155 lines
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155 lines
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/* basicmbr.h -- MBR data structure definitions, types, and functions */
/* This program is copyright (c) 2009-2013 by Roderick W. Smith. It is distributed
under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, as detailed in the COPYING file. */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "diskio.h"
#include "mbrpart.h"
#define MBR_SIGNATURE UINT16_C(0xAA55)
// Maximum number of MBR partitions
#define MAX_MBR_PARTS 128
using namespace std;
* *
* MBRData class and related structures *
* *
// A 512-byte data structure into which the MBR can be loaded in one
// go. Also used when loading logical partitions.
#pragma pack(1)
struct TempMBR {
uint8_t code[440];
uint32_t diskSignature;
uint16_t nulls;
struct MBRRecord partitions[4];
uint16_t MBRSignature;
}; // struct TempMBR
#pragma pack ()
// Possible states of the MBR
enum MBRValidity {invalid, gpt, hybrid, mbr};
// Full data in tweaked MBR format
class BasicMBRData {
uint8_t code[440];
uint32_t diskSignature;
uint16_t nulls;
// MAX_MBR_PARTS defaults to 128. This array holds both the primary and
// the logical partitions, to simplify data retrieval for GPT conversions.
MBRPart partitions[MAX_MBR_PARTS];
uint16_t MBRSignature;
// Above are basic MBR data; now add more stuff....
uint32_t blockSize; // block size (usually 512)
uint64_t diskSize; // size in blocks
uint32_t numHeads; // number of heads, in CHS scheme
uint32_t numSecspTrack; // number of sectors per track, in CHS scheme
DiskIO* myDisk;
int canDeleteMyDisk;
string device;
MBRValidity state;
MBRPart* GetPartition(int i); // Return primary or logical partition
BasicMBRData(string deviceFilename);
BasicMBRData(const BasicMBRData &);
BasicMBRData & operator=(const BasicMBRData & orig);
// File I/O functions...
int ReadMBRData(const string & deviceFilename);
int ReadMBRData(DiskIO * theDisk, int checkBlockSize = 1);
int ReadLogicalParts(uint64_t extendedStart, int partNum);
int WriteMBRData(void);
int WriteMBRData(DiskIO *theDisk);
int WriteMBRData(const string & deviceFilename);
int WriteMBRData(struct TempMBR & mbr, DiskIO *theDisk, uint64_t sector);
void DiskSync(void) {myDisk->DiskSync();}
void SetDisk(DiskIO *theDisk);
// Display data for user...
void DisplayMBRData(void);
void ShowState(void);
// GPT checks and fixes...
int CheckForGPT(void);
int BlankGPTData(void);
// Functions that set or get disk metadata (size, CHS geometry, etc.)
void SetDiskSize(uint64_t ds) {diskSize = ds;}
void SetBlockSize(uint32_t bs) {blockSize = bs;}
MBRValidity GetValidity(void) {return state;}
void SetHybrid(void) {state = hybrid;} // Set hybrid flag
void ReadCHSGeom(void);
int GetPartRange(uint32_t* low, uint32_t* high);
int LBAtoCHS(uint64_t lba, uint8_t * chs); // Convert LBA to CHS
int FindOverlaps(void);
int NumPrimaries(void);
int NumLogicals(void);
int CountParts(void);
void UpdateCanBeLogical(void);
uint64_t FirstLogicalLBA(void);
uint64_t LastLogicalLBA(void);
int AreLogicalsContiguous(void);
int DoTheyFit(void);
int SpaceBeforeAllLogicals(void);
int IsLegal(void);
int IsEEActive(void);
int FindNextInUse(int start);
// Functions to create, delete, or change partitions
// Pass EmptyMBR 1 to clear the boot loader code, 0 to leave it intact
void EmptyMBR(int clearBootloader = 1);
void EmptyBootloader(void);
void AddPart(int num, const MBRPart& newPart);
void MakePart(int num, uint64_t startLBA, uint64_t lengthLBA, int type = 0x07,
int bootable = 0);
int SetPartType(int num, int type);
int SetPartBootable(int num, int bootable = 1);
int MakeBiggestPart(int i, int type); // Make partition filling most space
void DeletePartition(int i);
int SetInclusionwChecks(int num, int inclStatus);
void RecomputeCHS(int partNum);
void SortMBR(int start = 0);
int DeleteOversizedParts();
int DeleteExtendedParts();
void OmitOverlaps(void);
void MaximizeLogicals();
void MaximizePrimaries();
void TrimPrimaries();
void MakeLogicalsContiguous(void);
void MakeItLegal(void);
int RemoveLogicalsFromFirstFour(void);
int MovePrimariesToFirstFour(void);
int CreateExtended(void);
// Functions to find information on free space....
uint64_t FindFirstAvailable(uint64_t start = 1);
uint64_t FindLastInFree(uint64_t start);
uint64_t FindFirstInFree(uint64_t start);
int SectorUsedAs(uint64_t sector, int topPartNum = MAX_MBR_PARTS);
// Functions to extract data on specific partitions....
uint8_t GetStatus(int i);
uint8_t GetType(int i);
uint64_t GetFirstSector(int i);
uint64_t GetLength(int i);
// User interaction functions....
int DoMenu(const string& prompt = "\nMBR command (? for help): ");
void ShowCommands(void);
}; // class BasicMBRData