
359 lines
13 KiB

@ *
@ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
@ *
@ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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@ *
@ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@ * limitations under the License.
@ *
@ *****************************************************************************
@ * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
@* @file
@* ih264_default_weighted_pred_a9q.s
@* @brief
@* Contains function definitions for default weighted prediction.
@* @author
@* Kaushik Senthoor R
@* @par List of Functions:
@* - ih264_default_weighted_pred_luma_a9q()
@* - ih264_default_weighted_pred_chroma_a9q()
@* @remarks
@* None
@* @function
@* ih264_default_weighted_pred_luma_a9q()
@* @brief
@* This routine performs the default weighted prediction as described in sec
@* titled "Default weighted sample prediction process" for luma.
@* @par Description:
@* This function gets two ht x wd blocks, calculates their rounded-average and
@* stores it in the destination block.
@* @param[in] pu1_src1:
@* UWORD8 Pointer to the buffer containing the first input block.
@* @param[in] pu1_src2:
@* UWORD8 Pointer to the buffer containing the second input block.
@* @param[out] pu1_dst
@* UWORD8 pointer to the destination where the output block is stored.
@* @param[in] src_strd1
@* Stride of the first input buffer
@* @param[in] src_strd2
@* Stride of the second input buffer
@* @param[in] dst_strd
@* Stride of the destination buffer
@* @param[in] ht
@* integer height of the array
@* @param[in] wd
@* integer width of the array
@* @returns
@* None
@* @remarks
@* (ht,wd) can be (4,4), (4,8), (8,4), (8,8), (8,16), (16,8) or (16,16).
@void ih264_default_weighted_pred_luma_a9q(UWORD8 *pu1_src1,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_src2,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ WORD32 src_strd1,
@ WORD32 src_strd2,
@ WORD32 dst_strd,
@ WORD32 ht,
@ WORD32 wd)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*****************************************
@ r0 => pu1_src1
@ r1 => pu1_src2
@ r2 => pu1_dst
@ r3 => src_strd1
@ [sp] => src_strd2 (r4)
@ [sp+4] => dst_strd (r5)
@ [sp+8] => ht (r6)
@ [sp+12] => wd (r7)
.p2align 2
.global ih264_default_weighted_pred_luma_a9q
stmfd sp!, {r4-r7, r14} @stack stores the values of the arguments
ldr r7, [sp, #32] @Load wd
ldr r4, [sp, #20] @Load src_strd2
ldr r5, [sp, #24] @Load dst_strd
cmp r7, #16
ldr r6, [sp, #28] @Load ht
vpush {d8-d15}
beq loop_16 @branch if wd is 16
cmp r7, #8
beq loop_8 @branch if wd is 8
loop_4: @each iteration processes four rows
vld1.32 d0[0], [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.32 d0[1], [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vld1.32 d2[0], [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.32 d2[1], [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vld1.32 d1[0], [r0], r3 @load row 3 in source 1
vld1.32 d1[1], [r0], r3 @load row 4 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 d0, d0, d2
vld1.32 d3[0], [r1], r4 @load row 3 in source 2
vld1.32 d3[1], [r1], r4 @load row 4 in source 2
subs r6, r6, #4 @decrement ht by 4
vst1.32 d0[0], [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
vst1.32 d0[1], [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
vrhadd.u8 d1, d1, d3
vst1.32 d1[0], [r2], r5 @load row 3 in destination
vst1.32 d1[1], [r2], r5 @load row 4 in destination
bgt loop_4 @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
b end_loops
loop_8: @each iteration processes four rows
vld1.8 d0, [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.8 d4, [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.8 d1, [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vld1.8 d5, [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vld1.8 d2, [r0], r3 @load row 3 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 q0, q0, q2
vld1.8 d6, [r1], r4 @load row 3 in source 2
vld1.8 d3, [r0], r3 @load row 4 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 d2, d2, d6
vld1.8 d7, [r1], r4 @load row 4 in source 2
subs r6, r6, #4 @decrement ht by 4
vst1.8 d0, [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
vrhadd.u8 d3, d3, d7
vst1.8 d1, [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
vst1.8 d2, [r2], r5 @load row 3 in destination
vst1.8 d3, [r2], r5 @load row 4 in destination
bgt loop_8 @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
b end_loops
loop_16: @each iteration processes eight rows
vld1.8 {q0}, [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.8 {q8}, [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.8 {q1}, [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vld1.8 {q9}, [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q0, q0, q8
vld1.8 {q2}, [r0], r3 @load row 3 in source 1
vld1.8 {q10}, [r1], r4 @load row 3 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q1, q1, q9
vld1.8 {q3}, [r0], r3 @load row 4 in source 1
vld1.8 {q11}, [r1], r4 @load row 4 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q2, q2, q10
vld1.8 {q4}, [r0], r3 @load row 5 in source 1
vld1.8 {q12}, [r1], r4 @load row 5 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q3, q3, q11
vld1.8 {q5}, [r0], r3 @load row 6 in source 1
vld1.8 {q13}, [r1], r4 @load row 6 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q4, q4, q12
vld1.8 {q6}, [r0], r3 @load row 7 in source 1
vld1.8 {q14}, [r1], r4 @load row 7 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q5, q5, q13
vld1.8 {q7}, [r0], r3 @load row 8 in source 1
vld1.8 {q15}, [r1], r4 @load row 8 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 q6, q6, q14
vst1.8 {q0}, [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
vst1.8 {q1}, [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
vrhadd.u8 q7, q7, q15
vst1.8 {q2}, [r2], r5 @load row 3 in destination
vst1.8 {q3}, [r2], r5 @load row 4 in destination
subs r6, r6, #8 @decrement ht by 8
vst1.8 {q4}, [r2], r5 @load row 5 in destination
vst1.8 {q5}, [r2], r5 @load row 6 in destination
vst1.8 {q6}, [r2], r5 @load row 7 in destination
vst1.8 {q7}, [r2], r5 @load row 8 in destination
bgt loop_16 @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
vpop {d8-d15}
ldmfd sp!, {r4-r7, r15} @Reload the registers from sp
@* @function
@* ih264_default_weighted_pred_chroma_a9q()
@* @brief
@* This routine performs the default weighted prediction as described in sec
@* titled "Default weighted sample prediction process" for chroma.
@* @par Description:
@* This function gets two ht x wd blocks, calculates their rounded-average and
@* stores it in the destination block for U and V.
@* @param[in] pu1_src1:
@* UWORD8 Pointer to the buffer containing the first input block.
@* @param[in] pu1_src2:
@* UWORD8 Pointer to the buffer containing the second input block.
@* @param[out] pu1_dst
@* UWORD8 pointer to the destination where the output block is stored.
@* @param[in] src_strd1
@* Stride of the first input buffer
@* @param[in] src_strd2
@* Stride of the second input buffer
@* @param[in] dst_strd
@* Stride of the destination buffer
@* @param[in] ht
@* integer height of the array
@* @param[in] wd
@* integer width of the array
@* @returns
@* None
@* @remarks
@* (ht,wd) can be (2,2), (2,4), (4,2), (4,4), (4,8), (8,4) or (8,8).
@void ih264_default_weighted_pred_chroma_a9q(UWORD8 *pu1_src1,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_src2,
@ UWORD8 *pu1_dst,
@ WORD32 src_strd1,
@ WORD32 src_strd2,
@ WORD32 dst_strd,
@ WORD32 ht,
@ WORD32 wd)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*****************************************
@ r0 => pu1_src1
@ r1 => pu1_src2
@ r2 => pu1_dst
@ r3 => src_strd1
@ [sp] => src_strd2 (r4)
@ [sp+4] => dst_strd (r5)
@ [sp+8] => ht (r6)
@ [sp+12] => wd (r7)
.global ih264_default_weighted_pred_chroma_a9q
stmfd sp!, {r4-r7, r14} @stack stores the values of the arguments
ldr r7, [sp, #32] @Load wd
ldr r4, [sp, #20] @Load src_strd2
ldr r5, [sp, #24] @Load dst_strd
cmp r7, #8
ldr r6, [sp, #28] @Load ht
vpush {d8-d15}
beq loop_8_uv @branch if wd is 8
cmp r7, #4
beq loop_4_uv @branch if wd is 4
loop_2_uv: @each iteration processes two rows
vld1.32 d0[0], [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.32 d0[1], [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vld1.32 d1[0], [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.32 d1[1], [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 d0, d0, d1
subs r6, r6, #2 @decrement ht by 2
vst1.32 d0[0], [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
vst1.32 d0[1], [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
bgt loop_2_uv @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
b end_loops_uv
loop_4_uv: @each iteration processes two rows
vld1.8 d0, [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.8 d2, [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.8 d1, [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 d0, d0, d2
vld1.8 d3, [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vrhadd.u8 d1, d1, d3
vst1.8 d0, [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
subs r6, r6, #2 @decrement ht by 2
vst1.8 d1, [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
bgt loop_4_uv @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
b end_loops_uv
loop_8_uv: @each iteration processes four rows
vld1.8 {q0}, [r0], r3 @load row 1 in source 1
vld1.8 {q4}, [r1], r4 @load row 1 in source 2
vld1.8 {q1}, [r0], r3 @load row 2 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 q0, q0, q4
vld1.8 {q5}, [r1], r4 @load row 2 in source 2
vld1.8 {q2}, [r0], r3 @load row 3 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 q1, q1, q5
vld1.8 {q6}, [r1], r4 @load row 3 in source 2
vld1.8 {q3}, [r0], r3 @load row 4 in source 1
vrhadd.u8 q2, q2, q6
vld1.8 {q7}, [r1], r4 @load row 4 in source 2
vst1.8 {q0}, [r2], r5 @load row 1 in destination
vrhadd.u8 q3, q3, q7
vst1.8 {q1}, [r2], r5 @load row 2 in destination
subs r6, r6, #4 @decrement ht by 4
vst1.8 {q2}, [r2], r5 @load row 3 in destination
vst1.8 {q3}, [r2], r5 @load row 4 in destination
bgt loop_8_uv @if greater than 0 repeat the loop again
vpop {d8-d15}
ldmfd sp!, {r4-r7, r15} @Reload the registers from sp