
43 lines
1.2 KiB

Leaf changes summary: 7 artifacts changed
Changed leaf types summary: 1 leaf type changed
Removed/Changed/Added functions summary: 1 Removed, 1 Changed, 1 Added function
Removed/Changed/Added variables summary: 1 Removed, 1 Changed, 1 Added variable
1 Removed function:
[D] 'function int deleted_fun()' {_Z11deleted_funv}
1 Added function:
[A] 'function long int added_fun()' {_Z9added_funv}
1 function with some sub-type change:
[C] 'function int directly_changed_fun()' has some sub-type changes:
return type changed:
type name changed from 'int' to 'long int'
type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits)
1 Removed variable:
[D] 'int deleted_var' {deleted_var}
1 Added variable:
[A] 'long int added_var' {added_var}
1 Changed variable:
[C] 'int directly_changed_var' was changed to 'long int directly_changed_var':
size of symbol changed from 4 to 8
type of variable changed:
type name changed from 'int' to 'long int'
type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits)
'struct changed' changed:
type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits)
there are data member changes:
type 'int' of 'changed::foo' changed:
type name changed from 'int' to 'long int'
type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits)