stubs-system-modules",
// Don't copy any output files to the dist.
no_dist: true,
// Platform conscrypt crypto JNI library
cc_defaults {
name: "libjavacrypto-defaults",
cflags: [
srcs: ["common/src/jni/main/cpp/**/*.cc"],
header_libs: ["jni_headers"],
local_include_dirs: ["common/src/jni/main/include"],
// Platform conscrypt crypto JNI library
cc_library_shared {
name: "libjavacrypto",
host_supported: true,
defaults: ["libjavacrypto-defaults"],
cflags: ["-DJNI_JARJAR_PREFIX=com/android/"],
header_libs: ["libnativehelper_header_only"],
shared_libs: [
target: {
darwin: {
enabled: false,
android: {
runtime_libs: ["libandroidio"],
not_windows: {
runtime_libs: ["libandroidio"],
apex_available: [
min_sdk_version: "29",
// Unbundled Conscrypt jar for use by signapk and apksigner tool
// Builds against standard host libraries.
java_library_host {
name: "conscrypt-unbundled",
visibility: [
srcs: [
javacflags: ["-XDignore.symbol.file"],
java_version: "1.8",
target: {
windows: {
enabled: true,
// Static unbundled Conscrypt crypto JNI library
cc_library_static {
name: "libconscrypt_static",
defaults: ["libjavacrypto-defaults"],
cflags: [
local_include_dirs: ["common/src/jni/unbundled/include"],
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "9",
stl: "c++_shared",
// Make the conscrypt-tests library.
java_test {
name: "conscrypt-tests",
visibility: [
hostdex: true,
srcs: [
java_resource_dirs: [
// Resource directories do not need repackaging.
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-intra-core-api-stubs-system-modules",
libs: [
static_libs: [
javacflags: [
"-Xmaxwarns 9999999",
target: {
host: {
required: ["libjavacrypto"],
darwin: {
// required module "libjavacrypto" is disabled on darwin
enabled: false,
java_version: "1.8",
// Make the conscrypt-benchmarks library.
java_test {
name: "conscrypt-benchmarks",
srcs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "art-module-intra-core-api-stubs-system-modules",
libs: [
javacflags: [
"-Xmaxwarns 9999999",
target: {
host: {
required: ["libjavacrypto"],
darwin: {
// required module "libjavacrypto" is disabled on darwin
enabled: false,
java_version: "1.8",
// Device SDK exposed by the Conscrypt module.
sdk {
name: "conscrypt-module-sdk",
bootclasspath_fragments: [
java_sdk_libs: [
native_shared_libs: [
// Host tools exported by the Conscrypt module.
module_exports {
name: "conscrypt-module-host-exports",
host_supported: true,
device_supported: false,
java_libs: [
native_shared_libs: [
// Test libraries exposed by the Conscrypt module.
module_exports {
name: "conscrypt-module-test-exports",
host_supported: true,
target: {
android: {
java_libs: [
// For use by robolectric and ART tests.
java_tests: [
// For use by CTS
// TODO: Remove this when we resolve b/151303681.
native_shared_libs: [
darwin: {
enabled: false,
// For use by ART tests on host.
not_windows: {
native_shared_libs: [