
1235 lines
33 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <json.h>
#include "igt_core.h"
#include "resultgen.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "executor.h"
#include "output_strings.h"
_Static_assert(INCOMPLETE_EXITCODE != IGT_EXIT_SKIP, "exit code clash");
_Static_assert(INCOMPLETE_EXITCODE != IGT_EXIT_SUCCESS, "exit code clash");
_Static_assert(INCOMPLETE_EXITCODE != IGT_EXIT_INVALID, "exit code clash");
struct subtests
char **names;
size_t size;
struct results
struct json_object *tests;
struct json_object *totals;
struct json_object *runtimes;
* A lot of string handling here operates on an mmapped buffer, and
* thus we can't assume null-terminated strings. Buffers will be
* passed around as pointer+size, or pointer+pointer-past-the-end, the
* mem*() family of functions is used instead of str*().
static char *find_line_starting_with(char *haystack, const char *needle, char *end)
while (haystack < end) {
char *line_end = memchr(haystack, '\n', end - haystack);
if (end - haystack < strlen(needle))
return NULL;
if (!memcmp(haystack, needle, strlen(needle)))
return haystack;
if (line_end == NULL)
return NULL;
haystack = line_end + 1;
return NULL;
static char *find_line_starting_with_either(char *haystack,
const char *needle1,
const char *needle2,
char *end)
while (haystack < end) {
char *line_end = memchr(haystack, '\n', end - haystack);
size_t linelen = line_end != NULL ? line_end - haystack : end - haystack;
if ((linelen >= strlen(needle1) && !memcmp(haystack, needle1, strlen(needle1))) ||
(linelen >= strlen(needle2) && !memcmp(haystack, needle2, strlen(needle2))))
return haystack;
if (line_end == NULL)
return NULL;
haystack = line_end + 1;
return NULL;
static char *next_line(char *line, char *bufend)
char *ret;
if (!line)
return NULL;
ret = memchr(line, '\n', bufend - line);
if (ret)
if (ret < bufend)
return ret;
return NULL;
static char *find_line_after_last(char *begin,
const char *needle1,
const char *needle2,
char *end)
char *one, *two;
char *current_pos = begin;
char *needle1_newline = malloc(strlen(needle1) + 2);
char *needle2_newline = malloc(strlen(needle2) + 2);
needle1_newline[0] = needle2_newline[0] = '\n';
strcpy(needle1_newline + 1, needle1);
strcpy(needle2_newline + 1, needle2);
while (true) {
one = memmem(current_pos, end - current_pos, needle1_newline, strlen(needle1_newline));
two = memmem(current_pos, end - current_pos, needle2_newline, strlen(needle2_newline));
if (one == NULL && two == NULL)
if (one != NULL && current_pos < one)
current_pos = one;
if (two != NULL && current_pos < two)
current_pos = two;
one = next_line(current_pos, end);
if (one != NULL)
current_pos = one;
one = memchr(current_pos, '\n', end - current_pos);
if (one != NULL)
return ++one;
return current_pos;
static size_t count_lines(const char *buf, const char *bufend)
size_t ret = 0;
while (buf < bufend && (buf = memchr(buf, '\n', bufend - buf)) != NULL) {
return ret;
static void append_line(char **buf, size_t *buflen, char *line)
size_t linelen = strlen(line);
*buf = realloc(*buf, *buflen + linelen + 1);
strcpy(*buf + *buflen, line);
*buflen += linelen;
static const struct {
const char *output_str;
const char *result_str;
} resultmap[] = {
{ "SUCCESS", "pass" },
{ "SKIP", "skip" },
{ "FAIL", "fail" },
{ "CRASH", "crash" },
{ "TIMEOUT", "timeout" },
static void parse_result_string(char *resultstring, size_t len, const char **result, double *time)
size_t i;
size_t wordlen = 0;
while (wordlen < len && !isspace(resultstring[wordlen])) {
*result = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(resultmap) / sizeof(resultmap[0])); i++) {
if (!strncmp(resultstring, resultmap[i].output_str, wordlen)) {
*result = resultmap[i].result_str;
/* If the result string is unknown, use incomplete */
if (!*result)
*result = "incomplete";
* Check for subtest runtime after the result. The string is
* '(' followed by the runtime in seconds as floating point,
* followed by 's)'.
if (wordlen < len && resultstring[wordlen] == '(') {
char *dup;
dup = malloc(len - wordlen + 1);
memcpy(dup, resultstring + wordlen, len - wordlen);
dup[len - wordlen] = '\0';
*time = strtod(dup, NULL);
static void parse_subtest_result(char *subtest, const char **result, double *time, char *buf, char *bufend)
char *line;
char *line_end;
char *resultstring;
size_t linelen;
size_t subtestlen = strlen(subtest);
*result = NULL;
*time = 0.0;
if (!buf) return;
* The result line structure is:
* - The string "Subtest " (`SUBTEST_RESULT` from output_strings.h)
* - The subtest name
* - The characters ':' and ' '
* - Subtest result string
* - Optional:
* -- The characters ' ' and '('
* -- Subtest runtime in seconds as floating point
* -- The characters 's' and ')'
* Example:
* Subtest subtestname: PASS (0.003s)
line = find_line_starting_with(buf, SUBTEST_RESULT, bufend);
if (!line) {
*result = "incomplete";
line_end = memchr(line, '\n', bufend - line);
linelen = line_end != NULL ? line_end - line : bufend - line;
if (strlen(SUBTEST_RESULT) + subtestlen + strlen(": ") > linelen ||
strncmp(line + strlen(SUBTEST_RESULT), subtest, subtestlen))
return parse_subtest_result(subtest, result, time, line + linelen, bufend);
resultstring = line + strlen(SUBTEST_RESULT) + subtestlen + strlen(": ");
parse_result_string(resultstring, linelen - (resultstring - line), result, time);
static struct json_object *get_or_create_json_object(struct json_object *base,
const char *key)
struct json_object *ret;
if (json_object_object_get_ex(base, key, &ret))
return ret;
ret = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(base, key, ret);
return ret;
static void set_result(struct json_object *obj, const char *result)
json_object_object_add(obj, "result",
static void add_runtime(struct json_object *obj, double time)
double oldtime;
struct json_object *timeobj = get_or_create_json_object(obj, "time");
struct json_object *oldend;
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "__type__",
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "start",
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(timeobj, "end", &oldend)) {
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "end",
/* Add the runtime to the existing runtime. */
oldtime = json_object_get_double(oldend);
time += oldtime;
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "end",
static void set_runtime(struct json_object *obj, double time)
struct json_object *timeobj = get_or_create_json_object(obj, "time");
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "__type__",
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "start",
json_object_object_add(timeobj, "end",
static bool fill_from_output(int fd, const char *binary, const char *key,
struct subtests *subtests,
struct json_object *tests)
char *buf, *bufend, *nullchr;
struct stat statbuf;
char piglit_name[256];
char *igt_version = NULL;
size_t igt_version_len = 0;
struct json_object *current_test = NULL;
size_t i;
if (fstat(fd, &statbuf))
return false;
if (statbuf.st_size != 0) {
buf = mmap(NULL, statbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (buf == MAP_FAILED)
return false;
} else {
buf = NULL;
* Avoid null characters: Just pretend the output stops at the
* first such character, if any.
if ((nullchr = memchr(buf, '\0', statbuf.st_size)) != NULL) {
statbuf.st_size = nullchr - buf;
bufend = buf + statbuf.st_size;
igt_version = find_line_starting_with(buf, IGT_VERSIONSTRING, bufend);
if (igt_version) {
char *newline = memchr(igt_version, '\n', bufend - igt_version);
igt_version_len = newline - igt_version;
/* TODO: Refactor to helper functions */
if (subtests->size == 0) {
/* No subtests */
generate_piglit_name(binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
json_object_object_add(current_test, key,
json_object_new_string_len(buf, statbuf.st_size));
if (igt_version)
json_object_object_add(current_test, "igt-version",
return true;
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++) {
char *this_sub_begin, *this_sub_result;
const char *resulttext;
char *beg, *end, *startline;
double time;
int begin_len;
int result_len;
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtests->names[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
begin_len = asprintf(&this_sub_begin, "%s%s\n", STARTING_SUBTEST, subtests->names[i]);
result_len = asprintf(&this_sub_result, "%s%s: ", SUBTEST_RESULT, subtests->names[i]);
if (begin_len < 0 || result_len < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure generating strings\n");
return false;
beg = find_line_starting_with(buf, this_sub_begin, bufend);
end = find_line_starting_with(buf, this_sub_result, bufend);
startline = beg;
if (beg == NULL && end == NULL) {
/* No output at all */
beg = bufend;
end = bufend;
if (beg == NULL) {
* Subtest didn't start, probably skipped from
* fixture already. Start from the result
* line, it gets adjusted below.
beg = end;
/* Include the output after the previous subtest output */
beg = find_line_after_last(buf,
if (end == NULL) {
/* Incomplete result. Find the next starting subtest or result. */
end = next_line(startline, bufend);
if (end != NULL) {
end = find_line_starting_with_either(end,
if (end == NULL) {
end = bufend;
} else {
* Now pointing to the line where this sub's
* result is. We need to include that of
* course.
char *nexttest = next_line(end, bufend);
/* Stretch onwards until the next subtest begins or ends */
if (nexttest != NULL) {
nexttest = find_line_starting_with_either(nexttest,
if (nexttest != NULL) {
end = nexttest;
} else {
end = bufend;
json_object_object_add(current_test, key,
json_object_new_string_len(beg, end - beg));
if (igt_version) {
json_object_object_add(current_test, "igt-version",
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(current_test, "result", NULL)) {
parse_subtest_result(subtests->names[i], &resulttext, &time, beg, end);
set_result(current_test, resulttext);
set_runtime(current_test, time);
return true;
* This regexp controls the kmsg handling. All kernel log records that
* have log level of warning or higher convert the result to
* dmesg-warn/dmesg-fail unless they match this regexp.
* TODO: Move this to external files, i915-suppressions.txt,
* general-suppressions.txt et al.
#define _ "|"
static const char igt_dmesg_whitelist[] =
"ACPI: button: The lid device is not compliant to SW_LID" _
"ACPI: .*: Unable to dock!" _
"IRQ [0-9]+: no longer affine to CPU[0-9]+" _
"IRQ fixup: irq [0-9]+ move in progress, old vector [0-9]+" _
/* i915 tests set module options, expected message */
"Setting dangerous option [a-z_]+ - tainting kernel" _
/* Raw printk() call, uses default log level (warn) */
"Suspending console\\(s\\) \\(use no_console_suspend to debug\\)" _
"atkbd serio[0-9]+: Failed to (deactivate|enable) keyboard on isa[0-9]+/serio[0-9]+" _
"cache: parent cpu[0-9]+ should not be sleeping" _
"hpet[0-9]+: lost [0-9]+ rtc interrupts" _
/* i915 selftests terminate normally with ENODEV from the
* module load after the testing finishes, which produces this
* message.
"i915: probe of [0-9:.]+ failed with error -25" _
/* swiotbl warns even when asked not to */
"mock: DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for [0-9]+ bytes" _
"usb usb[0-9]+: root hub lost power or was reset"
#undef _
static const char igt_piglit_style_dmesg_blacklist[] =
static bool init_regex_whitelist(struct settings* settings, GRegex **re)
GError *err = NULL;
const char *regex = settings->piglit_style_dmesg ?
igt_piglit_style_dmesg_blacklist :
*re = g_regex_new(regex, G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE, 0, &err);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot compile dmesg regexp\n");
return false;
return true;
static bool parse_dmesg_line(char* line,
unsigned *flags, unsigned long long *ts_usec,
char *continuation, char **message)
unsigned long long seq;
int s;
s = sscanf(line, "%u,%llu,%llu,%c;", flags, &seq, ts_usec, continuation);
if (s != 4) {
* Machine readable key/value pairs begin with
* a space. We ignore them.
if (line[0] != ' ') {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse kmsg record: %s\n", line);
return false;
*message = strchr(line, ';');
if (!message) {
fprintf(stderr, "No ; found in kmsg record, this shouldn't happen\n");
return false;
return true;
static void generate_formatted_dmesg_line(char *message,
unsigned flags,
unsigned long long ts_usec,
char **formatted)
char prefix[512];
size_t messagelen;
size_t prefixlen;
char *p, *f;
snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix),
"<%u> [%llu.%06llu] ",
flags & 0x07,
ts_usec / 1000000,
ts_usec % 1000000);
messagelen = strlen(message);
prefixlen = strlen(prefix);
* Decoding the hex escapes only makes the string shorter, so
* we can use the original length
*formatted = malloc(strlen(prefix) + messagelen + 1);
strcpy(*formatted, prefix);
f = *formatted + prefixlen;
for (p = message; *p; p++, f++) {
if (p - message + 4 < messagelen &&
p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == 'x') {
int c = 0;
/* newline and tab are not isprint(), but they are isspace() */
if (sscanf(p, "\\x%2x", &c) == 1 &&
(isprint(c) || isspace(c))) {
*f = c;
p += 3;
*f = *p;
*f = '\0';
static void add_dmesg(struct json_object *obj,
const char *dmesg, size_t dmesglen,
const char *warnings, size_t warningslen)
json_object_object_add(obj, "dmesg",
json_object_new_string_len(dmesg, dmesglen));
if (warnings) {
json_object_object_add(obj, "dmesg-warnings",
json_object_new_string_len(warnings, warningslen));
static void add_empty_dmesgs_where_missing(struct json_object *tests,
char *binary,
struct subtests *subtests)
struct json_object *current_test;
char piglit_name[256];
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtests->names[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(current_test, "dmesg", NULL)) {
add_dmesg(current_test, "", 0, NULL, 0);
static bool fill_from_dmesg(int fd,
struct settings *settings,
char *binary,
struct subtests *subtests,
struct json_object *tests)
char *line = NULL, *warnings = NULL, *dmesg = NULL;
size_t linelen = 0, warningslen = 0, dmesglen = 0;
struct json_object *current_test = NULL;
FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "r");
char piglit_name[256];
ssize_t read;
size_t i;
GRegex *re;
if (!f) {
return false;
if (!init_regex_whitelist(settings, &re)) {
return false;
while ((read = getline(&line, &linelen, f)) > 0) {
char *formatted;
unsigned flags;
unsigned long long ts_usec;
char continuation;
char *message, *subtest;
if (!parse_dmesg_line(line, &flags, &ts_usec, &continuation, &message))
generate_formatted_dmesg_line(message, flags, ts_usec, &formatted);
if ((subtest = strstr(message, STARTING_SUBTEST_DMESG)) != NULL) {
if (current_test != NULL) {
/* Done with the previous subtest, file up */
add_dmesg(current_test, dmesg, dmesglen, warnings, warningslen);
dmesg = warnings = NULL;
dmesglen = warningslen = 0;
subtest += strlen(STARTING_SUBTEST_DMESG);
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtest, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
if (settings->piglit_style_dmesg) {
if ((flags & 0x07) <= settings->dmesg_warn_level && continuation != 'c' &&
g_regex_match(re, message, 0, NULL)) {
append_line(&warnings, &warningslen, formatted);
} else {
if ((flags & 0x07) <= settings->dmesg_warn_level && continuation != 'c' &&
!g_regex_match(re, message, 0, NULL)) {
append_line(&warnings, &warningslen, formatted);
append_line(&dmesg, &dmesglen, formatted);
if (current_test != NULL) {
add_dmesg(current_test, dmesg, dmesglen, warnings, warningslen);
} else {
* Didn't get any subtest messages at all. If there
* are subtests, add all of the dmesg gotten to all of
* them.
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtests->names[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
* Don't bother with warnings, any subtests
* there are would have skip as their result
* anyway.
add_dmesg(current_test, dmesg, dmesglen, NULL, 0);
if (subtests->size == 0) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
add_dmesg(current_test, dmesg, dmesglen, warnings, warningslen);
add_empty_dmesgs_where_missing(tests, binary, subtests);
return true;
static const char *result_from_exitcode(int exitcode)
switch (exitcode) {
return "skip";
return "pass";
return "notrun";
return "incomplete";
return "fail";
static void add_subtest(struct subtests *subtests, char *subtest)
size_t len = strlen(subtest);
size_t i;
if (len == 0)
if (subtest[len - 1] == '\n')
subtest[len - 1] = '\0';
/* Don't add if we already have this subtest */
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++)
if (!strcmp(subtest, subtests->names[i]))
subtests->names = realloc(subtests->names, sizeof(*subtests->names) * subtests->size);
subtests->names[subtests->size - 1] = subtest;
static void free_subtests(struct subtests *subtests)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++)
static void fill_from_journal(int fd,
struct job_list_entry *entry,
struct subtests *subtests,
struct results *results)
FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "r");
char *line = NULL;
size_t linelen = 0;
ssize_t read;
char exitline[] = "exit:";
char timeoutline[] = "timeout:";
bool has_timeout = false;
struct json_object *tests = results->tests;
struct json_object *runtimes = results->runtimes;
while ((read = getline(&line, &linelen, f)) > 0) {
if (read >= strlen(exitline) && !memcmp(line, exitline, strlen(exitline))) {
char *p = strchr(line, '(');
char piglit_name[256];
double time = 0.0;
struct json_object *obj;
exitcode = atoi(line + strlen(exitline));
if (p)
time = strtod(p + 1, NULL);
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(runtimes, piglit_name);
add_runtime(obj, time);
/* If no subtests, the test result node also gets the runtime */
if (subtests->size == 0 && entry->subtest_count == 0) {
obj = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
add_runtime(obj, time);
} else if (read >= strlen(timeoutline) && !memcmp(line, timeoutline, strlen(timeoutline))) {
has_timeout = true;
if (subtests->size) {
/* Assign the timeout to the previously appeared subtest */
char *last_subtest = subtests->names[subtests->size - 1];
char piglit_name[256];
char *p = strchr(line, '(');
double time = 0.0;
struct json_object *obj;
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, last_subtest, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
set_result(obj, "timeout");
if (p)
time = strtod(p + 1, NULL);
/* Add runtime for the subtest... */
add_runtime(obj, time);
/* ... and also for the binary */
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(runtimes, piglit_name);
add_runtime(obj, time);
} else {
add_subtest(subtests, strdup(line));
if (subtests->size == 0) {
char *subtestname = NULL;
char piglit_name[256];
struct json_object *obj;
const char *result = has_timeout ? "timeout" : result_from_exitcode(exitcode);
* If the test was killed before it printed that it's
* entering a subtest, we would incorrectly generate
* results as the binary had no subtests. If we know
* otherwise, do otherwise.
if (entry->subtest_count > 0) {
subtestname = entry->subtests[0];
add_subtest(subtests, strdup(subtestname));
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, subtestname, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
set_result(obj, result);
static void override_result_single(struct json_object *obj)
const char *errtext = "", *result = "";
struct json_object *textobj;
bool dmesgwarns = false;
if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "err", &textobj))
errtext = json_object_get_string(textobj);
if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "result", &textobj))
result = json_object_get_string(textobj);
if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "dmesg-warnings", &textobj))
dmesgwarns = true;
if (!strcmp(result, "pass") &&
count_lines(errtext, errtext + strlen(errtext)) > 2) {
set_result(obj, "warn");
result = "warn";
if (dmesgwarns) {
if (!strcmp(result, "pass") || !strcmp(result, "warn")) {
set_result(obj, "dmesg-warn");
} else if (!strcmp(result, "fail")) {
set_result(obj, "dmesg-fail");
static void override_results(char *binary,
struct subtests *subtests,
struct json_object *tests)
struct json_object *obj;
char piglit_name[256];
size_t i;
if (subtests->size == 0) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtests->names[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
obj = get_or_create_json_object(tests, piglit_name);
static struct json_object *get_totals_object(struct json_object *totals,
const char *key)
struct json_object *obj = NULL;
if (json_object_object_get_ex(totals, key, &obj))
return obj;
obj = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(totals, key, obj);
json_object_object_add(obj, "crash", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "pass", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "dmesg-fail", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "dmesg-warn", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "skip", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "incomplete", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "timeout", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "notrun", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "fail", json_object_new_int(0));
json_object_object_add(obj, "warn", json_object_new_int(0));
return obj;
static void add_result_to_totals(struct json_object *totals,
const char *result)
json_object *numobj = NULL;
int old;
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(totals, result, &numobj)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Totals object without count for %s\n", result);
old = json_object_get_int(numobj);
json_object_object_add(totals, result, json_object_new_int(old + 1));
static void add_to_totals(const char *binary,
struct subtests *subtests,
struct results *results)
struct json_object *test, *resultobj, *emptystrtotal, *roottotal, *binarytotal;
char piglit_name[256];
const char *result;
size_t i;
generate_piglit_name(binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
emptystrtotal = get_totals_object(results->totals, "");
roottotal = get_totals_object(results->totals, "root");
binarytotal = get_totals_object(results->totals, piglit_name);
if (subtests->size == 0) {
test = get_or_create_json_object(results->tests, piglit_name);
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(test, "result", &resultobj)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: No results set for %s\n", piglit_name);
result = json_object_get_string(resultobj);
add_result_to_totals(emptystrtotal, result);
add_result_to_totals(roottotal, result);
add_result_to_totals(binarytotal, result);
for (i = 0; i < subtests->size; i++) {
generate_piglit_name(binary, subtests->names[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
test = get_or_create_json_object(results->tests, piglit_name);
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(test, "result", &resultobj)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: No results set for %s\n", piglit_name);
result = json_object_get_string(resultobj);
add_result_to_totals(emptystrtotal, result);
add_result_to_totals(roottotal, result);
add_result_to_totals(binarytotal, result);
static bool parse_test_directory(int dirfd,
struct job_list_entry *entry,
struct settings *settings,
struct results *results)
int fds[_F_LAST];
struct subtests subtests = {};
bool status = true;
if (!open_output_files(dirfd, fds, false)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output files\n");
return false;
* fill_from_journal fills the subtests struct and adds
* timeout results where applicable.
fill_from_journal(fds[_F_JOURNAL], entry, &subtests, results);
if (!fill_from_output(fds[_F_OUT], entry->binary, "out", &subtests, results->tests) ||
!fill_from_output(fds[_F_ERR], entry->binary, "err", &subtests, results->tests) ||
!fill_from_dmesg(fds[_F_DMESG], settings, entry->binary, &subtests, results->tests)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing output files\n");
status = false;
goto parse_output_end;
override_results(entry->binary, &subtests, results->tests);
add_to_totals(entry->binary, &subtests, results);
return status;
static void try_add_notrun_results(const struct job_list_entry *entry,
const struct settings *settings,
struct results *results)
struct subtests subtests = {};
struct json_object *current_test;
size_t i;
if (entry->subtest_count == 0) {
char piglit_name[256];
/* We cannot distinguish no-subtests from run-all-subtests in multiple-mode */
if (settings->multiple_mode)
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, NULL, piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(results->tests, piglit_name);
json_object_object_add(current_test, "out", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "err", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "dmesg", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "result", json_object_new_string("notrun"));
for (i = 0; i < entry->subtest_count; i++) {
char piglit_name[256];
generate_piglit_name(entry->binary, entry->subtests[i], piglit_name, sizeof(piglit_name));
current_test = get_or_create_json_object(results->tests, piglit_name);
json_object_object_add(current_test, "out", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "err", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "dmesg", json_object_new_string(""));
json_object_object_add(current_test, "result", json_object_new_string("notrun"));
add_subtest(&subtests, strdup(entry->subtests[i]));
add_to_totals(entry->binary, &subtests, results);
static void create_result_root_nodes(struct json_object *root,
struct results *results)
results->tests = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(root, "tests", results->tests);
results->totals = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(root, "totals", results->totals);
results->runtimes = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(root, "runtimes", results->runtimes);
struct json_object *generate_results_json(int dirfd)
struct settings settings;
struct job_list job_list;
struct json_object *obj, *elapsed;
struct results results;
int testdirfd, fd;
size_t i;
if (!read_settings_from_dir(&settings, dirfd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "resultgen: Cannot parse settings\n");
return NULL;
if (!read_job_list(&job_list, dirfd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "resultgen: Cannot parse job list\n");
return NULL;
obj = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(obj, "__type__", json_object_new_string("TestrunResult"));
json_object_object_add(obj, "results_version", json_object_new_int(10));
json_object_object_add(obj, "name", ?
json_object_new_string( :
if ((fd = openat(dirfd, "uname.txt", O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
char buf[128];
ssize_t r = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (r > 0 && buf[r - 1] == '\n')
json_object_object_add(obj, "uname",
json_object_new_string_len(buf, r));
elapsed = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add(elapsed, "__type__", json_object_new_string("TimeAttribute"));
if ((fd = openat(dirfd, "starttime.txt", O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
char buf[128] = {};
read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
json_object_object_add(elapsed, "start", json_object_new_double(atof(buf)));
if ((fd = openat(dirfd, "endtime.txt", O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
char buf[128] = {};
read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
json_object_object_add(elapsed, "end", json_object_new_double(atof(buf)));
json_object_object_add(obj, "time_elapsed", elapsed);
create_result_root_nodes(obj, &results);
* Result fields that won't be added:
* - glxinfo
* - wglinfo
* - clinfo
* Result fields that are TODO:
* - lspci
* - options
for (i = 0; i < job_list.size; i++) {
char name[16];
snprintf(name, 16, "%zd", i);
if ((testdirfd = openat(dirfd, name, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
try_add_notrun_results(&job_list.entries[i], &settings, &results);
if (!parse_test_directory(testdirfd, &job_list.entries[i], &settings, &results)) {
return NULL;
if ((fd = openat(dirfd, "aborted.txt", O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
char buf[4096];
char piglit_name[] = "igt@runner@aborted";
struct subtests abortsub = {};
struct json_object *aborttest = get_or_create_json_object(results.tests, piglit_name);
ssize_t s;
add_subtest(&abortsub, strdup("aborted"));
s = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
json_object_object_add(aborttest, "out",
json_object_new_string_len(buf, s));
json_object_object_add(aborttest, "err",
json_object_object_add(aborttest, "dmesg",
json_object_object_add(aborttest, "result",
add_to_totals("runner", &abortsub, &results);
return obj;
bool generate_results(int dirfd)
struct json_object *obj = generate_results_json(dirfd);
const char *json_string;
int resultsfd;
if (obj == NULL)
return false;
/* TODO: settings.overwrite */
if ((resultsfd = openat(dirfd, "results.json", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "resultgen: Cannot create results file\n");
return false;
json_string = json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY);
write(resultsfd, json_string, strlen(json_string));
return true;
bool generate_results_path(char *resultspath)
int dirfd = open(resultspath, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY);
if (dirfd < 0)
return false;
return generate_results(dirfd);