
288 lines
6.6 KiB

package cap
import "strings"
// omask returns the offset and mask for a specific capability.
func omask(c Value) (uint, uint32) {
u := uint(c)
return u >> 5, uint32(1) << (u & 31)
// IAB holds a summary of all of the inheritable capability vectors:
// Inh, Amb and Bound. The Bound vector is the logical inverse (two's
// complement) of the process' Bounding set. That is, raising a Value
// in the Bound (think blocked) vector is equivalent to dropping that
// Value from the process' Bounding set. This convention is used to
// support the empty IAB as being mostly harmless.
type IAB struct {
a, i, nb []uint32
// Vector enumerates which of the inheritable IAB capability vectors
// is being manipulated.
type Vector uint
// Inh, Amb, Bound enumerate the IAB vector components. (Vector) Inh
// is equivalent to (Flag) Inheritable. They are named differently for
// syntax/type checking reasons.
const (
Inh Vector = iota
// String identifies a Vector value by its conventional I A or B
// string abbreviation.
func (v Vector) String() string {
switch v {
case Inh:
return "I"
case Amb:
return "A"
case Bound:
return "B"
return "<Error>"
// IABInit returns an empty IAB.
func IABInit() *IAB {
return &IAB{
i: make([]uint32, words),
a: make([]uint32, words),
nb: make([]uint32, words),
// IABGetProc summarizes the Inh, Amb and Bound capabilty vectors of
// the current process.
func IABGetProc() *IAB {
iab := IABInit()
current := GetProc()
iab.Fill(Inh, current, Inheritable)
for c := MaxBits(); c > 0; {
offset, mask := omask(c)
if a, _ := GetAmbient(c); a {
iab.a[offset] |= mask
if b, err := GetBound(c); err == nil && !b {
iab.nb[offset] |= mask
return iab
// IABFromText parses a string representing an IAB, as generated
// by IAB.String(), to generate an IAB.
func IABFromText(text string) (*IAB, error) {
iab := IABInit()
if len(text) == 0 {
return iab, nil
for _, f := range strings.Split(text, ",") {
var i, a, nb bool
var j int
for j = 0; j < len(f); j++ {
switch f[j : j+1] {
case "!":
nb = true
case "^":
i = true
a = true
case "%":
i = true
goto done
c, err := FromName(f[j:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
offset, mask := omask(c)
if i || !nb {
iab.i[offset] |= mask
if a {
iab.a[offset] |= mask
if nb {
iab.nb[offset] |= mask
return iab, nil
// String serializes an IAB to a string format.
func (iab *IAB) String() string {
var vs []string
for c := Value(0); c < Value(maxValues); c++ {
offset, mask := omask(c)
i := (iab.i[offset] & mask) != 0
a := (iab.a[offset] & mask) != 0
nb := (iab.nb[offset] & mask) != 0
var cs []string
if nb {
cs = append(cs, "!")
if a {
cs = append(cs, "^")
} else if nb && i {
cs = append(cs, "%")
if nb || a || i {
vs = append(vs, strings.Join(cs, "")+c.String())
return strings.Join(vs, ",")
func (sc *syscaller) iabSetProc(iab *IAB) (err error) {
temp := GetProc()
var raising uint32
for i := 0; i < words; i++ {
newI := iab.i[i]
oldIP := temp.flat[i][Inheritable] | temp.flat[i][Permitted]
raising |= (newI & ^oldIP) | iab.a[i] | iab.nb[i]
temp.flat[i][Inheritable] = newI
working, err2 := temp.Dup()
if err2 != nil {
err = err2
if raising != 0 {
if err = working.SetFlag(Effective, true, SETPCAP); err != nil {
if err = sc.setProc(working); err != nil {
defer func() {
if err2 := sc.setProc(temp); err == nil {
err = err2
if err = sc.resetAmbient(); err != nil {
for c := Value(maxValues); c > 0; {
offset, mask := omask(c)
if iab.a[offset]&mask != 0 {
err = sc.setAmbient(true, c)
if err == nil && iab.nb[offset]&mask != 0 {
err = sc.dropBound(c)
if err != nil {
// SetProc attempts to change the Inheritable, Ambient and Bounding
// capabilty vectors of the current process using the content,
// iab. The Bounding vector strongly affects the potential for setting
// other bits, so this function carefully performs the the combined
// operation in the most flexible manner.
func (iab *IAB) SetProc() error {
defer scwMu.Unlock()
return multisc.iabSetProc(iab)
// GetVector returns the raised state of the specific capability bit
// of the indicated vector.
func (iab *IAB) GetVector(vec Vector, val Value) (bool, error) {
if val >= MaxBits() {
return false, ErrBadValue
offset, mask := omask(val)
switch vec {
case Inh:
return (iab.i[offset] & mask) != 0, nil
case Amb:
return (iab.a[offset] & mask) != 0, nil
case Bound:
return (iab.nb[offset] & mask) != 0, nil
return false, ErrBadValue
// SetVector sets all of the vals in the specified vector to the
// raised value. Note, the Ambient vector cannot contain values not raised
// in the Inh vector, so setting values directly in one vector may have
// the side effect of mirroring the value in the other vector to
// maintain this constraint. Note, raising a Bound vector bit is
// equivalent to lowering the Bounding vector of the process (when
// successfully applied with (*IAB).SetProc()).
func (iab *IAB) SetVector(vec Vector, raised bool, vals ...Value) error {
for _, val := range vals {
if val >= Value(maxValues) {
return ErrBadValue
offset, mask := omask(val)
switch vec {
case Inh:
if raised {
iab.i[offset] |= mask
} else {
iab.i[offset] &= ^mask
iab.a[offset] &= ^mask
case Amb:
if raised {
iab.a[offset] |= mask
iab.i[offset] |= mask
} else {
iab.a[offset] &= ^mask
case Bound:
if raised {
iab.nb[offset] |= mask
} else {
iab.nb[offset] &= ^mask
return ErrBadValue
return nil
// Fill fills one of the Inh, Amb and Bound capability vectors from
// one of the flag vectors of a Set. Note, filling the Inh vector
// will mask the Amb vector, and filling the Amb vector may raise
// entries in the Inh vector. Further, when filling the Bound vector,
// the bits are inverted from what you might expect - that is lowered
// bits from the Set will be raised in the Bound vector.
func (iab *IAB) Fill(vec Vector, c *Set, flag Flag) error {
if len(c.flat) != 0 || flag > Inheritable {
return ErrBadSet
for i := 0; i < words; i++ {
flat := c.flat[i][flag]
switch vec {
case Inh:
iab.i[i] = flat
iab.a[i] &= ^flat
case Amb:
iab.a[i] = flat
iab.i[i] |= ^flat
case Bound:
iab.nb[i] = ^flat
return ErrBadSet
return nil