
187 lines
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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/platform_channel_endpoint.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/platform_channel_server_endpoint.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/handle.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/system_export.h"
namespace mojo {
// A callback which may be provided when sending an invitation to another
// process. In the event of any validation errors regarding messages from that
// process (reported via MojoNotifyBadMessage etc and related helpers), the
// callback will be invoked.
using ProcessErrorCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string&)>;
// A strongly-typed representation of a |MojoHandle| for an invitation.
class InvitationHandle : public Handle {
InvitationHandle() {}
explicit InvitationHandle(MojoHandle value) : Handle(value) {}
// Copying and assignment allowed.
static_assert(sizeof(InvitationHandle) == sizeof(Handle),
"Bad size for C++ InvitationHandle");
using ScopedInvitationHandle = ScopedHandleBase<InvitationHandle>;
static_assert(sizeof(ScopedInvitationHandle) == sizeof(InvitationHandle),
"Bad size for C++ ScopedInvitationHandle");
// An OutgoingInvitation is used to invite another process to join the calling
// process's IPC network.
// Typical use involves constructing a |PlatformChannel| and using one end to
// send the invitation (see |Send()| below) while passing the other to a child
// process.
// This may also be used with the server endpoint of a |NamedPlatformChannel|.
class MOJO_CPP_SYSTEM_EXPORT OutgoingInvitation {
OutgoingInvitation(OutgoingInvitation&& other);
OutgoingInvitation& operator=(OutgoingInvitation&& other);
// Creates a new message pipe, attaching one end to this invitation and
// returning the other end to the caller. The invitee can extract the
// attached endpoint (see |IncomingInvitation|) thus establishing end-to-end
// Mojo communication.
// |name| is an arbitrary value that must be used by the invitee to extract
// the corresponding attached endpoint.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle AttachMessagePipe(base::StringPiece name);
// Same as above but allows use of an integer name for convenience.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle AttachMessagePipe(uint64_t name);
// Extracts an attached pipe. Note that this is not typically useful, but it
// is potentially necessary in cases where a caller wants to, e.g., abort
// launching another process and recover a pipe endpoint they had previously
// attached.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle ExtractMessagePipe(base::StringPiece name);
// Same as above but allows use of an integer name for convenience.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle ExtractMessagePipe(uint64_t name);
// Sends |invitation| to another process via |channel_endpoint|, which should
// correspond to the local endpoint taken from a |PlatformChannel|.
// |process_handle| is a handle to the destination process if known. If not
// provided, IPC may be limited on some platforms (namely Mac and Windows) due
// to an inability to transfer system handles across the boundary.
static void Send(OutgoingInvitation invitation,
base::ProcessHandle target_process,
PlatformChannelEndpoint channel_endpoint,
const ProcessErrorCallback& error_callback = {});
// Similar to above, but sends |invitation| via |server_endpoint|, which
// should correspond to a |PlatformChannelServerEndpoint| taken from a
// |NamedPlatformChannel|.
static void Send(OutgoingInvitation invitation,
base::ProcessHandle target_process,
PlatformChannelServerEndpoint server_endpoint,
const ProcessErrorCallback& error_callback = {});
// Sends an isolated invitation over |endpoint|. The process at the other
// endpoint must use |IncomingInvitation::AcceptIsolated()| to accept the
// invitation.
// Isolated invitations must be used in lieu of regular invitations in cases
// where both of the processes being connected already belong to independent
// multiprocess graphs.
// Such connections are limited in functionality:
// * Platform handles may not be transferrable between the processes
// * Pipes sent between the processes may not be subsequently transferred to
// other processes in each others' process graph.
// Only one concurrent isolated connection is supported between any two
// processes.
// Unlike |Send()| above, isolated invitations automatically have a single
// message pipe attached and this is the only attachment allowed. The local
// end of the attached pipe is returned here.
// If |connection_name| is non-empty, any previously established isolated
// connection using the same name will be disconnected.
static ScopedMessagePipeHandle SendIsolated(
PlatformChannelEndpoint channel_endpoint,
base::StringPiece connection_name = {});
// Similar to above but sends |invitation| via |server_endpoint|, which should
// correspond to a |PlatformChannelServerEndpoint| taken from a
// |NamedPlatformChannel|.
// If |connection_name| is non-empty, any previously established isolated
// connection using the same name will be disconnected.
static ScopedMessagePipeHandle SendIsolated(
PlatformChannelServerEndpoint server_endpoint,
base::StringPiece connection_name = {});
ScopedInvitationHandle handle_;
// An IncomingInvitation can be accepted by an invited process by calling
// |IncomingInvitation::Accept()|. Once accepted, the invitation can be used
// to extract attached message pipes by name.
class MOJO_CPP_SYSTEM_EXPORT IncomingInvitation {
IncomingInvitation(IncomingInvitation&& other);
explicit IncomingInvitation(ScopedInvitationHandle handle);
IncomingInvitation& operator=(IncomingInvitation&& other);
// Accepts an incoming invitation from |channel_endpoint|. If the invitation
// was sent using one end of a |PlatformChannel|, |channel_endpoint| should be
// the other end of that channel. If the invitation was sent using a
// |PlatformChannelServerEndpoint|, then |channel_endpoint| should be created
// by |NamedPlatformChannel::ConnectToServer|.
static IncomingInvitation Accept(PlatformChannelEndpoint channel_endpoint);
// Accepts an incoming isolated invitation from |channel_endpoint|. See
// notes on |OutgoingInvitation::SendIsolated()|.
static ScopedMessagePipeHandle AcceptIsolated(
PlatformChannelEndpoint channel_endpoint);
// Extracts an attached message pipe from this invitation. This may succeed
// even if no such pipe was attached, though the extracted pipe will
// eventually observe peer closure.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle ExtractMessagePipe(base::StringPiece name);
// Same as above but allows use of an integer name for convenience.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle ExtractMessagePipe(uint64_t name);
ScopedInvitationHandle handle_;
} // namespace mojo