
522 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2006-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_reference.h#1 $ */
/* $DateTime: 2012/05/30 13:28:51 $ */
/* $Change: 832332 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */
#ifndef __dng_reference__
#define __dng_reference__
#include "dng_bottlenecks.h"
void RefZeroBytes (void *dPtr,
uint32 count);
void RefCopyBytes (const void *sPtr,
void *dPtr,
uint32 count);
void RefSwapBytes16 (uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 count);
void RefSwapBytes32 (uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 count);
void RefSetArea8 (uint8 *dPtr,
uint8 value,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep);
void RefSetArea16 (uint16 *dPtr,
uint16 value,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep);
void RefSetArea32 (uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 value,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep);
void RefCopyArea8 (const uint8 *sPtr,
uint8 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea32 (const uint32 *sPtr,
uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea8_16 (const uint8 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea8_S16 (const uint8 *sPtr,
int16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea8_32 (const uint8 *sPtr,
uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea16_S16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
int16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea16_32 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefCopyArea8_R32 (const uint8 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefCopyArea16_R32 (const uint16 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefCopyAreaS16_R32 (const int16 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefCopyAreaR32_8 (const real32 *sPtr,
uint8 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefCopyAreaR32_16 (const real32 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefCopyAreaR32_S16 (const real32 *sPtr,
int16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefRepeatArea8 (const uint8 *sPtr,
uint8 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep,
uint32 repeatV,
uint32 repeatH,
uint32 phaseV,
uint32 phaseH);
void RefRepeatArea16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep,
uint32 repeatV,
uint32 repeatH,
uint32 phaseV,
uint32 phaseH);
void RefRepeatArea32 (const uint32 *sPtr,
uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep,
uint32 repeatV,
uint32 repeatH,
uint32 phaseV,
uint32 phaseH);
void RefShiftRight16 (uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 rowStep,
int32 colStep,
int32 planeStep,
uint32 shift);
void RefBilinearRow16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 cols,
uint32 patPhase,
uint32 patCount,
const uint32 * kernCounts,
const int32 * const * kernOffsets,
const uint16 * const * kernWeights,
uint32 sShift);
void RefBilinearRow32 (const real32 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 cols,
uint32 patPhase,
uint32 patCount,
const uint32 * kernCounts,
const int32 * const * kernOffsets,
const real32 * const * kernWeights,
uint32 sShift);
void RefBaselineABCtoRGB (const real32 *sPtrA,
const real32 *sPtrB,
const real32 *sPtrC,
real32 *dPtrR,
real32 *dPtrG,
real32 *dPtrB,
uint32 count,
const dng_vector &cameraWhite,
const dng_matrix &cameraToRGB);
void RefBaselineABCDtoRGB (const real32 *sPtrA,
const real32 *sPtrB,
const real32 *sPtrC,
const real32 *sPtrD,
real32 *dPtrR,
real32 *dPtrG,
real32 *dPtrB,
uint32 count,
const dng_vector &cameraWhite,
const dng_matrix &cameraToRGB);
void RefBaselineHueSatMap (const real32 *sPtrR,
const real32 *sPtrG,
const real32 *sPtrB,
real32 *dPtrR,
real32 *dPtrG,
real32 *dPtrB,
uint32 count,
const dng_hue_sat_map &lut,
const dng_1d_table *encodeTable,
const dng_1d_table *decodeTable);
void RefBaselineRGBtoGray (const real32 *sPtrR,
const real32 *sPtrG,
const real32 *sPtrB,
real32 *dPtrG,
uint32 count,
const dng_matrix &matrix);
void RefBaselineRGBtoRGB (const real32 *sPtrR,
const real32 *sPtrG,
const real32 *sPtrB,
real32 *dPtrR,
real32 *dPtrG,
real32 *dPtrB,
uint32 count,
const dng_matrix &matrix);
void RefBaseline1DTable (const real32 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 count,
const dng_1d_table &table);
void RefBaselineRGBTone (const real32 *sPtrR,
const real32 *sPtrG,
const real32 *sPtrB,
real32 *dPtrR,
real32 *dPtrG,
real32 *dPtrB,
uint32 count,
const dng_1d_table &table);
void RefResampleDown16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 sCount,
int32 sRowStep,
const int16 *wPtr,
uint32 wCount,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefResampleDown32 (const real32 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 sCount,
int32 sRowStep,
const real32 *wPtr,
uint32 wCount);
void RefResampleAcross16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 dCount,
const int32 *coord,
const int16 *wPtr,
uint32 wCount,
uint32 wStep,
uint32 pixelRange);
void RefResampleAcross32 (const real32 *sPtr,
real32 *dPtr,
uint32 dCount,
const int32 *coord,
const real32 *wPtr,
uint32 wCount,
uint32 wStep);
bool RefEqualBytes (const void *sPtr,
const void *dPtr,
uint32 count);
bool RefEqualArea8 (const uint8 *sPtr,
const uint8 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
bool RefEqualArea16 (const uint16 *sPtr,
const uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
bool RefEqualArea32 (const uint32 *sPtr,
const uint32 *dPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sColStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 dRowStep,
int32 dColStep,
int32 dPlaneStep);
void RefVignetteMask16 (uint16 *mPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
int32 rowStep,
int64 offsetH,
int64 offsetV,
int64 stepH,
int64 stepV,
uint32 tBits,
const uint16 *table);
void RefVignette16 (int16 *sPtr,
const uint16 *mPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 mRowStep,
uint32 mBits);
void RefVignette32 (real32 *sPtr,
const uint16 *mPtr,
uint32 rows,
uint32 cols,
uint32 planes,
int32 sRowStep,
int32 sPlaneStep,
int32 mRowStep,
uint32 mBits);
void RefMapArea16 (uint16 *dPtr,
uint32 count0,
uint32 count1,
uint32 count2,
int32 step0,
int32 step1,
int32 step2,
const uint16 *map);