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// Copyright 2006-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_abort_sniffer.h#2 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/07/11 10:36:56 $ */
/* $Change: 838485 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
/** \file
* Classes supporting user cancellation and progress tracking.
#ifndef __dng_abort_sniffer__
#define __dng_abort_sniffer__
#include "dng_flags.h"
#include "dng_types.h"
/// \brief Thread priority level.
enum dng_priority
dng_priority_minimum = dng_priority_low,
dng_priority_maximum = dng_priority_high
/// \brief Convenience class for setting thread priority level to minimum.
class dng_set_minimum_priority
dng_priority fPriority;
dng_set_minimum_priority (dng_priority priority);
~dng_set_minimum_priority ();
/** \brief Class for signaling user cancellation and receiving progress updates.
* DNG SDK clients should derive a host application specific implementation
* from this class.
class dng_abort_sniffer
friend class dng_sniffer_task;
dng_priority fPriority;
dng_abort_sniffer ();
virtual ~dng_abort_sniffer ();
/// Getter for priority level.
dng_priority Priority () const
return fPriority;
/// Setter for priority level.
void SetPriority (dng_priority priority)
fPriority = priority;
/// Check for pending user cancellation or other abort. ThrowUserCanceled
/// will be called if one is pending. This static method is provided as a
/// convenience for quickly testing for an abort and throwing an exception
/// if one is pending.
/// \param sniffer The dng_sniffer to test for a pending abort. Can be NULL,
/// in which case there an abort is never signalled.
static void SniffForAbort (dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer);
// A way to call Sniff while bypassing the priority wait.
void SniffNoPriorityWait ()
Sniff ();
// Specifies whether or not the sniffer may be called by multiple threads
// in parallel. Default result is false. Subclass must override to return
// true.
virtual bool ThreadSafe () const
return false;
/// Should be implemented by derived classes to check for an user
/// cancellation.
virtual void Sniff () = 0;
/// Signals the start of a named task withn processing in the DNG SDK.
/// Tasks may be nested.
/// \param name of the task
/// \param fract Percentage of total processing this task is expected to
/// take. From 0.0 to 1.0 .
virtual void StartTask (const char *name,
real64 fract);
/// Signals the end of the innermost task that has been started.
virtual void EndTask ();
/// Signals progress made on current task.
/// \param fract percentage of processing completed on current task.
/// From 0.0 to 1.0 .
virtual void UpdateProgress (real64 fract);
/// \brief Class to establish scope of a named subtask in DNG processing.
/// Instances of this class are intended to be stack allocated.
class dng_sniffer_task
dng_abort_sniffer *fSniffer;
/// Inform a sniffer of a subtask in DNG processing.
/// \param sniffer The sniffer associated with the host on which this
/// processing is occurring.
/// \param name The name of this subtask as a NUL terminated string.
/// \param fract Percentage of total processing this task is expected
/// to take, from 0.0 to 1.0 .
dng_sniffer_task (dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer,
const char *name = NULL,
real64 fract = 0.0)
: fSniffer (sniffer)
if (fSniffer)
fSniffer->StartTask (name, fract);
~dng_sniffer_task ()
if (fSniffer)
fSniffer->EndTask ();
/// Check for pending user cancellation or other abort. ThrowUserCanceled
/// will be called if one is pending.
void Sniff ()
dng_abort_sniffer::SniffForAbort (fSniffer);
/// Update progress on this subtask.
/// \param fract Percentage of processing completed on current task,
/// from 0.0 to 1.0 .
void UpdateProgress (real64 fract)
if (fSniffer)
fSniffer->UpdateProgress (fract);
/// Update progress on this subtask.
/// \param done Amount of task completed in arbitrary integer units.
/// \param total Total size of task in same arbitrary integer units as done.
void UpdateProgress (uint32 done,
uint32 total)
UpdateProgress ((real64) done /
(real64) total);
/// Signal task completed for progress purposes.
void Finish ()
UpdateProgress (1.0);
// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
dng_sniffer_task (const dng_sniffer_task &task);
dng_sniffer_task & operator= (const dng_sniffer_task &task);